// @(#)root/gui:$Name: $:$Id: TGLabel.h,v 1.17 2004/09/12 10:43:49 brun Exp $
// Author: Fons Rademakers 06/01/98
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#ifndef ROOT_TGLabel
#define ROOT_TGLabel
// //
// TGLabel //
// //
// This class handles GUI labels. //
// //
#ifndef ROOT_TGFrame
#include "TGFrame.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGDimension
#include "TGDimension.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGString
#include "TGString.h"
class TColor;
class TGLabel : public TGFrame {
TGString *fText; // label text
UInt_t fTWidth; // text width
UInt_t fTHeight; // text height
Int_t fTMode; // text drawing mode (ETextJustification)
Bool_t fTextChanged; // has text changed
GContext_t fNormGC; // graphics context used for drawing label
FontStruct_t fFontStruct; // font to draw label
Bool_t fHasOwnFont; // kTRUE - font defined locally, kFALSE - globally
Bool_t fDisabled; // if kTRUE label looks disabled (shaded text)
virtual void DoRedraw();
static const TGFont *fgDefaultFont;
static const TGGC *fgDefaultGC;
static FontStruct_t GetDefaultFontStruct();
static const TGGC &GetDefaultGC();
TGLabel(const TGWindow *p, TGString *text,
GContext_t norm = GetDefaultGC()(),
FontStruct_t font = GetDefaultFontStruct(),
UInt_t options = kChildFrame,
Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground());
TGLabel(const TGWindow *p = 0, const char *text = 0,
GContext_t norm = GetDefaultGC()(),
FontStruct_t font = GetDefaultFontStruct(),
UInt_t options = kChildFrame,
Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground());
virtual ~TGLabel();
virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize() const { return TGDimension(fTWidth, fTHeight+1); }
const TGString *GetText() const { return fText; }
virtual const char *GetTitle() const { return fText->Data(); }
virtual void SetText(TGString *newText);
void SetText(const char *newText) { SetText(new TGString(newText)); }
virtual void SetTitle(const char *label) { SetText(label); }
void SetText(Int_t number) { SetText(new TGString(number)); }
void SetTextJustify(Int_t tmode);
virtual void SetTextFont(TGFont *font, Bool_t global = kFALSE);
virtual void SetTextFont(FontStruct_t font, Bool_t global = kFALSE);
virtual void SetTextFont(const char *fontName, Bool_t global = kFALSE);
virtual void SetTextColor(Pixel_t color, Bool_t global = kFALSE);
virtual void SetTextColor(TColor *color, Bool_t global = kFALSE);
virtual void SetForegroundColor(Pixel_t fore) { SetTextColor(fore, kFALSE); }
virtual void Disable() { fDisabled = kTRUE; fClient->NeedRedraw(this); }
virtual void Enable() { fDisabled = kFALSE; fClient->NeedRedraw(this); }
Bool_t IsDisabled() const { return fDisabled; }
Bool_t HasOwnFont() const;
virtual void SavePrimitive(ofstream &out, Option_t *option);
ClassDef(TGLabel,0) // A label GUI element
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