#! /usr/bin/env python """ This is an installation script for the trace2html utility To run the tests (requires setuptools):: $ python setup.py test To byte-compile:: $ python setup.py build To install it system-wide:: $ sudo python setup.py install To get more options:: $ python setup.py --help """ try: from setuptools import setup use_setuptools = True except ImportError: print 'setuptools could not be found: please run "python ez_setup.py"' print 'to get the last version' from distutils.core import setup use_setuptools = False setup_options = { 'name': 'trace2html', 'version': '0.2.1', 'author': 'Olivier Grisel', 'author_email': 'olivier.grisel@ensta.org', 'url': 'http://champiland.homelinux.net/trace2html', 'description': 'HTML coverage report generator for trace.py', 'long_description': file("README.txt").read() + file("NEWS.txt").read(), 'license': 'GNU GPL v2', 'scripts': ['src/trace2html.py'], 'packages': ['trace2htmldata'], 'package_dir': {'trace2htmldata': 'src/trace2htmldata'}, 'package_data': {'trace2htmldata': ['*.css', '*.js']}, 'classifiers': [ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Console', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', ], } if use_setuptools: setup_options['test_suite'] = 'src.trace2html.test_suite' # run setup setup(**setup_options)