# This is a work in progress ie it hasn't been documented ;-)
# Shows files changed since a tag...
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../";
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use Text::Wrapper;
use VCS;
$| = 1;
my($dir, $tag, $html, $latex, $verbose, $new);
"dir=s" => \$dir,
"tag=s" => \$tag,
"html" => \$html,
"latex" => \$latex,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"new" => \$new,
unless ($dir || $tag) {
die qq|diff-releases usage:
-dir mydir # directory to start from
-tag mytag # tag to note changes from
-new # also show files which aren't tagged mytag
-html # output HTML instead of text
-latex # output LaTeX instead of text
-verbose # show progress to STDERR
eg diff-releases -dir ~/project/cool/ -tag RELEASE_1_5_5 -latex -new
die "Option dir required!\n" unless $dir;
die "Option tag required!\n" unless $tag;
my $bgcol;
my @data;
my @lengths;
my $wrapper = Text::Wrapper->new(columns => 40);
if ($html) {
print qq|<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<h3>Files in $dir changed since tag $tag</h3>
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 border=0>
<th valign=top>Name</th>
<th valign=top>Version</th>
<th valign=top>Date</th>
<th valign=top>Author</th>
<th valign=top>Reason</th>
} elsif ($latex) {
my $mytag = $tag;
$mytag =~ s|_|.|g;
print qq#
Files in $dir changed since tag $mytag
\\textbf{Name} & \\textbf{Version} & \\textbf{Date} & \\textbf{Author} & \\textbf{Reason} \\\\
} else {
print "***Files in $dir changed since tag $tag***\n";
@titles = qw(Name Version Date Author Reason);
foreach (@titles) {
$lengths[$i++] = length;
# Do all the work
if ($html) {
print '</table>';
} elsif ($latex) {
print qq|
} else {
sub show {
my($dir, $depth) = @_;
my $d = VCS::Dir->new($dir) || return;
foreach my $x ($d->content) {
warn $x->path . "\n" if $verbose;
if (ref($x) =~ 'Dir') {
} else {
disp($x, $depth+1);
sub disp {
my $obj = shift;
my $taggedreason, $taggedauthor, $taggedversion, $version, $taggeddate, $date;
next unless (ref($obj) =~ 'File');
my @versions = $obj->versions;
my @nextversions = @versions;
next unless @versions;
undef $taggedversion;
foreach $version (@versions) {
shift @nextversions unless $taggedversion;
next unless (grep { $tag eq $_} $version->tags);
$taggedversion = $version->version;
# next unless $taggedversion;
@nextversions = @versions if($new && !$taggedversion);
$version = ($versions[-1])->version;
return if ($taggedversion eq $version);
my $name = $obj->path;
$name =~ s|^$dir||;
$name =~ s|^/||;
foreach $vobj (@nextversions) {
$version = $vobj->version;
$date = $vobj->date;
$date =~ s| .*||;
$author = $vobj->author;
$reason = $vobj->reason;
add([$name, $version, $date, $author, $reason]);
$name = '';
sub add {
my $array = shift;
my $i = 0;
my($n, $v, $d, $a, $r) = @$array;
if ($html) {
$bgcol = ($bgcol eq "#ddddff") ? "#ffffff" : "#ddddff" if $n;
$n = quote_html($n);
$v = quote_html($v);
$d = quote_html($d);
$a = quote_html($a);
$r = quote_html($r);
print qq|
<tr bgcolor="$bgcol">
<td valign=top><b>$n </b></td>
<td valign=top>$v</td>
<td valign=top>$d</td>
<td valign=top><i>$a</i></td>
<td valign=top>$r</td>
} elsif ($latex) {
print qq#\\hline\n# if $n;
$r =~ s|([/_>\&{}])|\\verb-$1-|g;
$r =~ s|(['])|\$$1\$|g;
$n =~ s|([/_>\&{}])|\\verb-$1-|g;
print qq#\\small{\\tt{$n}} & $v & $d & \\emph{$a} & $r \\\\#;
} else {
$r = $wrapper->wrap($r);
my @lines = split "\n", $r;
foreach (@lines) {
$lengths[4] = length if (length > $lengths[4]);
push @data, [$n, $v, $d, $a, $lines[0]];
shift @lines;
foreach (@lines) {
push @data, ['', '', '', '', $_];
foreach (@$array) {
last if ($i == 4);
$lengths[$i] = length if (length > $lengths[$i] );
sub results {
my $array, $format, $sep, $len;
$format = '| ';
$sep = '+';
foreach $len (@lengths) {
$format .= '%-' . ($len) . 's' . ' | ';
my $sep2 = '-' x ($len + 3);
$sep2 =~ s|-$|+|;
$sep .= $sep2;
$format .= "\n";
$sep .= "\n";
print $sep;
print sprintf($format, @titles);
print $sep;
foreach (@data) {
print sprintf($format, @$_);
print $sep;
sub quote_html {
my $in = shift;
$in =~ s/\&/\&\;/g;
$in =~ s/\</\<\;/g;
$in =~ s/\>/\>\;/g;
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1