use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw/WriteMakefile prompt/; my ( @program, @extra_modules ); print <<"END_NOTE"; The 'aiprolog' shell is optional. If you choose to install it, Term::ReadLine and Term::ReadKey will be added to your list of prerequisites. END_NOTE if (prompt( "Do you wish to install the 'aiprolog' shell?", "y" ) =~ /^[Yy]/ ) { @program = ( EXE_FILES => ["bin/aiprolog"] ); @extra_modules = ( 'Term::ReadLine' => 1.01, 'Term::ReadKey' => 2.21, ); } WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => 'AI::Prolog', 'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/AI/', @program, 'PREREQ_PM' => { 'aliased' => 0.11, 'Clone' => 0.15, 'Exporter::Tidy' => 0.06, 'Hash::AsObject' => 0.05, 'Pod::Usage' => 1.12, 'Regexp::Common' => 2.119, 'Text::Balanced' => 1.95, 'Text::Quote' => 0.03, 'Scalar::Util' => 0, 'Hash::Util' => 0, @extra_modules }, ( $] >= 5.005 ? ( ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/AI/', AUTHOR => 'Curtis "Ovid" Poe' ) : () ), );