#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use DateTime::TimeZone::Local;
use DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix;
use File::Basename qw( basename );
use File::Spec;
use Sys::Hostname qw( hostname );
use Test::More;

use lib File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->curdir, 't' );

BEGIN { require 'check_datetime_version.pl' }

my $IsMaintainer = hostname() =~ /houseabsolute|quasar/ && -d '.svn';
my $CanWriteEtcLocaltime = -w '/etc/localtime' && -l '/etc/localtime';

my @aliases = sort keys %{ DateTime::TimeZone::links() };
my @names = DateTime::TimeZone::all_names;

plan tests => @aliases + @names + 24;

    my %links = DateTime::TimeZone->links();

    for my $alias ( sort @aliases )
        local $ENV{TZ} = $alias;
        my $tz = eval { DateTime::TimeZone::Local->TimeZone() };
        is( $tz->name(), $links{$alias},
            "$alias in \$ENV{TZ} for Local->TimeZone()" );

    for my $name ( sort @names )
        local $ENV{TZ} = $name;
        my $tz = eval { DateTime::TimeZone::Local->TimeZone() };
        is( $tz->name(), $name,
            "$name in \$ENV{TZ} for Local->TimeZone()" );

    local $ENV{TZ} = 'this will not work';

    my $tz;
    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix->FromEnv() };
    is( $tz, undef,
        'invalid time zone name in $ENV{TZ} fails' );

    local $ENV{TZ} = '123/456';

    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix->FromEnv() };
    is( $tz, undef,
        'invalid time zone name in $ENV{TZ} fails' );

    local $ENV{TZ} = 'Africa/Kinshasa';

    my $tz;
    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix->FromEnv() };
    is( $tz->name(), 'Africa/Kinshasa', 'tz object name() is Africa::Kinshasa' );

    skip "/etc/localtime is not a symlink", 4
        unless -l '/etc/localtime';

    $^W = 0;
    local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::_Readlink = sub { '/usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern' };
    $^W = 1;

    my $tz;
    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix->FromEtcLocaltime() };
    is( $@, '', 'valid time zone name in /etc/localtime symlink should not die' );
    is( $tz->name(), 'America/New_York',
        'FromEtchLocaltime() with _Readlink returning /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern' );

    $^W = 0;
    local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::_Readlink = sub { undef };
    local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::_FindMatchingZoneinfoFile = sub { 'America/Los_Angeles' };
    $^W = 1;

    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix->FromEtcLocaltime() };
    is( $@, '', 'fall back to _FindMatchZoneinfoFlie if _Readlink finds nothing' );
    is( $tz->name(), 'America/Los_Angeles',
        'FromEtchLocaltime() with _FindMatchingZoneinfoFile returning America/Los_Angeles' );

    skip "cannot read /etc/sysconfig/clock", 2
        unless -r '/etc/sysconfig/clock' && -f _;

    $^W = 0;
    local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::_ReadEtcSysconfigClock = sub { 'US/Eastern' };
    $^W = 1;

    my $tz;
    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix->FromEtcSysconfigClock() };
    is( $@, '', 'valid time zone name in /etc/sysconfig/clock should not die' );
    is( $tz->name(), 'America/New_York',
        'FromEtcSysConfigClock() with _ReadEtcSysconfigClock returning US/Eastern' );

    skip "cannot read /etc/default/init", 2
        unless -r '/etc/default/init' && -f _;

    $^W = 0;
    local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::_ReadEtcDefaultInit = sub { 'Asia/Tokyo' };
    $^W = 1;

    my $tz;
    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix->FromEtcDefaultInit() };
    is( $@, '', 'valid time zone name in /etc/default/init should not die' );
    is( $tz->name(), 'Asia/Tokyo',
      'FromEtcDefaultInit with _ReadEtcDefaultInit returning Asia/Tokyo');

    skip "Cannot run these tests without explicitly knowing local time zone first (only runs on developers' machine)", 6
        unless $IsMaintainer;

        local $ENV{TZ} = '';

        my $tz;
        eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local->TimeZone() };
        is( $@, '', 'valid time zone name in /etc/localtime should not die' );
        is( $tz->name(), 'America/Chicago',
            '/etc/localtime should link to America/Chicago' );

        $^W = 0;
        local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::FromEtcLocaltime = sub { undef };
        $^W = 1;

        my $tz;
        eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local->TimeZone() };
        is( $@, '', 'valid time zone name in /etc/timezone should not die' );
        is( $tz->name(), 'America/Chicago',
            '/etc/timezone should contain America/Chicago' );

        # requires that /etc/default/init contain
        # TZ=Australia/Melbourne to work.
        $^W = 0;
        local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::FromEtcLocaltime = sub { undef };
        local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::FromEtcTimezone = sub { undef };
        local *DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix::FromEtcTIMEZONE = sub { undef };
        $^W = 1;

        my $tz;
        eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local->TimeZone() };
        is( $@, '', '/etc/default/init contains TZ=Australia/Melbourne' );
        is( $tz->name(), 'Australia/Melbourne',
            '/etc/default/init should contain Australia/Melbourne' );

    skip "These tests are too dangerous to run on someone else's machine ;)", 4
        unless $IsMaintainer;

    skip "These tests can only be run if we can overwrite /etc/localtime", 4
        unless $CanWriteEtcLocaltime;

    my $tz_file = readlink '/etc/localtime';

    unlink '/etc/localtime' or die "Cannot unlink /etc/localtime: $!";

    require File::Copy;
    File::Copy::copy( '/usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Calcutta', '/etc/localtime' )
        or die "Cannot copy /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Calcutta to '/etc/localtime': $!";

        local $ENV{TZ} = '';

        require Cwd;
        my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();

        my $tz;
        eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local->TimeZone() };
        is( $@, '', 'copy of zoneinfo file at /etc/localtime' );
        is( $tz->name(), 'Asia/Calcutta',
            '/etc/localtime should be a copy of Asia/Calcutta' );

        is( Cwd::cwd(), $cwd, 'cwd should not change after finding local time zone' );

        local $ENV{TZ} = '';

        # Make sure that a die handler does not break our use of die
        # to escape from File::Find::find()
        local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die 'haha'; };

        my $tz;
        eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local->TimeZone() };
        is( $tz->name(), 'Asia/Calcutta',
            'a __DIE__ handler did not interfere with our use of File::Find' );

    unlink '/etc/localtime' or die "Cannot unlink /etc/localtime: $!";
    symlink $tz_file, '/etc/localtime'
        or die "Cannot symlink $tz_file to '/etc/localtime': $!";

    local $ENV{TZ} = 'Australia/Melbourne';
    my $tz = eval { DateTime::TimeZone->new( name => 'local' ) };
    is( $tz->name(), 'Australia/Melbourne',
        q|DT::TZ->new( name => 'local' )| );

    skip "These tests only run on Win32", 1
        unless $^O =~ /win32/i;

    require DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Win32;

    my %Reg;
    Win32::TieRegistry->import( TiedHash => \%Reg );

    local $Reg{'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\TimeZoneInformation\\StandardName'}
        = 'Eastern Standard Time';

    my $tz;
    eval { $tz = DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Win32->FromRegistry() };
    is( $tz->name(), 'America/New_York',
        'check registry on Win32' );

    skip "These tests require File::Temp", 1
        unless require File::Temp;
    skip "These tests require a filesystem which support symlinks", 1
        unless eval { symlink '', '' ; 1 };

    my $tempdir = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );

    my $first = File::Spec->catfile( $tempdir, 'first' );
    open my $fh, '>', $first
        or die "Cannot open $first: $!";
    close $fh;

    my $second = File::Spec->catfile( $tempdir, 'second' );
    symlink $first => $second
        or die "Cannot symlink $first => $second: $!";

    my $third = File::Spec->catfile( $tempdir, 'third' );
    symlink $second => $third
        or die "Cannot symlink $first => $second: $!";

    # It seems that on some systems (OSX, others?) the temp directory
    # returned by File::Temp may be a symlink (/tmp is a link to
    # /private/tmp), so when abs_path folows that link, we end up with
    # a different path to the "first" file.
    is( basename( DateTime::TimeZone::Local::Unix->_Readlink( $third ) ),
        basename( $first ),
        '_Readlink follows multiple levels of symlinking' );

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