help set options # test some declarations declare x as ptr to character declare x as func(w as ptr to char, y as int) ret ptr to int declare x as func(ptr to char) ret ptr to int declare x as func(int) ret ptr to int declare x as func(ptr to char, int) ret ptr to int declare x as function (args) returning pointer to int # test some explain functions explain char *x explain int *x() explain int *x(args) explain int *x(char *) explain int *x(char *, int ) explain int *x(char *, int, float) explain int *x(int ) # test some casts cast x into ptr to char cast x into ptr to func ret int cast x into ptr to func() ret int cast x into ptr to func(args) ret int cast x into ptr to func(x as ptr to char, y as int) ret int cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char) ret int cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char, int) ret int cast x into ptr to func(ptr to char, int, float) ret int # test explaining some casts explain (char *)x explain (int (*)())x explain (int (*)(char *))x explain (int (*)(char *, int))x explain (int (*)(char *, int, float))x