/* sys.c, liboop, copyright 1999 Dan Egnor
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later.
See the file COPYING for details. */
#include "oop.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <string.h> /* Needed on NetBSD1.1/SPARC due to bzero/FD_ZERO. */
#include <strings.h> /* Needed on AIX 4.2 due to bzero/FD_ZERO. */
#define MAGIC 0x9643
struct sys_time {
struct sys_time *next;
struct timeval tv;
oop_call_time *f;
void *v;
struct sys_signal_handler {
struct sys_signal_handler *next;
oop_call_signal *f;
void *v;
struct sys_signal {
struct sys_signal_handler *list,*ptr;
struct sigaction old;
volatile sig_atomic_t active;
struct sys_file_handler {
oop_call_fd *f;
void *v;
typedef struct sys_file_handler sys_file[OOP_NUM_EVENTS];
struct oop_source_sys {
oop_source oop;
int magic;
int in_run;
int num_events;
/* Timeout queue */
struct sys_time *time_queue,*time_run;
/* Signal handling */
struct sys_signal sig[OOP_NUM_SIGNALS];
sigjmp_buf env;
int do_jmp,sig_active;
/* File descriptors */
int num_files;
sys_file *files;
struct oop_source_sys *sys_sig_owner[OOP_NUM_SIGNALS];
static oop_source_sys *verify_source(oop_source *source) {
oop_source_sys *sys = (oop_source_sys *) source;
assert(MAGIC == sys->magic && "corrupt oop_source structure");
return sys;
static void sys_on_fd(oop_source *source,int fd,oop_event ev,
oop_call_fd *f,void *v) {
oop_source_sys *sys = verify_source(source);
assert(NULL != f && "callback must be non-NULL");
if (fd >= sys->num_files) {
int i,j,num_files = 1 + fd;
sys_file *files = oop_malloc(num_files * sizeof(sys_file));
if (NULL == files) return; /* ugh */
memcpy(files,sys->files,sizeof(sys_file) * sys->num_files);
for (i = sys->num_files; i < num_files; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < OOP_NUM_EVENTS; ++j)
files[i][j].f = NULL;
if (NULL != sys->files) oop_free(sys->files);
sys->files = files;
sys->num_files = num_files;
assert(NULL == sys->files[fd][ev].f && "multiple handlers registered for a file event");
sys->files[fd][ev].f = f;
sys->files[fd][ev].v = v;
static void sys_cancel_fd(oop_source *source,int fd,oop_event ev) {
oop_source_sys *sys = verify_source(source);
if (fd < sys->num_files && NULL != sys->files[fd][ev].f) {
sys->files[fd][ev].f = NULL;
sys->files[fd][ev].v = NULL;
static void sys_on_time(oop_source *source,struct timeval tv,
oop_call_time *f,void *v) {
oop_source_sys *sys = verify_source(source);
struct sys_time **p = &sys->time_queue;
struct sys_time *time = oop_malloc(sizeof(struct sys_time));
assert(tv.tv_usec >= 0 && "tv_usec must be positive");
assert(tv.tv_usec < 1000000 && "tv_usec measures microseconds");
assert(NULL != f && "callback must be non-NULL");
if (NULL == time) return; /* ugh */
time->tv = tv;
time->f = f;
time->v = v;
while (NULL != *p
&& ((*p)->tv.tv_sec < tv.tv_sec
|| ((*p)->tv.tv_sec == tv.tv_sec
&& (*p)->tv.tv_usec <= tv.tv_usec))) p = &(*p)->next;
time->next = *p;
*p = time;
static int sys_remove_time(oop_source_sys *sys,
struct sys_time **p,struct timeval tv,
oop_call_time *f,void *v) {
while (NULL != *p
&& ((*p)->tv.tv_sec < tv.tv_sec
|| ((*p)->tv.tv_sec == tv.tv_sec
&& (*p)->tv.tv_usec < tv.tv_usec))) p = &(*p)->next;
while (NULL != *p
&& (*p)->tv.tv_sec == tv.tv_sec
&& (*p)->tv.tv_usec == tv.tv_usec
&& ((*p)->f != f || (*p)->v != v)) p = &(*p)->next;
if (NULL != *p
&& (*p)->tv.tv_sec == tv.tv_sec && (*p)->tv.tv_usec == tv.tv_usec) {
struct sys_time *time = *p;
assert(f == time->f);
assert(v == time->v);
*p = time->next;
return 1;
return 0;
static void sys_cancel_time(oop_source *source,struct timeval tv,
oop_call_time *f,void *v) {
oop_source_sys *sys = verify_source(source);
if (!sys_remove_time(sys,&sys->time_run,tv,f,v))
static void sys_signal_handler(int sig) {
oop_source_sys *sys = sys_sig_owner[sig];
struct sigaction act;
assert(NULL != sys);
/* Reset the handler, in case this is needed. */
act.sa_handler = sys_signal_handler;
assert(NULL != sys->sig[sig].list);
sys->sig[sig].active = 1;
sys->sig_active = 1;
/* Break out of select() loop, if necessary. */
if (sys->do_jmp) siglongjmp(sys->env,1);
static void sys_on_signal(oop_source *source,int sig,
oop_call_signal *f,void *v) {
oop_source_sys *sys = verify_source(source);
struct sys_signal_handler *handler = oop_malloc(sizeof(*handler));
assert(NULL != f && "callback must be non-NULL");
if (NULL == handler) return; /* ugh */
assert(sig > 0 && sig < OOP_NUM_SIGNALS && "invalid signal number");
handler->f = f;
handler->v = v;
handler->next = sys->sig[sig].list;
sys->sig[sig].list = handler;
if (NULL == handler->next) {
struct sigaction act;
assert(NULL == sys_sig_owner[sig]);
sys_sig_owner[sig] = sys;
assert(0 == sys->sig[sig].active);
sys->sig[sig].old = act;
act.sa_handler = sys_signal_handler;
#ifdef SA_NODEFER /* BSD/OS doesn't have this, for one. */
act.sa_flags &= ~SA_NODEFER;
static void sys_cancel_signal(oop_source *source,int sig,
oop_call_signal *f,void *v) {
oop_source_sys *sys = verify_source(source);
struct sys_signal_handler **pp = &sys->sig[sig].list;
assert(sig > 0 && sig < OOP_NUM_SIGNALS && "invalid signal number");
while (NULL != *pp && ((*pp)->f != f || (*pp)->v != v))
pp = &(*pp)->next;
if (NULL != *pp) {
struct sys_signal_handler *p = *pp;
if (NULL == p->next && &sys->sig[sig].list == pp) {
sys->sig[sig].active = 0;
sys_sig_owner[sig] = NULL;
*pp = p->next;
if (sys->sig[sig].ptr == p) sys->sig[sig].ptr = *pp;
oop_source_sys *oop_sys_new(void) {
oop_source_sys *source = oop_malloc(sizeof(oop_source_sys));
int i;
if (NULL == source) return NULL;
source->oop.on_fd = sys_on_fd;
source->oop.cancel_fd = sys_cancel_fd;
source->oop.on_time = sys_on_time;
source->oop.cancel_time = sys_cancel_time;
source->oop.on_signal = sys_on_signal;
source->oop.cancel_signal = sys_cancel_signal;
source->magic = MAGIC;
source->in_run = 0;
source->num_events = 0;
source->time_queue = source->time_run = NULL;
source->do_jmp = 0;
source->sig_active = 0;
for (i = 0; i < OOP_NUM_SIGNALS; ++i) {
source->sig[i].list = NULL;
source->sig[i].ptr = NULL;
source->sig[i].active = 0;
source->num_files = 0;
source->files = NULL;
return source;
static void *sys_time_run(oop_source_sys *sys) {
void *ret = OOP_CONTINUE;
while (OOP_CONTINUE == ret && NULL != sys->time_run) {
struct sys_time *p = sys->time_run;
sys->time_run = sys->time_run->next;
ret = p->f(&sys->oop,p->tv,p->v); /* reenter! */
return ret;
void *oop_sys_run(oop_source_sys *sys) {
void *ret = OOP_CONTINUE;
assert(!sys->in_run && "oop_sys_run is not reentrant");
while (0 != sys->num_events && OOP_CONTINUE == ret)
ret = oop_sys_run_once(sys);
return ret;
void *oop_sys_run_once(oop_source_sys *sys) {
void * volatile ret = OOP_CONTINUE;
struct timeval * volatile ptv = NULL;
struct timeval tv;
fd_set rfd,wfd,xfd;
int i,rv;
assert(!sys->in_run && "oop_sys_run_once is not reentrant");
sys->in_run = 1;
if (NULL != sys->time_run) {
/* interrupted, restart */
ptv = &tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
} else if (NULL != sys->time_queue) {
ptv = &tv;
if (sys->time_queue->tv.tv_usec < tv.tv_usec) {
tv.tv_usec -= 1000000;
tv.tv_sec ++;
tv.tv_sec = sys->time_queue->tv.tv_sec - tv.tv_sec;
tv.tv_usec = sys->time_queue->tv.tv_usec - tv.tv_usec;
if (tv.tv_sec < 0) {
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
if (!sys->sig_active) sys->do_jmp = !sigsetjmp(sys->env,1);
if (sys->sig_active) {
/* Still perform select(), but don't block. */
ptv = &tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
/* select() fails on FreeBSD with EINVAL if tv_sec > 1000000000.
The manual specifies the error code but not the limit. We limit
the select() timeout to one hour for portability. */
if (NULL != ptv && ptv->tv_sec >= 3600) ptv->tv_sec = 3599;
assert(NULL == ptv
|| (ptv->tv_sec >= 0 && ptv->tv_sec < 3600
&& ptv->tv_usec >= 0 && ptv->tv_usec < 1000000));
for (i = 0; i < sys->num_files; ++i) {
if (NULL != sys->files[i][OOP_READ].f) FD_SET(i,&rfd);
if (NULL != sys->files[i][OOP_WRITE].f) FD_SET(i,&wfd);
if (NULL != sys->files[i][OOP_EXCEPTION].f) FD_SET(i,&xfd);
rv = select(sys->num_files,&rfd,&wfd,&xfd,ptv);
while (0 > rv && EINTR == errno);
sys->do_jmp = 0;
if (0 > rv) { /* Error in select(). */
ret = OOP_ERROR;
goto done;
if (sys->sig_active) {
sys->sig_active = 0;
for (i = 0; OOP_CONTINUE == ret && i < OOP_NUM_SIGNALS; ++i) {
if (sys->sig[i].active) {
sys->sig[i].active = 0;
sys->sig[i].ptr = sys->sig[i].list;
while (OOP_CONTINUE == ret && NULL != sys->sig[i].ptr) {
struct sys_signal_handler *h;
h = sys->sig[i].ptr;
sys->sig[i].ptr = h->next;
ret = h->f(&sys->oop,i,h->v);
if (OOP_CONTINUE != ret) {
sys->sig_active = 1; /* come back */
goto done;
if (0 < rv) {
for (i = 0; OOP_CONTINUE == ret && i < sys->num_files; ++i)
if (FD_ISSET(i,&xfd)
&& NULL != sys->files[i][OOP_EXCEPTION].f)
ret = sys->files[i][OOP_EXCEPTION].f(
for (i = 0; OOP_CONTINUE == ret && i < sys->num_files; ++i)
if (FD_ISSET(i,&wfd)
&& NULL != sys->files[i][OOP_WRITE].f)
ret = sys->files[i][OOP_WRITE].f(
for (i = 0; OOP_CONTINUE == ret && i < sys->num_files; ++i)
if (FD_ISSET(i,&rfd)
&& NULL != sys->files[i][OOP_READ].f)
ret = sys->files[i][OOP_READ].f(
if (OOP_CONTINUE != ret) goto done;
/* Catch any leftover timeout events. */
ret = sys_time_run(sys);
if (OOP_CONTINUE != ret) goto done;
if (NULL != sys->time_queue) {
struct sys_time *p,**pp = &sys->time_queue;
while (NULL != *pp
&& (tv.tv_sec > (*pp)->tv.tv_sec
|| (tv.tv_sec == (*pp)->tv.tv_sec
&& tv.tv_usec >= (*pp)->tv.tv_usec)))
pp = &(*pp)->next;
p = *pp;
*pp = NULL;
sys->time_run = sys->time_queue;
sys->time_queue = p;
ret = sys_time_run(sys);
sys->in_run = 0;
return ret;
void oop_sys_delete(oop_source_sys *sys) {
int i,j;
assert(!sys->in_run && "cannot delete while in oop_sys_run");
assert(NULL == sys->time_queue
&& NULL == sys->time_run
&& "cannot delete with timeout");
for (i = 0; i < OOP_NUM_SIGNALS; ++i)
assert(NULL == sys->sig[i].list && "cannot delete with signal handler");
for (i = 0; i < sys->num_files; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < OOP_NUM_EVENTS; ++j)
assert(NULL == sys->files[i][j].f && "cannot delete with file handler");
assert(0 == sys->num_events);
if (NULL != sys->files) oop_free(sys->files);
oop_source *oop_sys_source(oop_source_sys *sys) {
assert(&sys->oop == (oop_source *) sys);
return &sys->oop;
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