Revision history for Perl extension Inline::Files. 0.62 Tue May 27 23:35:53 GMT 2003 (DCONWAY) - Fixed signature of vf_truncate 0.61 Sun Jun 17 05:48:49 EST 2001 (DCONWAY) - Reinstated Ingy's workaround for desymbolization of globs under threaded perls 0.53 Thu May 24 23:51:57 PDT 2001 (INGY) - Removed doc references to diagnostics that were removed in 0.51. 0.52 Fri May 25 15:31:02 EST 2001 (DCONWAY) - Added %WHATEVER mechanism hash to access inline data about __WHATEVER__ 0.52 Fri May 25 13:50:35 EST 2001 (DCONWAY) - Silenced complaint when vf_close used on normal filehandle names 0.52 Fri May 25 13:00:53 EST 2001 (DCONWAY) - Added -backup option to import list 0.51 Mon May 21 13:40:09 PDT 2001 (INGY) - Changed seek() to work more like a real seek in regards to edge cases. (Actually set to emulate my Linux seek) 0.51 Mon May 21 13:13:39 PDT 2001 (INGY) - Warn instead of croak for user errors. More like real functions. 0.51 Mon May 21 02:08:44 PDT 2001 (INGY) - Create a new Inline File with 'open FILE ">";' 0.51 Mon May 21 02:08:44 PDT 2001 (INGY) - Make file name absolute so chdir() will not cause problems 0.51 Sun May 20 23:38:56 PDT 2001 (INGY) - Added a multi-file test harness that supports writing to files. 0.51 Sun May 20 21:51:49 PDT 2001 (INGY) - Don't croak on save() failure. Just warn if appropriate and return 0. - close() returns value of save(). 0.51 Sun May 20 21:37:07 PDT 2001 (INGY) - Set changed flag in the appropriate place - Mode got confused in some contexts 0.51 Thu Mar 22 11:29:06 PST 2001 (INGY) - Save was adding an extra newline to each written file. - NOTE: Inline::Files must always end with a newline 0.51 Thu Mar 22 11:14:11 PST 2001 (INGY) - Fixed list behaviour for PRINT 0.51 Thu Mar 22 11:04:23 PST 2001 (INGY) - Added list context for READLINE 0.51 Wed Mar 21 23:12:54 PST 2001 (INGY) - Fixed weird glob reference bug for threaded perls. 0.50 Thu Mar 15 12:00:50 2001 (DCONWAY) - First draft. Inline::Files and Inline::Files::Virtual are functional. 0.01 Fri Mar 2 06:05:33 2001 - original version; created by h2xs 1.18 0.62 Tue May 27 23:36:55 2003