/* Utility programs for unit conversions and calendar
/*double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;*/
#include "kep.h"
#if __STDC__
double caltoj (long, int, double);
double caltoj();
char *intfmt = "%d";
char *lngfmt = "%ld";
char *dblfmt = "%lf";
char *strfmt = "%s";
/* Display Right Ascension and Declination
* from input equatorial rectangular unit vector.
* Output vector pol[] contains R.A., Dec., and radius.
int showrd( msg, p, pol )
char *msg;
double p[], pol[];
double x, y, r;
int i;
r = 0.0;
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
x = p[i];
r += x * x;
r = sqrt(r);
x = zatan2( p[0], p[1] );
pol[0] = x;
y = asin( p[2]/r );
pol[1] = y;
pol[2] = r;
if (prtflg != 0)
printf( "%s R.A. ", msg );
hms( x );
printf( "Dec. " );
dms( y );
printf( "\n" );
/* Display magnitude of correction vector
* in arc seconds
int showcor( strng, p, dp )
char *strng;
double p[], dp[];
double p1[3], dr, dd;
int i;
if( prtflg == 0 )
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
p1[i] = p[i] + dp[i];
deltap( p, p1, &dr, &dd );
printf( "%s dRA %.3fs dDec %.2f\"\n", strng, RTS*dr/15.0, RTS*dd );
/* Radians to degrees, minutes, seconds
int dms( x )
double x;
double s;
int d, m;
s = x * RTD;
if( s < 0.0 )
printf( " -" );
s = -s;
printf( " " );
d = (int) s;
s -= d;
s *= 60;
m = (int) s;
s -= m;
s *= 60;
printf( "%3dd %02d\' %05.2f\" ", d, m, s );
/* Radians to hours, minutes, seconds
#define RTOH (12.0/PI)
int hms( x )
double x;
int h, m;
long sint, sfrac;
double s;
s = x * RTOH;
if( s < 0.0 )
s += 24.0;
h = (int) s;
s -= h;
s *= 60;
m = (int) s;
s -= m;
s *= 60;
/* Handle shillings and pence roundoff. */
sfrac = (long) (1000.0 * s + 0.5);
if( sfrac >= 60000L )
sfrac -= 60000L;
m += 1;
if( m >= 60 )
m -= 60;
h += 1;
sint = sfrac / 1000;
sfrac -= sint * 1000;
printf( "%3dh %02dm %02ld.%03lds ", h, m, sint, sfrac );
/* julian.c
* This program calculates Julian day number from calendar
* date, and the date and day of the week from Julian day.
* The Julian date is double precision floating point
* with the origin used by astronomers. The calendar output
* converts fractions of a day into hours, minutes, and seconds.
* There is no year 0. Enter B.C. years as negative; i.e.,
* 2 B.C. = -2.
* The approximate range of dates handled is 4713 B.C. to
* 54,078 A.D. This should be adequate for most applications.
* B.C. dates are calculated by extending the Gregorian sequence
* of leap years and century years into the past. This seems
* the only sensible definition, but I don't know if it is
* the official one.
* Note that the astronomical Julian day starts at noon on
* the previous calendar day. Thus at midnight in the morning
* of the present calendar day the Julian date ends in .5;
* it rolls over to tomorrow at noon today.
* The month finding algorithm is attributed to Meeus.
* - Steve Moshier
char *months[12] = {
char *days[7] = {
long cyear = 1986L;
extern long cyear;
static int month = 1;
static double day = 1.0;
short yerend = 0;
extern short yerend;
double zgetdate()
double J;
/* Get operator to type in a date.
getnum( "Calendar date: Year", &cyear, lngfmt );
if( (cyear > 53994L) || (cyear < -4713L) )
printf( "Year out of range.\n" );
goto err;
if( cyear == 0 )
printf( "There is no year 0.\n" );
err: J = 0.0;
goto pdate;
getnum( "Month (1-12)", &month, intfmt);
getnum( "Day.fraction", &day, dblfmt );
/* Find the Julian day. */
J = caltoj(cyear,month,day);
/*printf( "Julian day %.1f\n", J );*/
/* Convert back to calendar date. */
/* jtocal( J ); */
/* Calculate Julian day from Gregorian calendar date
double caltoj( year, month, day )
long year;
int month;
double day;
long y, a, b, c, e, m;
double J;
/* The origin should be chosen to be a century year
* that is also a leap year. We pick 4801 B.C.
y = year + 4800;
if( year < 0 )
y += 1;
/* The following magic arithmetic calculates a sequence
* whose successive terms differ by the correct number of
* days per calendar month. It starts at 122 = March; January
* and February come after December.
m = month;
if( m <= 2 )
m += 12;
y -= 1;
e = (306 * (m+1))/10;
a = y/100; /* number of centuries */
if( year <= 1582L )
if( year == 1582L )
if( month < 10 )
goto julius;
if( month > 10)
goto gregor;
if( day >= 15 )
goto gregor;
printf( " Julian Calendar assumed.\n" );
b = -38;
{ /* -number of century years that are not leap years */
b = (a/4) - a;
c = (36525L * y)/100; /* Julian calendar years and leap years */
/* Add up these terms, plus offset from J 0 to 1 Jan 4801 B.C.
* Also fudge for the 122 days from the month algorithm.
J = b + c + e + day - 32167.5;
return( J );
/* Calculate month, day, and year from Julian date */
int jtocal( J )
double J;
int month, day;
long year, a, c, d, x, y, jd;
int BC;
double dd;
if( J < 1721425.5 ) /* January 1.0, 1 A.D. */
BC = 1;
BC = 0;
jd = (long) (J + 0.5); /* round Julian date up to integer */
/* Find the number of Gregorian centuries
* since March 1, 4801 B.C.
a = (100*jd + 3204500L)/3652425L;
/* Transform to Julian calendar by adding in Gregorian century years
* that are not leap years.
* Subtract 97 days to shift origin of JD to March 1.
* Add 122 days for magic arithmetic algorithm.
* Add four years to ensure the first leap year is detected.
c = jd + 1486;
if( jd >= 2299160.5 )
c += a - a/4;
c += 38;
/* Offset 122 days, which is where the magic arithmetic
* month formula sequence starts (March 1 = 4 * 30.6 = 122.4).
d = (100*c - 12210L)/36525L;
/* Days in that many whole Julian years */
x = (36525L * d)/100L;
/* Find month and day. */
y = ((c-x)*100L)/3061L;
day = (int) (c - x - ((306L*y)/10L));
month = (int) (y - 1);
if( y > 13 )
month -= 12;
/* Get the year right. */
year = d - 4715;
if( month > 2 )
year -= 1;
/* Day of the week. */
a = (jd + 1) % 7;
/* Fractional part of day. */
dd = day + J - jd + 0.5;
/* post the year. */
cyear = year;
if( BC )
year = -year + 1;
cyear = -year;
if( prtflg )
printf( "%ld B.C. ", year );
if( prtflg )
printf( "%ld ", year );
day = (int) dd;
if( prtflg )
printf( "%s %d %s", months[month-1], day, days[(int) a] );
/* Flag last or first day of year */
if( ((month == 1) && (day == 1))
|| ((month == 12) && (day == 31)) )
yerend = 1;
yerend = 0;
/* Display fraction of calendar day
* as clock time.
a = (long) dd;
dd = dd - a;
if( prtflg )
hms( 2.0*PI*dd );
if( J == TDT )
printf( "TDT\n" ); /* Indicate Terrestrial Dynamical Time */
else if( J == UT )
printf( "UT\n" ); /* Universal Time */
printf( "\n" );
/* Reduce x modulo 360 degrees
double mod360(x)
double x;
long k;
double y;
k = (long) (x/360.0);
y = x - k * 360.0;
while( y < 0.0 )
y += 360.0;
while( y > 360.0 )
y -= 360.0;
/* Reduce x modulo 2 pi
#define TPI (2.0*PI)
double modtp(x)
double x;
double y;
y = floor( x/TPI );
y = x - y * TPI;
while( y < 0.0 )
y += TPI;
while( y >= TPI )
y -= TPI;
/* Get operator to type in hours, minutes, and seconds
static int hours = 0;
static int minutes = 0;
static double seconds = 0.0;
double gethms()
double t;
getnum( "Time: Hours", &hours, intfmt );
getnum( "Minutes", &minutes, intfmt );
getnum( "Seconds", &seconds, dblfmt );
t = (3600.0*hours + 60.0*minutes + seconds)/86400.0;
int getnum( msg, num, format )
char *msg;
void *num;
char *format;
char s[40];
printf( "%s (", msg );
if( format == strfmt )
printf( format, (char *) num );
else if( format == dblfmt )
printf( format, *(double *)num );
else if( format == intfmt )
printf( format, *(int *)num );
else if( format == lngfmt )
printf( format, *(long *)num );
printf( "Illegal input format\n" );
printf( ") ? ");
fgets(s, 40, stdin);
if( s[0] != '\0' )
sscanf( s, format, num );
* Convert change in rectangular coordinatates to change
* in right ascension and declination.
* For changes greater than about 0.1 degree, the
* coordinates are converted directly to R.A. and Dec.
* and the results subtracted. For small changes,
* the change is calculated to first order by differentiating
* tan(R.A.) = y/x
* to obtain
* dR.A./cos**2(R.A.) = dy/x - y dx/x**2
* where
* cos**2(R.A.) = 1/(1 + (y/x)**2).
* The change in declination arcsin(z/R) is
* d asin(u) = du/sqrt(1-u**2)
* where u = z/R.
* p0 is the initial object - earth vector and
* p1 is the vector after motion or aberration.
int deltap( p0, p1, dr, dd )
double p0[], p1[];
double *dr, *dd;
double dp[3], A, B, P, Q, x, y, z;
int i;
P = 0.0;
Q = 0.0;
z = 0.0;
for( i=0; i<3; i++ )
x = p0[i];
y = p1[i];
P += x * x;
Q += y * y;
y = y - x;
dp[i] = y;
z += y*y;
A = sqrt(P);
B = sqrt(Q);
if( (A < 1.e-7) || (B < 1.e-7) || (z/(P+Q)) > 5.e-7 )
P = zatan2( p0[0], p0[1] );
Q = zatan2( p1[0], p1[1] );
Q = Q - P;
while( Q < -PI )
Q += 2.0*PI;
while( Q > PI )
Q -= 2.0*PI;
*dr = Q;
P = asin( p0[2]/A );
Q = asin( p1[2]/B );
*dd = Q - P;
x = p0[0];
y = p0[1];
if( x == 0.0 )
*dr = 1.0e38;
Q = y/x;
Q = (dp[1] - dp[0]*y/x)/(x * (1.0 + Q*Q));
*dr = Q;
x = p0[2]/A;
P = sqrt( 1.0 - x*x );
*dd = (p1[2]/B - x)/P;
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