SYNOPSIS ssh-keygen [-q] [-b bits] [-t type] [-N new_passphrase] [-C comment] [-f output_keyfile] ssh-keygen -p [-P old_passphrase] [-N new_passphrase] [-f keyfile] ssh-keygen -i [-f input_keyfile] ssh-keygen -e [-f input_keyfile] ssh-keygen -y [-f input_keyfile] ssh-keygen -c [-P passphrase] [-C comment] [-f keyfile] ssh-keygen -l [-f input_keyfile] ssh-keygen -B [-f input_keyfile] ssh-keygen -D reader ssh-keygen -U reader [-f input_keyfile] DESCRIPTION ssh-keygen generates, manages and converts authentication keys for ssh(1). ssh-keygen defaults to generating a RSA1 key for use by SSH proM-- tocol version 1. Specifying the -t option instead creates a key for use by SSH protocol version 2. Normally each user wishing to use SSH with RSA or DSA au- thentication runs this once to create the authentication key in $HOME/.ssh/identity, $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa or $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa. Additionally, the system adminM-- istrator may use this to generate host keys, as seen in /etc/rc. Normally this program generates the key and asks for a file in which to store the private key. The public key is stored in a file with the same name but ``.pub'' appended. The program also asks for a passphrase. The passphrase may be empty to indicate no passphrase (host keys must have an empty passphrase), or it may be a string of arbitrary length. Good passphrases are 10-30 characters long and are not simple sentences or otherwise easily guessable (English prose has only 1-2 bits of entropy per character, and provides very bad passphrases). The passphrase can be changed later by using the -p option. There is no way to recover a lost passphrase. If the After a key is generated, instructions below detail where the keys should be placed to be activated. The options are as follows: -b bits Specifies the number of bits in the key to create. Minimum is 512 bits. Generally 1024 bits is considered suffi- cient, and key sizes above that no longer improve security but make things slower. The default is 1024 bits. -c Requests changing the comment in the private and public key files. This operation is only supported for RSA1 keys. The proM-- gram will prompt for the file containing the private keys, for the passphrase if the key has one, and for the new comment. -e This option will read a private or public OpenSSH key file and print the key in a `SECSH Public Key File Format' to stdout. This option allows exporting keys for use by several commercial SSH implementations. -f filename Specifies the filename of the key file. -i This option will read an unencrypted private (or public) key file in SSH2-compatible format and print an OpenSSH com- patible private (or public) key to stdout. ssh-keygen also reads the `SECSH Public Key File Format'. This option allows import- ing keys from several commercial SSH implementations. -l Show fingerprint of specified public key file. Pri- vate RSA1 keys are also supported. For RSA and DSA keys ssh-keygen tries to find the matching public key file and prints its fingerprint. OpenSSH public key to stdout. -t type Specifies the type of the key to create. The possi- ble values are ``rsa1'' for protocol version 1 and ``rsa'' or ``dsa'' for protoM-- col version 2. The default is ``rsa1''. -B Show the bubblebabble digest of specified private or public key file. -C comment Provides the new comment. -D reader Download the RSA public key stored in the smartcard in reader. -N new_passphrase Provides the new passphrase. -P passphrase Provides the (old) passphrase. -U reader Upload an existing RSA private key into the smart- card in reader. FILES $HOME/.ssh/identity Contains the protocol version 1 RSA authentication identity of the user. This file should not be readable by any- one but the user. It is possible to specify a passphrase when generating the key; that passphrase will be used to encrypt the private part of this file using 3DES. This file is not automatical- ly accessed by ssh-keygen but it is offered as the default file for the private key. ssh(1) will read this file when a login at- tempt is made. $HOME/.ssh/identity.pub Contains the protocol version 1 RSA public key for authenticaM-- tion. The contents of this file should be added to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on all machines where the this file using 3DES. This file is not automatical- ly accessed by ssh-keygen but it is offered as the default file for the private key. ssh(1) will read this file when a login at- tempt is made. $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub Contains the protocol version 2 DSA public key for authenticaM-- tion. The contents of this file should be added to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on all machines where the user wishes to log in using public key authentication. There is no need to keep the contents of this file secret. $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa Contains the protocol version 2 RSA authentication identity of the user. This file should not be readable by any- one but the user. It is possible to specify a passphrase when generating the key; that passphrase will be used to encrypt the private part of this file using 3DES. This file is not automatical- ly accessed by ssh-keygen but it is offered as the default file for the private key. ssh(1) will read this file when a login at- tempt is made. $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Contains the protocol version 2 RSA public key for authenticaM-- tion. The contents of this file should be added to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on all machines where the user wishes to log in using public key authentication. There is no need to keep the contents of this file secret. AUTHORS OpenSSH is a derivative of the original and free ssh 1.2.12 release by Tatu Ylonen. Aaron Campbell, Bob Beck, Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt and Dug Song removed many bugs, re-added newer fea- tures and creM-- ated OpenSSH. Markus Friedl contributed the support for SSH protocol Man(1) output converted with man2html |