#include <redblack.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

 * This script demonstrates the worst case scenario - entering
 * the data already in sequence. This program enters 200 numbers
 * in reverse sequence (200 to 0) and then prints them out in
 * the usual order. This would kill a regular tree algorithm.
 * This is the same as example1, except that the output is done
 * using rbwalk.

void *xmalloc(unsigned n)
	void *p;
	p = malloc(n);
	if(p) return p;
	fprintf(stderr, "insufficient memory\n");

int compare(const void *pa, const void *pb, const void *config)
	if(*(int *)pa < *(int *)pb) return -1;
	if(*(int *)pa > *(int *)pb) return 1;
	return 0;

int minleaf=-1;
int maxleaf=-1;

void walkact(const rbdata_t *p, const VISIT which, const int depth, void *msg)
	if (which == postorder || which == leaf) {
		printf("%s: %4d (depth=%2d)\n", (char *) msg, *(int *)p, depth);

	if (which == leaf) {
		if (minleaf==-1 || depth < minleaf)
		if (maxleaf==-1 || depth > maxleaf)

int main()
	int i, *ptr;
	const void *val;
	struct rbtree *rb;

	if ((rb=rbinit(compare, NULL))==NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "insufficient memory\n");

	for (i = 200; i > 0; i--)
		ptr = (int *)xmalloc(sizeof(int));
		*ptr = i;
		val = rbsearch((void *)ptr, rb);
		if(val == NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, "insufficient memory\n");

	rbwalk(rb, walkact, "No");

	printf("Minimum branch length: %d\n", minleaf);
	printf("Maximum branch length: %d\n", maxleaf);

	return 0;

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