(* $Id: ogenlex.mli,v 1.8 2000/04/16 12:39:25 garrigue Exp $ *) class c : string list -> object (* [new c keywords] creates a lexer using the keyword list. Output methods are inherited from Ostream.c *) val buffer : Obuffer.c val kwd_table : (string, Genlex.token) Ohashtbl.c val mutable s : Genlex.token Stream.t val mutable input : char Stream.t val mutable start : int val mutable stop : int method out : Genlex.token Stream.t (* the output stream of the lexer *) method iter : f:(Genlex.token -> unit) -> unit method next : Genlex.token method empty : unit method peek : Genlex.token option method junk : unit method count : int (* methods for the output stream of the lexer *) method start : int (* the count of the character starting the next token *) method stop : int (* the count of the last character of the last token *) method init : char Stream.t -> unit (* set input stream and reset both counters and output *) end (* This lexer is based on Genlex, and reuses most of its code. Using the object version presents some advantages. * you can get position information about the input stream * you can change the input stream, reusing the same lexer several times. You can create an independent lexer using the same keyword table by 1) Copying it with Oo.copy and 2) re-initializing it. *)