// @(#)root/physics:$Name: $:$Id: TRolke.h,v 1.6 2005/06/17 14:56:08 brun Exp $ // Author: Jan Conrad 9/2/2004 /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_TRolke #define ROOT_TRolke #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include "TObject.h" #endif class TRolke : public TObject { protected: Double_t fCL; // confidence level as a fraction [e.g. 90% = 0.9] Double_t fUpperLimit; // the calculated upper limit Double_t fLowerLimit; // the calculated lower limit Int_t fSwitch; // 0: for unbounded likelihood // 1: for bounded likelihood // The Calculator Double_t Interval(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z, Double_t bm, Double_t em, Double_t e, Int_t mid, Double_t sde, Double_t sdb, Double_t tau, Double_t b,Int_t m); // LIKELIHOOD ROUTINE Double_t Likelihood(Double_t mu, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z, Double_t bm, Double_t em, Double_t e, Int_t mid, Double_t sde, Double_t sdb, Double_t tau, Double_t b, Int_t m, Int_t what); //MODEL 1 Double_t EvalLikeMod1(Double_t mu, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z, Double_t e, Double_t tau, Double_t b, Int_t m, Int_t what); Double_t LikeMod1(Double_t mu,Double_t b, Double_t e, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z, Double_t tau, Int_t m); void ProfLikeMod1(Double_t mu,Double_t &b, Double_t &e,Int_t x,Int_t y, Int_t z,Double_t tau,Int_t m); Double_t LikeGradMod1(Double_t e, Double_t mu, Int_t x,Int_t y,Int_t z,Double_t tau,Int_t m); //MODEL 2 Double_t EvalLikeMod2(Double_t mu, Int_t x, Int_t y, Double_t em, Double_t e,Double_t sde, Double_t tau, Double_t b, Int_t what); Double_t LikeMod2(Double_t mu, Double_t b, Double_t e,Int_t x,Int_t y,Double_t em,Double_t tau, Double_t v); //MODEL 3 Double_t EvalLikeMod3(Double_t mu, Int_t x, Double_t bm, Double_t em, Double_t e, Double_t sde, Double_t sdb, Double_t b, Int_t what); Double_t LikeMod3(Double_t mu,Double_t b,Double_t e,Int_t x,Double_t bm,Double_t em,Double_t u,Double_t v); //MODEL 4 Double_t EvalLikeMod4(Double_t mu, Int_t x, Int_t y, Double_t tau, Double_t b, Int_t what); Double_t LikeMod4(Double_t mu,Double_t b,Int_t x,Int_t y,Double_t tau); //MODEL 5 Double_t EvalLikeMod5(Double_t mu, Int_t x, Double_t bm, Double_t sdb, Double_t b, Int_t what); Double_t LikeMod5(Double_t mu,Double_t b,Int_t x,Double_t bm,Double_t u); //MODEL 6 Double_t EvalLikeMod6(Double_t mu, Int_t x, Int_t z, Double_t e, Double_t b, Int_t m, Int_t what); Double_t LikeMod6(Double_t mu,Double_t b,Double_t e,Int_t x,Int_t z,Int_t m); //MODEL 7 Double_t EvalLikeMod7(Double_t mu, Int_t x, Double_t em, Double_t e, Double_t sde, Double_t b, Int_t what); Double_t LikeMod7(Double_t mu,Double_t b,Double_t e,Int_t x,Double_t em,Double_t v); //MISC static Double_t EvalPolynomial(Double_t x, const Int_t coef[], Int_t N); static Double_t EvalMonomial (Double_t x, const Int_t coef[], Int_t N); public: TRolke(Double_t CL=0.9, Option_t *option = ""); virtual ~TRolke(); Double_t CalculateInterval(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t z, Double_t bm, Double_t em, Double_t e, Int_t mid, Double_t sde, Double_t sdb, Double_t tau, Double_t b,Int_t m); Double_t GetUpperLimit(void) const { return fUpperLimit;} Double_t GetLowerLimit(void) const { return fLowerLimit;} Int_t GetSwitch(void) const { return fSwitch;} void SetSwitch(Int_t sw) { fSwitch = sw; } Double_t GetCL(void) const { return fCL;} void SetCL(Double_t CL) { fCL = CL; } ClassDef(TRolke,1) }; #endif