Index of /DarwinSourceArchive/expanded/DirectoryService/DirectoryService-349

      Name                    Last modified       Size  Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 30-Jul-2008 21:34 - [DIR] APIFramework/ 06-May-2005 23:39 - [   ] APPLE_LICENSE 14-Aug-2003 23:51 19k [DIR] CDSA/ 06-May-2005 23:39 - [DIR] CoreFramework/ 06-May-2005 23:37 - [DIR] DirectoryService.pbp..> 06-May-2005 23:39 - [DIR] PlugIns/ 06-May-2005 23:37 - [DIR] Proxy/ 06-May-2005 23:39 - [DIR] Server/ 06-May-2005 23:39 - [DIR] Threads/ 06-May-2005 23:39 -

{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset77 LucidaGrande;\f1\fmodern\fcharset77 Courier;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 In order to build DirectoryService, you will need the following projects available:\
DirectoryService, DSPasswordServerPlugin, Libinfo, passwordserver_sasl, bsm, and xnu\
Note that at the time of this writing, the appropriate project versions were not known. Instead we use X as a placeholder; fill in the appropriate version based on what is posted on the Darwin website.\
1) Download them from, making sure to get all the corresponding projects from the same OS release.\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf2}}\
2) download the latest xnu-tools from {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK ""}}{\fldrslt \cf2}}\
3) Install the xnu tools:\uc0\u8232 \

\f1 \cf0 % sudo -s\
% cd /\
% gnutar xvzpf xnu-tools-darwin-X.tar.gz\

\f0 \cf0 4) still as root, run "make installhdrs" inside xnu-X. This installs the kernel related headers.\

\f1 \cf0 % cd xnu-X\
% make installhdrs DSTROOT=/\

\f0 \cf0 5) still as root, run "make install" inside bsm-X.\

\f1 \cf0 % cd bsm-X\
% make install\
% ditto /tmp/bsm/Release/usr/include/ /usr/include/\

\f0 \cf0 6) still as root, run "make installhdrs" inside Libinfo-X. This installs the netinfo headers into /usr/local/include.\

\f1 \cf0 % cd Libinfo-X\
% make installhdrs\

\f0 \cf0 7) still as root, run "xcodebuild install", then copy the headers out of /tmp/sasl.dst to install them\

\f1 \cf0 % cd passwordserver_sasl-X\
% xcodebuild install\
% cp -rp /tmp/sasl.dst/AppleInternal /\

\f0 \cf0 8) still as root, run xcodebuild installhdrs on DSPasswordServerPlugin.\

\f1 \cf0 % cd DSPasswordServerPlugin-X\
% xcodebuild -target PasswordServerFramework installhdrs\
% ditto /tmp/PasswordServerPlugin.dst/ /\

\f0 \cf0 9) still as root, xcodebuild install. The product is built into /tmp/DirectoryService.dst.\

\f1 \cf0 % cd DirectoryService-X\
% xcodebuild install\