"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble." -- First Ammendment to the Constitution of the U.S. Hopefully the above statement works for disassembly as well :-). All code in ald was coded by myself, Patrick Alken, unless otherwise mentioned in the code/credits. I am releasing this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (see LICENSE). Should you choose to use and/or modify my source code in any way, please do so under the terms of this license, published by the Free Software Foundation, and please keep my name with the code. The Assembly Language Debugger is a tool for debugging programs at the instruction level. It was born out of my frustration with gdb's ability (or lack thereof) to debug assembly language programs. I have tried to include as many useful features as I could think of into ald, but I am very open to suggestions for improvement. If you have a feature request or suggestion, please do not hesitate to email me. DISTRIBUTION There is a webpage for ald at: http://ald.sourceforge.net You may download the latest ald release there. INSTALLATION Read the INSTALL file. BUGS PLEASE email me any bugs you find. I cannot fix bugs if no one reports them!! If you submit a bug, please supply as much information as you can - if you can reproduce the bug at will, please write down the steps you took. LEGAL STUFF There is absolutely NO WARRANTY for this package. The author will accept no responsibility, whatsoever, for any damage caused by this program. CREDITS Thanks to metawire.org for providing a free OpenBSD shell account for testing purposes. Thanks to Brad Spencer for providing a free NetBSD shell account for testing purposes. Enjoy, and happy assembling! Patrick Alken