#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
# I wrote this script to be able to move the browser beween my home
# computer (development) and work where the files are actually
# used. The main difference is that the perl distribution I have at
# home is more recent and contains more modules.
# How to run installation script
# Type:
# perl install.pl
$| = 1 ; # Wonderful perl syntax for turning output buffering off!
## find out of we have CGI.pm
my $c = "CGI" ;
eval "use $c;" ;
my $gotCGI = $@ eq "" ;
if($gotCGI) {
print "We have the $c module\n" ;
else {
die "CGI.pm module not present. Download from http://www.cpan.org/ !" ;
} ;
## find perl
my $perl = &pathToApp("perl") ;
if(defined $perl and $perl ne "") {
print "Perl: $perl\n" ;
else {
die "Can not find perl in PATH!\n" ;
} ;
## Ask operator to confirm
my $p =`pwd` ;
chomp $p ;
while(1) {
print "\n\nOK to install cgi bins in $p? [y/n] " ;
$_ = <STDIN>;
chomp ;
my $a = uc $_ ;
$a eq "Y" and do { last ; };
$a eq "N" and die "Aborted";
print "Answer 'y' or 'n'." ;
# Make sure we can open cgi_files.tar
unless( -r "cgi_files.tar") { die "Can not open \"cgi_files.tar\" for read." ; } ;
# Get file list and filter out .cgi, .pl and .perl
local *P ;
open(P,"tar -tf cgi_files.tar|") or die "Can not read \"cgi_files.tar\"" ;
my @perlfiles ;
while(<P>) {
chomp ;
(/\.cgi$/ or /\.pl/ or /\.perl/) and do { push @perlfiles,$_ ; } ;
close P ;
# Extract files and make writeable
system("tar xvf cgi_files.tar") ;
chmod 0755,@perlfiles ;
# Change first line of all files to point to
# perl
my $f ;
foreach $f (@perlfiles) {
# Read file
open(P,"<$f") ;
my @file=<P> ;
close P ;
# Change first line
$file[0]="#!$perl -w\n" ;
# Write file
open(P,">$f") ;
print P @file ;
close P ;
chmod 0755,@perlfiles ;
# Clean up
unlink "cgi_files.tar" ;
################ SUBROUTINES ################
### Find path to an app ("type -path" does not work on all systems")
sub pathToApp($)
my $app = shift @_ ;
my $result ;
my $p ;
foreach $p (split(':',$ENV{"PATH"} )) {
$p =~ s|/$|| ;
if(-x "$p/$app") {
$result = "$p/$app" ;
return $result ;
} ;
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