/* * FILE: bootfiles.h * AUTH: Soren Spies (sspies) * DATE: 22 March 2006 (Copyright Apple Computer, Inc) * DESC: constants for boot caches */ #ifndef __BOOTFILES_H__ #define __BOOTFILES_H__ /* XX bootfiles.h already exists in Leopard's IOKitUser ... we'll move * the new keys there with the port. */ /* Apple_Boot directory rotation */ #define kBootDirR "com.apple.boot.R" #define kBootDirP "com.apple.boot.P" #define kBootDirS "com.apple.boot.S" /* The kernel */ #define kDefaultKernel "mach_kernel" #define kKernelSymfile "mach.sym" #define kKernelLinkFile "mach" // for linking (is also a symlink :-) /* The kernel extensions folder */ #define kSystemExtensionsDir "System/Library/Extensions" /* The mkext file */ #define kDefaultMKext "System/Library/Extensions.mkext" /* The prelinked kernel */ #define kPrelinkedKernelDir "System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kernelcaches" #define kPrelinkedKernelBase "kernelcache" /* The booter configuration file */ #define kBootConfig "Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist" #define kKernelFlagsKey "Kernel Flags" #define kMKextCacheKey "MKext Cache" #define kKernelNameKey "Kernel" #define kKernelCacheKey "Kernel Cache" #define kRootUUIDKey "Root UUID" #define kRootMatchKey "Root Match" #endif __BOOTFILES_H__