

     ssh obtains configuration data from the following sources in
the followM--
     ing order: command line options, user's configuration file
     ($HOME/.ssh/config), and system-wide configuration file

     For  each  parameter, the first obtained value will be used.
The configuM--
     ration files contain sections bracketed by ``Host'' specifi-
cations, and
     that section is only applied for hosts that match one of the
     given in the specification.  The matched host  name  is  the
one given on
     the command line.

     Since  the  first obtained value for each parameter is used,
more host-speM--
     cific declarations should be given near the beginning of the
file, and
     general defaults at the end.

     The configuration file has the following format:

     Empty lines and lines starting with `#' are comments.

     Otherwise  a  line  is  of the format ``keyword arguments''.
     options may be separated by whitespace  or  optional  white-
space and exactly
     one  `=';  the  latter format is useful to avoid the need to
quote whitesM--
     pace when specifying configuration options  using  the  ssh,
scp and sftp -o

     The  possible  keywords  and  their  meanings are as follows
(note that keyM--
     words are case-insensitive  and  arguments  are  case-sensi-

     Host    Restricts the following declarations (up to the next
Host keyM--
             word) to be only for those hosts that match  one  of
the patterns
             given  after  the keyword.  `*' and `'?  can be used
as wildcards
             in the patterns.  A single `*' as a pattern  can  be

             If set to ``yes'', passphrase/password querying will
be disabled.
             This  option  is  useful  in scripts and other batch
jobs where no
             user is present to supply the password.   The  argu-
ment must be
             ``yes'' or ``no''.  The default is ``no''.

             Specify  the  interface to transmit from on machines
with multiple
             interfaces or aliased addresses.  Note that this op-
tion does not
             work if UsePrivilegedPort is set to ``yes''.

             Specifies  whether to use challenge response authen-
tication.  The
             argument to this keyword must be ``yes'' or  ``no''.
The default
             is ``yes''.

             If this flag is set to ``yes'', ssh will additional-
ly check the
             host IP address in the known_hosts file.   This  al-
lows ssh to
             detect  if  a  host key changed due to DNS spoofing.
If the option
             is set to ``no'', the check will  not  be  executed.
The default is

     Cipher   Specifies the cipher to use for encrypting the ses-
sion in protoM--
             col version 1.  Currently,  ``blowfish'',  ``3des'',
and ``des''
             are  supported.   des  is  only supported in the ssh
client for
             interoperability with legacy protocol 1  implementa-
tions that do
             not  support  the  3des cipher.  Its use is strongly
discouraged due
             to  cryptographic  weaknesses.    The   default   is

             Specifies the ciphers allowed for protocol version 2
in order of
             preference.  Multiple ciphers must be comma-separat-
             command  line  to clear port forwardings set in con-
             files,  and  is  automatically  set  by  scp(1)  and
sftp(1).  The arguM--
             ment  must  be  ``yes''  or  ``no''.  The default is

             Specifies whether to use compression.  The  argument
must be
             ``yes'' or ``no''.  The default is ``no''.

             Specifies  the  compression level to use if compres-
sion is enabled.
             The argument must be an integer from 1 (fast)  to  9
(slow, best).
             The  default  level is 6, which is good for most ap-
plications.  The
             meaning of the values is the  same  as  in  gzip(1).
Note that this
             option applies to protocol version 1 only.

             Specifies  the  number  of tries (one per second) to
make before
             exiting.  The argument must be an integer.  This may
be useful in
             scripts  if the connection sometimes fails.  The de-
fault is 1.

             Specifies that a TCP/IP port on the local machine be
             over  the secure channel, and the application proto-
col is then
             used to determine where to connect to from  the  re-
mote machine.
             The  argument  must be a port number.  Currently the
SOCKS4 protoM--
             col is supported, and ssh will act as a SOCKS4 serv-
er.  Multiple
             forwardings  may  be  specified, and additional for-
wardings can be
             given on the command line.  Only the  superuser  can
forward priviM--
             leged ports.

             Sets  the  escape character (default: `~').  The es-
cape character
             can also be set on the command line.   The  argument

             Specifies  whether X11 connections will be automati-
cally rediM--
             rected over the secure channel and DISPLAY set.  The
             must be ``yes'' or ``no''.  The default is ``no''.

             Specifies  whether  remote hosts are allowed to con-
nect to local
             forwarded ports.  By default, ssh binds  local  port
forwardings to
             the  loopback  address.   This prevents other remote
hosts from conM--
             necting to forwarded  ports.   GatewayPorts  can  be
used to specify
             that  ssh  should bind local port forwardings to the
             address, thus allowing remote hosts  to  connect  to
             ports.  The argument must be ``yes'' or ``no''.  The
default is

             Specifies a file to use  for  the  global  host  key
database instead
             of /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts.

             Specifies whether to try rhosts based authentication
with public
             key authentication.  The argument must be ``yes'' or
``no''.  The
             default  is ``no''.  This option applies to protocol
version 2
             only and is similar to RhostsRSAAuthentication.

             Specifies the protocol version 2 host key algorithms
that the
             client wants to use in order of preference.  The de-
fault for this
             option is: ``ssh-rsa,ssh-dss''.

             Specifies an alias that should be  used  instead  of
the real host
             name  when  looking up or saving the host key in the
host key
             database files.  This option is useful for tunneling
ssh connecM--
             Specifies a file from which the user's  RSA  or  DSA
             identity is read. The default is $HOME/.ssh/identity
for protocol
             version     1,     and     $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa     and
$HOME/.ssh/id_dsa for protoM--
             col  version 2.  Additionally, any identities repre-
sented by the
             authentication agent will be  used  for  authentica-
tion.  The file
             name  may  use the tilde syntax to refer to a user's
home direcM--
             tory.  It is  possible  to  have  multiple  identity
files specified
             in configuration files; all these identities will be
tried in

             Specifies  whether  the  system  should   send   TCP
keepalive messages
             to  the  other side.  If they are sent, death of the
connection or
             crash of one of the machines will  be  properly  no-
ticed.  However,
             this means that connections will die if the route is
down temM--
             porarily, and some people find it annoying.

             The default is ``yes'' (to send keepalives), and the
client will
             notice  if  the network goes down or the remote host
dies.  This is
             important in scripts, and many users want it too.

             To disable keepalives, the value should  be  set  to

             Specifies  whether  Kerberos  authentication will be
used.  The
             argument to this keyword must be ``yes'' or  ``no''.

             Specifies  whether  a Kerberos TGT will be forwarded
to the server.
             This will only work if the Kerberos server is  actu-
ally an AFS
             kaserver.   The  argument  to  this  keyword must be
``yes'' or
             mand line.  Only the superuser  can  forward  privi-
leged ports.

             Gives  the verbosity level that is used when logging
messages from
             ssh.  The possible values are: QUIET, FATAL,  ERROR,
             BOSE, DEBUG, DEBUG1, DEBUG2 and DEBUG3.  The default
is INFO.
             DEBUG and DEBUG1 are equivalent.  DEBUG2 and  DEBUG3
each specify
             higher levels of verbose output.

     MACs     Specifies the MAC (message authentication code) al-
gorithms in
             order of preference.  The MAC algorithm is  used  in
protocol verM--
             sion  2 for data integrity protection.  Multiple al-
gorithms must
             be comma-separated.  The default is

             This  option  can  be  used if the home directory is
shared across
             machines.  In this case localhost will  refer  to  a
             machine  on  each  of the machines and the user will
get many warnM--
             ings about changed host keys.  However, this  option
disables host
             authentication  for localhost.  The argument to this
keyword must
             be ``yes'' or ``no''.  The default is to  check  the
host key for

             Specifies the number of password prompts before giv-
ing up.  The
             argument to this keyword must be  an  integer.   De-
fault is 3.

             Specifies  whether  to  use password authentication.
The argument
             to this keyword must be ``yes'' or ``no''.  The  de-
fault is

             Specifies the protocol versions ssh  should  support
in order of
             preference.   The  possible  values  are  ``1''  and
``2''.  Multiple
             versions must be comma-separated.   The  default  is
``2,1''.  This
             means  that  ssh  tries  version 2 and falls back to
version 1 if
             version 2 is not available.

             Specifies the command to use to connect to the serv-
er.  The comM--
             mand  string  extends to the end of the line, and is
executed with
             /bin/sh.  In the command string, `%h' will  be  sub-
stituted by the
             host name to connect and `%p' by the port.  The com-
mand can be
             basically anything, and should read from  its  stan-
dard input and
             write  to its standard output.  It should eventually
connect an
             sshd(8) server running on some machine,  or  execute
sshd -i someM--
             where.   Host  key management will be done using the
HostName of
             the host being connected  (defaulting  to  the  name
typed by the
             user).   Note  that CheckHostIP is not available for
connects with
             a proxy command.

             Specifies whether to try public key  authentication.
The argument
             to  this keyword must be ``yes'' or ``no''.  The de-
fault is
             ``yes''.  This option applies to protocol version  2

             Specifies  that  a TCP/IP port on the remote machine
be forwarded
             over the secure channel to the  specified  host  and
port from the
             local  machine.   The  first argument must be a port
number, and the
             second must be host:port.   IPv6  addresses  can  be
specified with
             tication  because it is not secure (see RhostsRSAAu-
             The argument to this  keyword  must  be  ``yes''  or
``no''.  The
             default  is ``no''.  This option applies to protocol
version 1

             Specifies whether to try rhosts based authentication
with RSA
             host  authentication.   The argument must be ``yes''
or ``no''.
             The default is ``no''.  This option applies to  pro-
tocol version 1
             only and requires ssh to be setuid root.

             Specifies  whether  to  try RSA authentication.  The
argument to
             this keyword must be ``yes'' or ``no''.  RSA authen-
tication will
             only be attempted if the identity file exists, or an
             tion agent is  running.   The  default  is  ``yes''.
Note that this
             option applies to protocol version 1 only.

             Specifies  which  smartcard device to use. The argu-
ment to this
             keyword is the device ssh should use to  communicate
with a smartM--
             card used for storing the user's private RSA key. By
default, no
             device is specified and smartcard support is not ac-

             If this flag is set to ``yes'', ssh will never auto-
matically add
             host keys to the  $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts  file,  and
refuses to conM--
             nect to hosts whose host key has changed.  This pro-
vides maximum
             protection against trojan  horse  attacks,  however,
can be annoying
             when  the  /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts  file  is poorly
maintained, or
             connections to new hosts are frequently made.   This
option forces
             the  user  to  manually  add all new hosts.  If this

The default is

             Specifies  whether to use a privileged port for out-
going connecM--
             tions.  The argument must be ``yes'' or ``no''.  The
default is
             ``no''.   Note  that  this  option  must  be  set to
``yes'' if
             RhostsAuthentication and RhostsRSAAuthentication au-
             are needed with older servers.

     User    Specifies the user to log in as.  This can be useful
when a difM--
             ferent user name  is  used  on  different  machines.
This saves the
             trouble  of having to remember to give the user name
on the comM--
             mand line.

             Specifies a file to use for the user host key  data-
base instead of

             Specifies the location of the xauth(1) program.  The
default is

             This is the per-user configuration file.  The format
of this file
             is  described  above.   This file is used by the ssh
client.  This
             file does not usually contain any sensitive informa-
tion, but the
             recommended permissions are read/write for the user,
and not
             accessible by others.

             Systemwide configuration file.  This  file  provides
defaults for
             those  values  that  are not specified in the user's
             file, and for those users who do not have a configu-
ration file.
             This file must be world-readable.

BSD                                 September       25,      1999

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