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You might first want to read the tutorial for a few examples of using variants.
Here is an example how build variants can be specified. This will be used to explain how it works.
:variant Opt some OPTIMIZE = 2 much OPTIMIZE = 6 * OPTIMIZE = 1
"Opt" is the name of a variable. It is used to select one of the variants. Each possible value is listed in the following line and further lines with the same indent. In the example these are "some" and "much". "*" is used to accept any value, it must be the last one. The first value mentioned is the default when the variable isn't set.
You can now start Aap with various arguments to specify the kind of optimizing you want to use:
aap Opt=some
will set OPTIMIZE
to 2
aap Opt=much
will set OPTIMIZE
to 6
aap Opt=other
will set OPTIMIZE
to 1
will set OPTIMIZE
to 2
Note that when "Opt" is not given a value the first entry is used, resulting
being set to 2. But when it is set to a value that
isn't mentioned the last entry "*" is used.
variable will be adjusted for the variant used. CAREFUL:
this means that using $BDIR
:variant commands will use a
different value, that might not always be what you want.
Inside the
:variant command the value of $BDIR
has already been
When a target that is being build starts with $BDIR
doesn't exist, it is created. (Actually, this happens when
an item in the path is "build" or starts with "build-".
is relative to the recipe. When using ":child dir/main.aap"
the child recipe will use a different build directory dir/$BDIR
Note that when building the same source file twice from recipes that are in
different directories, you will get two results. Best is to always build a
target from the same recipe (that makes it easier to understand the
recipe anyway).
This continues the last example of the tutorial.
We happen to know that the main.c file does not depend on the GUI used. With the recipe above it will nevertheless be compiled again for every GUI version. Although this is a small thing in this example, in a bigger project it becomes more important to skip compilation when it is not needed. Here is the modified recipe:
1 Source = main.c version.c gui.c 2 3 :variant Build 4 release 5 OPTIMIZE = 4 6 Target = myprog 7 debug 8 DEBUG = yes 9 Target = myprogd 10 11 :attr {var_DEFINE = $DEFINE} {var_BDIR = $BDIR} main.c 12 13 Gui ?= motif 14 :variant Gui 15 console 16 motif 17 Source += motif.c 18 gtk 19 Source += gtk.c 20 21 DEFINE += -DGUI=$Gui 22 23 :program $Target : $Source
The only new line is line 11. The "main.c" file is given two extra
attributes: var_DEFINE
and var_BDIR
. What happens is
that when "main.c" is being build, Aap will check for attributes of this
source file that start with "var_". The values will be used to set variables
with the following name to the value of the attribute. Thus
gets the value of var_DEFINE
. This means that
the variable is overruled by the attribute while building "main.c".
The var_BDIR
attribute is set to "$BDIR" before the second
command. It does not yet have the selected GUI
appended there. The list of directories used is now:
directory | contains files |
build-SYS-release | main |
build-SYS-debug | main |
build-SYS-release-console | version, gui |
build-SYS-debug-console | version, gui |
build-SYS-release-motif | version, gui, motif |
build-SYS-debug-motif | version, gui, motif |
build-SYS-release-gtk | version, gui, gtk |
build-SYS-debug-gtk | version, gui, gtk |
If you want to build all the variants that are possible, use a few lines of Python code. Here is an example:
1 :variant license 2 trial 3 DEFINE += -DTRIAL 4 demo 5 DEFINE += -DDEMO 6 full 7 DEFINE += -DFULL 8 9 :variant language 10 chinese 11 DEFINE += -DCHINESE 12 bulgarian 13 DEFINE += -DBULGARIAN 14 * 15 DEFINE += -DENGLISH 16 17 build: 18 :print Building with $license license for language $language. 19 :print DEFINE=$DEFINE 10 21 all: 22 @for a in ['trial', 'demo', 'full']: #license 23 @ for c in ['chinese', 'bulgarian', 'english']: #language 24 :execute main.aap build license=$a language=$c
Invoking Aap without arguments builds the "all" target, which loops over all possible variants and invokes the :execute command with the "build" target. The reason to use the "build" target is that without it the "all" target would be built again and result in an endless loop.
This is the resulting output:
Building with trial license for language chinese.
Building with trial license for language bulgarian.
Building with trial license for language english.
Building with demo license for language chinese.
Building with demo license for language bulgarian.
Building with demo license for language english.
Building with full license for language chinese.
Building with full license for language bulgarian.
Building with full license for language english.