/* RUDL - a C library wrapping SDL for use in Ruby. Copyright (C) 2001 Danny van Bruggen */ #include "rudl_joystick.h" #include "rudl_events.h" #include "rudl_video.h" void initJoystick() { if(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)){ initVideo(); } if(!SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)){ DEBUG_S("Starting joystick subsystem"); SDL_VERIFY(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)!=-1); } } void quitJoystick() { if(SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK)){ DEBUG_S("Stopping joystick subsystem"); rb_eval_string("ObjectSpace.each_object(RUDL::Joystick) {|x| x.close_hack}"); SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); } } /** @file Input @class Joystick @section Class methods @method new( id ) Creates a new joystick object. @id is a number smaller than @count. This will also start events for this joystick. */ static VALUE joystick_new(VALUE self, VALUE id) { SDL_Joystick* joystick; initJoystick(); joystick=SDL_JoystickOpen(NUM2INT(id)); if(joystick){ return Data_Wrap_Struct(classJoystick, 0, 0, joystick); } SDL_RAISE; return Qnil; } SDL_Joystick* retrieveJoystickPointer(VALUE self) { SDL_Joystick* joystick; Data_Get_Struct(self, SDL_Joystick, joystick); return joystick; } /** @method count Returns the amount of joysticks attached to the computer. */ static VALUE joystick_count(VALUE self) { initJoystick(); return INT2NUM(SDL_NumJoysticks()); } /** @section Instance methods @method id Returns the id of the joystick as it was passed to @new. */ static VALUE joystick_id(VALUE self) { return INT2NUM(SDL_JoystickIndex(retrieveJoystickPointer(self))); } /** @method axes Returns the amount of axes the joystick has. */ static VALUE joystick_axes(VALUE self) { return INT2NUM(SDL_JoystickNumAxes(retrieveJoystickPointer(self))); } /** @method balls Returns the amount of trackballs the joystick has. */ static VALUE joystick_balls(VALUE self) { return INT2NUM(SDL_JoystickNumBalls(retrieveJoystickPointer(self))); } /** @method hats Returns the amount of hats the joystick has. */ static VALUE joystick_hats(VALUE self) { return INT2NUM(SDL_JoystickNumHats(retrieveJoystickPointer(self))); } /** @method buttons Returns the amount of buttons the joystick has. */ static VALUE joystick_buttons(VALUE self) { return INT2NUM(SDL_JoystickNumButtons(retrieveJoystickPointer(self))); } /** @method axis( nr ) Returns the state of axis @nr, which is between -1 to 1. */ static VALUE joystick_axis(VALUE self, VALUE nr) { return DBL2NUM(SDL_JoystickGetAxis(retrieveJoystickPointer(self), NUM2INT(nr))/32768.0); } /** @method ball( nr ) Returns the state of ball @nr, which is an array of [dx, dy] where dx and dy are between -1 to 1. */ static VALUE joystick_ball(VALUE self, VALUE nr) { int dx, dy; if(SDL_JoystickGetBall(retrieveJoystickPointer(self), NUM2INT(nr), &dx, &dy)==-1)SDL_RAISE; return rb_ary_new3(2, DBL2NUM(dx/32768.0), DBL2NUM(dy/32768.0)); } /** @method hat( nr ) Returns the state of hat @nr, which is an array of [dx, dy] where dx and dy can be -1, 0 or 1. */ static VALUE joystick_hat(VALUE self, VALUE nr) { int hx=0; int hy=0; Uint8 value=SDL_JoystickGetHat(retrieveJoystickPointer(self), NUM2INT(nr)); if(value&SDL_HAT_UP) hy = 1; else if(value&SDL_HAT_DOWN) hy = -1; if(value&SDL_HAT_LEFT) hx = 1; else if(value&SDL_HAT_LEFT) hx = -1; return rb_ary_new3(2, INT2NUM(hx), INT2NUM(hy)); } /** @method button( nr ) Returns the boolean state of button @nr. */ static VALUE joystick_button(VALUE self, VALUE nr) { return INT2BOOL(SDL_JoystickGetButton(retrieveJoystickPointer(self), NUM2INT(nr))); } static VALUE joystick_close_hack(VALUE self) { SDL_JoystickClose(retrieveJoystickPointer(self)); return Qnil; } void initJoystickClasses() { classJoystick=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "Joystick", rb_cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(classJoystick, "new", joystick_new, 1); rb_define_singleton_method(classJoystick, "count", joystick_count, 0); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "id", joystick_id, 0); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "axes", joystick_axes, 0); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "balls", joystick_balls, 0); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "hats", joystick_hats, 0); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "buttons", joystick_buttons, 0); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "axis", joystick_axis, 1); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "ball", joystick_ball, 1); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "hat", joystick_hat, 1); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "button", joystick_button, 1); rb_define_method(classJoystick, "close_hack", joystick_close_hack, 0); rb_eval_string( "module RUDL class Joystick \n" " def to_s \n" " \"Joystick #{id}, #{axes} axes, #{balls} balls, #{buttons} buttons, #{hats} hats\" \n" " end \n" "end end \n" ); /** @section Joystick input event classes
Contains @id which is the joysticknumber, @value which is the movement, ranging from -1 to 1 and @axis which is the axis index.
Contains @id which is the joysticknumber, @ball which is a trackball index and @rel which is a movement array of [dx, dy].
Contains @id which is the joysticknumber, @hat which is the hatnumber and a movement array of [dx, dy] called @value where dx and dy can be -1, 0 or 1.
Contains @id which is the joysticknumber and @button which is the button index.
Contains @id which is the joysticknumber and @button which is the button index.
*/ classJoyAxisEvent=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "JoyAxisEvent", classEvent); rb_define_attr(classJoyAxisEvent, "id", 1, 1); rb_define_attr(classJoyAxisEvent, "value", 1, 1); rb_define_attr(classJoyAxisEvent, "axis", 1, 1); classJoyBallEvent=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "JoyBallEvent", classEvent); rb_define_attr(classJoyBallEvent, "id", 1, 1); rb_define_attr(classJoyBallEvent, "ball", 1, 1); rb_define_attr(classJoyBallEvent, "rel", 1, 1); classJoyHatEvent=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "JoyHatEvent", classEvent); rb_define_attr(classJoyHatEvent, "id", 1, 1); rb_define_attr(classJoyHatEvent, "hat", 1, 1); rb_define_attr(classJoyHatEvent, "value", 1, 1); classJoyButtonUpEvent=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "JoyButtonUpEvent", classEvent); rb_define_attr(classJoyButtonUpEvent, "id", 1, 1); rb_define_attr(classJoyButtonUpEvent, "button", 1, 1); classJoyButtonDownEvent=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "JoyButtonDownEvent", classEvent); rb_define_attr(classJoyButtonDownEvent, "id", 1, 1); rb_define_attr(classJoyButtonDownEvent, "button", 1, 1); /*DEC_CONST(HAT_CENTERED); DEC_CONST(HAT_UP); DEC_CONST(HAT_RIGHTUP); DEC_CONST(HAT_RIGHT); DEC_CONST(HAT_RIGHTDOWN); DEC_CONST(HAT_DOWN); DEC_CONST(HAT_LEFTDOWN); DEC_CONST(HAT_LEFT); DEC_CONST(HAT_LEFTUP);*/ }