0.24 * fix M::B::K::Stub to hide the stubbed version from CPAN indexer 0.22 * Make ourselves installable. Thanks to Jos Boumans for pointing out the problem. * Use M::B::K to install M::B::K. 0.21 * Actually ship the Makefile.PL. I suck. 0.20 * Revert change to not generate Makefile.PL - the version of CPAN.pm released with Perl 5.8 fails to install us :( 0.19 * Don't generate a Makefile.PL - we're only useable with Module::Build * speed up the compile test of modules by forking more than one process at a time * make compile test of scripts be more quiet * compile testing of scripts now works correctly if there is no 'blib' or 'lib' directory * do pod coverage tests in repeatable order * do pod syntax tests even if we can't do pod coverage tests and vice versa 0.18 * make use of Module::Build magic to install .t files * also test-compile perl scripts in bin/ * always report 'naked' subroutines * skip 'total_coverage' test if there are no modules with pod 0.17 * removed traces of utility module that turned out to be the wrong solution 0.16 * merged 'use strict' and 'use warnings' tests * make own test apply to ourselves better 0.15 * symlink shipped tests to t/ so they are run for us too * use 'traditional' style of generating Makefile.PL 0.14 * Improve description a bit 0.13 * The stub M::B::K that ships with distributions now merely recommend some modules; if they are missing, some tests are skipped. they do not exist. For module authors, however, these modules are all mandatory (so all tests will run). * for .pod files, do syntax checking but skip coverage checks 0.12 * Added Changes file 0.11 * Minor pod fixes 0.10 * Initial release to CPAN