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Use `--si' for the old meaning.Richard Stallman and David MacKenzieunparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variableTry `%s --help' for more information. Usage: %s [OPTION]... [FILE]... List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default). Sort entries alphabetically if none of -cftuSUX nor --sort. -a, --all do not hide entries starting with . -A, --almost-all do not list implied . and .. -b, --escape print octal escapes for nongraphic characters --block-size=SIZE use SIZE-byte blocks -B, --ignore-backups do not list implied entries ending with ~ -c with -lt: sort by, and show, ctime (time of last modification of file status information) with -l: show ctime and sort by name otherwise: sort by ctime -C list entries by columns --color[=WHEN] control whether color is used to distinguish file types. WHEN may be `never', `always', or `auto' -d, --directory list directory entries instead of contents -D, --dired generate output designed for Emacs' dired mode -f do not sort, enable -aU, disable -lst -F, --classify append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries --format=WORD across -x, commas -m, horizontal -x, long -l, single-column -1, verbose -l, vertical -C --full-time list both full date and full time -g (ignored) -G, --no-group inhibit display of group information -h, --human-readable print sizes in human readable format (e.g., 1K 234M 2G) --si likewise, but use powers of 1000 not 1024 -H same as `--si' for now; soon to change to conform to POSIX --indicator-style=WORD append indicator with style WORD to entry names: none (default), classify (-F), file-type (-p) -i, --inode print index number of each file -I, --ignore=PATTERN do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN -k, --kilobytes like --block-size=1024 -l use a long listing format -L, --dereference list entries pointed to by symbolic links -m fill width with a comma separated list of entries -n, --numeric-uid-gid list numeric UIDs and GIDs instead of names -N, --literal print raw entry names (don't treat e.g. control characters specially) -o use long listing format without group info -p, --file-type append indicator (one of /=@|) to entries -q, --hide-control-chars print ? instead of non graphic characters --show-control-chars show non graphic characters as-is (default unless program is `ls' and output is a terminal) -Q, --quote-name enclose entry names in double quotes --quoting-style=WORD use quoting style WORD for entry names: literal, locale, shell, shell-always, c, escape -r, --reverse reverse order while sorting -R, --recursive list subdirectories recursively -s, --size print size of each file, in blocks -S sort by file size --sort=WORD extension -X, none -U, size -S, time -t, version -v status -c, time -t, atime -u, access -u, use -u --time=WORD show time as WORD instead of modification time: atime, access, use, ctime or status; use specified time as sort key if --sort=time -t sort by modification time -T, --tabsize=COLS assume tab stops at each COLS instead of 8 -u with -lt: sort by, and show, access time with -l: show access time and sort by name otherwise: sort by access time -U do not sort; list entries in directory order -v sort by version -w, --width=COLS assume screen width instead of current value -x list entries by lines instead of by columns -X sort alphabetically by entry extension -1 list one file per line --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit By default, color is not used to distinguish types of files. That is equivalent to using --color=none. Using the --color option without the optional WHEN argument is equivalent to using --color=always. With --color=auto, color codes are output only if standard output is connected to a terminal (tty). Report bugs to .invalid argument %s for `%s'Valid arguments are: - `%s', `%s'ambiguous argument %s for `%s'base_namebasename.call_slashes || !((*(p - 1)) == '/')write error%s: %sC$@?@%.0f%.1f%c%.0f%ceEgGkKmMpPtTyYzZ0block sizeinvalid %s `%s'%s `%s' too largeinvalid character following %s `%s'clocaleshell-alwaysshell"`Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %s (%s) %s %s %s Written by %s. xstrtolxstrtol.c0 <= strtol_base && strtol_base <= 36xstrtoul=<b`))ZTKNHHBN `@h<`*= *:JZjzʑڑ *:JZjzʒڒ *:JZjzʓړ *:JZjzʔڔ *:JZjz[  (X  <Pl48oԍoo.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.got.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.sbss.bss# 1((7 ?XX Go Toԍ `c 44l DD(u llP ~Ԑg}@@}. ;<<<<<=Э>>