sshd [-deiqtD46] [-b bits] [-f config_file] [-g lo- gin_grace_time] [-h host_key_file] [-k key_gen_time] [-o option] [-p port] [-u len] DESCRIPTION sshd (SSH Daemon) is the daemon program for ssh(1). Togeth- er these proM-- grams replace rlogin and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. The programs are intended to be as easy to install and use as possible. sshd is the daemon that listens for connections from clients. It is norM-- mally started at boot from /etc/rc. It forks a new daemon for each incoming connection. The forked daemons handle key ex- change, encryption, authentication, command execution, and data exchange. This implementaM-- tion of sshd supports both SSH protocol version 1 and 2 si- multaneously. sshd works as follows. SSH protocol version 1 Each host has a host-specific RSA key (normally 1024 bits) used to idenM-- tify the host. Additionally, when the daemon starts, it generates a server RSA key (normally 768 bits). This key is normally regenerated every hour if it has been used, and is never stored on disk. Whenever a client connects the daemon responds with its pub- lic host and server keys. The client compares the RSA host key against its own database to verify that it has not changed. The client then generates a 256 bit random number. It encrypts this random number using both the host key and the server key, and sends the encrypted number to the server. Both sides then use this random number as a session key which is used to encrypt all further communications in the session. The rest of the session is encrypted using a conventional cipher, cur- rently Blowfish insecure, but can be enabled in the server configuration file if desired. System security is not improved unless rshd(8), rlogind(8), and rexecd(8) are disabled (thus completely disabling rlogin(1) and rsh(1) into the machine). SSH protocol version 2 Version 2 works similarly: Each host has a host-specific key (RSA or DSA) used to identify the host. However, when the daemon starts, it does not generate a server key. Forward security is provided through a Diffie- Hellman key agreement. This key agreement results in a shared session key. The rest of the session is encrypted using a symmetric ci- pher, currently 128 bit AES, Blowfish, 3DES, CAST128, Arcfour, 192 bit AES, or 256 bit AES. The client selects the encryption algorithm to use from those offered by the server. Additionally, session integrity is provided through a cryptographic message authentication code (hmac- sha1 or hmac- md5). Protocol version 2 provides a public key based user (Pub- keyAuthenticaM-- tion) or client host (HostbasedAuthentication) authentica- tion method, conventional password authentication and challenge response based methM-- ods. Command execution and data forwarding If the client successfully authenticates itself, a dialog for preparing the session is entered. At this time the client may request things like allocating a pseudo-tty, forwarding X11 connections, for- warding TCP/IP connections, or forwarding the authentication agent connec- tion over the secure channel. sshd can be configured using command-line options or a con- figuration file. Command-line options override values specified in the configuraM-- tion file. sshd rereads its configuration file when it receives a hangup signal, SIGHUP, by executing itself with the name it was started as, i.e., /usr/sbin/sshd. The options are as follows: -b bits Specifies the number of bits in the ephemeral proto- col version 1 server key (default 768). -d Debug mode. The server sends verbose debug output to the system log, and does not put itself in the background. The server also will not fork and will only process one connection. This option is only intended for debugging for the server. Mul- tiple -d options increase the debugging level. Maximum is 3. -e When this option is specified, sshd will send the output to the standard error instead of the system log. -f configuration_file Specifies the name of the configuration file. The default is /etc/ssh/sshd_config. sshd refuses to start if there is no conM-- figuration file. -g login_grace_time Gives the grace time for clients to authenticate themselves (default 600 seconds). If the client fails to au- thenticate the user within this many seconds, the server discon- nects and exits. A value of zero indicates no limit. -h host_key_file Specifies a file from which a host key is read. is normally not run from inetd because it needs to generate the server key before it can respond to the client, and this may take tens of seconds. Clients would have to wait too long if the key was regenerated every time. However, with small key sizes (e.g., 512) using sshd from inetd may be feasible. -k key_gen_time Specifies how often the ephemeral protocol version 1 server key is regenerated (default 3600 seconds, or one hour). The motivaM-- tion for regenerating the key fairly often is that the key is not stored anywhere, and after about an hour, it becomes impossible to recover the key for decrypting intercepted commu- nications even if the machine is cracked into or physically seized. A value of zero indicates that the key will never be regenerat- ed. -o option Can be used to give options in the format used in the configuraM-- tion file. This is useful for specifying options for which there is no separate command-line flag. -p port Specifies the port on which the server listens for connections (default 22). Multiple port options are permitted. Ports speciM-- fied in the configuration file are ignored when a command-line port is specified. -q Quiet mode. Nothing is sent to the system log. Normally the beginning, authentication, and termination of each connection is logged. -t Test mode. Only check the validity of the configu- ration file and sanity of the keys. This is useful for updating be put into the utmp file. -u0 is also be used to prevent sshd from making DNS requests unless the authentication mechanism or configuration requires it. Authentication mechanisms that may re- quire DNS include RhostsAuthentication, RhostsRSAAuthentica- tion, HostbasedAuthentication and using a from="pattern- list" option in a key file. Configuration options that require DNS include using a USER@HOST pattern in AllowUsers or DenyUsers. -D When this option is specified sshd will not detach and does not become a daemon. This allows easy monitoring of sshd. -4 Forces sshd to use IPv4 addresses only. -6 Forces sshd to use IPv6 addresses only. CONFIGURATION FILE sshd reads configuration data from /etc/ssh/sshd_config (or the file specified with -f on the command line). The file contains keyword-arguM-- ment pairs, one per line. Lines starting with `#' and empty lines are interpreted as comments. The possible keywords and their meanings are as follows (note that keyM-- words are case-insensitive and arguments are case-sensi- tive): AFSTokenPassing Specifies whether an AFS token may be forwarded to the server. Default is ``yes''. AllowGroups This keyword can be followed by a list of group name patterns, separated by spaces. If specified, login is allowed only for users whose primary group or supplementary group list matches one of the patterns. `*' and `'? can be used as wild- cards in the AllowUsers This keyword can be followed by a list of user name patterns, separated by spaces. If specified, login is allowed only for users names that match one of the patterns. `*' and `'? can be used as wildcards in the patterns. Only user names are valid; a numerical user ID is not recognized. By default, login is allowed for all users. If the pattern takes the form USER@HOST then USER and HOST are separately checked, restrict- ing logins to particular users from particular hosts. AuthorizedKeysFile Specifies the file that contains the public keys that can be used for user authentication. AuthorizedKeysFile may contain tokens of the form %T which are substituted during connec- tion set-up. The following tokens are defined: %% is replaced by a literal '%', %h is replaced by the home directory of the us- er being authenticated and %u is replaced by the username of that user. After expansion, AuthorizedKeysFile is taken to be an absolute path or one relative to the user's home directory. The default is ``.ssh/authorized_keys''. Banner In some jurisdictions, sending a warning message be- fore authentiM-- cation may be relevant for getting legal protection. The conM-- tents of the specified file are sent to the remote user before authentication is allowed. This option is only available for protocol version 2. ChallengeResponseAuthentication Specifies whether challenge response authentication is allowed. All authentication styles from login.conf(5) are supported. The default is ``yes''. sage through the encrypted channel to request a response from the client. The default is 0, indicating that these messages will not be sent to the client. This option applies to protocol version 2 only. ClientAliveCountMax Sets the number of client alive messages (see above) which may be sent without sshd receiving any messages back from the client. If this threshold is reached while client alive mes- sages are being sent, sshd will disconnect the client, terminating the session. It is important to note that the use of client alive messages is very different from KeepAlive (below). The client alive messages are sent through the encrypted channel and therefore will not be spoofable. The TCP keepalive option enabled by KeepAlive is spoofable. The client alive mechanism is valuable when the client or server depend on knowing when a connection has become inacM-- tive. The default value is 3. If ClientAliveInterval (above) is set to 15, and ClientAliveCountMax is left at the default, unresponsive ssh clients will be disconnected after approximately 45 seconds. DenyGroups This keyword can be followed by a list of group name patterns, separated by spaces. Login is disallowed for users whose primary group or supplementary group list matches one of the patterns. `*' and `'? can be used as wildcards in the pat- terns. Only group names are valid; a numerical group ID is not recognized. By default, login is allowed for all groups. DenyUsers particular hosts. GatewayPorts Specifies whether remote hosts are allowed to con- nect to ports forwarded for the client. By default, sshd binds remote port forwardings to the loopback addresss. This prevents other remote hosts from connecting to forwarded ports. Gateway- Ports can be used to specify that sshd should bind remote port forwardings to the wildcard address, thus allowing remote hosts to connect to forwarded ports. The argument must be ``yes'' or ``no''. The default is ``no''. HostbasedAuthentication Specifies whether rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv authen- tication together with successful public key client host au- thentication is allowed (hostbased authentication). This option is similar to RhostsRSAAuthentication and applies to protocol ver- sion 2 only. The default is ``no''. HostKey Specifies a file containing a private host key used by SSH. The default is /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key for protocol ver- sion 1, and /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key and /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key for proM-- tocol version 2. Note that sshd will refuse to use a file if it is group/world-accessible. It is possible to have multiple host key files. ``rsa1'' keys are used for version 1 and ``dsa'' or ``rsa'' are used for version 2 of the SSH protocol. IgnoreRhosts Specifies that .rhosts and .shosts files will not be used in RhostsAuthentication, RhostsRSAAuthentication or HostbasedAuthentication. /etc/hosts.equiv and /etc/shosts.equiv are still crash of one of the machines will be properly no- ticed. However, this means that connections will die if the route is down temM-- porarily, and some people find it annoying. On the other hand, if keepalives are not sent, sessions may hang indef- initely on the server, leaving ``ghost'' users and consuming server resources. The default is ``yes'' (to send keepalives), and the server will notice if the network goes down or the client host crashes. This avoids infinitely hanging sessions. To disable keepalives, the value should be set to ``no''. KerberosAuthentication Specifies whether Kerberos authentication is al- lowed. This can be in the form of a Kerberos ticket, or if Passwor- dAuthentication is yes, the password provided by the user will be validated through the Kerberos KDC. To use this option, the server needs a Kerberos servtab which allows the verification of the KDC's idenM-- tity. Default is ``yes''. KerberosOrLocalPasswd If set then if password authentication through Ker- beros fails then the password will be validated via any addi- tional local mechanism such as /etc/passwd. Default is ``yes''. KerberosTgtPassing Specifies whether a Kerberos TGT may be forwarded to the server. Default is ``no'', as this only works when the Ker- beros KDC is actually an AFS kaserver. KerberosTicketCleanup Specifies whether to automatically destroy the us- er's ticket cache file on logout. Default is ``yes''. Specifies the local addresses sshd should listen on. The followM-- ing forms may be used: ListenAddress host|IPv4_addr|IPv6_addr ListenAddress host|IPv4_addr:port ListenAddress [host|IPv6_addr]:port If port is not specified, sshd will listen on the address and all prior Port options specified. The default is to lis- ten on all local addresses. Multiple ListenAddress options are permitted. Additionally, any Port options must precede this op- tion for non port qualified addresses. LoginGraceTime The server disconnects after this time if the user has not sucM-- cessfully logged in. If the value is 0, there is no time limit. The default is 600 (seconds). LogLevel Gives the verbosity level that is used when logging messages from sshd. The possible values are: QUIET, FATAL, ERROR, INFO, VERM-- BOSE, DEBUG, DEBUG1, DEBUG2 and DEBUG3. The default is INFO. DEBUG and DEBUG1 are equivalent. DEBUG2 and DEBUG3 each specify higher levels of debugging output. Logging with a DEBUG level violates the privacy of users and is not recommend- ed. MACs Specifies the available MAC (message authentication code) algoM-- rithms. The MAC algorithm is used in protocol ver- sion 2 for data integrity protection. Multiple algorithms must be comma-sepaM-- rated. The default is ``hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,hmac-ripemd160,hmac- sha1-96,hmac-md5-96''. MaxStartups Specifies the maximum number of concurrent unauthen- ticated conM-- (10) unauthenticated connections. The probability increases linM-- early and all connection attempts are refused if the number of unauthenticated connections reaches ``full'' (60). PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt Specifies whether PAM challenge response authentica- tion is allowed. This allows the use of most PAM challenge response authentication modules, but it will allow password authentication regardless of whether PasswordAuthentication is dis- abled. The default is ``no''. PasswordAuthentication Specifies whether password authentication is al- lowed. The default is ``yes''. PermitEmptyPasswords When password authentication is allowed, it speci- fies whether the server allows login to accounts with empty password strings. The default is ``no''. PermitRootLogin Specifies whether root can login using ssh(1). The argument must be ``yes'', ``without-password'', ``forced-commands- only'' or ``no''. The default is ``yes''. If this option is set to ``without-password'' pass- word authentiM-- cation is disabled for root. If this option is set to ``forced-commands-only'' root login with public key authentication will be allowed, but only if the command option has been specified (which may be use- ful for taking remote backups even if root login is normally not allowed). All other authentication methods are disabled for root. If this option is set to ``no'' root is not allowed to login. time when the user last logged in. The default is ``yes''. PrintMotd Specifies whether sshd should print /etc/motd when a user logs in interactively. (On some systems it is also printed by the shell, /etc/profile, or equivalent.) The default is ``yes''. Protocol Specifies the protocol versions sshd should support. The possiM-- ble values are ``1'' and ``2''. Multiple versions must be comma- separated. The default is ``2,1''. PubkeyAuthentication Specifies whether public key authentication is al- lowed. The default is ``yes''. Note that this option applies to protocol version 2 only. RhostsAuthentication Specifies whether authentication using rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv files is sufficient. Normally, this method should not be permitM-- ted because it is insecure. RhostsRSAAuthentication should be used instead, because it performs RSA-based host au- thentication in addition to normal rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv au- thentication. The default is ``no''. This option applies to pro- tocol version 1 only. RhostsRSAAuthentication Specifies whether rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv authen- tication together with successful RSA host authentication is allowed. The default is ``no''. This option applies to protocol version 1 only. RSAAuthentication Specifies whether pure RSA authentication is al- lowed. The login. This is normally desirable because novices sometimes ac- cidentally leave their directory or files world-writable. The default is ``yes''. Subsystem Configures an external subsystem (e.g., file trans- fer daemon). Arguments should be a subsystem name and a command to execute upon subsystem request. The command sftp-server(8) implements the ``sftp'' file transfer subsystem. By default no subsystems are defined. Note that this option applies to pro- tocol version 2 only. SyslogFacility Gives the facility code that is used when logging messages from sshd. The possible values are: DAEMON, USER, AUTH, LOCAL0, LOCAL1, LOCAL2, LOCAL3, LOCAL4, LOCAL5, LOCAL6, LO- CAL7. The default is AUTH. UseLogin Specifies whether login(1) is used for interactive login sesM-- sions. The default is ``no''. Note that login(1) is never used for remote command execution. Note also, that if this is enabled, X11Forwarding will be disabled because lo- gin(1) does not know how to handle xauth(1) cookies. VerifyReverseMapping Specifies whether sshd should try to verify the re- mote host name and check that the resolved host name for the remote IP address maps back to the very same IP address. The default is ``no''. X11DisplayOffset Specifies the first display number available for sshd's X11 forM-- warding. This prevents sshd from interfering with X11UseLocalhost Specifies whether sshd should bind the X11 forward- ing server to the loopback address or to the wildcard address. By default, sshd binds the forwarding server to the loopback ad- dress and sets the hostname part of the DISPLAY environment vari- able to ``localhost''. This prevents remote hosts from con- necting to the fake display. However, some older X11 clients may not function with this configuration. X11UseLocalhost may be set to ``no'' to specify that the forwarding server should be bound to the wildM-- card address. The argument must be ``yes'' or ``no''. The default is ``yes''. XAuthLocation Specifies the location of the xauth(1) program. The default is /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth. Time Formats sshd command-line arguments and configuration file options that specify time may be expressed using a sequence of the form: time[qualifier], where time is a positive integer value and qualifier is one of the folM-- lowing: <none> seconds s | S seconds m | M minutes h | H hours d | D days w | W weeks Each member of the sequence is added together to calculate the total time value. Time format examples: 600 600 seconds (10 minutes) 10m 10 minutes 1h30m 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) 3. Checks /etc/nologin; if it exists, prints con- tents and quits (unless root). 4. Changes to run with normal user privileges. 5. Sets up basic environment. 6. Reads $HOME/.ssh/environment if it exists. 7. Changes to user's home directory. 8. If $HOME/.ssh/rc exists, runs it; else if /etc/ssh/sshrc exists, runs it; otherwise runs xauth. The ``rc'' files are given the X11 authentication protocol and cookie in standard input. 9. Runs user's shell or command. AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys is the default file that lists the public keys that are permitted for RSA authentication in protocol ver- sion 1 and for public key authentication (PubkeyAuthentication) in protocol version 2. AuthorizedKeysFile may be used to specify an alternative file. Each line of the file contains one key (empty lines and lines starting with a `#' are ignored as comments). Each RSA public key consists of the following fields, separated by spaces: options, bits, expo- nent, modulus, comment. Each protocol version 2 public key consists of: options, keyM-- type, base64 encoded key, comment. The options fields are optional; its presence is determined by whether the line starts with a number or not (the option field never starts with a number). The bits, exponent, moduM-- lus and comment fields give the RSA key for protocol version 1; the comM-- ment field is not used for anything (but may be convenient for the user to identify the key). For protocol version 2 the keytype is ``ssh-dss'' lowing option specifications are supported (note that option keywords are case-insensitive): from="pattern-list" Specifies that in addition to RSA authentication, the canonical name of the remote host must be present in the com- ma-separated list of patterns (`*' and `'? serve as wildcards). The list may also contain patterns negated by prefixing them with `'!; if the canonical host name matches a negated pattern, the key is not accepted. The purpose of this option is to option- ally increase security: RSA authentication by itself does not trust the network or name servers or anything (but the key); however, if somebody somehow steals the key, the key permits an intruder to log in from anywhere in the world. This additional option makes using a stolen key more difficult (name servers and/or routers would have to be compromised in addition to just the key). command="command" Specifies that the command is executed whenever this key is used for authentication. The command supplied by the us- er (if any) is ignored. The command is run on a pty if the client requests a pty; otherwise it is run without a tty. If a 8-bit clean channel is required, one must not request a pty or should specify no-pty. A quote may be included in the command by quoting it with a backM-- slash. This option might be useful to restrict cer- tain RSA keys to perform just a specific operation. An example might be a key that permits remote backups but nothing else. Note that the client may specify TCP/IP and/or X11 forwarding un- less they are explicitly prohibited. Note that this option ap- plies to shell, Forbids TCP/IP forwarding when this key is used for authenticaM-- tion. Any port forward requests by the client will return an error. This might be used, e.g., in connection with the command option. no-X11-forwarding Forbids X11 forwarding when this key is used for au- thentication. Any X11 forward requests by the client will return an error. no-agent-forwarding Forbids authentication agent forwarding when this key is used for authentication. no-pty Prevents tty allocation (a request to allocate a pty will fail). permitopen="host:port" Limit local ``ssh -L'' port forwarding such that it may only conM-- nect to the specified host and port. IPv6 addresses can be specM-- ified with an alternative syntax: host/port. Multi- ple permitopen options may be applied separated by commas. No pat- tern matching is performed on the specified hostnames, they must be literal domains or addresses. Examples 1024 33 12121...312314325 ylo@foo.bar from="*.niksula.hut.fi,!pc.niksula.hut.fi" 1024 35 23...2334 ylo@niksula command="dump /home",no-pty,no-port-forwarding 1024 33 23...2323 backup.hut.fi permitopen="",permitopen="" 1024 33 23...2323 SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS FILE FORMAT The /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts, and $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts files contain host public keys for all known hosts. The global file cards); each pattern in turn is matched against the canoni- cal host name (when authenticating a client) or against the user-supplied name (when authenticating a server). A pattern may also be preceded by `'! to indicate negation: if the host name matches a negated pat- tern, it is not accepted (by that line) even if it matched another pattern on the line. Bits, exponent, and modulus are taken directly from the RSA host key; they can be obtained, e.g., from /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub. The optional comment field continues to the end of the line, and is not used. Lines starting with `#' and empty lines are ignored as com- ments. When performing host authentication, authentication is ac- cepted if any matching line has the proper key. It is thus permissible (but not recomM-- mended) to have several lines or different host keys for the same names. This will inevitably happen when short forms of host names from different domains are put in the file. It is possible that the files contain conM-- flicting information; authentication is accepted if valid information can be found from either file. Note that the lines in these files are typically hundreds of characters long, and you definitely don't want to type in the host keys by hand. Rather, generate them by a script or by taking /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub and adding the host names at the front. Examples closenet,..., 1024 37 159...93 closenet.hut.fi cvs.openbsd.org, ssh-rsa AAAA1234.....= FILES /etc/ssh/sshd_config Contains configuration data for sshd. This file should be /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub, /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub, /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub These three files contain the public parts of the host keys. These files should be world-readable but writable only by root. Their contents should match the respective private parts. These files are not really used for anything; they are provided for the convenience of the user so their contents can be copied to known hosts files. These files are created using ssh-key- gen(1). /etc/moduli Contains Diffie-Hellman groups used for the "Diffie- Hellman Group Exchange". /var/run/sshd.pid Contains the process ID of the sshd listening for connections (if there are several daemons running concurrently for different ports, this contains the pid of the one started last). The conM-- tent of this file is not sensitive; it can be world- readable. $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys Lists the public keys (RSA or DSA) that can be used to log into the user's account. This file must be readable by root (which may on some machines imply it being world-readable if the user's home directory resides on an NFS volume). It is recommended that it not be accessible by others. The format of this file is described above. Users will place the contents of their identity.pub, id_dsa.pub and/or id_rsa.pub files in- to this file, as described in ssh-keygen(1). /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts These files are consulted when using rhosts with RSA host authenM-- tication or protocol version 2 hostbased authentica- tion to check cept root log in. The contents of the file are displayed to any- one trying to log in, and non-root connections are refused. The file should be world-readable. /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny Access controls that should be enforced by tcp-wrap- pers are defined here. Further details are described in hosts_access(5). $HOME/.rhosts This file contains host-username pairs, separated by a space, one per line. The given user on the corresponding host is permitted to log in without password. The same file is used by rlogind and rshd. The file must be writable only by the user; it is recomM-- mended that it not be accessible by others. If is also possible to use netgroups in the file. Either host or user name may be of the form +@groupname to specify all hosts or all users in the group. $HOME/.shosts For ssh, this file is exactly the same as for .rhosts. However, this file is not used by rlogin and rshd, so using this permits access using SSH only. /etc/hosts.equiv This file is used during .rhosts authentication. In the simplest form, this file contains host names, one per line. Users on those hosts are permitted to log in without a pass- word, provided they have the same user name on both machines. The host name may also be followed by a user name; such users are per- mitted to log in as any user on this machine (except root). Addi- tionally, the syntax ``+@group'' can be used to specify netgroups. Negated names in hosts.equiv. Beware that it really means that the named user(s) can log in as anybody, which includes bin, daemon, adm, and other accounts that own critical binaries and directories. Using a user name practically grants the user root access. The only valid use for user names that I can think of is in negative entries. Note that this warning also applies to rsh/rlogin. /etc/shosts.equiv This is processed exactly as /etc/hosts.equiv. How- ever, this file may be useful in environments that want to run both rsh/rlogin and ssh. $HOME/.ssh/environment This file is read into the environment at login (if it exists). It can only contain empty lines, comment lines (that start with `#'), and assignment lines of the form name=value. The file should be writable only by the user; it need not be readable by anyone else. $HOME/.ssh/rc If this file exists, it is run with /bin/sh after reading the environment files but before starting the user's shell or comM-- mand. If X11 spoofing is in use, this will receive the "proto cookie" pair in standard input (and DISPLAY in envi- ronment). This must call xauth(1) in that case. The primary purpose of this file is to run any ini- tialization routines which may be needed before the user's home directory becomes accessible; AFS is a particular example of such an enviM-- ronment. This file should be writable only by the user, and need not be readable by anyone else. /etc/ssh/sshrc Like $HOME/.ssh/rc. This can be used to specify ma- chine-specific login-time initializations globally. This file should be writable only by root, and should be world-readable. AUTHORS OpenSSH is a derivative of the original and free ssh 1.2.12 release by Tatu Ylonen. Aaron Campbell, Bob Beck, Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt and Dug Song removed many bugs, re-added newer fea- tures and creM-- ated OpenSSH. Markus Friedl contributed the support for SSH protocol versions 1.5 and 2.0. SEE ALSO scp(1), sftp(1), ssh(1), ssh-add(1), ssh-agent(1), ssh-key- gen(1), login.conf(5), moduli(5), sftp-server(8) T. Ylonen, T. Kivinen, M. Saarinen, T. Rinne, and S. Lehti- nen, SSH Protocol Architecture, draft-ietf-secsh-architecture-09.txt, July 2001, work in progress material. M. Friedl, N. Provos, and W. A. Simpson, Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange for the SSH Transport Layer Protocol, draft-ietf-secsh-dh- group- exchange-01.txt, April 2001, work in progress material. BSD September 25, 1999 BSD Man(1) output converted with man2html |