* This is the SiRF-dependent part of the gpsflash program.
* If we ever compose our own S-records, dlgsp2.bin looks for this header
* unsigned char hdr[] = "S00600004844521B\r\n";
* Here's what Carl Carter at SiRF told us when he sent us informattion
* on how to build one of these:
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Regarding programming the flash, I will attach 2 things for you -- a
* program called SiRFProg, the source for an older flash programming
* utility, and a description of the ROM operation. Note that while the
* ROM description document is for SiRFstarIII, the interface applies to
* SiRFstarII systems like you are using. Here is a little guide to how
* things work:
* 1. The receiver is put into "internal boot" mode -- this means that it
* is running off the code contained in the internal ROM rather than the
* external flash. You do this by either putting a pull-up resistor on
* data line 0 and cycling power or by giving a message ID 148.
* 2. The internal ROM provides a very primitive boot loader that permits
* you to load a program into RAM and then switch to it.
* 3. The program in RAM is used to handle the erasing and programming
* chores, so theoretically you could create any program of your own
* choosing to handle things. SiRFProg gives you an example of how to do
* it using Motorola S record files as the programming source. The program
* that resides on the programming host handles sending down the RAM
* program, then communicating with it to transfer the data to program.
* 4. Once the programming is complete, you transfer to it by switching to
* "external boot" mode -- generally this requires a pull-down resistor on
* data line 0 and either a power cycle or toggling the reset line low then
* back high. There is no command that does this.
* Our standard utility operates much faster than SiRFProg by using a
* couple tricks. One, it transfers a binary image rather than S records
* (which are ASCII and about 3x the size of the image). Two, it
* compresses the binary image using some standard compression algorithm.
* Three, when transferring the file we boost the port baud rate. Normally
* we use 115200 baud as that is all the drivers in most receivers handle.
* But when supported, we can boost up to 900 kbaud. Programming at 38400
* takes a couple minutes. At 115200 it takes usually under 30 seconds.
* At 900 k it takes about 6 seconds.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2005 Chris Kuethe <chris.kuethe@gmail.com>
#include "gpsd.h"
#include "gpsflash.h"
#if defined(SIRFII_ENABLE) && defined(BINARY_ENABLE)
/* From the SiRF protocol manual... may as well be consistent */
#define PROTO_SIRF 0
#define PROTO_NMEA 1
#define BOOST_38400 0
#define BOOST_57600 1
#define BOOST_115200 2
static int
sirfSendUpdateCmd(int pfd){
bool status;
/*@ +charint @*/
static unsigned char msg[] = {
0xa0,0xa2, /* header */
0x00,0x01, /* message length */
0x94, /* 0x94: firmware update */
0x00,0x00, /* checksum */
0xb0,0xb3}; /* trailer */
/*@ -charint @*/
status = sirf_write(pfd, msg);
/* wait a moment for the receiver to switch to boot rom */
return status ? 0 : -1;
static int
sirfSendLoader(int pfd, struct termios *term, char *loader, size_t ls){
unsigned int x;
int r, speed = 38400;
/*@i@*/unsigned char boost[] = {'S', BOOST_38400};
unsigned char *msg;
if((msg = malloc(ls+10)) == NULL){
return -1; /* oops. bail out */
/*@ +charint @*/
#ifdef B115200
speed = 115200;
boost[1] = BOOST_115200;
#ifdef B57600
speed = 57600;
boost[1] = BOOST_57600;
/*@ -charint @*/
x = (unsigned)htonl(ls);
msg[0] = 'S';
msg[1] = (unsigned char)0;
memcpy(msg+2, &x, 4); /* length */
memcpy(msg+6, loader, ls); /* loader */
memset(msg+6+ls, 0, 4); /* reset vector */
/* send the command to jack up the speed */
if((r = (int)write(pfd, boost, 2)) != 2) {
return -1; /* oops. bail out */
/* wait for the serial speed change to take effect */
/* now set up the serial port at this higher speed */
(void)serialSpeed(pfd, term, speed);
/* ship the actual data */
r = binary_send(pfd, (char *)msg, ls+10);
return r;
static int
sirfSetProto(int pfd, struct termios *term, unsigned int speed, unsigned int proto){
int i;
int spd[8] = {115200, 57600, 38400, 28800, 19200, 14400, 9600, 4800};
/*@ +charint @*/
static unsigned char sirf[] = {
0xa0,0xa2, /* header */
0x00,0x31, /* message length */
0xa5, /* message 0xa5: UART config */
0x00,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 8,1,0, 0,0, /* port 0 */
0xff,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0, /* port 1 */
0xff,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0, /* port 2 */
0xff,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0, /* port 3 */
0x00,0x00, /* checksum */
0xb0,0xb3}; /* trailer */
/*@ -charint @*/
if (serialConfig(pfd, term, 38400) == -1)
return -1;
sirf[7] = sirf[6] = (unsigned char)proto;
/*@i@*/i = htonl(speed); /* borrow "i" to put speed into proper byte order */
/*@i@*/bcopy(&i, sirf+8, 4);
/* send at whatever baud we're currently using */
(void)sirf_write(pfd, sirf);
(void)nmea_send(pfd, "$PSRF100,%u,%u,8,1,0", speed, proto);
/* now spam the receiver with the config messages */
for(i = 0; i < (int)(sizeof(spd)/sizeof(spd[0])); i++) {
(void)serialSpeed(pfd, term, spd[i]);
(void)sirf_write(pfd, sirf);
(void)nmea_send(pfd, "$PSRF100,%u,%u,8,1,0", speed, proto);
(void)serialSpeed(pfd, term, (int)speed);
(void)tcflush(pfd, TCIOFLUSH);
return 0;
/*@ -nullstate @*/
static int sirfProbe(int fd, char **version)
/* try to elicit a return packet with the firmware version in it */
/*@ +charint @*/
static unsigned char versionprobe[] = {
0xa0, 0xa2, 0x00, 0x02,
0x84, 0x00,
0x00, 0x84, 0xb0, 0xb3};
/*@ -charint @*/
ssize_t status, want;
gpsd_report(4, "probing with %s\n",
gpsd_hexdump(versionprobe, sizeof(versionprobe)));
if ((status = write(fd, versionprobe, sizeof(versionprobe))) != 10)
return -1;
* Older SiRF chips had a 21-character version message. Newer
* ones (GSW 2.3.2 or later) have an 81-character version message.
* Accept either.
want = 0;
if (expect(fd,"\xa0\xa2\x00\x15\x06", 5, 5))
want = 21;
else if (expect(fd,"\xa0\xa2\x00\x51\x06", 5, 5))
want = 81;
if (want) {
ssize_t len;
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
for (len = 0; len < want; len += status) {
status = read(fd, buf+len, sizeof(buf));
if (status == -1)
return -1;
gpsd_report(4, "%d bytes = %s\n", len, gpsd_hexdump(buf, (size_t)len));
*version = strdup(buf);
return 0;
} else {
*version = NULL;
return -1;
/*@ +nullstate @*/
static int sirfPortSetup(int fd, struct termios *term)
/* the firware upload defaults to 38k4, so let's go there */
return sirfSetProto(fd, term, PROTO_SIRF, 38400);
static int sirfVersionCheck(int fd, const char *version UNUSED,
const char *loader, size_t ls UNUSED,
const char *firmware, size_t fs UNUSED)
* This implies that any SiRF loader and firmware image is good for
* any SiRF chip. We really want to do more checking here...
return 0;
static int wait2seconds(int fd UNUSED)
/* again we wait, this time for our uploaded code to start running */
gpsd_report(1, "waiting 2 seconds...\n");
return (int)sleep(2);
static int wait5seconds(int fd UNUSED)
/* wait for firmware upload to settle in */
gpsd_report(1, "waiting 5 seconds...\n");
return (int)sleep(5);
static int sirfPortWrapup(int fd, struct termios *term)
/* waitaminnit, and drop back to NMEA@4800 for luser apps */
return sirfSetProto(fd, term, PROTO_NMEA, 4800);
struct flashloader_t sirf_type = {
.name = "SiRF binary",
/* name of default flashloader */
.flashloader = "dlgsp2.bin",
* I can't imagine a GPS firmware less than 256KB / 2Mbit. The
* latest build that I have (2.3.2) is 296KB. So 256KB is probably
* low enough to allow really old firmwares to load.
* As far as I know, USB receivers have 512KB / 4Mbit of
* flash. Application note APNT00016 (Alternate Flash Programming
* Algorithms) says that the S2AR reference design supports 4, 8
* or 16 Mbit flash memories, but with current firmwares not even
* using 60% of a 4Mbit flash on a commercial receiver, I'm not
* going to stress over loading huge images. The define below is
* 524288 bytes, but that blows up nearly 3 times as S-records.
* 928K srec -> 296K binary
.min_firmware_size = 262144,
.max_firmware_size = 1572864,
/* a reasonable loader is probably 15K - 20K */
.min_loader_size = 15440,
.max_loader_size = 20480,
/* the command methods */
.probe = sirfProbe,
.port_setup = sirfPortSetup, /* before signal blocking */
.version_check = sirfVersionCheck,
.stage1_command = sirfSendUpdateCmd,
.loader_send = sirfSendLoader,
.stage2_command = wait2seconds,
.firmware_send = srecord_send,
.stage3_command = wait5seconds,
.port_wrapup = sirfPortWrapup, /* after signals unblock */
#endif /* defined(SIRFII_ENABLE) && defined(BINARY_ENABLE) */
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