# Part of the A-A-P recipe executive: Utility functions

# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Stichting NLnet Labs
# Permission to copy and use this file is specified in the file COPYING.
# If this file is missing you can find it here: http://www.a-a-p.org/COPYING

# Util: utility functions
# It's OK to do "from Util import *", these things are supposed to be global.

import string
import os.path
import types
import sys

import import_re        # import the re module in a special way

import glob

from Error import *
from Message import *

def i18n_init():
    """Set up Internationalisation: setlocale() and gettext()."""
    # Chicken-egg problem: Should give informational messages here, but since
    # the options haven't been parsed yet we don't know if the user wants us to
    # be verbose.  Let's keep quiet.

    # If already done return quickly.
    import __builtin__
    if __builtin__.__dict__.has_key("_"):

    # Set the locale to the users default.
        import locale
            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
        except locale.Error:
            pass    # there is a locale module but it doesn't work
    except ImportError:
        pass        # locale module cannot be imported

    # Set up for translating messages, if possible.
    # When the gettext module is missing this results in an ImportError.
    # An older version of gettext doesn't support install(), it generates an
    # AttributeError.
    # An IOError is generated when the module "a-a-p" cannot be found.
    # If not possible, define the _() and N_() functions to do nothing.
    # Make them builtin so that they are available everywhere.
        import gettext
    except (ImportError, AttributeError, IOError):
        def nogettext(s):
            return s
        __builtin__.__dict__['_'] = nogettext
        __builtin__.__dict__['N_'] = nogettext

def is_white(c):
    """Return 1 if "c" is a space or a Tab."""
    return c == ' ' or c == '\t'

def skip_white(line, i):
    """Skip whitespace, starting at line[i].  Return the index of the next
    non-white character, or past the end of "line"."""
        while line[i] == ' ' or line[i] == '\t':
            i = i + 1
    except IndexError:
    return i

def skip_to_white(line, i):
    """Skip non-whitespace, starting at line[i].  Return the index of the next
    white character, or past the end of "line"."""
        while line[i] != ' ' and line[i] != '\t':
            i = i + 1
    except IndexError:
    return i

def get_token(arg, i):
    """Get one white-space separated token from arg[i:].
       Handles single and double quotes and keeps them (see get_item() to
       remove quotes).
       A sequence of white space is also a token.
       Returns the token and the index after it."""
    # If "arg" starts with white space, return the span of white space.
    if is_white(arg[i]):
        e = skip_white(arg, i)
        return arg[i:e], e

    # Isolate the token until white space or end of the argument.
    inquote = ''
    arg_len = len(arg)
    token = ''
    while i < arg_len:
        if inquote:
            if arg[i] == inquote:
                inquote = ''
        elif arg[i] == "'" or arg[i] == '"':
            inquote = arg[i]
        elif is_white(arg[i]):
        token = token + arg[i]
        i = i + 1

    return token, i

def list2string(lines):
    """Convert a list of strings into a single string."""
    # The simple but slow method:
    # return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, lines)

    # The clumsy but fast method:
    import cStringIO
    s = cStringIO.StringIO()
    for line in lines:
    return s.getvalue()

def check_exists(rpstack, fname):
    """Give an error message if file "fname" already exists."""
    if os.path.exists(fname):
        from Process import recipe_error
        recipe_error(rpstack, _('File already exists: "%s"') % fname)

def scopechar(c):
    """Return 1 when "c" is a scope name character, 0 otherwise."""
    return c in string.digits or c in string.letters or c == "_"

def varchar(c):
    """Return 1 when "c" is a variable name character, 0 otherwise."""
    return c in string.digits or c in string.letters or c == "_" or c == "."

def skip_varchars(arg, idx):
    """Skip over varable name chars in arg[idx:], return the index."""
    e = idx
        while 1:
            c = arg[e]
            if not (c in string.digits or c in string.letters
                                                      or c == "_" or c == "."):
            e = e + 1
    return e

def unquote(recdict, str):
    """Remove quotes from "str".  Assumes aap style quoting."""
    res = ''
    inquote = ''
    for c in str:
        if c == inquote:
            inquote = ''        # End of quoted text.
        elif not inquote and (c == '"' or c == "'"):
            inquote = c         # Start of quoted text.
            res = res + c

    if inquote:
        msg_info(recdict, _('Missing quote in "%s"') % str)
    return res

def enquote(s, quote = '"'):
    """Put quotes around "s" so that it is handled as one item.  Uses aap style
    quoting (a mix of single and double quotes)."""
    result = quote
    slen = len(s)
    i = 0
    while i < slen:
        if s[i] == quote:
            if quote == '"':
                result = result + "'\"'\"'"
                result = result + '"\'"\'"'
            result = result + s[i]
        i = i + 1
    return result + quote

def double_quote(str):
    """Put double quotes around "str" when it contains white space or a quote.
       Contained double quotes are doubled."""
    quote = ''
    for c in str:
        if c == "'" or c == '"' or is_white(c):
            quote = '"'

    if not quote:
        return str      # no quoting required

    res = quote
    for c in str:
        if c == '"':
            res = res + '"'
        res = res + c
    return res + quote

def bs_quote(str):
    """Escape special characters in "str" with a backslash.  Special characters
       are white space, quotes and backslashes."""
    res = ''
    for c in str:
        if c == '\\' or c == "'" or c == '"' or is_white(c):
            res = res + '\\'
        res = res + c
    return res

def get_indent(line):
    """Count the number of columns of indent at the start of "line"."""
    i = 0
    col = 0
        while 1:
            if line[i] == ' ':
                col = col + 1
            elif line[i] == '\t':
                col = col + 8 - (col % 8)
            i = i + 1
    except IndexError:
    return col

def append2var(recdict, scope, varname, str):
    """Add "str" the variable "scope.varname" for "recdict"."""
    v = recdict[scope].get(varname)
    if v:
        if isinstance(v, ExpandVar):
            recdict[scope][varname] = ExpandVar(v.getVal() + ' ' + str)
            recdict[scope][varname] = v + ' ' + str
        recdict[scope][varname] = str

def add_cleanfiles(recdict, str):
    """Add "str" the "CLEANFILES" for the recipe with "recdict"."""
    append2var(recdict, "_recipe", "CLEANFILES", str)

def add_distfiles(recdict, str):
    """Add "str" the "DISTFILES" for the recipe with "recdict"."""
    append2var(recdict, "_recipe", "DISTFILES", str)

def rem_dup(var):
    """Remove duplicates from a variable string.  Attributes are ignored when
       comparing items."""
    from Dictlist import dictlist2str, str2dictlist

    expand = isinstance(var, ExpandVar)
    if expand:
        val = var.getVal()
        val = var

    ndl = []
    for d in str2dictlist([], val):
        dup = 0
        for nd in ndl:
            if d["name"] == nd["name"]:
                dup = 1
        if not dup:

    s = dictlist2str(ndl)
    if expand:
        return ExpandVar(s)
    return s

class Expand:
    """Kind of expansion used for $VAR."""
    quote_none = 0          # no quoting
    quote_aap = 1           # quoting with " and '
    quote_double = 2        # quoting with ", backslash for escaping
    quote_bs = 3            # escaping with backslash
    quote_shell = 4         # quoting with backslash or " for the shell

    def __init__(self, attr = 1, quote = quote_aap, skip_errors = 0):
        self.attr = attr        # include attributes
        self.quote = quote      # quoting with " and '
        self.rcstyle = 0        # rc-style expansion
        self.skip_errors = skip_errors  # ignore errors
        self.optional = 0       # empty when not defined
        self.slash = 0          # no / to \ replacement

class ExpandVar:
    Class to hold a variable value that needs to be expanded when it is
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val
    def getVal(self):
        return self.val
    def __add__(self, other):
        "Concatenate ExpandVar like a string.  Equivalent to $+= in aap."
        return ExpandVar(self.getVal() + other)
    def __str__(self):
        "Expand the value"
        from Commands import expand
        return expand(0, Global.globals, self.getVal(),
                                                   Expand(1, Expand.quote_aap))

def get_var_val_int(recdict, name):
    Get variable for internal use.  Get it from "recdict" directly or from
    the "_up" scope.  Do not use the "_no" scope to avoid setting the flag
    that the variable was read before set.
    if recdict.has_key(name):
        return recdict[name]
    return get_var_val(0, recdict, "_up", name)

def get_var_val(line_nr, recdict, scope, name, argexpand = None):
    Get the value of variable "name", expanding it when postponed evaluation
    was specified for the assignment.
    Use "scope" if it is set.  "_no" can be used to search up the stack.
    When the variable "name" does not exist return None.
    from Commands import expand

    if not scope:
        val = recdict.get(name)
            val = recdict[scope][name]
            val = None      # either the scope or the variable doesn't exist
    if val is None:
        return None

    # The variable may have been set by a Python statement, using a type
    # different from the string we expect.
    # Automatically convert a number to a string.
    if isinstance(val, types.IntType) or isinstance(val, types.LongType):
        val = str(val)
    if isinstance(val, ExpandVar):
        val = expand(line_nr, recdict, val.getVal(),
                                                   Expand(1, Expand.quote_aap))

    # Return if no expansion to be done.
    if not argexpand:
        return val

    # $/var: change all slashes to backslashes.
    if argexpand.slash:
        val = string.replace(val, '/', '\\')

    # Return when expanding doesn't change the value:
    # - Include attributes and aap quoting is the default.
    # - There are no attributes and aap quoting.
    if argexpand.quote == Expand.quote_aap and (argexpand.attr
                                                            or not '{' in val):
        return val

    # Remove attributes and/or change the quoting.  This is done by turning the
    # string into a dictlist and then back into a string.
    # Be permissive about errors and keep whitespace when there are no
    # attributes are to be removed.
    from Dictlist import dictlist2str, str2dictlist

        dl = str2dictlist([], val)
        if argexpand.quote != Expand.quote_aap:
            use_val = 0
            use_val = 1
            for d in dl:
                if len(d.keys()) > 1:
                    use_val = 0
        if use_val:
            res = val
            res = dictlist2str(dl, argexpand)
    except UserError, e:
        res = val           # ignore the error, return unexpanded
        if not argexpand.skip_errors:
            from Work import getrpstack
            msg_warning(recdict, (_('Error expanding "%s": ') % val) + str(e),
                                        rpstack = getrpstack(recdict, line_nr))

    return res

def expand_item(item, argexpand, key = "name"):
    """Expand one "item" (one entry of a variable converted to a dictlist),
    according to "argexpand"."""
    res = expand_itemstr(item[key], argexpand)
    if argexpand.attr:
        from Dictlist import dictlistattr2str
        res = res + dictlistattr2str(item)
    return res

def expand_itemstr(str, argexpand):
    """Expand the string value of an item accoding to "argexpand"."""
    if argexpand.quote == Expand.quote_shell:
        if os.name == "posix":
            # On Unix a mix of double and single quotes works well
            # Also escape characters that have a special meaning.
            from Dictlist import listitem2str
            res = listitem2str(str, ' \t&;|$<>', '&;|')
            # On MS-Windows double quotes works well
            res = double_quote(str)
        if argexpand.quote == Expand.quote_none:
            res = str
        elif argexpand.quote == Expand.quote_aap:
            from Dictlist import listitem2str
            res = listitem2str(str)
        elif argexpand.quote == Expand.quote_double:
            res = double_quote(str)
            res = bs_quote(str)
    return res

def has_wildcard(s):
    Return non-zero when "s" contains '*', '?' or '[abc]'.
    return re.search("[*?[]", s) != None

def expand_unescape(s):
    Remove wildcard escaping from "s".
    Currenly only changes "[*]" things to "*".
    # Be quick when nothing to be done.
    ni = string.find(s, '[')
    if ni < 0:
        return s

    res = ""
    i = 0
    while 1:
        res = res + s[i:ni]
        if s[ni + 2] == ']':
            res = res + s[ni + 1]
            i = ni + 3
            res = res + '['
            i = ni + 1
        if i >= len(s):
        ni = string.find(s, '[', i)
        if ni < 0 or ni + 2 >= len(s):
            return res + s[i:]

    return res

def oct2int(s):
    """convert string "s", which is an octal number, to an int.  Isn't there a
    standard Python function for this?"""
    v = 0
    for c in s:
        if not c in string.octdigits:
            raise UserError, _('non-octal chacacter encountered in "%s"') % s
        v = v * 8 + int(c)
    return v

def full_fname(name):
    """Make a full, uniform file name out of "name".  Used to be able to
       compare filenames with "./" and "../" things in them, also after
       changing directories."""
    res = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(name))
    if os.name == "posix":
        return res
    return fname_fold(res)

def fname_fold(name):
    Turn a file name into a uniform format: on non-Unix systems change
    backslashes to slashes and make all characters lowercase.  Cannot use
    os.path.normcase() and os.path.normpath() here, they change slashes to
    backslashes on MS-Windows.
    if os.name == "posix":
        return name
    return string.replace(string.lower(name), '\\', '/')

def fname_equal(one, two):
    Return non-zero when "one" and "two" are the same file (or directory).
    if os.name == "posix":
        # Use samefile() to detect symbolic links.  But this only works for
        # existing files, thus compare the names if it fails.  And it's not
        # supported on all systems.
            r = os.path.samefile(one, two)
            r = 0
        if r:
            return r
    return fname_fold(one) == fname_fold(two)

def fname_fold_same():
    """Return if fname_fold() always returns a file name unmodified."""
    return os.name == "posix"

def path_join(first, second):
    """Special version of os.path.join() that uses the path separator that is
       being used already."""
    c = os.sep
    if string.find(first, '/') >= 0 and os.sep == '\\':
        os.sep = '/'
    ret = os.path.join(first, second)
    os.sep = c
    return ret

def shorten_name(name, dir = None):
    """Shorten a file name when it's relative to directory "dir".
       If "dir" is not given, use the current directory.
       Prefers using "../" when part of "dir" matches.
       Also handles backslashes on non-posix systems"""
    from Remote import is_url
    if is_url(name):
        return name         # can't shorten a URL

    adir = dir
    if adir is None:
        adir = os.getcwd()
    dir_len = len(adir)
    c = adir[dir_len - 1]
    if c != '/' and c != '\\':
        adir = adir + os.sep      # make sure "adir" ends in a slash
        dir_len = dir_len + 1

    # Skip over the path components that are equal
    name_len = len(name)
    i = 0
    slash = -1
    while i < dir_len and i < name_len:
        if os.name == "posix":
            if adir[i] != name[i]:
            if adir[i] == '/':
                slash = i
            if ((adir[i] == '/' or adir[i] == '\\')
                    and (name[i] == '/' or name[i] == '\\')):
                slash = i
            elif string.lower(adir[i]) != string.lower(name[i]):
        i = i + 1

    # For a full match and "name" is a directory pretend "name" ends in a
    # slash.
    if (i == name_len
            and name_len > 0
            and i < dir_len
            and (adir[i] == '/' or adir[i] == '\\')
            and name[-1] != '/'
            and name[-1] != '\\'
            and os.path.isdir(name)):
        slash = i
        i = i + 1

    # If nothing is equal, return the full name
    if slash <= 0:
        return name

    # For a full match with "adir" return the name without it.
    if i == dir_len:
        return name[dir_len:]

    # Insert "../" for the components in "adir" that are not equal.
    # Example: name   = "/foo/bdir/foo.o"
    #          adir   = "/foo/test"
    #          result = "../bdir/foo.o"
    back = ''
    while i < dir_len:
        if adir[i] == '/' or adir[i] == '\\':
            back = back + ".." + os.sep
        i = i + 1

    # Don't include a trailing slash when "name" is part of "adir".
    if slash + 1 >= name_len and back:
        return back[:-1]

    return back + name[slash + 1:]

def display_name(name):
    """Change a file name into a form suitable for displaying:
            fname.txt (/path/dir/) """
    absname = full_fname(name)
    return os.path.basename(absname) + "  (" + os.path.dirname(absname) + ")"

def shorten_dictlist(dictlist):
    """Shorten a dictlist to the current directory.  Returns a copy of the
       dictlist with identical attributes and shortened names."""
    adir = os.getcwd()
    newlist = []
    for item in dictlist:
        new_item = {}
        for k in item.keys():
            if k == "name":
                if item.has_key("_node") and k == "name":
                    new_item[k] = shorten_name(item["_node"].get_name(), adir)
                    new_item[k] = shorten_name(item[k], adir)
                new_item[k] = item[k]
    return newlist

def aap_checkdir(rpstack, recdict, fname):
    """Make sure the directory for file "fname" exists."""
    dirname = os.path.dirname(fname)
    if dirname:
        assert_dir(rpstack, recdict, dirname)

def assert_dir(rpstack, recdict, dirname):
    """Make sure the directory "dirname" exists."""
    if not os.path.exists(dirname):
        msg_info(recdict, _('Creating directory "%s"') % dirname)
        except StandardError, e:
            from Process import recipe_error
            recipe_error(rpstack, (_('Cannot create directory "%s": ')
                                                           % dirname) + str(e))
    elif not os.path.isdir(dirname):
        from Process import recipe_error
        recipe_error(rpstack, _('"%s" exists but is not a directory') % dirname)

def dir_contents(dir, recurse = 0, join = 1):
    """Return a list with the contents of directory "dir".  Takes care not to
       expand wildcards in "dir".
       When "recurse" is non-zero, recursively get contents of directories.
       When "join" is zero, don't join "dir" to the resulting list.
       Raises an Exception when something is wrong."""
    cwd = os.getcwd()
        # Get contents of "dir".
        alist = glob.glob("*")
        if os.name == "posix":
            alist = alist + glob.glob(".*")

        # When recursive, get contents of each directory in "dir".
        if recurse:
            newlist = []
            for item in alist:
                if os.path.isdir(item):
                    newlist.extend(dir_contents(item, 1))
            alist = newlist

    if join:
        newlist = []
        for l in alist:
            newlist.append(os.path.join(dir, l))
        return newlist

    return alist

def deltree(dir):
    Recursively delete a directory or a file.  But for a symlink delete the
    link itself, not a directory it's pointing to.
    if os.path.isdir(dir) and not isalink(dir):
        for f in dir_contents(dir):

def isalink(fname):
    Version of os os.readlink() that returns False on non-Unix systems.
    islink = 0
        islink = os.readlink(fname)
        # Ignore errors, doesn't work on non-Unix systems.
    return islink

def date2secs(str):
    """Convert a string like "12 days" to a number of seconds."""
    str_len = len(str)
    i = 0
    while i < str_len:
        if not str[i] in string.digits:
        i = i + 1
    if i == 0:
        raise UserError, _('Must start with a number: "%s"') % str
    nr = int(str[:i])
    i = skip_white(str, i)
    if str[i:] == "day":
        return nr * 24 * 60 * 60
    if str[i:] == "hour":
        return nr * 60 * 60
    if str[i:] == "min":
        return nr * 60
    if str[i:] == "sec":
        return nr
    raise UserError, _('Must have day, hour, min or sec: "%s"') % str

def dictlist_sameentries(one, two):
    Compare the entries in dictlists "one" and "two" and return non-zero if
    they contain the same entries.  Only checks the "name" of the entries and
    ignores the order.
    if len(one) != len(two):
        return 0

    for o in one:
        found = 0
        for t in two:
            if o["name"] == t["name"]:
                found = 1
        if not found:
            return 0

    return 1

def cflags_normal():
    Return $OPTIMIZE and $DEBUG in a form that works for most C compilers.
    recdict = Global.globals

    opt = get_var_val(0, recdict, "_no", "OPTIMIZE")
    if opt:
        if opt == "size":
            opt = 's'
                opt = int(opt)
                            _("OPTIMIZE must be 'size' or a number: %s") % opt)
                opt = 0
            if opt > 0:
                opt = "%d" % opt
                opt = None

    dbg = get_var_val(0, recdict, "_no", "DEBUG")
    if dbg == "no":
        dbg = None

    if opt and dbg:
        # TODO: check if the compiler accepts both arguments
        res = "-O%s -g" % opt
    elif opt:
        res = "-O%s" % opt
    elif dbg:
        res = "-g"
        res = ''
    return res

def get_sys_option(cmd):
    """Check for system command options.  Ignore anything that is not a valid
       Return the remaining command and a dictionary of the options."""
    from Dictlist import parse_attr

    cmd_len = len(cmd)
    idx = 0
    adict = {}
    while 1:
        idx = skip_white(cmd, idx)
        if idx >= cmd_len or cmd[idx] != '{':
            name, val, idx = parse_attr([], cmd, idx)
        except UserError:
            # An error probably means the shell command starts with "{".
            name = None

        if name == 'q' or name == 'quiet':
            adict['quiet'] = val
        elif name == 'i' or name == 'interactive':
            adict['interactive'] = val
        elif name == 'l' or name == 'log':
            adict['log'] = val
        elif name == 'f' or name == 'force':
            adict['force'] = val

    return cmd[idx:], adict

def logged_system(recdict, cmd):
    """Execute a system command.
       Display the command and log the output.
       Returns the return value of os.system()."""

    # Redirect the output of each line to a file.
    # Don't do this for lines that contain redirection themselves.
    # TODO: make this work on non-Posix systems.
    tmpfilex = ''
    if msg_logname():
        from RecPython import tempfname
        tmpfile = tempfname()
        if os.name == "posix":
            tmpfilex = tempfname()
        tmpfile = None

    newcmd = ''
    append = ""
    for line in string.split(cmd, '\n'):
        if not line:
            continue    # skip empty lines
        rest, adict = get_sys_option(line)
        if adict.get("quiet"):
            msg_log(recdict, line)
            msg_system(recdict, line)
        if adict.get("interactive"):
            newcmd = newcmd + rest + '\n'
        elif adict.get("log") or Global.sys_cmd_log:
            rd = ">"
            if not tmpfile:         # not logging, throw it in the bit bucket
                of = "/dev/null"
                of = tmpfile        # write or append to the logfile
                if append:
                    rd = ">>"
            if os.name == "posix":
                # The extra "2>&1" just after the command is unexpectedly
                # needed to redirect stderr, otherwise it's echoed.
                newcmd = newcmd + ("{ %s 2>&1; echo $? > %s; } 2>&1 %s%s\n"
                                                    % (rest, tmpfilex, rd, of))
                if of == "/dev/null":
                    newcmd = newcmd + ("%s\n" % (rest))
                    newcmd = newcmd + ("%s %s%s\n" % (rest, rd, of))
            append = "-a "          # append next command output
        elif tmpfile and string.find(rest, '>') < 0:
            if os.name == "posix":
                newcmd = newcmd + ("{ %s; echo $? > %s; } 2>&1 | tee %s%s\n"
                                           % (rest, tmpfilex, append, tmpfile))
                rd = ">"
                if append:
                    rd = ">>"
                newcmd = newcmd + ("%s %s%s\n" % (rest, rd, tmpfile))
            append = "-a "          # append next command output
            newcmd = newcmd + rest + '\n'

        if os.name == "posix":
            res = os.system(newcmd)
            # system() on MS-Windows can handle only one command at a time and
            # must not end in a NL.  Do the same on other non-Unix systems for
            # now.
            # TODO: system() isn't available on the Mac
            # TODO: system() always returns zero for Windows 9x
            for line in string.split(newcmd, '\n'):
                if line:        # skip empty lines
                    if osname() == "mswin":
                        # Hack: os.system() doesn't always handle command names
                        # with a space in them or with double quotes.  Write
                        # the command in a batch file and execute it.
                        tmpbat = tempfname() + ".bat"
                        f = open(tmpbat, "w")
                        f.write("@echo off\r\n")
                        f.write(line + "\r\n")
                        line = tmpbat

                        res = os.system(line)
                        if osname() == "mswin":

                    if res:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        msg_info(recdict, _("Interrupted"))
        res = 1

    if tmpfile:
        # Read the file that contains the exit status of the executed command.
        # "res" could be the exit status of "tee".
        if os.name == "posix":
            rr = '0'
                f = open(tmpfilex)
                rr = f.read(10)

            # Be prepared for strange results: Only use the number at the start
            # of the file.  Avoids crashing here.
            rr = re.sub("^(\\d*)(.|\\s)*", "\\1", rr)
            if rr and rr != '0':
                res = int(rr)
                if res == 0:
                    res = 1

        # Append the output to the logfile.
            f = open(tmpfile)
            text = f.read()
            text = ''
        if text:
            if Global.sys_cmd_log:
                Global.sys_cmd_log = Global.sys_cmd_log + text
                msg_log(recdict, text)
                if os.name != "posix" or sys.stdout != sys.__stdout__:
                    # No "tee" command or stdout is going somehwere else, echo
                    # the system command output.
                    print text

        # Always delete the temp files
        if tmpfilex:

    return res

def redir_system_int(recdict, cmd, use_tee = 1):
    """Execute "cmd" with the shell and catch the output.
       Returns two things: a number (non-zero for success) and the output of
       the command.  The caller may want to use msg_log() for the text.
    from RecPython import tempfname
    msg_system(recdict, cmd)

    tmpfile = tempfname()
    if os.name == "posix":
        tmpexit = tempfname()
        if use_tee:
            cmd = "{ %s; echo $? > %s; } 2>&1 | tee %s" % (cmd, tmpexit, tmpfile)
            cmd = "{ %s; echo $? > %s; } 2>&1 > %s" % (cmd, tmpexit, tmpfile)
        if '>' in cmd:
            # Redirecting output of a command that redirects output itself only
            # works for stderr, but that is not available on MS-Windows.
            # Leave the temp file empty.
            # TODO: copy the redirected output to tmpfile?
            tmpfile = ''
            cmd = "%s > %s" % (cmd, tmpfile)
        tmpexit = ''

            ok = (os.system(cmd) == 0)
        except StandardError, e:
            msg_note(recdict, (_('Executing "%s" failed: ') % cmd) + str(e))
            ok = 0
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            msg_note(recdict, _('Executing "%s" interrupted') % cmd)
            ok = 0

        if tmpexit:
            rr = '0'
                f = open(tmpexit)
                rr = f.read(1)[0]
            if rr != '0':
                ok = 0

        # Read the output of the command, also when it failed (might explain
        # why it failed).
        text = ''
        if tmpfile:
                f = open(tmpfile)
                text = f.read()
            except StandardError, e:
                         (_('Reading output of "%s" failed: ') % cmd) + str(e))
                ok = 0

    # always remove the tempfiles, even when system() failed.
        if tmpexit:
        if tmpfile:

    return ok, text

def async_system(rpstack, recdict, cmd):
    """Run command "cmd" with the shell, without waiting for it to finish."""
    cmd, adict = get_sys_option(cmd)
    if not adict.get("quiet"):
        msg_system(recdict, cmd)
        if os.name == "posix":
            # Unix: use fork/exec
            if not os.fork():
                n = os.system(cmd)
            shell = get_shell_name()
            os.spawnv(os.P_DETACH, shell, [ "/c", cmd ])
    except StandardError, e:
        from Process import recipe_error
        recipe_error(rpstack, (_('Could not execute "%s": ') % cmd) + str(e))

def get_shell_name():
    """Get the name of the shell to use (either command.com or cmd.exe)."""
    if os.environ.has_key("SHELL"):
        shell = os.environ["SHELL"]
    elif os.environ.has_key("COMSPEC"):
        shell = os.environ["COMSPEC"]
        from RecPython import program_path
        shell = program_path("cmd.exe")
        if not shell:
            shell = program_path("command.com")
    return shell

def get_progname(recdict, varname, progname, args):
    Get the program name from variable "varname".  If it doesn't exist search
    for program "progname" and use arguments "arg".
    n = get_var_val(0, recdict, "_no", varname)
    if not n:
        # Use program_path() so that programs in the "aap" directory are also
        # found (useful for automatically installed packages).
        from RecPython import program_path

        n = program_path(progname)
        if not n:
            n = progname        # not found, use the default.
        n = n + args
    return n

def assert_aap_dir(recdict):
    """Create the "AAPDIR" directory if it doesn't exist yet.
       Return non-zero if it exists or could be created."""
    if not os.path.exists(Global.aap_dirname):
        except StandardError, e:
            msg_error(recdict, (_('Warning: Could not create "%s" directory: ')
                                                % Global.aap_dirname) + str(e))
            return 0
    return 1

def in_aap_dir(fname):
    """Return the path of file "fname" in the aap directory."""
    return os.path.join(Global.aap_dirname, fname)

def skip_commands():
    """Return non-zero when build commands are to be skipped: -n and/or -t
       command line argument.  But don't skip when force_build was set."""
    return (not Global.force_build
            and (Global.cmd_args.options.get("touch")
                or Global.cmd_args.options.get("nobuild")))

def home_dir():
    """Return a directory to read/write files specifically for the current
       user, E.g., ~/.aap."""
    if os.name == "posix":
        return os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".aap"))

    if os.environ.get("HOME"):
        # Use $HOME/aap.
        return os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"), "aap")

    if os.environ.get("HOMEDRIVE"):
        # Use $HOMEDRIVE/HOMEPATH/aap.
        h = os.environ.get("HOMEDRIVE")
        if os.environ.get("HOMEPATH"):
            h = os.path.join(h, os.environ.get("HOMEPATH"))
            h = h + os.sep
        return os.path.join(h, "aap")

    if os.path.isdir("c:/"):
        # Use C:/aap
        return "c:/aap"

    # Nothing found...
    return ""

def default_dirs(recdict, homedirfirst = 0):
    Return a list of directories to look for recipes.
    When "homedirfirst" is set put the home dir before a global dir.
    "recdict" is used to obtain $AAPSYSDIR.  When this variable doesn't exist
    fall back to the default directory (for filetype detection).
    from Dictlist import str2dictlist
    aapsysdir = get_var_val_int(recdict, "AAPSYSDIR")
    if aapsysdir is None and os.path.isdir("/usr/local/share/aap"):
        aapsysdir = "/usr/local/share/aap"
    if aapsysdir:
        dirs = map(lambda x: x["name"], str2dictlist([], aapsysdir))
        dirs = []

    homedir = home_dir()
    if homedir:
        if homedirfirst:
            return [ homedir ] + dirs
        return dirs + [ homedir ]

    return dirs

def get_import_dirs(recdict):
    Return the list of directories from which modules and tools are to be
    imported.   Without the "modules" or "tools" sub-directory name.
    dirs = default_dirs(recdict, homedirfirst = 1)
    return dirs

def goto_dir(recdict, dir):
    """Change to directory "dir" and give a message about it."""
    if dir != os.getcwd():
        # Note: This message is not translated, so that a parser for the
        # messages isn't confused by various languages.
        msg_changedir(recdict, os.getcwd())

# Compiling a regexp is slow.  This cache keeps the result.
compiled_re = {}

def cre_match(regexp, text):
    """Call re.match while caching the compiled regexp."""
    if compiled_re.has_key(regexp):
        cre = compiled_re[regexp]
        cre = re.compile(regexp)
        compiled_re[regexp] = cre
    return cre.match(text)

def cre_search(regexp, text):
    """Call re.search while caching the compiled regexp."""
    if compiled_re.has_key(regexp):
        cre = compiled_re[regexp]
        cre = re.compile(regexp)
        compiled_re[regexp] = cre
    return cre.search(text)

def osname():
    Return the os.name in a slightly modified way.
    Returns "mswin" for all kinds of MS-Windows.
    Returns "posix" for all kinds of Unix.
    if os.name == "nt" or os.name == "win32":
        return "mswin"
    return os.name

asroot_in = None
asroot_out = None
asroot_err = None

def do_as_root(recdict, rpstack, cmd):
    Open a connection to a su-shell to execute commands under root
    Return 1 for success, zero if failure was detected, 2 if the user refused
    to execute the command.
    global asroot_out, asroot_in, asroot_err
    import popenerr
    import select

    # Ask the user if he really wants to execute this command as root.
    # TODO: replace unprintable characters.
    msg_info(recdict, _('Directory: "%s"') % os.getcwd())
    msg_info(recdict, _('Command: "%s"') % cmd)
    r = raw_input(_("Execute as root? y(es)/n(o)/a(bort) "))
    if not r or (r[0] != 'y' and r[0] != 'Y'):
        if r and (r[0] == 'a' or r[0] == 'A'):
            from Process import recipe_error
            recipe_error(rpstack, _("Command aborted"))
        # Skipping a command is not equal to failure.
        msg_info(recdict, _("Command not executed"))
        return 2

    if asroot_out is None and asroot_in is None:
        # Run the shell and get the input and output files.
        msg_info(recdict, _("Starting a separate shell to execute commands as root."))
        msg_info(recdict, _("For safety you will be asked to confirm each command passed to the shell."))
        msg_info(recdict, _("Please enter the root password:"))
        asroot_out, asroot_in, asroot_err = popenerr.popen3('su root -c %s'
                           % os.path.join(Global.aap_rootdir, "RootShell.py"))
        # Loop until logging in has been done.
        if asroot_err:
            fdlist = [asroot_out, asroot_err]
            fdlist = [asroot_out]
            while 1:
                # Read both from stdout and stderr until RootShell has been
                # started.  "su" may write to stderr.
                inp, outp, exc = select.select(fdlist, [], [])
                m = inp[0].readline()
                if not m:
                    from Process import recipe_error
                    recipe_error(rpstack, _('Starting super-user shell failed'))
                if string.find(m, "RootShell ready") >= 0:
                    msg_info(recdict, _("super-user shell started"))
                msg_info(recdict, m)
        except StandardError, e:
            from Process import recipe_error
            recipe_error(rpstack, _('Error while opening root shell: ') + str(e))

    if asroot_out is None or asroot_in is None:
        from Process import recipe_error
        recipe_error(rpstack, _('Failed to start a root shell'))

    # Send the directory and the command to the root shell.
    asroot_in.write('C' + os.getcwd() + '\n')
    asroot_in.write('X' + cmd + '\n')

    # Loop until the root shell did its work.  Echo messages.
    # Read one character at a time, otherwise a prompt may not be displayed.
    m = ''
    while 1:
            c = asroot_out.read(1)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            msg_error(recdict, 'Executing interrupted for "%s"' % cmd)
            return 0
        if not c:
            msg_error(recdict, 'Executing aborted for "%s"' % cmd)
            return 0

        if c == '\n':
            if m[:13] == "RootShell: OK":
                return 1
            if m[:9] == "RootShell":
                msg_extra(recdict, m)
                return 0
            # Don't echo here, the write() above already did it.
            msg_info({"MESSAGE" : ''}, m)
            m = ''
            m = m + c

    return 0

def close_rootshell(recdict):
    """Close the root shell."""
    if asroot_in:
        except StandardError, e:
            msg_info(recdict, 'Could not close root shell: %s' % str(e))
            msg_info(recdict, 'Closed root shell.')

def _close_rootshell_fds():
    global asroot_out, asroot_in, asroot_err
    asroot_in = None
    asroot_out = None
        asroot_err.close()      # see openerr.py why this fails
    asroot_err = None

def try_delete(fname):
    Try to delete a file, ignore failure.

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