* Copyright (C) 2001-2005, Simon Kagstrom
* Filename: hash_table.c
* Description: The implementation of the hash table (MK2).
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* $Id: hash_table.c 15761 2007-07-15 06:08:52Z ska $
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */
#include <stdio.h> /* perror */
#include <errno.h> /* errno */
#include <string.h> /* memcmp */
#include <assert.h> /* assert */
#include "ght_hash_table.h"
#include "config.h"
/* Flags for the elements. This is currently unused. */
#define FLAGS_NONE 0 /* No flags */
#define FLAGS_NORMAL 0 /* Normal item. All user-inserted stuff is normal */
#define FLAGS_INTERNAL 1 /* The item is internal to the hash table */
/* Prototypes */
static inline void transpose(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_uint32_t l_bucket, ght_hash_entry_t *p_entry);
static inline void move_to_front(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_uint32_t l_bucket, ght_hash_entry_t *p_entry);
static inline void free_entry_chain(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_hash_entry_t *p_entry);
static inline ght_hash_entry_t *search_in_bucket(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_uint32_t l_bucket, ght_hash_key_t *p_key, unsigned char i_heuristics);
static inline void hk_fill(ght_hash_key_t *p_hk, int i_size, const void *p_key);
static inline ght_hash_entry_t *he_create(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, void *p_data, unsigned int i_key_size, const void *p_key_data);
static inline void he_finalize(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_hash_entry_t *p_he);
/* --- private methods --- */
/* Move p_entry one up in its list. */
static inline void transpose(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_uint32_t l_bucket, ght_hash_entry_t *p_entry)
* __ __ __ __
* |A_|->|X_|->|Y_|->|B_|
* /
* => p_entry
* __ __/ __ __
* |A_|->|Y_|->|X_|->|B_|
if (p_entry->p_prev) /* Otherwise p_entry is already first. */
ght_hash_entry_t *p_x = p_entry->p_prev;
ght_hash_entry_t *p_a = p_x?p_x->p_prev:NULL;
ght_hash_entry_t *p_b = p_entry->p_next;
if (p_a)
p_a->p_next = p_entry;
else /* This element is now placed first */
p_ht->pp_entries[l_bucket] = p_entry;
if (p_b)
p_b->p_prev = p_x;
if (p_x)
p_x->p_next = p_entry->p_next;
p_x->p_prev = p_entry;
p_entry->p_next = p_x;
p_entry->p_prev = p_a;
/* Move p_entry first */
static inline void move_to_front(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_uint32_t l_bucket, ght_hash_entry_t *p_entry)
* __ __ __
* |A_|->|B_|->|X_|
* /
* => p_entry
* __/ __ __
* |X_|->|A_|->|B_|
if (p_entry == p_ht->pp_entries[l_bucket])
/* Link p_entry out of the list. */
p_entry->p_prev->p_next = p_entry->p_next;
if (p_entry->p_next)
p_entry->p_next->p_prev = p_entry->p_prev;
/* Place p_entry first */
p_entry->p_next = p_ht->pp_entries[l_bucket];
p_entry->p_prev = NULL;
p_ht->pp_entries[l_bucket]->p_prev = p_entry;
p_ht->pp_entries[l_bucket] = p_entry;
static inline void remove_from_chain(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_uint32_t l_bucket, ght_hash_entry_t *p)
if (p->p_prev)
p->p_prev->p_next = p->p_next;
else /* first in list */
p_ht->pp_entries[l_bucket] = p->p_next;
if (p->p_next)
p->p_next->p_prev = p->p_prev;
if (p->p_older)
p->p_older->p_newer = p->p_newer;
else /* oldest */
p_ht->p_oldest = p->p_newer;
if (p->p_newer)
p->p_newer->p_older = p->p_older;
else /* newest */
p_ht->p_newest = p->p_older;
/* Search for an element in a bucket */
static inline ght_hash_entry_t *search_in_bucket(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_uint32_t l_bucket,
ght_hash_key_t *p_key, unsigned char i_heuristics)
ght_hash_entry_t *p_e;
for (p_e = p_ht->pp_entries[l_bucket];
p_e = p_e->p_next)
if ((p_e->key.i_size == p_key->i_size) &&
(memcmp(p_e->key.p_key, p_key->p_key, p_e->key.i_size) == 0))
/* Matching entry found - Apply heuristics, if any */
switch (i_heuristics)
move_to_front(p_ht, l_bucket, p_e);
transpose(p_ht, l_bucket, p_e);
return p_e;
return NULL;
/* Free a chain of entries (in a bucket) */
static inline void free_entry_chain(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_hash_entry_t *p_entry)
ght_hash_entry_t *p_e = p_entry;
ght_hash_entry_t *p_e_next = p_e->p_next;
he_finalize(p_ht, p_e);
p_e = p_e_next;
/* Fill in the data to a existing hash key */
static inline void hk_fill(ght_hash_key_t *p_hk, int i_size, const void *p_key)
p_hk->i_size = i_size;
p_hk->p_key = p_key;
/* Create an hash entry */
static inline ght_hash_entry_t *he_create(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, void *p_data,
unsigned int i_key_size, const void *p_key_data)
ght_hash_entry_t *p_he;
* An element like the following is allocated:
* elem->p_key
* / elem->p_key->p_key_data
* ____|___/________
* |elem|key|key data|
* |____|___|________|
* That is, the key and the key data is stored "inline" within the
* hash entry.
* This saves space since malloc only is called once and thus avoids
* some fragmentation. Thanks to Dru Lemley for this idea.
if ( !(p_he = (ght_hash_entry_t*)p_ht->fn_alloc (sizeof(ght_hash_entry_t)+i_key_size)) )
fprintf(stderr, "fn_alloc failed!\n");
return NULL;
p_he->p_data = p_data;
p_he->p_next = NULL;
p_he->p_prev = NULL;
p_he->p_older = NULL;
p_he->p_newer = NULL;
/* Create the key */
p_he->key.i_size = i_key_size;
memcpy(p_he+1, p_key_data, i_key_size);
p_he->key.p_key = (void*)(p_he+1);
return p_he;
/* Finalize (free) a hash entry */
static inline void he_finalize(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_hash_entry_t *p_he)
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
p_he->p_next = NULL;
p_he->p_prev = NULL;
p_he->p_older = NULL;
p_he->p_newer = NULL;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
/* Free the entry */
#if 0
/* Tried this to avoid recalculating hash values by caching
* them. Overhead larger than benefits.
static inline ght_uint32_t get_hash_value(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_hash_key_t *p_key)
int i;
if (p_key->i_size > sizeof(uint64_t))
return p_ht->fn_hash(p_key);
/* Lookup in the hash value cache */
for (i = 0; i < GHT_N_CACHED_HASH_KEYS; i++)
if ( p_key->i_size == p_ht->cached_keys[i].key.i_size &&
memcmp(p_key->p_key, p_ht->cached_keys[i].key.p_key, p_key->i_size) == 0)
return p_ht->cached_keys[i].hash_val;
p_ht->cur_cache_evict = (p_ht->cur_cache_evict + 1) % GHT_N_CACHED_HASH_KEYS;
p_ht->cached_keys[ p_ht->cur_cache_evict ].key = *p_key;
p_ht->cached_keys[ p_ht->cur_cache_evict ].hash_val = p_ht->fn_hash(p_key);
return p_ht->cached_keys[ p_ht->cur_cache_evict ].hash_val;
# define get_hash_value(p_ht, p_key) ( (p_ht)->fn_hash(p_key) )
/* --- Exported methods --- */
/* Create a new hash table */
ght_hash_table_t *ght_create(unsigned int i_size)
ght_hash_table_t *p_ht;
int i=1;
if ( !(p_ht = (ght_hash_table_t*)malloc (sizeof(ght_hash_table_t))) )
return NULL;
/* Set the size of the hash table to the nearest 2^i higher then i_size */
p_ht->i_size = 1;
while(p_ht->i_size < i_size)
p_ht->i_size = 1<<i++;
p_ht->i_size_mask = (1<<(i-1))-1; /* Mask to & with */
p_ht->i_items = 0;
p_ht->fn_hash = ght_one_at_a_time_hash;
/* Standard values for allocations */
p_ht->fn_alloc = malloc;
p_ht->fn_free = free;
/* Set flags */
p_ht->i_heuristics = GHT_HEURISTICS_NONE;
p_ht->i_automatic_rehash = FALSE;
p_ht->bucket_limit = 0;
p_ht->fn_bucket_free = NULL;
/* Create an empty bucket list. */
if ( !(p_ht->pp_entries = (ght_hash_entry_t**)malloc(p_ht->i_size*sizeof(ght_hash_entry_t*))) )
return NULL;
memset(p_ht->pp_entries, 0, p_ht->i_size*sizeof(ght_hash_entry_t*));
/* Initialise the number of entries in each bucket to zero */
if ( !(p_ht->p_nr = (int*)malloc(p_ht->i_size*sizeof(int))))
return NULL;
memset(p_ht->p_nr, 0, p_ht->i_size*sizeof(int));
p_ht->p_oldest = NULL;
p_ht->p_newest = NULL;
return p_ht;
/* Set the allocation/deallocation function to use */
void ght_set_alloc(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_fn_alloc_t fn_alloc, ght_fn_free_t fn_free)
p_ht->fn_alloc = fn_alloc;
p_ht->fn_free = fn_free;
/* Set the hash function to use */
void ght_set_hash(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_fn_hash_t fn_hash)
p_ht->fn_hash = fn_hash;
/* Set the heuristics to use. */
void ght_set_heuristics(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, int i_heuristics)
p_ht->i_heuristics = i_heuristics;
/* Set the rehashing status of the table. */
void ght_set_rehash(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, int b_rehash)
p_ht->i_automatic_rehash = b_rehash;
void ght_set_bounded_buckets(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, unsigned int limit, ght_fn_bucket_free_callback_t fn)
p_ht->bucket_limit = limit;
p_ht->fn_bucket_free = fn;
if (limit > 0 && fn == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "ght_set_bounded_buckets: The bucket callback function is NULL but the limit is %d\n", limit);
/* Get the number of items in the hash table */
unsigned int ght_size(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht)
return p_ht->i_items;
/* Get the size of the hash table */
unsigned int ght_table_size(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht)
return p_ht->i_size;
/* Insert an entry into the hash table */
int ght_insert(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht,
void *p_entry_data,
unsigned int i_key_size, const void *p_key_data)
ght_hash_entry_t *p_entry;
ght_uint32_t l_key;
ght_hash_key_t key;
hk_fill(&key, i_key_size, p_key_data);
l_key = get_hash_value(p_ht, &key) & p_ht->i_size_mask;
if (search_in_bucket(p_ht, l_key, &key, 0))
/* Don't insert if the key is already present. */
return -1;
if (!(p_entry = he_create(p_ht, p_entry_data,
i_key_size, p_key_data)))
return -2;
/* Rehash if the number of items inserted is too high. */
if (p_ht->i_automatic_rehash && p_ht->i_items > 2*p_ht->i_size)
ght_rehash(p_ht, 2*p_ht->i_size);
/* Recalculate l_key after ght_rehash has updated i_size_mask */
l_key = get_hash_value(p_ht, &key) & p_ht->i_size_mask;
/* Place the entry first in the list. */
p_entry->p_next = p_ht->pp_entries[l_key];
p_entry->p_prev = NULL;
if (p_ht->pp_entries[l_key])
p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]->p_prev = p_entry;
p_ht->pp_entries[l_key] = p_entry;
/* If this is a limited bucket hash table, potentially remove the last item */
if (p_ht->bucket_limit != 0 &&
p_ht->p_nr[l_key] >= p_ht->bucket_limit)
ght_hash_entry_t *p;
/* Loop through entries until the last
* FIXME: Better with a pointer to the last entry
for (p = p_ht->pp_entries[l_key];
p->p_next != NULL;
p = p->p_next);
assert(p && p->p_next == NULL);
remove_from_chain(p_ht, l_key, p); /* To allow it to be reinserted in fn_bucket_free */
p_ht->fn_bucket_free(p->p_data, p->key.p_key);
he_finalize(p_ht, p);
assert( p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]?p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]->p_prev == NULL:1 );
if (p_ht->p_oldest == NULL)
p_ht->p_oldest = p_entry;
p_entry->p_older = p_ht->p_newest;
if (p_ht->p_newest != NULL)
p_ht->p_newest->p_newer = p_entry;
p_ht->p_newest = p_entry;
return 0;
/* Get an entry from the hash table. The entry is returned, or NULL if it wasn't found */
void *ght_get(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht,
unsigned int i_key_size, const void *p_key_data)
ght_hash_entry_t *p_e;
ght_hash_key_t key;
ght_uint32_t l_key;
hk_fill(&key, i_key_size, p_key_data);
l_key = get_hash_value(p_ht, &key) & p_ht->i_size_mask;
/* Check that the first element in the list really is the first. */
assert( p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]?p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]->p_prev == NULL:1 );
/* LOCK: p_ht->pp_entries[l_key] */
p_e = search_in_bucket(p_ht, l_key, &key, p_ht->i_heuristics);
/* UNLOCK: p_ht->pp_entries[l_key] */
return (p_e?p_e->p_data:NULL);
/* Replace an entry from the hash table. The entry is returned, or NULL if it wasn't found */
void *ght_replace(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht,
void *p_entry_data,
unsigned int i_key_size, const void *p_key_data)
ght_hash_entry_t *p_e;
ght_hash_key_t key;
ght_uint32_t l_key;
void *p_old;
hk_fill(&key, i_key_size, p_key_data);
l_key = get_hash_value(p_ht, &key) & p_ht->i_size_mask;
/* Check that the first element in the list really is the first. */
assert( p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]?p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]->p_prev == NULL:1 );
/* LOCK: p_ht->pp_entries[l_key] */
p_e = search_in_bucket(p_ht, l_key, &key, p_ht->i_heuristics);
/* UNLOCK: p_ht->pp_entries[l_key] */
if ( !p_e )
return NULL;
p_old = p_e->p_data;
p_e->p_data = p_entry_data;
return p_old;
/* Remove an entry from the hash table. The removed entry, or NULL, is
returned (and NOT free'd). */
void *ght_remove(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht,
unsigned int i_key_size, const void *p_key_data)
ght_hash_entry_t *p_out;
ght_hash_key_t key;
ght_uint32_t l_key;
void *p_ret=NULL;
hk_fill(&key, i_key_size, p_key_data);
l_key = get_hash_value(p_ht, &key) & p_ht->i_size_mask;
/* Check that the first element really is the first */
assert( (p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]?p_ht->pp_entries[l_key]->p_prev == NULL:1) );
/* LOCK: p_ht->pp_entries[l_key] */
p_out = search_in_bucket(p_ht, l_key, &key, 0);
/* Link p_out out of the list. */
if (p_out)
remove_from_chain(p_ht, l_key, p_out);
/* This should ONLY be done for normal items (for now all items) */
/* UNLOCK: p_ht->pp_entries[l_key] */
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
p_out->p_next = NULL;
p_out->p_prev = NULL;
#endif /* NDEBUG */
p_ret = p_out->p_data;
he_finalize(p_ht, p_out);
/* else: UNLOCK: p_ht->pp_entries[l_key] */
return p_ret;
static inline void *first_keysize(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_iterator_t *p_iterator, const void **pp_key, unsigned int *size)
assert(p_ht && p_iterator);
/* Fill the iterator */
p_iterator->p_entry = p_ht->p_oldest;
if (p_iterator->p_entry)
p_iterator->p_next = p_iterator->p_entry->p_newer;
*pp_key = p_iterator->p_entry->key.p_key;
if (size != NULL)
*size = p_iterator->p_entry->key.i_size;
return p_iterator->p_entry->p_data;
p_iterator->p_next = NULL;
*pp_key = NULL;
if (size != NULL)
*size = 0;
return NULL;
/* Get the first entry in an iteration */
void *ght_first(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_iterator_t *p_iterator, const void **pp_key)
return first_keysize(p_ht, p_iterator, pp_key, NULL);
void *ght_first_keysize(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_iterator_t *p_iterator, const void **pp_key, unsigned int *size)
return first_keysize(p_ht, p_iterator, pp_key, size);
static inline void *next_keysize(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_iterator_t *p_iterator, const void **pp_key, unsigned int *size)
assert(p_ht && p_iterator);
if (p_iterator->p_next)
/* More entries */
p_iterator->p_entry = p_iterator->p_next;
p_iterator->p_next = p_iterator->p_next->p_newer;
*pp_key = p_iterator->p_entry->key.p_key;
if (size != NULL)
*size = p_iterator->p_entry->key.i_size;
return p_iterator->p_entry->p_data; /* We know that this is non-NULL */
/* Last entry */
p_iterator->p_entry = NULL;
p_iterator->p_next = NULL;
*pp_key = NULL;
if (size != NULL)
*size = 0;
return NULL;
/* Get the next entry in an iteration. You have to call ght_first
once initially before you use this function */
void *ght_next(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_iterator_t *p_iterator, const void **pp_key)
return next_keysize(p_ht, p_iterator, pp_key, NULL);
void *ght_next_keysize(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, ght_iterator_t *p_iterator, const void **pp_key, unsigned int *size)
return next_keysize(p_ht, p_iterator, pp_key, size);
/* Finalize (free) a hash table */
void ght_finalize(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht)
int i;
if (p_ht->pp_entries)
/* For each bucket, free all entries */
for (i=0; i<p_ht->i_size; i++)
free_entry_chain(p_ht, p_ht->pp_entries[i]);
p_ht->pp_entries[i] = NULL;
free (p_ht->pp_entries);
p_ht->pp_entries = NULL;
if (p_ht->p_nr)
free (p_ht->p_nr);
p_ht->p_nr = NULL;
free (p_ht);
/* Rehash the hash table (i.e. change its size and reinsert all
* items). This operation is slow and should not be used frequently.
void ght_rehash(ght_hash_table_t *p_ht, unsigned int i_size)
ght_hash_table_t *p_tmp;
ght_iterator_t iterator;
const void *p_key;
void *p;
int i;
/* Recreate the hash table with the new size */
p_tmp = ght_create(i_size);
/* Set the flags for the new hash table */
ght_set_hash(p_tmp, p_ht->fn_hash);
ght_set_alloc(p_tmp, p_ht->fn_alloc, p_ht->fn_free);
ght_set_heuristics(p_tmp, GHT_HEURISTICS_NONE);
ght_set_rehash(p_tmp, FALSE);
/* Walk through all elements in the table and insert them into the temporary one. */
for (p = ght_first(p_ht, &iterator, &p_key); p; p = ght_next(p_ht, &iterator, &p_key))
/* Insert the entry into the new table */
if (ght_insert(p_tmp,
iterator.p_entry->key.i_size, iterator.p_entry->key.p_key) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "hash_table.c ERROR: Out of memory error or entry already in hash table\n"
"when rehashing (internal error)\n");
/* Remove the old table... */
for (i=0; i<p_ht->i_size; i++)
if (p_ht->pp_entries[i])
/* Delete the entries in the bucket */
free_entry_chain (p_ht, p_ht->pp_entries[i]);
p_ht->pp_entries[i] = NULL;
free (p_ht->pp_entries);
free (p_ht->p_nr);
/* ... and replace it with the new */
p_ht->i_size = p_tmp->i_size;
p_ht->i_size_mask = p_tmp->i_size_mask;
p_ht->i_items = p_tmp->i_items;
p_ht->pp_entries = p_tmp->pp_entries;
p_ht->p_nr = p_tmp->p_nr;
p_ht->p_oldest = p_tmp->p_oldest;
p_ht->p_newest = p_tmp->p_newest;
/* Clean up */
p_tmp->pp_entries = NULL;
p_tmp->p_nr = NULL;
free (p_tmp);
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