#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use English;
undef $RS;
my $script = <DATA>;
$script =~ s,.*#!/usr/bin/env perl\s*,,gs;
$script =~ s/#end of test script.*//gs;
eval $script;
die if $@;
=head1 NAME
dbd-oracle-timeout.pod - test timing out DBD-Oracle operations with C<Sys::SigAction>
=head1 ABTRACT
This article discuss the problems I encountered using C<SIGALRM> to timeout
certain DDB-Oracle operations in a in a perl OLTP service.
Perl 5.8.0 and later versions on platforms that support sigaction()
implements 'safe' signal handling. Unfortunately, techniques that worked
in perl versions earlier than 5.8, do not work in perl 5.8 and later versions.
Several solutions to this problem are presented.
If you are implementing a real-time service, your software must
be both responsive, and well behaved from a resource utilization
perspective. It is imperative that no operation take a long time to
complete, and that resources are quickly freed, so that the service can
respond to new requests. In this situation, it is generally preferable
to time out or fail returning an error, than to allow requests to
hang for long periods of time, potentially bringing down an entire
service because system resources are consumed by all the hanging requests.
My team has implemented a number of real time services using
perl and the DBI interface using the DBD-Oracle driver. This article is
specific to the problems encountered with Oracle, but I believe that the
problems we encountered on moving from perl 5.6 to perl 5.8, are generic,
and could affect any database driver that uses a client library that
makes restartable system calls like connect(). The techniques presented
here can be used to solve this kind of problem with any DBD driver,
or for any system resource that could hang, for which C<SIGALRM> has been
used to break out of the call.
Using the DBI interface prior to Perl 5.8.0, it was fairly easy to set
code references into C<$SIG{'ALRM'}>, and then use alarm() to implement
time-outs. The signal handler could then die() or otherwise abort the
call in progress. The two operations I have found that require
this treatment are:
=item 1 Database Host is Down -- connect() hangs
With SQL*Net, the C<DBI-E<gt>connect()> call will hang for about 4 minutes.
Here is how we handled this situation in perls earlier than 5.8.x:
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "open timed out"; };
alarm(2); #implement 2 second time out
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$dbn" ... );
if ( $@ ) { print "connection to $dbn timed out\n" ; }
Because C<$SIG{ALRM}> has been 'localized', this code restores the
original value of C<$SIG{ALRM}> (the original signal handler) when the
eval block is exited.
=item 2 Long Running Statements
Long running statements can occur for a variety of reasons out
side of the control of the script. Timing out calls to execute()
avoids stacking of resources on the server on which the perl script is
executing. The following example is similar to the that
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $sth->cancel(); };
alarm(2); #implement 2 second time out
$sth->execute( ... );
if ( $@ ) { print "execute timed out\n" }
Again, perl restores the original C<$SIG{ALRM}> handler when the eval
block is exited.
=head2 The Problem
Many of us have been using perl 5.6.x for several years now, and the above
code has worked just fine. We understood that with perl 5.6 (and prior)
signal handling was 'unsafe', and we accepted the risk that the signal
handler could be called at an in-opportune time, causing non-reentrant
system routines to fail. We accepted the possibilty of a perl core dump,
and program termination. For real-time services this is considered an
acceptable risk since failing quickly is preferable to hanging around
without returning.
We, like most programmers facing this this problem, simply built mechanisms to
restart things should such a catastrophic failure (perl core dump) occur.
Another technique we use, is to take ourselves out on error, letting a
new (clean) instance of our service be created (by the above mechanism).
Upon moving to perl 5.8 or higher however, we discovered that that the
above code (especially the connect code) no longer works. Instead,
it just hangs. This is a result of the changes to the way
Unix signal handlers are implemented in perl 5.8 (and later versions).
From the perl 5.8.2 B<perlvar> man page:
The default delivery policy of signals changed in Perl 5.8.0
from immediate (also known as "unsafe") to deferred, also
known as "safe signals".
Unfortunately this 'safe signals' approach causes some system calls
to be retried (depending on how they are called) prior to the actual
execution of the signal handler depending on how the library making the system
call is implemented. The result when this happens is that some calls
never return, even though a signal fired. This is the case with the
DBD-Oracle connect() call (case 1 above). So the 'standard' mechanism
for implementing time outs (above) no longer works with perl 5.8
and later versions.
=head2 The Solution
The solution to this problem (documented in the B<perlvar> man page) is
to install the signal handler with C<POSIX::sigaction()>. This provides
low level access to the POSIX sigaction() system API -- assuming (of course)
your system has sigaction(). If your system does not have
sigaction(), then you probably do not have this problem, as in that
case perl implements the original (unsafe) signal handling approach.
With C<POSIX::sigaction()>, we get control over both the signal mask,
and the C<sa_flags> that are used to install the handler, and further,
with perl 5.8.2 and later, a 'safe' switch is provided which can be used
to ask for safe signal handling, in which perl promises to call the
signal handler between perl op codes.
Using C<POSIX::sigaction()> does ensure that the signal handler is
called when the signal is fired. Calling die() within the signal handler,
will cause the system call will be interupted, and control will return to the
perl script. But doing this effectively implements returns us to the
'unsafe' signals behavior -- at least in perl 5.8.0. In perl 5.8.2, it
is possible to ask for 'deferred' signal handling while still controlling
the C<sa_flags> used to install the signal handler. The does this
with perl 5.8.2 is safer than perl 5.6.x.
The usage of C<POSIX::sigaction()> however is not well
documented (except for several examples in the C<posix.t> test in the perl
core). And in perl versions less than 5.8.0, while C<POSIX::sigaction()>
is defined, it appears to be broken. But thats OK, because just setting
C<$SIG{NAME}> works.
=head2 The Pain
The down side of using C<POSIX::sigaction()> besides the fact that
it does not work in perl versions less than 5.8 is that it requires
approximately 4 or 5 lines of code where previously you only had to set
a localized C<$SIG{ALRM}>.
The C<POSIX::sigaction()> code looks something like this (for the
connect() case):
use POSIX ':signal_h';
my $mask = POSIX::SigSet->new( SIGALRM ); #list of signals to mask in the handler
my $action = POSIX::SigAction->new(
sub { die "connect failed" ; } #the handler code ref
,$mask ); #assumes we're not using an specific flags or 'safe' switch
my $oldaction = POSIX::SigAction->new();
sigaction( 'ALRM' ,$action ,$oldaction );
eval {
alarm(2); #implement 2 second time out
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$dbn" ... );
sigaction( 'ALRM' ,$oldaction ); #restore original signal handler
if ( $@ ) ....
This is not a pretty replacement for what was a single line of
code in perl 5.6.x and before. And, to make matters worse (because
C<POSIX::sigaction()> does not work in perl versions less than 5.8,
we now have to make it conditional on the perl version.
=head2 The Pain Reliever -- Sys::SigAction
Fortunately, having been bitten by this problem, and not wishing to
have to replicate all that code every where I had timeout logic,
I implemented a module that makes using C<POSIX::sigaction()>
as easy as setting a localized C<$SIG{ALRM}> was in perl 5.6.x.
The C<Sys::SigAction> module can be retrieved from from CPAN by going to:
The C<Sys::SigAction> module wraps up all of the above POSIX:: code into
a single function call which returns an object reference. When the
object goes out of scope, its destructor resets the signal handler.
So the above code is rewritten as follows:
use Sys::SigAction qw( set_sig_handler );
eval {
my $h = set_sig_handler( 'ALRM' ,sub { die "connect failed" ; } );
alarm(2); #implement 2 second time out
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$dbn" ... );
}; #original signal handler restored here when $h goes out of scope
if ( $@ ) ....
And the nice thing about using C<Sys::SigAction>, is that it works with
older perls back to perl 5.005. So, even though POSIX::sigaction() is not
fully functional in perl versions less than 5.8, C<Sys::SigAction> can be
used with to facilitate migration to newer perls, while still supporting
the older perls. Thus, there is no need to write code conditioned on
the perl version, because C<Sys::SigAction> does that for you.
=head2 Sample Script
The following test script illustrates the use of C<Sys::SigAction>, with
the DBI interface (DBD-Oracle driver) to implement time out of both connects
to databases on hosts that are down, and long running sql statements.
Note that with Sys::SigAction version 0.06, this script was changed to explicitly set
safe=>0 (instead of safe=>1). The reason is that Sys::SigAction (version 0.04 and less)
did not correctly set this paramter on the POSIX::sigaction call. When that
was fixed with version 0.06 this script had to be fixed.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings; #if your perl is < 5.6 comment this out
use Test::More ;
use Cwd;
use POSIX ':signal_h' ;
$iterations = 1 if not defined $iterations;
my $tests = 9 + ($iterations * 2 );
plan tests => $tests;
ok( $ENV{ORACLE_USERID} ,"ORACLE_USERID (<validuser>/<passwd>@<database>) is defined\n" );
die "please export ORACLE_USERID=<validuser>/<passwd>@<database>\n"
if not defined $ENV{'ORACLE_USERID'};
#find a private IP address which does not respond to ping
my $last_octet = 256;
my $got_down_host = 0;
my $down_host ;
do {
$down_host = "10.255.255.$last_octet";
} until $got_down_host = system( "ping -c 1 -t 1 $down_host 2>&1 > /dev/null" )
or $last_octet == 0;
ok( $got_down_host ,"Found IP addr ($down_host) for missing system test\n" );
my $dbn='';
my $usr='';
my $pwd='';
( $usr ,$pwd ,$dbn ) = split( /[\/\@]/ ,$ENV{'ORACLE_USERID'} );
ok( $usr ,"database user: '$usr' defined" );
ok( $pwd ,"password for $usr is defined" );
ok( $dbn ,"database name: '$dbn' defined" );
#I'm lazy... this stuff is unix specific... but then,
#if you are using SigAction that is pretty unix specific too!
#we need a locally writeable tns_admin directory
#so we copy it from $TNS_ADMIN and then redefine
#TNS_ADMIN to the local copy:
my $save_TNS_ADMIN = $ENV{'TNS_ADMIN'};
die if not ok( $save_TNS_ADMIN ,'$TNS_ADMIN is defined' );
my $tmp_tns = cwd() . '/tmp_tns_admin' ;
system( "rm -rf $tmp_tns" ) if -d $tmp_tns;
mkdir $tmp_tns;
system( "cp $save_TNS_ADMIN/*.* $tmp_tns/" );
open( TNSNAMES ,">>$tmp_tns/tnsnames.ora" )
or die "could not open $tmp_tns/tnsnames.org: $!\n" ;
my $testdbfail = qq(testdbfail =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = $down_host)(PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME = testdbfail)
#ok... we have a local TNS_ADMIN directory
$ENV{TNS_ADMIN} = $tmp_tns;
print "redefining TNS_ADMIN=$tmp_tns\n" ;
print "appending to $tmp_tns/tnsnames.ora:\n$testdbfail\n" ;
print TNSNAMES $testdbfail;
use Sys::SigAction qw( set_sig_handler );
my $dbh;
print "trying missing host test ($iterations iterations will be run)\n" ;
for ( my $i = 1; $i < $iterations+1; $i++ ) {
eval {
my $code = sub {
die "timed out on connect to database on missing host\n" ;
#note that if you ask for safe, it will not work...
my $h = set_sig_handler( 'ALRM' ,$code ,{ flags=>0 ,safe=>0 } );
print "opening testdbfail (missing host test)\n" ;
$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:testdbfail" ,"na" ,"na" );
print "connect failed!\n" if not $dbh;
ok( 0 ,"after missing_host connect... how did we get here?\n" );
if ( $@ )
ok( 1 ,"exception: $@" );
print "completed iteration $i\n" ;
} #iterate over this test
print "after missing_host test\n" ;
print "connecting to $dbn as $usr\n" ;
$dbh = DBI->connect(
"dbi:Oracle:$dbn" ,$usr ,$pwd
,{ RaiseError=>1 ,AutoCommit=>0 ,PrintError => 0 } );
ok( $dbh ,"connected" );
my $sql = qq{
WHILE ( 1 > 0 ) LOOP
print "execute timeout test... ($iterations iterations will be run)\n" ;
print "using sql:\n$sql\n" ;
for ( my $i = 1; $i < $iterations+1; $i++ ) {
print "calling \$dbh->prepare()\n" ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $sql );
my $canceled = 0;
eval {
my $h = set_sig_handler( 'ALRM'
,sub { $canceled = 1;
#dont die (oracle spills its guts)
,{ mask=>[ qw( INT ALRM ) ] ,safe => 0 }
my $timeout =1;
print "\ncalling execute with $timeout second timeout\n" ;
ok( 0 ,"after execute of infinite statement (how did we get here?)\n" );
if ( $@ )
print $@ if not $@ =~ m/DBD::Oracle/;
ok( $canceled ,'execute timed out -- sighandler called' );
ok( 0 ,"how come \$\@ was not set?" );
print "completed iteration $i\n" ;
} #for iterations...
#end of test script
=head1 AUTHOR
Lincoln A Baxter <lab@lincolnbaxter.com>
Copyright (c) 2004 by Lincoln A Baxter
All rights reserved.
This file may be distributed under the terms of either the GNU
General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in
the Perl README file,
=head1 SEE ALSO
perldoc perlvar
perldoc POSIX
perldoc Sys::SigAction
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1