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(default = OFF) -A : turns OFF processing of expr calls. -b : add braces (see manual page for details) (default = OFF) -B : turns OFF processing of code with bind calls. -c : set further indent for continuations to n. default = 2 -C : generate proc specs for use by frink. default = OFF -d : remove braces in certain (safe) circumstances (default = OFF) -D : warn about dynamic names. default = OFF -e : produce "else". (default = OFF) -E : extract constant strings. The parameter is the locale for which the strings are currently written. If the -f flag is also used then only the constant strings that are rewritten will be output. Output goes to a file called ".msg". (default = OFF) -f : rewrite strings for msgcat (default = OFF) -F : selectively control heuristics. Currently the parameter is a single hex coded number with each bit representing a test. The values you need to know are: 00001 : var parameter testing 00002 : parameter number testing 00004 : parameter value testing 00008 : regexp parameter testing 00010 : return checks 00020 : check for : or ::: in names 00040 : expr checks 00080 : foreach var checking. 00100 : check for omitted parameters. 00200 : check switches on commands. 00400 : check for abbreviated options. 00800 : check for unusedness. 01000 : check for check for bad name choice. 02000 : check for array usage. 04000 : check for possible name errors. -g : indent switch cases. (default = OFF) -G : generate compiler style error messages (default = OFF) -h : print this message -H : turn on all heuristic tests and warnings. (default = OFF) -i : set indent for each level to n. default = 4 -I : Treate elseif and else the same way. (default = OFF) -j : remove non-essential blank lines. (default = OFF) -J : Just do checks, no output. (default = OFF) -k : remove non-essential braces. -K : specify file of extra code specs. -l : try for one-liners (not yet implemented) -m : minimise the code by removing redundant spacing. default = OFF -M : warn if there is no -- on a switch statement. default = OFF -n : do not generate tab characters (default = OFF) -N : do not put a newline out before elseif. (default = OFF) -o : obfuscate (not implemented yet) : default = OFF -O : Don't format lines starting with token "t" -p : If v is a number produce that many blank lines after each proc definition, otherwise produce whatever format the code indicates. No codes are defined yet..... (default = do nothing) -P : Turn off processing of "time" command (default = OFF) -q : Put spaces round conditions (default = OFF) -Q : warn about unquoted constants - not fully operational (default = OFF) -r : remove comments (default = OFF) -s : format according to style "c:" -S : Don't preserve end of line comments. default = OFF -t : set tabstops every n characters. default = 8 -T : produce "then". default = OFF -u : safe to remove brackets from elseif conds -U : hardline checking enabled (default = OFF) -v : put { } round variable names where appropriate. -V : the current version number -w : set line length. default = 80 -W : halt on Warnings as well as errors -x : produce "xf style" continuations -X : recognise tclX constructs -y : don't process -command code (default = OFF) -Y : try to process dynamic code (default = OFF) -z : put a single space before the \ character on continuations. -Z : control heuristics that are tested. -H turns on ALL tests) w%xWarning: bad value for -F flag ABCDE:F:GHIJK:LMNO:PQRSTUVWXYZ:abc:defghi:jklmnop:qrs:t:uvw:xyzousterrHOME/.frinkrc./.frinkrcset {{var 0x0017} {ctype? 0x0001}} global {{varlist 0x0150}} append {{var 0x0017} any args} break {{break}} continue {{break 0x1}} incr {{var 0x0017} {ctype? 0x0002}} time {script {ctype? 0x0002}} catch {script {?var 0x0013}} gets {any {?var 0x0011}} lappend {{var 0x0107} {ctype 0x0001} args} error {any ?any ?any block} exit {{ctype? 0x0002} block} while {{cond 0x06} code} for {seqn {cond 0x06} seqn code} uplevel {?level cmds} scan {{ctype 0x0001} {ctype 0x0001} {varlist 0x0001}} bind {{builtin 0x1}} common {{builtin 0x2}} constructor {{builtin 0x3}} destructor {{builtin 0x4}} expr {{builtin 0x6}} foreach {{builtin 0x7}} if {{builtin 0x8}} itcl_class {{builtin 0x0a}} loop {{builtin 0x0b}} method {{builtin 0x0c}} proc {{builtin 0x0e}} protected {{builtin 0x0f}} public {{builtin 0x10}} regexp {{builtin 0x13}} regsub {{builtin 0x0d}} return {{builtin 0x11}} switch {{builtin 0x12}} unset {{builtin 0x16}} upvar {{builtin 0x14}} variable {{builtin 0x15}} string {{| args {{option bytelength length} {ctype 0x0001}} {{option index repeat wordend wordstart} {ctype 0x0001} {ctype 0x0001}} {{option compare equal is} args} {{option first last map match} {ctype 0x0001} {ctype 0x0001} {ctype? 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