package Time::Progress;
use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw( Exporter );
our @EXPORT = qw( );
our $VERSION = '1.2';
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
our %ATTRS = (
min => 1,
max => 1,
format => 1,
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = { min => 0, max => 100 };
bless $self;
$self->attr( @_ );
return $self;
sub attr
my $self = shift;
croak "bad number of attribute/value pairs" unless @_ == 0 or @_ % 2 == 0;
my @ret;
my %h = @_;
for( keys %h )
croak "invalid attribute name: $_" unless $ATTRS{ $_ };
$self->{ $_ } = $h{ $_ } if defined $h{ $_ };
push @ret, $self->{ $_ };
return @ret;
sub restart
my $self = shift;
$self->{ 'start' } = time();
$self->{ 'stop' } = undef;
sub stop
my $self = shift;
$self->{ 'stop' } = time();
sub continue
my $self = shift;
$self->{ 'stop' } = undef;
sub report
my $self = shift;
my $format = shift || $self->{ 'format' };
my $cur = shift;
my $start = $self->{ 'start' };
my $now = $self->{ 'stop' } || time();
croak "use restart() first" unless $start > 0;
croak "time glitch (running backwards?)" if $now < $start;
croak "empty format, use format() first" unless $format;
my $l = $now - $start;
my $L = sprintf "%3d:%02d", int( $l / 60 ), ( $l % 60 );
my $min = $self->{ 'min' };
my $max = $self->{ 'max' };
$cur = $min unless defined $cur;
my $b = 'n/a';
my $bl = 79;
if ( $format =~ /%(\d*)[bB]/ )
$bl = $1;
$bl = 79 if $bl eq '' or $bl < 1;
my $e = "n/a";
my $E = "n/a";
my $f = "n/a";
my $p = "n/a";
if ( (($min <= $cur and $cur <= $max) or ($min >= $cur and $cur >= $max)) )
if ( $cur - $min == 0 )
$e = 0;
$e = $l * ( $max - $min ) / ( $cur - $min );
$e = int( $e - $l );
$e = 0 if $e < 0;
$E = sprintf "%3d:%02d", int( $e / 60 ), ( $e % 60 );
$f = $now + $e;
$f = localtime( $f );
if ( $max - $min != 0 )
$p = 100 * ( $cur - $min ) / ( $max - $min );
$b = '#' x int( $bl * $p / 100 ) . '.' x $bl;
$b = substr $b, 0, $bl;
$p = sprintf "%5.1f%%", $p;
$format =~ s/%l/$l/g;
$format =~ s/%L/$L/g;
$format =~ s/%e/$e/g;
$format =~ s/%E/$E/g;
$format =~ s/%p/$p/g;
$format =~ s/%f/$f/g;
$format =~ s/%\d*[bB]/$b/g;
return $format;
sub elapsed
{ my $self = shift; return $self->report("%l"); }
sub elapsed_str
{ my $self = shift; return $self->report("elapsed time is %L min.\n"); }
sub estimate
{ my $self = shift; return $self->report("%e"); }
sub estimate_str
{ my $self = shift; return $self->report("remaining time is %E min.\n"); }
=head1 NAME
Time::Progress - Elapsed and estimated finish time reporting.
# autoflush to get \r working
$| = 1;
# get new `timer'
my $p = new Time::Progress;
# restart and report progress
sleep 5; # or do some work here
print $p->report( "done %p elapsed: %L (%l sec), ETA %E (%e sec)\n", 50 );
# set min and max values
$p->attr( min => -2, max => -20 );
# restart `timer'
my $c;
for( $c = -2; $c >= -20; $c-- )
# print progress bar and percentage done
print $p->report( "eta: %E min, %40b %p\r", $c );
sleep 1; # work...
# stop timer
# report times
print $p->elapsed_str;
Shortest time interval that can be measured is 1 second. (This should be
fixed in the future perhaps). The available methods are:
=over 4
=item new
my $p = new Time::Progress;
Returns new object of Time::Progress class and starts the timer. It
also sets min and max values to 0 and 100, so the next B<report> calls will
default to percents range.
=item restart
restarts the timer and clears the stop mark.
=item stop
Sets the stop mark. this is only usefull if you do some work, then finish,
then do some work that shouldn't be timed and finally report. Something
# do some work here...
# do some post-work here
print $p->report;
# `post-work' will not be timed
Stop is useless if you want to report time as soon as work is finished like:
# do some work here...
print $p->report;
=item continue
Clears the stop mark. (mostly useless, perhaps you need to B<restart>?)
=item attr
Sets and returns internal values for attributes. Available attributes are:
=over 4
=item min
This is the min value of the items that will follow (used to calculate
estimated finish time)
=item max
This is the max value of all items in the even (also used to calculate
estimated finish time)
=item format
This is the default B<report> format. It is used if B<report> is called
without parameters.
B<attr> returns array of the set attributes:
my ( $new_min, $new_max ) = $p->attr( min => 1, max => 5 );
If you want just to get values use undef:
my $old_format = $p->attr( format => undef );
This way of handling attributes is a bit heavy but saves a lot
of attribute handling functions. B<attr> will complain if you pass odd number
of parameters.
=item report
B<report> is the most complex method in this package! :)
expected arguments are:
$p->report( format, [current_item] );
I<format> is string that will be used for the result string. Recognized
special sequences are:
=over 4
=item %l
elapsed seconds
=item %L
elapsed time in minutes in format MM:SS
=item %e
remaining seconds
=item %E
remaining time in minutes in format MM:SS
=item %p
percentage done in format PPP.P%
=item %f
estimated finish time in format returned by B<localtime()>
=item %b
=item %B
progress bar which looks like:
%b takes optional width:
%40b -- 40-chars wide bar
%9b -- 9-chars wide bar
%b -- 79-chars wide bar (default)
Parameters can be ommited and then default format set with B<attr> will
be used.
Estimate time calculations can be used only if min and max values are set
(see B<attr> method) and current item is passed to B<report>! if you want
to use the default format but still have estimates use it like this:
$p->format( undef, 45 );
If you don't give current item (step) or didn't set proper min/max value
then all estimate sequences will have value `n/a'.
You can freely mix reports during the same event.
=item elapsed
=item estimated
=item elapsed_str
=item estimated_str
helpers -- return elapsed/estimated seconds or string in format:
"elapsed time is MM:SS min.\n"
"remaining time is MM:SS min.\n"
# $c is current element (step) reached
# for the examples: min = 0, max = 100, $c = 33.3
print $p->report( "done %p elapsed: %L (%l sec), ETA %E (%e sec)\n", $c );
# prints:
# done 33.3% elapsed time 0:05 (5 sec), ETA 0:07 (7 sec)
print $p->report( "%45b %p\r", $c );
# prints:
# ###############.............................. 33.3%
print $p->report( "done %p ETA %f\n", $c );
# prints:
# done 33.3% ETA Sun Oct 21 16:50:57 2001
=head1 AUTHOR
Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski "Cade"
<> <> <>
=head1 VERSION
$Id:,v 1.2 2002/12/16 08:29:22 cade Exp $
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