/* gplan.c
Routines to chew through tables of perturbations. */
#include "plantbl.h"
#if __STDC__
extern int epsiln ( double J );
double cos (double);
double sin (double);
double floor (double);
double fabs (double);
void mean_elements (double);
static int sscc (int, double, int);
double g1plan (double, struct plantbl *);
int g2plan (double, struct plantbl *, double *);
int g3plan (double, struct plantbl *, double *, int);
int epsiln();
double cos (), sin (), floor (), fabs ();
static int sscc ();
#define mods3600(x) ((x) - 1.296e6 * floor ((x)/1.296e6))
static double J2000 = 2451545.0;
#if 0
/* Conversion factors between degrees and radians */
static double DTR = 1.7453292519943295769e-2;
static double RTD = 5.7295779513082320877e1;
static double RTS = 2.0626480624709635516e5; /* arc seconds per radian */
static double STR = 4.8481368110953599359e-6; /* radians per arc second */
/* From Simon et al (1994) */
static double freqs[] =
/* Arc sec per 10000 Julian years. */
static double phases[] =
/* Arc sec. */
252.25090552 * 3600.,
181.97980085 * 3600.,
100.46645683 * 3600.,
355.43299958 * 3600.,
34.35151874 * 3600.,
50.07744430 * 3600.,
314.05500511 * 3600.,
304.34866548 * 3600.,
static double ss[NARGS][31];
static double cc[NARGS][31];
gplan (J, plan, pobj)
double J;
struct plantbl *plan;
double pobj[];
register double su, cu, sv, cv, T;
double t, sl, sb, sr;
int i, j, k, m, n, k1, ip, np, nt;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
char FAR *p;
double FAR *pl;
double FAR *pb;
double FAR *pr;
/* On some systems such as Silicon Graphics, char is unsigned
by default. */
#ifdef vax
/* VAX CC rejects "signed char." */
char *p;
#ifdef __STDC__
signed char *p;
char *p;
double *pl, *pb, *pr;
T = (J - J2000) / plan->timescale;
n = plan->maxargs;
/* Calculate sin( i*MM ), etc. for needed multiple angles. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if ((j = plan->max_harmonic[i]) > 0)
sr = (mods3600 (freqs[i] * T) + phases[i]) * STR;
sscc (i, sr, j);
/* Point to start of table of arguments. */
p = plan->arg_tbl;
/* Point to tabulated cosine and sine amplitudes. */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
pl = (double FAR *) plan->lon_tbl;
pb = (double FAR *) plan->lat_tbl;
pr = (double FAR *) plan->rad_tbl;
pl = (double *) plan->lon_tbl;
pb = (double *) plan->lat_tbl;
pr = (double *) plan->rad_tbl;
sl = 0.0;
sb = 0.0;
sr = 0.0;
for (;;)
/* argument of sine and cosine */
/* Number of periodic arguments. */
np = *p++;
if (np < 0)
if (np == 0)
{ /* It is a polynomial term. */
nt = *p++;
/* Longitude polynomial. */
cu = *pl++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pl++;
sl += mods3600 (cu);
/* Latitude polynomial. */
cu = *pb++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pb++;
sb += cu;
/* Radius polynomial. */
cu = *pr++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pr++;
sr += cu;
k1 = 0;
cv = 0.0;
sv = 0.0;
for (ip = 0; ip < np; ip++)
/* What harmonic. */
j = *p++;
/* Which planet. */
m = *p++ - 1;
if (j)
k = j;
if (j < 0)
k = -k;
k -= 1;
su = ss[m][k]; /* sin(k*angle) */
if (j < 0)
su = -su;
cu = cc[m][k];
if (k1 == 0)
{ /* set first angle */
sv = su;
cv = cu;
k1 = 1;
{ /* combine angles */
t = su * cv + cu * sv;
cv = cu * cv - su * sv;
sv = t;
/* Highest power of T. */
nt = *p++;
/* Longitude. */
cu = *pl++;
su = *pl++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pl++;
su = su * T + *pl++;
sl += cu * cv + su * sv;
/* Latitiude. */
cu = *pb++;
su = *pb++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pb++;
su = su * T + *pb++;
sb += cu * cv + su * sv;
/* Radius. */
cu = *pr++;
su = *pr++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pr++;
su = su * T + *pr++;
sr += cu * cv + su * sv;
pobj[0] = STR * sl;
pobj[1] = STR * sb;
pobj[2] = STR * plan->distance * sr + plan->distance;
return (0);
/* Prepare lookup table of sin and cos ( i*Lj )
* for required multiple angles
static int
sscc (k, arg, n)
int k;
double arg;
int n;
double cu, su, cv, sv, s;
int i;
su = sin (arg);
cu = cos (arg);
ss[k][0] = su; /* sin(L) */
cc[k][0] = cu; /* cos(L) */
sv = 2.0 * su * cu;
cv = cu * cu - su * su;
ss[k][1] = sv; /* sin(2L) */
cc[k][1] = cv;
for (i = 2; i < n; i++)
s = su * cv + cu * sv;
cv = cu * cv - su * sv;
sv = s;
ss[k][i] = sv; /* sin( i+1 L ) */
cc[k][i] = cv;
return (0);
/* Compute mean elements at Julian date J. */
static double Args[NARGS];
static double LP_equinox;
static double NF_arcsec;
static double Ea_arcsec;
static double pA_precession;
mean_elements (J)
double J;
double x, T, T2;
/* Time variables. T is in Julian centuries. */
T = (J - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
T2 = T*T;
/* Mean longitudes of planets (Simon et al, 1994)
.047" subtracted from constant term for offset to DE403 origin. */
/* Mercury */
x = mods3600( 538101628.6889819 * T + 908103.213 );
x += (6.39e-6 * T
- 0.0192789) * T2;
Args[0] = STR * x;
/* Venus */
x = mods3600( 210664136.4335482 * T + 655127.236 );
x += (-6.27e-6 * T
+ 0.0059381) * T2;
Args[1] = STR * x;
/* Earth */
x = mods3600( 129597742.283429 * T + 361679.198 );
x += (-5.23e-6 * T
- 2.04411e-2 ) * T2;
Ea_arcsec = x;
Args[2] = STR * x;
/* Mars */
x = mods3600( 68905077.493988 * T + 1279558.751 );
x += (-1.043e-5 * T
+ 0.0094264) * T2;
Args[3] = STR * x;
/* Jupiter */
x = mods3600( 10925660.377991 * T + 123665.420 );
x += ((((-3.4e-10 * T
+ 5.91e-8) * T
+ 4.667e-6) * T
+ 5.706e-5) * T
- 3.060378e-1)*T2;
Args[4] = STR * x;
/* Saturn */
x = mods3600( 4399609.855372 * T + 180278.752 );
x += (((( 8.3e-10 * T
- 1.452e-7) * T
- 1.1484e-5) * T
- 1.6618e-4) * T
+ 7.561614E-1)*T2;
Args[5] = STR * x;
/* Uranus */
x = mods3600( 1542481.193933 * T + 1130597.971 )
+ (0.00002156*T - 0.0175083)*T2;
Args[6] = STR * x;
/* Neptune */
x = mods3600( 786550.320744 * T + 1095655.149 )
+ (-0.00000895*T + 0.0021103)*T2;
Args[7] = STR * x;
/* Copied from cmoon.c, DE404 version. */
/* Mean elongation of moon = D */
x = mods3600( 1.6029616009939659e+09 * T + 1.0722612202445078e+06 );
x += (((((-3.207663637426e-013 * T
+ 2.555243317839e-011) * T
+ 2.560078201452e-009) * T
- 3.702060118571e-005) * T
+ 6.9492746836058421e-03) * T /* D, t^3 */
- 6.7352202374457519e+00) * T2; /* D, t^2 */
Args[9] = STR * x;
/* Mean distance of moon from its ascending node = F */
x = mods3600( 1.7395272628437717e+09 * T + 3.3577951412884740e+05 );
x += ((((( 4.474984866301e-013 * T
+ 4.189032191814e-011) * T
- 2.790392351314e-009) * T
- 2.165750777942e-006) * T
- 7.5311878482337989e-04) * T /* F, t^3 */
- 1.3117809789650071e+01) * T2; /* F, t^2 */
NF_arcsec = x;
Args[10] = STR * x;
/* Mean anomaly of sun = l' (J. Laskar) */
x = mods3600(1.2959658102304320e+08 * T + 1.2871027407441526e+06);
x += ((((((((
1.62e-20 * T
- 1.0390e-17 ) * T
- 3.83508e-15 ) * T
+ 4.237343e-13 ) * T
+ 8.8555011e-11 ) * T
- 4.77258489e-8 ) * T
- 1.1297037031e-5 ) * T
+ 8.7473717367324703e-05) * T
- 5.5281306421783094e-01) * T2;
Args[11] = STR * x;
/* Mean anomaly of moon = l */
x = mods3600( 1.7179159228846793e+09 * T + 4.8586817465825332e+05 );
x += (((((-1.755312760154e-012 * T
+ 3.452144225877e-011) * T
- 2.506365935364e-008) * T
- 2.536291235258e-004) * T
+ 5.2099641302735818e-02) * T /* l, t^3 */
+ 3.1501359071894147e+01) * T2; /* l, t^2 */
Args[12] = STR * x;
/* Mean longitude of moon, re mean ecliptic and equinox of date = L */
x = mods3600( 1.7325643720442266e+09 * T + 7.8593980921052420e+05);
x += ((((( 7.200592540556e-014 * T
+ 2.235210987108e-010) * T
- 1.024222633731e-008) * T
- 6.073960534117e-005) * T
+ 6.9017248528380490e-03) * T /* L, t^3 */
- 5.6550460027471399e+00) * T2; /* L, t^2 */
LP_equinox = x;
Args[13] = STR * x;
/* Precession of the equinox */
x = ((((((((( -8.66e-20*T - 4.759e-17)*T
+ 2.424e-15)*T
+ 1.3095e-12)*T
+ 1.7451e-10)*T
- 1.8055e-8)*T
- 0.0000235316)*T
+ 0.000076)*T
+ 1.105414)*T
+ 5028.791959)*T;
/* Moon's longitude re fixed J2000 equinox. */
Args[13] -= x;
pA_precession = STR * x;
/* Free librations. */
/* longitudinal libration 2.891725 years */
x = mods3600( 4.48175409e7 * T + 8.060457e5 );
Args[14] = STR * x;
/* libration P, 24.2 years */
x = mods3600( 5.36486787e6 * T - 391702.8 );
Args[15] = STR * x;
#if 0
Args[16] = 0.0;
/* libration W, 74.7 years. */
x = mods3600( 1.73573e6 * T );
Args[17] = STR * x;
/* Generic program to accumulate sum of trigonometric series
in three variables (e.g., longitude, latitude, radius)
of the same list of arguments. */
g3plan (J, plan, pobj, objnum)
double J;
struct plantbl *plan;
double pobj[];
int objnum;
int i, j, k, m, n, k1, ip, np, nt;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
char FAR *p;
long FAR *pl;
long FAR *pb;
long FAR *pr;
/* On some systems such as Silicon Graphics, char is unsigned
by default. */
#ifdef vax
/* VAX CC rejects "signed char." */
char *p;
#ifdef __STDC__
signed char *p;
char *p;
long *pl, *pb, *pr;
double su, cu, sv, cv;
double T, t, sl, sb, sr;
mean_elements (J);
#if 0
/* For librations, moon's longitude is sidereal. */
if (flag)
Args[13] -= pA_precession;
T = (J - J2000) / plan->timescale;
n = plan->maxargs;
/* Calculate sin( i*MM ), etc. for needed multiple angles. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if ((j = plan->max_harmonic[i]) > 0)
sscc (i, Args[i], j);
/* Point to start of table of arguments. */
p = plan->arg_tbl;
/* Point to tabulated cosine and sine amplitudes. */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
pl = (long FAR *) plan->lon_tbl;
pb = (long FAR *) plan->lat_tbl;
pr = (long FAR *) plan->rad_tbl;
pl = (long *) plan->lon_tbl;
pb = (long *) plan->lat_tbl;
pr = (long *) plan->rad_tbl;
sl = 0.0;
sb = 0.0;
sr = 0.0;
for (;;)
/* argument of sine and cosine */
/* Number of periodic arguments. */
np = *p++;
if (np < 0)
if (np == 0)
{ /* It is a polynomial term. */
nt = *p++;
/* "Longitude" polynomial (phi). */
cu = *pl++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pl++;
/* sl += mods3600 (cu); */
sl += cu;
/* "Latitude" polynomial (theta). */
cu = *pb++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pb++;
sb += cu;
/* Radius polynomial (psi). */
cu = *pr++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pr++;
sr += cu;
k1 = 0;
cv = 0.0;
sv = 0.0;
for (ip = 0; ip < np; ip++)
/* What harmonic. */
j = *p++;
/* Which planet. */
m = *p++ - 1;
if (j)
/* k = abs (j); */
if (j < 0)
k = -j;
k = j;
k -= 1;
su = ss[m][k]; /* sin(k*angle) */
if (j < 0)
su = -su;
cu = cc[m][k];
if (k1 == 0)
{ /* set first angle */
sv = su;
cv = cu;
k1 = 1;
{ /* combine angles */
t = su * cv + cu * sv;
cv = cu * cv - su * sv;
sv = t;
/* Highest power of T. */
nt = *p++;
/* Longitude. */
cu = *pl++;
su = *pl++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pl++;
su = su * T + *pl++;
sl += cu * cv + su * sv;
/* Latitiude. */
cu = *pb++;
su = *pb++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pb++;
su = su * T + *pb++;
sb += cu * cv + su * sv;
/* Radius. */
cu = *pr++;
su = *pr++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pr++;
su = su * T + *pr++;
sr += cu * cv + su * sv;
t = plan->trunclvl;
pobj[0] = Args[objnum - 1] + STR * t * sl;
pobj[1] = STR * t * sb;
pobj[2] = plan->distance * (1.0 + STR * t * sr);
return (0);
/* Generic program to accumulate sum of trigonometric series
in two variables (e.g., longitude, radius)
of the same list of arguments. */
g2plan (J, plan, pobj)
double J;
struct plantbl *plan;
double pobj[];
int i, j, k, m, n, k1, ip, np, nt;
#if _MSC_VER
char FAR *p;
long FAR *pl;
long FAR *pr;
/* On some systems such as Silicon Graphics, char is unsigned
by default. */
#ifdef vax
/* VAX CC rejects "signed char." */
char *p;
#ifdef __STDC__
signed char *p;
char *p;
long *pl, *pr;
double su, cu, sv, cv;
double T, t, sl, sr;
mean_elements (J);
#if 0
/* For librations, moon's longitude is sidereal. */
if (flag)
Args[13] -= pA_precession;
T = (J - J2000) / plan->timescale;
n = plan->maxargs;
/* Calculate sin( i*MM ), etc. for needed multiple angles. */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if ((j = plan->max_harmonic[i]) > 0)
sscc (i, Args[i], j);
/* Point to start of table of arguments. */
p = plan->arg_tbl;
/* Point to tabulated cosine and sine amplitudes. */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
pl = (long FAR *) plan->lon_tbl;
pr = (long FAR *) plan->rad_tbl;
pl = (long *) plan->lon_tbl;
pr = (long *) plan->rad_tbl;
sl = 0.0;
sr = 0.0;
for (;;)
/* argument of sine and cosine */
/* Number of periodic arguments. */
np = *p++;
if (np < 0)
if (np == 0)
{ /* It is a polynomial term. */
nt = *p++;
/* Longitude polynomial. */
cu = *pl++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pl++;
/* sl += mods3600 (cu); */
sl += cu;
/* Radius polynomial. */
cu = *pr++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pr++;
sr += cu;
k1 = 0;
cv = 0.0;
sv = 0.0;
for (ip = 0; ip < np; ip++)
/* What harmonic. */
j = *p++;
/* Which planet. */
m = *p++ - 1;
if (j)
/* k = abs (j); */
if (j < 0)
k = -j;
k = j;
k -= 1;
su = ss[m][k]; /* sin(k*angle) */
if (j < 0)
su = -su;
cu = cc[m][k];
if (k1 == 0)
{ /* set first angle */
sv = su;
cv = cu;
k1 = 1;
{ /* combine angles */
t = su * cv + cu * sv;
cv = cu * cv - su * sv;
sv = t;
/* Highest power of T. */
nt = *p++;
/* Longitude. */
cu = *pl++;
su = *pl++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pl++;
su = su * T + *pl++;
sl += cu * cv + su * sv;
/* Radius. */
cu = *pr++;
su = *pr++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pr++;
su = su * T + *pr++;
sr += cu * cv + su * sv;
t = plan->trunclvl;
pobj[0] = t * sl;
pobj[2] = t * sr;
return (0);
/* Generic program to accumulate sum of trigonometric series
in one variable. */
g1plan (J, plan)
double J;
struct plantbl *plan;
int i, j, k, m, k1, ip, np, nt;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
char FAR *p;
long FAR *pl;
/* On some systems such as Silicon Graphics, char is unsigned
by default. */
#ifdef vax
/* VAX CC rejects "signed char." */
char *p;
#ifdef __STDC__
signed char *p;
char *p;
long *pl;
double su, cu, sv, cv;
double T, t, sl;
T = (J - J2000) / plan->timescale;
mean_elements (J);
/* Calculate sin( i*MM ), etc. for needed multiple angles. */
for (i = 0; i < NARGS; i++)
if ((j = plan->max_harmonic[i]) > 0)
sscc (i, Args[i], j);
/* Point to start of table of arguments. */
p = plan->arg_tbl;
/* Point to tabulated cosine and sine amplitudes. */
#ifdef _MSC_VER
pl = (long FAR *) plan->lon_tbl;
pl = (long *) plan->lon_tbl;
sl = 0.0;
for (;;)
/* argument of sine and cosine */
/* Number of periodic arguments. */
np = *p++;
if (np < 0)
if (np == 0)
{ /* It is a polynomial term. */
nt = *p++;
cu = *pl++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pl++;
/* sl += mods3600 (cu); */
sl += cu;
k1 = 0;
cv = 0.0;
sv = 0.0;
for (ip = 0; ip < np; ip++)
/* What harmonic. */
j = *p++;
/* Which planet. */
m = *p++ - 1;
if (j)
/* k = abs (j); */
if (j < 0)
k = -j;
k = j;
k -= 1;
su = ss[m][k]; /* sin(k*angle) */
if (j < 0)
su = -su;
cu = cc[m][k];
if (k1 == 0)
{ /* set first angle */
sv = su;
cv = cu;
k1 = 1;
{ /* combine angles */
t = su * cv + cu * sv;
cv = cu * cv - su * sv;
sv = t;
/* Highest power of T. */
nt = *p++;
/* Cosine and sine coefficients. */
cu = *pl++;
su = *pl++;
for (ip = 0; ip < nt; ip++)
cu = cu * T + *pl++;
su = su * T + *pl++;
sl += cu * cv + su * sv;
return (plan->trunclvl * sl);
/* Compute geocentric moon. */
extern struct plantbl moonlr, moonlat;
extern double coseps, sineps;
gmoon (J, rect, pol)
double J;
double rect[], pol[];
double x, cosB, sinB, cosL, sinL;
g2plan (J, &moonlr, pol);
x = pol[0];
x += LP_equinox;
if (x < -6.48e5)
x += 1.296e6;
if (x > 6.48e5)
x -= 1.296e6;
pol[0] = STR * x;
x = g1plan (J, &moonlat);
pol[1] = STR * x;
x = (1.0 + STR * pol[2]) * moonlr.distance;
pol[2] = x;
/* Convert ecliptic polar to equatorial rectangular coordinates. */
cosB = cos(pol[1]);
sinB = sin(pol[1]);
cosL = cos(pol[0]);
sinL = sin(pol[0]);
rect[0] = cosB * cosL * x;
rect[1] = (coseps * cosB * sinL - sineps * sinB) * x;
rect[2] = (sineps * cosB * sinL + coseps * sinB) * x;
return 0;
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