### py_interface -- A Python-implementation of an Erlang node
### $Id: erl_node.py,v 1.19 2004/07/12 22:06:18 tab Exp $
### Copyright (C) 2002 Tomas Abrahamsson
### Author: Tomas Abrahamsson <tab@lysator.liu.se>
### This file is part of the Py-Interface library
### This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
### modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
### License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
### version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
### This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
### Library General Public License for more details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
### License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
### erl_node.py -- the node
import sys
import types
import string
import erl_epmd
import erl_term
import erl_opts
import erl_common
import erl_node_conn
import erl_eventhandler
M = "erl_node"
py_interface_version = "0.9"
_pidCount = 1
_serial = 0
class ErlMBox:
"""This class provides an mbox, which is equivalent to an
erlang-process. It is intenteded to be used in a single-threaded
application. You must provide a callback routine for incoming
def __init__(self, node, pid, msgCallback):
"""The recommended way to create mboxes is through the method
CreateMBox in the ErlNode class.
NODE = <instance of ErlNode>
The node to which this mbox belongs.
PID = <instance of ErlPid>
The pid for this mbox
MSG-CALLBACK = <function(MSG): void>
A callback to call for incoming messages
to this mbox. The callback should take one
argument: the message. Its return value is
self._node = node
if msgCallback == None:
msgCallback = self._Sink
self._msgCallback = msgCallback
self._pid = pid
self._pendingRPCs = {}
def Self(self):
"""Return the pid for this mbox.
Returns: <instance of ErlPid>
Throws: nothing
return self._pid
def Send(self, dest, msg):
"""Send, to DEST, the message MSG.
DEST = <instance of ErlPid> | string | <instance of ErlAtom> |
NODE = PROC-NAME = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The destination to which the message is to be sent.
This can is either a pid for an mbox (on the same node or on a
different node), or a registered name (as string or atom) on
the same node, or a tuple specifying a node and a registered
name on that node.
MSG = <term>
The message to be sent.
Returns: void
Throws: <<to-be-documented>>
Send a message. There is no result indicating whether the delivery
of the message was successful or not. If the DEST is located on
another node, a connection to that node is automatically set up
and maintained, unless already connected.
This method returns immediately. Any necessarry queuing,
possibly due to network traffic congestion, is handled
automatically by the node.
self._node.SendMsgFromMBox(self, dest, msg)
def RegisterName(self, name):
"""Register a NAME for this mbox.
NAME = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The name to register this mbox as.
Returns: void
Throws: <<to-be-documented>>
Only on name can be registered for each mbox.
self._node.RegisterNameForMBox(self, name)
def UnregisterName(self):
"""Unregister the name that was registered for this mbox.
Returns: void
Throws: <<to-be-documented>>
def Link(self, otherEnd):
"""Link this mbox to another pid/mbox.
Currently, this is not implemented."""
def Unlink(self, otherEnd):
"""Unlink another pid/mbox.
Currently, this is not implemented."""
def SendRPC(self, remoteNode, mod, fun, args, cb):
"""Send an rpc to REMOTE-NODE, MOD, FUN, ARGS. Call CB for the answer.
REMOTE-NODE = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The node to send the call to
MOD = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The module
FUN = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The name of the function to call
ARGS = list(<term>)
The argument list
CB = <function(RESULT): void>
REMOTE-NODE = string
RESULT = <term>
A callback function to be called when the answer
to the rpc callback receives. The callback is called
with one arg: the result. Its return value is ignored.
If the remote node goes down during execution, the
callback is called with this value:
Returns: void
Throws: <<to-be-documented>>
Send an request to execute a function in a module on a remote node.
As for the Send method, this method returns immediately.
rexMBox = self._node.WhereisMBox("rex")
rexMBox.SendRPC(remoteNode, mod, fun, args, cb)
## Routines to be called from the node only
def Msg(self, sourceNodeName, msg):
"""This routine is intended to be called only from mbox's node.
MSG = <term>
Returns: void
Throws: nothing
An incoming message
def _Sink(self, *a, **kw):
"""Message sink."""
class _ErlRexMBox(ErlMBox):
"""This class implements what's needed for the rpc (remote procedure call)
functionality. It is an mbox that registers itself as "rex".
def __init__(self, node, pid):
ErlMBox.__init__(self, node, pid, None)
self._nodeDownSubscriptions = {}
def Start(self):
def SendRPC(self, remoteNode, mod, fun, args, cb):
"""Send an rpc to REMOTE-NODE, MOD, FUN, ARGS. Call CB for the answer.
REMOTE-NODE = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The node to send the call to
MOD = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The module
FUN = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The name of the function to call
ARGS = list(<term>)
The argument list
CB = <function(RESULT): void>
REMOTE-NODE = string
RESULT = <term>
A callback function to be called when the answer
to the rpc callback receives. The callback is called
with one arg: the result. Its return value is ignored.
If the remote node goes down during execution, the
callback is called with this value:
Returns: void
Throws: <<to-be-documented>>
Send an request to execute a function in a module on a remote node.
As for the Send method, this method returns immediately.
if type(mod) == types.StringType:
mod = erl_term.ErlAtom(mod)
if type(fun) == types.StringType:
fun = erl_term.ErlAtom(fun)
# Handle queue of pending callbacks for the remote node
if type(remoteNode) == types.StringType:
remoteNodeName = remoteNode
elif erl_term.IsErlAtom(remoteNode):
remoteNodeName = remoteNode.atomText
if self._pendingRPCs.has_key(remoteNodeName):
self._pendingRPCs[remoteNodeName] = [cb]
# Register a nodedown-callback for this node, so
# we can call any rpc callbacks in case the node goes down
if not self._nodeDownSubscriptions.has_key(remoteNodeName):
id = self._node.NodeDownSubscribe(self._NodeDown)
self._nodeDownSubscriptions[remoteNodeName] = id
# Now send the rpc-message
self.Send(("rex", remoteNode),
mod, fun, args, erl_term.ErlAtom("user"))))
## Routines to be called from the node only
def Msg(self, sourceNodeName, msg):
"""This routine is intended to be called only from mbox's node.
MSG = <term>
Returns: void
Throws: nothing
An incoming message
if type(msg) == types.TupleType and \
len(msg) == 2 and \
erl_term.IsErlAtom(msg[0]) and \
msg[0].atomText == "rex" and \
len(self._pendingRPCs) > 0:
self._RPCAnswer(sourceNodeName, msg[1])
erl_common.Debug("REX: Unexpected msg: %s" % `msg`)
def _RPCAnswer(self, sourceNodeName, answer):
# Does this assumption always hold:
# first answer is for first rpc-call?
# Maybe this holds for calls/answers for one single node.
# So the pendingRPCs is one queue per node.
if self._pendingRPCs.has_key(sourceNodeName):
pendingRPCs = self._pendingRPCs[sourceNodeName]
cb = pendingRPCs[0]
self._pendingRPCs[sourceNodeName] = pendingRPCs[1:]
def _NodeDown(self, nodeStatus, nodeName):
if self._pendingRPCs.has_key(nodeName):
callbacks = self._pendingRPCs[nodeName]
self._pendingRPCs[nodeName] = []
for cb in callbacks:
class ErlNode:
"""This class implements a node, which is equivaluent to an erlang node.
It is intended to be used in a single-threaded applucation.
MBoxes, which corresponds to erlang processes, can be created for
# Early operations
# New operations in destrvsn = 1 (OTP R4)
# New operations in destrvsn = 4 (OTP R6)
# end of operations
def __init__(self, nodeName, opts=erl_opts.ErlNodeOpts()):
NODE-NAME = string
The name for this node.
OPTS = <instance of ErlNodeOpts>
Creates an ErlNode. The name of the node is determined by NODE-NAME
as described below. A node-name consists of two parts: an alive-name
and a host-name, separated by an `@'. The host-name can be short
(not including the domain) or long (including the domain). Short and
long node-names must not be mixed among the nodes in a system, see
the erlang documentation for further details.
1. If the NODE-NAME contains an `@', then NODE-NAME is used
unchanged as name for the node.
2. If the NODE-NAME does not contain an `@', then the node's name
is constructed as NODE-NAME + "@" + host-name, where
host-name is either on short or long form, depending on what is
specified in the OPTS.
shortNodeNames = opts.GetShortNodeNames()
self._nodeName = erl_common.AlignNodeName(nodeName, shortNodeNames)
self._opts = opts
self._creation = 0
self._connections = {}
self._epmd = erl_epmd.ErlEpmd()
self._ongoingPings = {}
self._isServerPublished = 0
self._pids = {} # mapping pid --> ErlMBox()
self._mboxes = {} # mapping ErlMBox --> pid
self._registeredNames = {} # mapping name --> pid
self._registeredPids = {} # mapping pid --> name
self._nodeUpCb = [] # stores (id, callback)
self._nodeDownCb = [] # stores (id, callback)
self._cbId = 0
self._server = erl_node_conn.ErlNodeServerSocket(self._nodeName,
self._portNum = self._server.Start(self._NodeUp, self._NodeDown,
def CreateMBox(self, msgCallback=None):
"""Creates an mbox, which is equivalent to an erlang process.
MSG-CALLBACK = <function(MSG): void>
A callback function to call for incoming messages.
Returns: <instance of ErlMBox>
Throws: nothing
This creates an mbox, which is equivalent to an erlang process.
Messages to the mbox are delivered as callbacks to the callback
mboxPid = self._CreatePid()
mbox = ErlMBox(self, mboxPid, msgCallback)
self._pids[mboxPid] = mbox
self._mboxes[mbox] = mboxPid
return mbox
def Ping(self, remoteNodeName, pingCallback):
"""Ping a remote node.
REMOTE-NODE-NAME = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
The node to ping
PING-CALLBACK = <function(RESULT): void>
A callback to call for deliverance of the
ping result. RESULT = "pong" | "pang".
Returns: void
Throws: <<to-be-documented>>
Try to ping a remote node. A connection to that node is established
unless already connected. Whether or not the remote node is up or
down is indicated as by the argument to the callback function:
"pong": the remote node is alive and there is a connection to it
"pang": the remote node is down.
if not "@" in remoteNodeName:
raise "Bad node name for remote node \"%s\"" % remoteNodeName
if self._ongoingPings.has_key(remoteNodeName):
pingCallbacks = self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName]
self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName] = pingCallbacks + [pingCallback]
self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName] = [pingCallback]
[nodeName, hostName] = string.split(remoteNodeName, "@")
e = erl_epmd.ErlEpmd(hostName)
cb = erl_common.Callback(self._PingEpmdResponse, remoteNodeName)
e.PortPlease2Req(nodeName, cb)
def Publish(self):
"""Publish this node to the EPMD, the Erlang Portmapper Daemon.
Returns: void
Throws: nothing.
Publishing must be done for mboxes/processes on other nodes
to be able to establish contact with mboxes on this node.
The node is published automatically when it tries to contact
another node, for example due to a message to send or an rpc call.
if not self._isServerPublished:
self._epmd.Connect(self._EpmdConnectedOk, self._EpmdConnectFailed)
def Unpublish(self):
"""Removes the publication of this node to the EPMD.
Returns: void
Throws: nothing
if self._isServerPublished:
self._isServerPublished = 0
def NodeUpSubscribe(self, cb):
"""Subscribe to nodeup-information
CB = <function("nodeup", NODE-NAME): void>
Returns: ID = <id>
Throws: nothing
Subscribe to nodeup-information, that is, to connections to
new nodes. The new connections may initiated by, for example,
a messages begin sent from this node to another one (a new
connection is automatically set up), or by another node
connection to this.
The ID returned can be used to unsubscribe the callback from further
id = self._cbId
self._cbId = self._cbId + 1
self._nodeUpCb.append((id, cb))
return id
def NodeUpUnsubscribe(self, id):
"""Unsubscribe to nodeup-information
ID = <id>
Returns: void
Throws: nothing
Unsubscribes to nodeup-information.
cbs = self._nodeUpCb
for (index, (cbid, cb)) in map(None, range(len(cbs)), cbs):
if id == cbid:
del self._nodeUpCb[index]
def NodeDownSubscribe(self, cb):
"""Subscribe to nodedown-information for a certain node
CB = <function("nodedown", NODE-NAME): void>
Returns: ID = <id>
Throws: nothing
Subscribe to nodedown-information, that is, to broken connections to
other nodes.
The ID returned can be used to unsubscribe the callback from further
id = self._cbId
self._cbId = self._cbId + 1
self._nodeDownCb.append((id, cb))
return id
def NodeDownUnsubscribe(self, id):
"""Unsubscribe to nodedown-information
ID = <id>
Returns: void
Throws: nothing
Unsubscribes to nodedown-information.
cbs = self._nodeDownCb
for (index, (cbid, cb)) in map(None, range(len(cbs)), cbs):
if id == cbid:
del self._nodeDownCb[index]
def DumpConnections(self):
"""Dump connections. This method is intended for debugging purposes.
Returns: void
Throws: nothing
print "Connections:"
for k in self._connections.keys():
print " %s --> %s" % (`k`, `self._connections[k]`)
print "--"
## Routines to be called only by mboxes
def RegisterNameForMBox(self, mbox, name):
"""This routine is intended to be called from an ErlMBox instance.
MBOX = <instance of ErlMBox>
NAME = string
Returns: void
Throws: <<IsRegistered>>
mboxPid = mbox.Self()
if self._registeredNames.has_key(name):
raise "IsRegistered"
if self._registeredPids.has_key(mboxPid):
raise "IsRegistered"
self._registeredNames[name] = mboxPid
self._registeredPids[mboxPid] = name
def UnregisterNameForMBox(self, mbox):
"""This routine is intended to be called from an ErlMBox instance
MBOX = <instance of ErlMBox>
Returns: void
Throws: <<NotRegistered>>
mboxPid = mbox.Self()
if not self._registeredPids.has_key(mboxPid):
raise "NotRegistered"
name = self._registeredPids[mboxPid]
del self._registeredPids[mboxPid]
del self._registeredNames[name]
def WhereisMBox(self, name):
"""Lookup an mbox that is registered under a name.
NAME = string
Returns: <instance of ErlMBox>
Throws: nothing
mboxPid = self.WhereisPid(name)
if mboxPid == None:
return None
if not self._pids.has_key(mboxPid):
return None
return self._pids[mboxPid]
def WhereisPid(self, name):
"""Lookup an mbox that is registered under a name.
NAME = string
Returns: <instance of ErlPid>
Throws: nothing
if not self._registeredNames.has_key(name):
return None
return self._registeredNames[name]
def SendMsgFromMBox(self, sourceMBox, dest, msg):
"""This routine is intended to be called from an ErlMBox instance
SOURCE-MBOX = <instance of ErlMBox>
DEST = <instance of ErlPid> |
string |
<instance of ErlAtom> |
DEST-NODE = DEST-REGNAME = string | <instance of ErlAtom>
MSG = <term>
Returns: void
THrows: <<to-be-documented>>
## Possible dest types:
## - A tuple: (registered_name, node_name)
## - An atom: registered_name
## - A pid: <erlpid ...> (note: the pid contains the pid's node)
sourcePid = self._mboxes[sourceMBox]
## First check for strings in the dest argument.
## Convert any strings to to atoms.
if type(dest) == types.StringType:
dest = erl_term.ErlAtom(dest)
elif type(dest) == types.TupleType:
destPidName = dest[0]
destNode = dest[1]
if type(destPidName) == types.StringType:
destPidName = erl_term.ErlAtom(destPidName)
if type(destNode) == types.StringType:
destNode = erl_term.ErlAtom(destNode)
dest = (destPidName, destNode)
## Then split the dest into:
## destPid/destPidName and destNode
## depending on its type.
if type(dest) == types.TupleType:
destPid = dest[0]
destNode = dest[1]
elif erl_term.IsErlAtom(dest):
destNode = self
name = dest.atomText
if not self._registeredNames.has_key(name):
destPid = self._registeredNames[name]
elif erl_term.IsErlPid(dest):
destPid = dest
destNode = dest.node
## Now do the sending...
if destNode == self:
if not self._registeredPids.has_key(destPid):
mbox = self._registredPids[destPid]
else: # dest node is remote
# First make sure we are online
# FIXME: Will this really work???
# Publish might register callbacks, but
# this code continues after the Publish...
destNodeName = destNode.atomText
if not self._connections.has_key(destNodeName):
# We don't have a connection to the destination
# We must open a connection.
# This is done by pinging with the ping-callback
# being a function that sends the message.
cb = erl_common.Callback(self._SendMsgToRemoteNode,
sourcePid, destNode, destPid, msg)
destNodeName = destNode.atomText
self.Ping(destNodeName, cb)
## We have contact with the remote node. Send at once!
sourcePid, destNode, destPid, msg)
## Internal routines
def _CreateRex(self):
mboxPid = self._CreatePid()
mbox = _ErlRexMBox(self, mboxPid)
self._pids[mboxPid] = mbox
self._mboxes[mbox] = mboxPid
def _CreatePid(self):
"""Returns: <instance of ErlPid>"""
## Code stolen from com/ericsson/otp/erlang/OtpLocalNode.java
global _serial, _pidCount
newPid = erl_term.ErlPid(erl_term.ErlAtom(self._nodeName),
_pidCount, _serial, self._creation)
_pidCount = _pidCount + 1
if _pidCount > 0x7fff:
_pidCount = 0
_serial = _serial + 1
if _serial > 0x07:
_serial = 0
return newPid
def _EpmdConnectedOk(self, creation):
"""This callback is called when the publish to EPMD has successfully
self._isServerPublished = 1
self._creation = creation
def _EpmdConnectFailed(self, errorResult):
raise "Failed to connect to epmd (%d)" % errorResult
def _NodeUp(self, connection, nodeName):
"""This callback is called from the in/out connection object
when a new connection has been established."""
erl_common.Debug(M, "NODEUP: nodeName=%s connection=%s" % \
(nodeName, connection))
self._connections[nodeName] = connection
for (id, cb) in self._nodeUpCb:
cb("nodeup", nodeName)
def _NodeDown(self, connection, nodeName):
"""This callback is called from the in/out connection object when a
connection has been broken."""
erl_common.Debug(M, "NODENOWN: nodeName=%s connection=%s" % \
(nodeName, connection))
if self._connections.has_key(nodeName):
del self._connections[nodeName]
for (id, cb) in self._nodeDownCb:
cb("nodedown", nodeName)
def _PingEpmdResponse(self, result, portNum, nodeType, proto,
distVSNRange, nodeNameNoHost, extra,
"""This callback is called when the lookup for a nodename at a host
has returned, whether it was successful or not.
If it was successful, then RESULT != 0 and the other parameters
are valid. If it was not successful, then the other parameters have
undefined values."""
if result != 0:
callbacks = self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName]
del self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName]
for cb in callbacks:
[otherNode, otherHost] = string.split(remoteNodeName, "@")
out = erl_node_conn.ErlNodeOutConnection(self._nodeName,
connectedOkCb = erl_common.Callback(self._PingSucceeded,
out, remoteNodeName)
connectFailedCb = erl_common.Callback(self._PingFailed,
out, remoteNodeName)
connectionBrokenCb = erl_common.Callback(self._NodeDown,
out, remoteNodeName)
passThroughMsgCb = erl_common.Callback(self._PassThroughMsg,
out, remoteNodeName)
out.InitiateConnection(otherHost, portNum,
def _PingSucceeded(self, connection, remoteNodeName):
"""This internal routine signals that the ping of another node
was successul."""
callbacks = self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName]
del self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName]
self._NodeUp(connection, remoteNodeName)
for cb in callbacks:
def _PingFailed(self, connection, remoteNodeName):
"""This internal routine signals that the ping of another node
callbacks = self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName]
del self._ongoingPings[remoteNodeName]
for cb in callbacks:
def _PassThroughMsg(self, connection, remoteNodeName, ctrlMsg, msg=None):
"""This callback is called when a connection recevies a message of
type passthrough. Currently all messages are of type passthrough."""
erl_common.Debug(M, "ctrlMsg=%s" % `ctrlMsg`)
ctrlMsgOp = ctrlMsg[0]
if ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_LINK:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_SEND:
cookie = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
msg = msg
erl_common.Debug(M, "SEND: msg=%s" % `msg`)
if self._pids.has_key(toPid):
mbox = self._pids[toPid]
mbox.Msg(remoteNodeName, msg)
erl_common.Debug(M, "Got SEND with no dest pid: %s" % toPid)
erl_common.Debug(M, "Pids:\n%s" % `self._pids`)
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_EXIT:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
reason = ctrlMsg[3]
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_UNLINK:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_NODE_LINK:
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_REG_SEND:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
cookie = ctrlMsg[2]
toNameAtom = ctrlMsg[3]
toName = toNameAtom.atomText
msg = msg
if self._registeredNames.has_key(toName):
mboxPid = self._registeredNames[toName]
mbox = self._pids[mboxPid]
mbox.Msg(remoteNodeName, msg)
"Got REG_SEND with no dest mbox: \"%s\": %s" %
(toName, msg))
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_GROUP_LEADER:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_EXIT2:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
reason = ctrlMsg[3]
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_SEND_TT:
cookie = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
traceToken = ctrlMsg[3]
msg = msg
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_EXIT_TT:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
traceToken = ctrlMsg[3]
reason = ctrlMsg[4]
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_REG_SEND_TT:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
cookie = ctrlMsg[2]
toName = ctrlMsg[3]
traceToken = ctrlMsg[4]
msg = msg
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_EXIT2_TT:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
traceToken = ctrlMsg[3]
reason = ctrlMsg[4]
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_MONITOR_P:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
ref = ctrlMsg[3]
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_DEMONITOR_P:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
ref = ctrlMsg[3]
elif ctrlMsgOp == self.CTRLMSGOP_MONITOR_P_EXIT:
fromPid = ctrlMsg[1]
toPid = self._InternPid(ctrlMsg[2])
ref = ctrlMsg[3]
erl_common.Debug(M, "Unknown controlmsg: %s" % `ctrlMsg`)
def _SendMsgToRemoteNode(self, pingResult, srcPid, destNode, destPid, msg):
"""This internal routine performs the actual sending."""
if pingResult != "pong":
destNodeName = destNode.atomText
if not self._connections.has_key(destNodeName):
conn = self._connections[destNodeName]
cookie = erl_term.ErlAtom("")
if erl_term.IsErlAtom(destPid):
ctrlMsg = (self.CTRLMSGOP_REG_SEND, srcPid, cookie, destPid)
ctrlMsg = (self.CTRLMSGOP_SEND, cookie, destPid)
conn.SendMsg(ctrlMsg, msg)
def _InternPid(self, newPid):
"""This is like intern() for strings, but for pids.
The purpose is so that we'll be able to lookup pids
in self._pids and self._registredPids.
for existingPid in self._pids.keys():
if existingPid.equals(newPid):
return existingPid
return newPid
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