# Part of the A-A-P recipe executive: Parse and execute recipe commands

# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Stichting NLnet Labs
# Permission to copy and use this file is specified in the file COPYING.
# If this file is missing you can find it here: http://www.a-a-p.org/COPYING

import string
import sys
import traceback
from cStringIO import StringIO

from Util import *
from Work import setrpstack
from Error import *
from RecPos import rpcopy
import Global

# ":" commands that only work at the toplevel
aap_cmd_toplevel = [

# All possible names of ":" commands in a recipe, including toplevel-only ones.
aap_cmd_names = [
                ] + aap_cmd_toplevel

# marker for recipe line number in Python script
line_marker = '#@recipe='
line_marker_len = len(line_marker)

def assert_scope_name(rpstack, name):
    """Check if "name" is a valid scope name.
       If it isn't, throw a user exception."""
    for c in name:
        if not scopechar(c):
            recipe_error(rpstack, _("Invalid character in scope name"))

def assert_var_name(rpstack, name):
    """Check if "name" is a valid variable name.
       If it isn't, throw a user exception."""
    for c in name:
        if not varchar(c):
            recipe_error(rpstack, _("Invalid character in variable name"))

def get_var_name(fp):
    """Get the name of a variable from the current position at "fp" and
    get the index of the next non-white after it.  Returns an empty string if
    there is no valid variable name."""
    idx = fp.idx
    while idx < fp.line_len and varchar(fp.line[idx]):
        idx = idx + 1
    # Exclude a trailing dot, so that ":print did $target." works.
    if idx > fp.idx and fp.line[idx - 1] == '.':
        idx = idx - 1
    return fp.line[fp.idx:idx], skip_white(fp.line, idx)

class ArgItem:
    """Object used as smallest part in the arglist."""
    def __init__(self, isexpr, str):
        self.isexpr = isexpr        # 0 for string, 1 for Python expression
        self.str = str              # the string itself

def getarg(fp, stop):
    """Get an argument starting at fp.line[fp.idx] and ending at a character in
       Quotes are used to include stop characters in the argument.
       Backticks are handled here.  `` is reduced to a single `.  A Python
       expression `python` is translated to '" + expr2str(python) + "'.
       Ignore $(`).
       Returns the resulting string and fp.idx is updated to the character
       after the argument (the stop character or past the end of line).
    inquote = ''                        # quote we're inside of
    inbraces = 0                        # inside {} count

    # String concatenation is slow.  Create a list and append parts of the
    # result as items.  They are concatenated all at once at the end.
    l = []                            # argument collected so far

    while 1:
        if fp.idx >= fp.line_len:       # end of line

        # Python `expression`?
        if fp.line[fp.idx] == '`':
            # `` isn't the start of an expression, reduce it to a single `.
            if fp.idx + 1 < fp.line_len and fp.line[fp.idx + 1] == '`':
                fp.idx = fp.idx + 2
            # Append the Python expression.
            l.append('" + expr2str(' + get_py_expr(fp) + ') + "')

        # Copy $(x) verbatim.
        if (fp.line[fp.idx] == '$'
                and fp.idx + 4 <= fp.line_len
                and fp.line[fp.idx + 1] == '('
                and fp.line[fp.idx + 3] == ')'):
            l.append(fp.line[fp.idx : fp.idx + 4])
            fp.idx = fp.idx + 4

        # End of quoted string?
        if inquote:
            if fp.line[fp.idx] == inquote:
                inquote = ''

        # Start of quoted string?
        elif fp.line[fp.idx] == '"' or fp.line[fp.idx] == "'":
            inquote = fp.line[fp.idx]

            # start/end of {}?
            if fp.line[fp.idx] == '{':
                inbraces = inbraces + 1
            elif fp.line[fp.idx] == '}':
                inbraces = inbraces - 1
                if inbraces < 0:
                    # TODO: recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Unmatched }"))
                    inbraces = 0

            # Stop character found?
            # A ':' must be followed by white space to be recongized.
            # A '=' must not be inside {}.
            if fp.line[fp.idx] in stop \
                    and (fp.line[fp.idx] != ':'
                            or fp.idx + 1 == fp.line_len
                            or fp.line[fp.idx + 1] == ' '
                            or fp.line[fp.idx + 1] == '\t') \
                    and (fp.line[fp.idx] != '=' or inbraces == 0):

        # Need to escape backslash and double quote.
        c = fp.line[fp.idx]
        if c == '"' or c == '\\':
            l.append('\\' + c)
        fp.idx = fp.idx + 1

        # Skip over $$ and $#.
        if (c == '$' and fp.idx < fp.line_len
                       and (fp.line[fp.idx] == '$' or fp.line[fp.idx] == '#')):
            fp.idx = fp.idx + 1

    # Turn the list into a single string.
    res = list2string(l)

    # Remove trailing white space.
    e = len(res)
    while e > 0 and (res[e - 1] == ' ' or res[e - 1] == '\t'):
        e = e - 1

    return res[:e]

def get_func_args(fp, indent):
    """Get the arguments for an aap_ function or assignment from the recipe
       Stop at a line with an indent of "indent" or less.

       Input lines:   cmdname arg ` <python-expr> `arg
       Result:        "arg " + expr2str(<python-expr>) + "arg arg"

       Return the argument string, advance fp to the following line."""

    res = ''
    fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, fp.idx)

    while 1:
        if fp.idx >= fp.line_len or fp.line[fp.idx] == '#':
            # Read the next line
            if fp.line is None:
                break   # end of file
            fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, 0)
            if get_indent(fp.line) > indent:
            # A line with less indent finishes the list of arguments

        # Get the argument, stop at a comment, handle python expression.
        # A line break is changed into a space.
        # When a line ends in "$br" insert a line break.  But not when it ends
        # in "$$br".  But do it for "$$$br".  Etc.
        if res:
            if len(res) >= 3 and res[-3:] == "$br":
                i = len(res) - 4
                escaped = 0
                while i >= 0 and res[i] == '$':
                    i = i - 1
                    escaped = not escaped
                if escaped:
                    res = res + ' '
                    res = res[:-3] + '\\n'
                res = res + ' '
        res = res + getarg(fp, "#")

    return '"' + res + '"'

def esc_quote(s):
    """Escape double quotes and backslash with a backslash."""
    return string.replace(string.replace(s, '\\', '\\\\'), '"', '\\"')

def get_commands(fp, indent):
    """Read command lines for a dependency or a rule.
       Stop when the indent is at or below "indent".
       Separate the part at the start with more indent than the smallest indent
       in the block (this is considered continuation of the first line).
       Returns the head and the string of commands, each line ending in '\n'."""
    # First get all lines, until the indent drops to "indent" or lower.
    # Also remember the line markers, empty lines may be skipped thus we can't
    # compute the line numbers from the index.
    markers = []
    lines = []
    min_indent = 99999
    min_indent_idx = 0      # first line with the smallest indent, this is
                            # where the build commands start.
    while 1:
        if fp.line is None:
            break           # end of commands reached
        idt = get_indent(fp.line)
        if idt <= indent:
            break           # end of commands reached
        if idt < min_indent:
            min_indent = idt
            min_indent_idx = len(lines)
        markers.append(' ' + ("%s%d" % (line_marker, fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr)))

    # Make the string for the head (no line breaks).
    # Need to use a ParsePos here, so that getarg() can be called.  It
    # handles Python expressions that may continue over a line break.
    head = ''
    l = []
    for i in range(0, min_indent_idx):
    if l:
        from ParsePos import ParsePos
        pp = ParsePos(fp.rpstack, string = list2string(l))
        while 1:
            if pp.line is None:
            pp.index = skip_white(pp.line, 0)
            head = head + ' ' + getarg(pp, "#")

    # Make the string for the commands (with markers and line breaks).
    # Use the clumsy but fast method to concatenate strings, because long
    # strings are used here.
    s = StringIO()
    for i in range(min_indent_idx, len(lines)):

    return head, '"""' + esc_quote(s.getvalue()) + '"""'

def get_py_expr(fp):
    """Get a Python expression from ` to matching `.
       Reduce `` to ` and $(`) to `.
       fp.idx points to the ` and is advanced to after the matching `.
       Returns the expression excluding the ` before and after."""
    # Remember the RecPos where the first ` was found; need to make a copy,
    # because fp.nextline() will change it.
    rpstack = rpcopy(fp.rpstack, fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr)

    res = ''
    fp.idx = fp.idx + 1
    while 1:
        if fp.idx >= fp.line_len:
            # Python expression continues in the next line.
            if fp.line is None:
                recipe_error(rpstack, _("Missing `"))
            res = res + '\n'
        if fp.line[fp.idx] == '`':
            # Either the matching ` or `` that stands for a single `.
            fp.idx = fp.idx + 1
            if fp.idx >= fp.line_len or fp.line[fp.idx] != '`':
                break       # found matching `
            res = res + '`'
        elif (fp.line[fp.idx] == '$'
                and fp.idx + 4 <= fp.line_len
                and fp.line[fp.idx + 1 : fp.idx + 4] == '(`)'):
            res = res + '`'
            fp.idx = fp.idx + 3
            # Append a character to the Python expression.
            res = res + fp.line[fp.idx]
        fp.idx = fp.idx + 1

    return res

def get_recipe_msg(rpstack):
    # Note: This messages is not translated, so that a parser for the
    # messages isn't confused by various languages.
    if not rpstack:
        return 'in recipe: '
    return 'in recipe "%s" line %d: ' % (rpstack[-1].name, rpstack[-1].line_nr)

def recipe_error(rpstack, msg):
    """Throw an exception for an error in a recipe:
            Error: Unknown command
            in recipe "main.aap" line 88: :foobar asdf
            included from "main.aap" line 33
       When "rpstack" is empty it's not mentioned, useful for errors
       not related to a specific line."""
    e = "Error " + get_recipe_msg(rpstack) + msg + '\n'
    if len(rpstack) > 1:
        for i in range(len(rpstack) - 2, 0, -1):
            e = e + 'included from "%s" line %d\n' \
                                        % (rpstack[i].name, rpstack[i].line_nr)
    e = e[:-1]      # remove trailing \n

    raise UserError, e

def option_error(rpstack, dict, cmd):
    """Give an error message for options in dictionary "dict"."""
    if len(dict.keys()) > 1:
        recipe_error(rpstack, _("Illegal options for %s command: %s")
                                                     % (cmd, str(dict.keys())))
        recipe_error(rpstack, _("Illegal option for %s command: %s")
                                                       % (cmd, dict.keys()[0]))

def get_line_marker(s, sidx = 0):
    """Check for the line marker comment at string "s".
       Return the line number if found, None otherwise."""
    if s[sidx:sidx + line_marker_len] == line_marker:
        j = sidx + line_marker_len
            while s[j] in string.digits:
                j = j + 1
        return int(s[sidx + line_marker_len:j])
    return None

def get_block_term(fp, cmd):
    """Get the argument used to terminate a block of lines.
       Used for ":python EOF" and "var << EOF"."""
    fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, fp.idx)
    n = skip_to_white(fp.line, fp.idx)
    if n == fp.idx:
        recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Missing item for %s") % cmd)
    term = fp.line[fp.idx:n]
    n = skip_white(fp.line, n)
    if n < fp.line_len and fp.line[n] != '#':
        recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Too many arguments for %s") % cmd)
    return term

def get_block_lines(fp, term, indent, indent_sub, cmd):
    """Get the lines for a block of lines followed by terminator "term".
       Stop when "term" is empty and the indent drops below "indent".
       Remove "indent_sub" indent from the lines.
       Used for ":python EOF" and "var << EOF"."""
    lines = ''
    start_line_nr = fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr
    term_len = len(term)
    first_indent = -1

    while 1:
        if fp.line is None:
            if not term:
            fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr = start_line_nr
            recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Unterminated %s block") % cmd)

        # Need to know the indent of the first line.
        if first_indent == -1:
            first_indent = get_indent(fp.line)

        if not term:
            # No terminator defined: end when indent is smaller.
            if get_indent(fp.line) <= indent:
            # Terminator defined: end when it's found.
            n = skip_white(fp.line, 0)
            if n < fp.line_len and fp.line[n:n + term_len] == term:
                n = skip_white(fp.line, n + term_len)
                if n >= fp.line_len or fp.line[n] == "#":

        if cmd == ":python":
            # Append the recipe line number, used for error messages.
            lines = lines + ("%s%d\n" % (line_marker, fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr))

            # Remove the indent difference between "indent" and "first_indent".
            keep_indent = indent - indent_sub
            # Remove the indent by as much as the indent of the first line.
            keep_indent = 0

        # Find the index of the character that has enough indent.
        i = 0
        ind = 0
        while ind + keep_indent < first_indent and i < len(fp.line):
            if fp.line[i] == ' ':
                ind = ind + 1
            elif fp.line[i] == '\t':
                ind = ind + 8 - ind % 8
            i = i + 1

        # Check that removing blanks upto line[i] result in the right amount of
        # indent.  When there are spaces before a tab it won't be so, also
        # remove the tab.
        if get_indent(fp.line[i:]) > first_indent - keep_indent:
            while i < len(fp.line):
                if fp.line[i] == '\t':
                    ind = ind + 8 - ind % 8
                    i = i + 1
                if fp.line[i] != ' ':
                ind = ind + 1
                i = i + 1

        if ind < first_indent - keep_indent:
            recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Not enough indent in %s block") % cmd)
        line = (' ' * (ind - first_indent + keep_indent)) + fp.line[i:]
        lines = lines + line + '\n'

    return lines

def script_error(rpstack, recdict, script):
    """Handle an error raised while executing the Python script produced for a
    recipe.  The error is probably in the recipe, try to give a useful error
    etype, evalue, tb = sys.exc_info()

    # A SyntaxError is special: it's not the last frame in the traceback but
    # only in the "etype" and "evalue".  When there is a filename it must have
    # been an internal error, otherwise it's an error in the converted recipe.
    py_line_nr = -1
    if etype is SyntaxError:
            msg, (filename, py_line_nr, offset, line) = evalue
            if not filename is None:
                py_line_nr = -2

    if py_line_nr < 0:
        # Find the line number in the last traceback frame.
        while tb.tb_next:
            tb = tb.tb_next
        fname = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
        if py_line_nr == -2 or (fname and not fname == "<string>"
                                       and string.find(fname, "Scope.py") < 0):
            # If there is a filename, it's not an error in the script.
            # Except when the filename is Scope.py, then it's probably a
            # variable that could not be found.
            from Main import error_msg
            error_msg(recdict, _("Internal Error"))
            # traceback.print_exc()
            e = sys.exc_info()
                     string.join(traceback.format_exception(e[0], e[1], e[2])))

        py_line_nr = traceback.tb_lineno(tb)

    # Translate the line number in the Python script to the line number
    # in the recipe.
    i = 0
    script_len = len(script)
    rec_line_nr = 1
    while 1:
        if py_line_nr == 1:
        while i < script_len:
            if script[i] == '\n':
            i = i + 1
        i = i + 1
        if i >= script_len:
        n = get_line_marker(script[i:])
        if not n is None:
            rec_line_nr = n
        py_line_nr = py_line_nr - 1

    # Give the exception error with the line number in the recipe.
    recipe_py_error(rpcopy(rpstack, rec_line_nr), '')

def recipe_py_error(rpstack, msg):
    """Turn the list from format_exception_only() into a simple string and pass
    it to recipe_error()."""
    etype, evalue, tb = sys.exc_info()

    lines = traceback.format_exception_only(etype, evalue)

    # For a syntax error remove the "<string>" and line number that the 
    # Python script causes.
    if etype is SyntaxError:
            emsg, (filename, lineno, offset, line) = evalue
            if filename is None:
                lines[0] = '\n'

    s = msg
    for line in lines[:-1]:
        s = s + line + ' '
    s = s + lines[-1]
    recipe_error(rpstack, s)

def Process(fp, recdict, toplevel):
    Read all the lines in ParsePos "fp", convert it into a Python script and
    execute it.
    When "fp.string" is empty, the source is a recipe file, otherwise it is a
    string (commands from a dependency or rule).
    When executing the recipe itself, not build commands or a file included
    from build commands, "toplevel" is True.

    # Need to be able to find the RecPos stack in recdict.
    setrpstack(recdict, fp.rpstack)

    # Ugly: Tell invoked commands whether we are at the toplevel.
    save_at_toplevel = Global.at_toplevel
    Global.at_toplevel = toplevel

    class Variant:
        """Class used to remember nested ":variant" commands in
        def __init__(self, name, indent, line_nr):
            self.name = name
            self.min_indent = indent
            self.line_nr = line_nr
            self.val_indent = 0
            self.had_star = 0       # encountered * item

    # At the start of the loop "fp.line" contains the next line to be
    # processsed.  "fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr" is the number of this line in the
    # recipe.
    script = []             # the resulting script, line by line
    shell_cmd = ""          # shell command collected so far
    shell_cmd_indent = 0    # avoid PyChecker warning
    shell_cmd_line_nr = 0   # avoid PyChecker warning
    variant_stack = []      # nested ":variant" commands
    had_recipe_cmd = 0      # encountered ":recipe" command
    fp.nextline()           # read the first line

    first_indent = 0        # Default, may be set when reading from a string
                            # at the first non-blank non-comment line
    had_first_indent = 0    # Didn't find first non-blank non-comment line yet

    from Commands import shell_cmd_has_force

    while 1:

        # Skip leading white space (unless at end of file).
        if not fp.line is None:
            indent = get_indent(fp.line)
            fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, 0)
            if (had_first_indent == 0 and fp.idx < fp.line_len
                                                   and fp.line[fp.idx] != '#'):
                if not fp.string and indent > 0:
                    # Common mistake: recipe with indented line.
                                       _("First command in recipe has indent"))
                first_indent = indent
                had_first_indent = 1
            indent_string = ' ' * (indent - first_indent)

        # If it's not a shell command and the previous line was, generate the
        # collected shell commands now.
        if shell_cmd:
            if (fp.line is None \
                    or indent < shell_cmd_indent \
                    or fp.line[fp.idx:fp.idx + 4] != ":sys") \
                    or shell_cmd_has_force(fp.rpstack, recdict, shell_cmd) \
                    or shell_cmd_has_force(fp.rpstack, recdict, fp.line[
                                             skip_to_white(fp.line, fp.idx):]):
                script.append((' ' * (shell_cmd_indent - first_indent)) \
                              + ('aap_shell(%d, globals(), "%s")\n'
                                             % (shell_cmd_line_nr, shell_cmd)))
                shell_cmd = ''
        elif not fp.line is None:
            # Append the recipe line number, used for error messages.
            script.append("%s%d\n" % (line_marker, fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr))

        # Handle the end of commands in a variant or the end of a variant
        if len(variant_stack) > 0:
            v = variant_stack[-1]
            v_indent_string = ' ' * (v.min_indent - first_indent)
            if fp.line is None or indent <= v.min_indent:
                # End of the :variant command.
                if v.val_indent == 0:
                                  _("Exepected list of values after :variant"))
                if not v.had_star:
                    script.append(v_indent_string + "else:\n")
                              + "  aap_error(%d, globals(), 'invalid value for %s: %%s' %% %s)\n"
                                  % (v.line_nr, v.name, v.name))

                del variant_stack[-1]
                if len(variant_stack) > 0:
                    continue    # another may end here as well
                if v.val_indent == 0:
                    v.val_indent = indent
                    first = 1
                    first = 0
                if indent <= v.val_indent:
                    # Start of a variant value: "debug [ condition ]"
                    # We simply ignore the condition here.
                    if v.had_star:
                                          _("Variant item * must be last one"))
                    if fp.idx < fp.line_len and fp.line[fp.idx] == '*':
                        if (fp.idx + 1 < fp.line_len
                                        and not is_white(fp.line[fp.idx + 1])):
                            recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("* must be by itself"))
                        if not first:
                            script.append(v_indent_string + "else:\n")
                        v.had_star = 1
                        val, n = get_var_name(fp)
                        if val == '':
                                                  _("Exepected variant value"))
                        if first:
                            # Specify the default value and change $BDIR.
                            script.append(v_indent_string + (
                                    'if not globals()["_no"].has_key("%s"):\n'
                                                                     % v.name))
                            script.append(v_indent_string + (
                                              '  %s = "%s"\n' % (v.name, val)))
                            script.append(v_indent_string + (
                                      "BDIR = _no.BDIR + '-' + _no.%s\n" % v.name))

                        s = v_indent_string
                        if not first:
                            s = s + "el"
                        script.append(s + ("if _no.%s == '%s':\n" % (v.name, val)))
                    if fp.line is None or get_indent(fp.line) <= v.val_indent:
                        script.append(v_indent_string + "  pass\n")

        # Stop at the end of the file.
        if fp.line is None:

        # A Python block
        #  recipe:    :python EOF
        #                   command
        #                   command
        #                 EOF
        #  Python:        command
        #                 command
        if fp.line[fp.idx:fp.idx + 7] == ":python":
            fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, fp.idx + 7)
            if fp.idx >= fp.line_len or fp.line[fp.idx] == '#':
                term = ''
                term = get_block_term(fp, ":python")

            # Get the lines until the terminator and append them to the script.
            lines = get_block_lines(fp, term, indent, first_indent, ":python")


        # An A-A-P command
        #  recipe:  :cmd arg arg
        #                  arg
        #  Python:  aap_cmd(123, globals(), "arg arg arg")
        if fp.line[fp.idx] == ":":
            s = fp.idx
            fp.idx = fp.idx + 1
            e = skip_to_white(fp.line, fp.idx)
            cmd_name = fp.line[fp.idx:e]
            fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, e)

            # Check if this is a valid command name.  The error is postponed
            # until executing the line, so that "@if _no.AAPVERSION > nr" can
            # be used before it.
            if cmd_name not in aap_cmd_names:
                cmd_name = "unknown"
                fp.idx = s
            if not toplevel and cmd_name in aap_cmd_toplevel:
                cmd_name = "nothere"
                fp.idx = s

            # To avoid starting a shell for every single command, collect
            # system commands until encountering another command.
            # recipe:       :system one
            #               :sys  two
            #                       three
            # Python:       aap_shell(123, globals(), "one\ntwo three\n")
            if cmd_name == "system" or cmd_name == "sys":
                if not shell_cmd:
                    shell_cmd_line_nr = fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr
                    shell_cmd_indent = indent
                shell_cmd = shell_cmd + getarg(fp, "#")

                # get the next line and continue until the indent is less
                while 1:
                    if fp.line is None or get_indent(fp.line) <= indent:
                        break       # end of commands reached
                    fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, 0)
                    shell_cmd = shell_cmd + ' ' + getarg(fp, "#")

                shell_cmd = shell_cmd + '\\n'

            # recipe:   :variant VAR
            #               foo  [ condition ]
            #                  cmds
            #               *    [ condition ]
            #                  cmds
            # Python:   if VAR == "foo":
            #                  cmds
            #           else:
            #                  cmds
            #           BDIR = BDIR + '-' + VAR
            # This is complicated, because "cmds" can be any command, and
            # variants may nest.  Store the info about the variant in
            # variant_stack and continue, the rest is handled above.
            if cmd_name == "variant":
                var_name, n = get_var_name(fp)
                if var_name == '' or (n < fp.line_len and fp.line[n] != '#'):
                                   _("Expected variable name after :variant"))
                variant_stack.append(Variant(var_name, indent,

                # get the next line

            # Generate the start of a call to the Python function for this
            # command.  The handling of the arguments may depend on the
            # command.
            # All AAP commands (including :include, :import, etc.) arrive
            # here for processing and are turned into Python calls
            # for functions in Commands.py.
            # recipe:   :cmd arg ...
            # Python:   aap_cmd(123, globals(),
            script.append(indent_string + ('aap_%s(%d, globals(), '
                                         % (cmd_name, fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr)))

            if cmd_name == "rule":
                # recipe:   :rule {attr} target : {attr} source
                #                 commands
                # Python:   aap_rule(123, globals(), "target", "source",
                #                      124, """commands""")
                target = getarg(fp, ":#")
                if fp.idx >= fp.line_len or fp.line[fp.idx] != ':':
                    recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Missing ':' after :%s")
                                                                % cmd_name)
                fp.idx = fp.idx + 1
                script.append('"%s", ' % target)

                source = getarg(fp, "#")

                head, cmds = get_commands(fp, indent)

                script.append('"%s", %s)\n' % (source + head, cmds))

            elif cmd_name == "delrule":
                # recipe:   :delrule {attr} target : {attr} source
                # Python:   aap_delrule(123, globals(), "target", "source")
                target = getarg(fp, ":#")
                if fp.idx >= fp.line_len or fp.line[fp.idx] != ':':
                    recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Missing ':' after :%s")
                                                                % cmd_name)
                script.append('"%s", ' % target)
                fp.idx = fp.idx + 1
                script.append(get_func_args(fp, indent) + ")\n")

            elif cmd_name == "route":
                # recipe:   :route {default} ft1 ft2 ft3
                #                 lines
                # Python:   aap_route(123, globals(), "ft1 ft2 ft3",
                #                      124, """lines""")
                types = getarg(fp, "#")

                head, cmds = get_commands(fp, indent)

                script.append('"%s", %s)\n' % (types + head, cmds))

            elif cmd_name == "tree":
                # recipe:   :tree dir {attr} ...
                #                 commands
                # Python:   aap_tree(123, globals(), "dir {attr} ...",
                #                      124, """commands""")
                adir = getarg(fp, "#")

                cmd_line_nr = fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr
                head, cmds = get_commands(fp, indent)
                if cmds == '""""""':
                    recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Missing commands after :tree"))

                script.append('"%s", %d, %s)\n'
                                          % (adir + head, cmd_line_nr, cmds))

            elif cmd_name in [ "filetype", "action" ]:
                # recipe:   :filetype [filename]
                #               detection-lines
                #           :action action ftype
                #               commands
                # Python:   aap_filetype(123, globals(), "arg",
                #                              line_nr, """detection-lines""")
                #           aap_action(123, globals(), "arg",
                #                              line_nr, """commands""")
                arg = getarg(fp, "#")
                cmd_line_nr = fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr
                head, cmds = get_commands(fp, indent)

                script.append('"%s", %d, %s)\n'
                                             % (arg + head, cmd_line_nr, cmds))

                # get an argument string that may continue on the next line
                # recipe:   :cmd  arg...
                # Python:   aap_cmd(123, globals(), "arg")
                script.append(get_func_args(fp, indent) + ")\n")

                # When a ":recipe" command is encountered that will probably
                # be executed, make a copy of the recdict at the start, so that
                # this can be restored when executing the updated recipe.
                # This is a "heavy" command, only do it when needed.
                from Commands import maydo_recipe_cmd
                if (cmd_name == "recipe" and not had_recipe_cmd
                                             and maydo_recipe_cmd(fp.rpstack)):
                    had_recipe_cmd = 1
                    script.insert(0, 'globals()["_start_recdict"] = globals().copy()\n')


        # A Python command
        #  recipe:    @command args
        #  Python:        command args
        if fp.line[fp.idx] == "@":
            fp.idx = fp.idx + 1
            if fp.idx < fp.line_len:
                # The amount of indent produced is the current indent, plus
                # any indent after the "@", minus the indent of the first line.
                if fp.line[fp.idx] == ' ' or fp.line[fp.idx] == '\t':
                    # Followed by white space: replace @ with a space.
                    # Careful: there can be a TAB after the '@'.
                    i = get_indent(' ' * (indent + 1) + fp.line[fp.idx:])
                    while fp.idx < fp.line_len and fp.line[fp.idx] in " \t":
                        fp.idx = fp.idx + 1
                    # followed by text: remove the @
                    i = indent
                script.append((' ' * (i - first_indent))
                                                     + fp.line[fp.idx:] + '\n')

            # get the next line

        # A section marker
        #  recipe:    >always
        #  Python:        if 1:
        #  recipe:    >build
        #  Python:        if _really_build:
        #  recipe:    >nobuild
        #  Python:        if not _really_build:
        if fp.line[fp.idx] == ">":
            fp.idx = fp.idx + 1
            i = skip_to_white(fp.line, fp.idx)
            section = fp.line[fp.idx:i]
            if section == "always":
                line = "if 1:"
            elif section == "build":
                line = "if _really_build:"
            elif section == "nobuild":
                line = "if not _really_build:"
                recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Unknown section name: %s")
                                                                     % section)
            i = skip_white(fp.line, i)
            if i < fp.line_len and fp.line[i] != '#':
                recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Trailing text: %s") % fp.line[i:])
            if recdict.get("_really_build") == None:
                recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Using sections not allowed here"))

            script.append(indent_string + line + '\n')

            # get the next line

        # Assignment
        #  recipe:   name = $VAR {attr=val} ` glob("*.c") `
        #                     two
        #  Python:       name = aap_assign(123, globals(),
        #                       "$VAR {attr=val} " + glob("*.c") + " two", 1)
        #  var = value      assign
        #  var += value     append (assign if not set yet)
        #  var ?= value     only assign when not set yet
        #  var $= value     evaluate when used
        #  var $+= value    append, evaluate when used
        #  var $?= value    only when not set, evaluate when used
        #  var $+<< EOF     assign multiple lines
        #       value1
        #       value2
        #      EOF
        var_name, n = get_var_name(fp)

        if var_name != '' and n < fp.line_len:
            nc = fp.line[n]
            ec = nc
            if ec == '$' and n + 1 < fp.line_len:
                ne = n + 1
                ec = fp.line[ne]
                ne = n
            if (ec == '+' or ec == '?') and ne + 1 < fp.line_len:
                lc = ec
                ne = ne + 1
                ec = fp.line[ne]
                lc = ''
            if ec == '=' or ec == '<':
                if ec == '<':
                    # Get the term string from "var << term".
                    if ne + 1 >= fp.line_len or fp.line[ne + 1] != '<':
                        recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Single < not allowed"))
                    fp.idx = ne + 2
                    term = get_block_term(fp, "<<")

                # When changing $CACHEPATH need to flush the cache and reload
                # it.
                if var_name == "CACHEPATH":
                    script.append(indent_string + "flush_cache(globals())\n")
                fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, ne + 1)
                script.append(indent_string + (
                                     "aap_assign(%d, globals(), '%s', "
                                         % (fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr, var_name)))
                if ec == '<':
                    args = get_block_lines(fp, term, 0, 0, "assignment")
                    args = '"""' + args + '"""'
                    args = get_func_args(fp, indent)
                script.append(args + (", '%s', '%s')\n" % (nc, lc)))

        # If there is no ":" following we don't know what it is.
        targets = getarg(fp, ":#")
        if fp.idx >= fp.line_len or fp.line[fp.idx] != ':':
            s = skip_white(fp.line, 0)
            e = skip_to_white(fp.line, s)
            recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _('Unrecognized item: "%s"')
                                                                % fp.line[s:e])

        if not toplevel:
            recipe_error(fp.rpstack, _("Dependency not allowed here"))

        # Dependency
        #  recipe:     target target : source source
        #                    commands
        #  Python:     aap_depend(123, globals(), list-of-targets,
        #                             list-of-sources, "commands")
            # Skip the ':' and get the list of sources.
            fp.idx = skip_white(fp.line, fp.idx + 1)
            sources = getarg(fp, '#')
            nr = fp.rpstack[-1].line_nr

            # get the commands and the following line
            head, cmds = get_commands(fp, indent)
            sources = sources + head

                        + ('aap_depend(%d, globals(), "%s", "%s", '
                                                      % (nr, targets, sources))
                        + cmds + ')\n')

        # End of loop over all lines in recipe.

    if fp.file:
        # Close the file before executing the script, so that ":recipe" can
        # overwrite the file.

    # Prepend the default imports.
    script.insert(0, "from Commands import *\n"
                   + "from RecPython import *\n"
                   + "from Port import *\n"
                   + "from glob import glob\n")

    # Trun the list of lines into a single string.
    # It's in a separate function for profiling.
    script_string = list2string(script)

    # Need to be able to find the globals from invoked functions.
    save_globals = Global.globals
    Global.globals = recdict
        # DEBUG - list generated Python always
        # msg_note(recdict, script_string)

        # Execute the resulting Python script.
        # Give a useful error message when something is wrong.
            exec script_string in recdict, recdict
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            raise       # don't need a stack dump when interrupted
        except StandardError, e:
            # DEBUG - list generated Python when a Python error is encountered
            # msg_note(recdict, script_string)
            script_error(fp.rpstack, recdict, script_string)

        # DEBUG - list generated Python when a recipe error is encountered
        #except UserError:
            #msg_note(recdict, script_string)

        # Restore the old globals.
        Global.globals = save_globals

        # Restore at_toplevel.
        Global.at_toplevel = save_at_toplevel

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