// @(#)root/treeplayer:$Name: $:$Id: TTreeFormula.h,v 1.46 2005/06/13 19:18:11 pcanal Exp $
// Author: Rene Brun 19/01/96
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
// ---------------------------------- TreeFormula.h
#ifndef ROOT_TTreeFormula
#define ROOT_TTreeFormula
// //
// TTreeFormula //
// //
// The Tree formula class //
// //
#ifndef ROOT_TFormula
#include "TFormula.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TLeaf
#include "TLeaf.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TObjArray
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifdef R__OLDHPACC
namespace std {
using ::string;
using ::vector;
const Int_t kMAXCODES = kMAXFOUND; // must be the same as kMAXFOUND in TFormula
const Int_t kMAXFORMDIM = 5; // Maximum number of array dimensions support in TTreeFormula
class TTree;
class TArrayI;
class TMethodCall;
class TLeafObject;
class TDataMember;
class TStreamerElement;
class TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim;
class TFormLeafInfo;
class TBranchElement;
class TAxis;
class TTreeFormulaManager;
class TTreeFormula : public TFormula {
enum { kIsCharacter = BIT(12),
kMissingLeaf = BIT(15) // true if some of the needed leaves are missing in the current TTree
enum { kDirect, kDataMember, kMethod,
kIndexOfEntry, kEntries, kLength, kIteration, kLengthFunc, kSum };
enum { kAlias = 200,
kAliasString = 201,
kAlternate = 202,
kAlternateString = 203
TTree *fTree; //! pointer to Tree
Short_t fCodes[kMAXCODES]; // List of leaf numbers referenced in formula
Int_t fNdata[kMAXCODES]; //! This caches the physical number of element in the leaf or datamember.
Int_t fNcodes; // Number of leaves referenced in formula
Bool_t fHasCast; // Record whether the formula contain a cast operation or not
Int_t fMultiplicity; // Indicator of the variability of the formula
Int_t fNindex; // Size of fIndex
Int_t *fLookupType; //[fNindex] array indicating how each leaf should be looked-up
TObjArray fLeaves; //! List of leaf used in this formula.
TObjArray fDataMembers; //! List of leaf data members
TObjArray fMethods; //! List of leaf method calls
TObjArray fAliases; //! List of TTreeFormula for each alias used.
TObjArray fLeafNames; // List of TNamed describing leaves
TObjArray fBranches; //! List of branches to read. Similar to fLeaces but duplicates are zeroed out.
Bool_t fQuickLoad; //! If true, branch GetEntry is only called when the entry number changes.
Int_t fNdimensions[kMAXCODES]; //Number of array dimensions in each leaf
Int_t fFixedSizes[kMAXCODES][kMAXFORMDIM]; //Physical sizes of lower dimensions for each leaf
UChar_t fHasMultipleVarDim[kMAXCODES]; //True if the corresponding variable is an array with more than one variable dimension.
//the next line should have a mutable in front. See GetNdata()
Int_t fCumulSizes[kMAXCODES][kMAXFORMDIM]; //Accumulated sizes of lower dimensions for each leaf after variable dimensions has been calculated
Int_t fIndexes[kMAXCODES][kMAXFORMDIM]; //Index of array selected by user for each leaf
TTreeFormula *fVarIndexes[kMAXCODES][kMAXFORMDIM]; //Pointer to a variable index.
virtual Double_t GetValueFromMethod(Int_t i, TLeaf *leaf) const;
virtual void* GetValuePointerFromMethod(Int_t i, TLeaf *leaf) const;
Int_t GetRealInstance(Int_t instance, Int_t codeindex);
// Helper members and function used during the construction and parsing
TList *fDimensionSetup; //! list of dimension setups, for delayed creation of the dimension information.
std::vector<std::string> fAliasesUsed; //! List of aliases used during the parsing of the expression.
TTreeFormula(const char *name, const char *formula, TTree *tree, const std::vector<string>& aliases);
void Init(const char *name, const char *formula);
Bool_t BranchHasMethod(TLeaf* leaf, TBranch* branch, const char* method,const char* params, Long64_t readentry) const;
Int_t DefineAlternate(const char* expression);
void DefineDimensions(Int_t code, Int_t size, TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim * info, Int_t& virt_dim);
Int_t FindLeafForExpression(const char* expression, TLeaf *&leaf, TString &leftover, Bool_t &final, UInt_t ¶n_level, TObjArray &castqueue, std::vector<std::string>& aliasUsed, Bool_t &useLeafCollectionObject, const char *fullExpression);
TLeaf* GetLeafWithDatamember(const char* topchoice, const char* nextchice, Long64_t readentry) const;
Int_t ParseWithLeaf(TLeaf *leaf, const char *expression, Bool_t final, UInt_t paran_level, TObjArray &castqueue, Bool_t useLeafCollectionObject, const char *fullExpression);
Int_t RegisterDimensions(Int_t code, Int_t size, TFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim * multidim = 0);
Int_t RegisterDimensions(Int_t code, TBranchElement *branch);
Int_t RegisterDimensions(Int_t code, TFormLeafInfo *info, Bool_t useCollectionObject);
Int_t RegisterDimensions(Int_t code, TLeaf *leaf);
Int_t RegisterDimensions(const char *size, Int_t code);
TAxis *fAxis; //! pointer to histogram axis if this is a string
Bool_t fDidBooleanOptimization; //! True if we executed one boolean optimization since the last time instance number 0 was evaluated
void LoadBranches();
TTreeFormulaManager *fManager; //! The dimension coordinator.
friend class TTreeFormulaManager;
void ResetDimensions();
Bool_t LoadCurrentDim();
virtual Bool_t IsLeafInteger(Int_t code) const;
virtual Bool_t IsString(Int_t oper) const;
virtual Bool_t IsLeafString(Int_t code) const;
void Convert(UInt_t fromVersion);
// Not implemented yet
TTreeFormula(const TTreeFormula&);
TTreeFormula& operator=(const TTreeFormula&);
TTreeFormula(const char *name,const char *formula, TTree *tree);
virtual ~TTreeFormula();
virtual Int_t DefinedVariable(TString &variable, Int_t &action);
virtual TClass* EvalClass() const;
virtual Double_t EvalInstance(Int_t i=0, const char *stringStack[]=0);
virtual const char *EvalStringInstance(Int_t i=0);
virtual void* EvalObject(Int_t i=0);
// EvalInstance should be const. See comment on GetNdata()
TFormLeafInfo *GetLeafInfo(Int_t code) const;
TTreeFormulaManager*GetManager() const { return fManager; }
TMethodCall *GetMethodCall(Int_t code) const;
virtual Int_t GetMultiplicity() const {return fMultiplicity;}
virtual TLeaf *GetLeaf(Int_t n) const;
virtual Int_t GetNcodes() const {return fNcodes;}
virtual Int_t GetNdata();
//GetNdata should probably be const. However it need to cache some information about the actual dimension
//of arrays, so if GetNdata is const, the variables fUsedSizes and fCumulUsedSizes need to be declared
//mutable. We will be able to do that only when all the compilers supported for ROOT actually implemented
//the mutable keyword.
//NOTE: Also modify the code in PrintValue which current goes around this limitation :(
virtual Bool_t IsInteger() const;
Bool_t IsQuickLoad() const { return fQuickLoad; }
virtual Bool_t IsString() const;
virtual Bool_t Notify() { UpdateFormulaLeaves(); return kTRUE; }
virtual char *PrintValue(Int_t mode=0) const;
virtual char *PrintValue(Int_t mode, Int_t instance, const char *decform = "9.9") const;
virtual void SetAxis(TAxis *axis=0);
void SetQuickLoad(Bool_t quick) { fQuickLoad = quick; }
virtual void SetTree(TTree *tree) {fTree = tree;}
virtual TTree* GetTree() const {return fTree;}
virtual void UpdateFormulaLeaves();
ClassDef(TTreeFormula,9) //The Tree formula
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