#ifndef __GLOBALS_H__ #define __GLOBALS_H__ // XX should be named kextd_globals.h or similar // currently not suitable for sharing with other tools #include #include #include #include #include "request.h" #include "PTLock.h" // in main.c void kextd_handle_sighup(int); extern char * progname; extern int g_verbose_level; extern char * g_kernel_file; extern char * g_patch_dir; extern char * g_symbol_dir; extern Boolean gOverwrite_symbols; extern Boolean g_safe_boot_mode; extern Boolean gStaleStartupMkext; extern Boolean gStaleKernel; extern mach_port_t g_io_master_port; extern KXKextManagerRef gKextManager; extern CFRunLoopRef gMainRunLoop; extern CFRunLoopSourceRef gKernelRequestRunLoopSource; extern CFRunLoopSourceRef gRescanRunLoopSource; //extern CFRunLoopSourceRef gClientRequestRunLoopSource; // XX not global? extern CFRunLoopSourceRef gCurrentNotificationRunLoopSource; extern PTLockRef gKernelRequestQueueLock; extern PTLockRef gRunLoopSourceLock; extern queue_head_t g_request_queue; // in request.c #ifndef NO_CFUserNotification extern CFRunLoopSourceRef gNotificationQueueRunLoopSource; extern CFMutableArrayRef gPendedNonsecureKextPaths; // alerts to be raised on user login extern CFMutableDictionaryRef gNotifiedNonsecureKextPaths; extern CFUserNotificationRef gCurrentNotification; #endif /* NO_CFUserNotification */ extern uid_t logged_in_uid; // in mig_server.c extern uid_t gClientUID; #endif __GLOBALS_H__