
Jeff Clement, Bluesine


require "dialogs""Sample Application")
dlg.msgbox("Hello World")
# a complete example is included with distribution.


Class Dialog is a simple interface to the Unix Dialog program by Savio Lam and Stuart Herbert. I think Dialog is an awesome way of building simple user interfaces. This library is written to look similar to the Python wrapper for Dialog written by Robb Schecter.

Instance Methods


Takes one parameter defining the title of the application ( will be on the top of all Dialog windows ). Also does a quick search to find location of Dialog program.


Clears the screen by calling 'Dialog --clear'. This will not reset things like the background color.



Clears the screen by calling 'Dialog --clear'. Then calling 'clear' and finally 'stty sane'. This will make sure the terminal is cleaned up and working.


Dialog#msgbox (text, height=10, width=40)

Display a simple message box of given width and height (in characters) on the screen.

d.msgbox("This is a test")

Dialog#yesno (text, height=10, width=40)

Display a yesno box prompting user with a question. Returns true if the user selects yes or false otherwise.

isGreat=d.yesno("Is this great?")

Dialog#inputbox (text, init='', height=10, width=40)

Display a input box with a text prompt given an initial string. Returns array with [ERRNUM, [USERINPUT]].

name=d.inputbox("What is your name?")[1][0]

Dialog#textbox (file, height=20, width=60)

Display a given file in a textbox.


Dialog#menu (text, items, height=15, width=60)

Display a menu from a list of items. Will return an array of the form [ERRNUM, CHOOSENOBJECT]. The objects can be of anytype as long as they have a valid to_s method (ie. not limited to strings!)"Favorite color", %w{red green blue orange})[1]

Dialog#checklist (text, items, selected=[], height=15, width=60)

Display a list of items ( of any type ) as a series of checkboxes. Returns array with [ERRNUM, [CHECKED ITEM1, CHECKED ITEM2...]]. The optional array selected defines default values (any objects which appear in the list are checked).

favColors=d.checklist("Favorite color(s)", %w{red green blue orange},'red')

Dialog#radiolist (text, items, selected=nil, height=15, width=60)

Display a list of items ( of any type ) as a series of radioboxes. Returns array with [ERRNUM, CHECKEDITEM]. The optional selected value defines the default object (if any).

favColor=d.radiolist("Favorite color", %w{red green blue orange},'red')

Dialog#scrollbox(title, text, height=20, width=60)

Display large multiline messages using a textbox by writing text to a tempfile and calling textbox function. Requires a title. If passed an Array it will write each element to it's own line. Otherwise it will just write to object to the file directly using it's own to_s function.

d.scrollbox("Title", "Hello\nWorld\n123")



This software is distributed under the Bluesine public license. See included LICENSE file or <URL:>.

Version Info

$Id: dialogs.rb,v 1.1 2001/01/01 23:28:35 jsc Exp jsc $