/* RUDL - a C library wrapping SDL for use in Ruby. Copyright (C) 2001 Danny van Bruggen */ #include "rudl_sfont.h" #include "rudl_video.h" typedef struct { SDL_Surface *Surface; int CharPos[512]; int h; } SFont_FontInfo; void PutString(SDL_Surface *Surface, SFont_FontInfo *Font, Sint16 x, Sint16 y, char *text) { Sint16 ofs; Sint16 i=0; SDL_Rect srcrect,dstrect; while (text[i]!='\0') { if (text[i]==' ') { x+=Font->CharPos[2]-Font->CharPos[1]; i++; }else{ ofs=(text[i]-33)*2+1; srcrect.w = dstrect.w = (Font->CharPos[ofs+2]+Font->CharPos[ofs+1])/2-(Font->CharPos[ofs]+Font->CharPos[ofs-1])/2; srcrect.h = dstrect.h = Font->Surface->h-1; srcrect.x = (Font->CharPos[ofs]+Font->CharPos[ofs-1])/2; srcrect.y = 1; dstrect.x = (Sint16)(x-(float)(Font->CharPos[ofs]-Font->CharPos[ofs-1])/2); dstrect.y = y; SDL_BlitSurface( Font->Surface, &srcrect, Surface, &dstrect); x+=Font->CharPos[ofs+1]-Font->CharPos[ofs]; i++; } } } static SFont_FontInfo* retrieveFontInfoPointer(VALUE font) { SFont_FontInfo* fontPtr; Data_Get_Struct(font, SFont_FontInfo, fontPtr); return fontPtr; } /** @file Fonts @class BitmapFont BitmapFont is made with the SFont library and prints text with bitmaps. It is maintained by Karl Bartel on Linux Games

Here is Karl's README:


The font file can be any type image file. The characters start with ASCII symbol #33. They are seperated by pink(255,0,255) lines at the top of the image. The space between these lines is the width of the caracter. Just take a look at the image, and you'll be able to understand what I tried to explain here.

Example for the font file format is in this picture:

The easiest way to create a new font is to use the GIMP's Logo function. Use the following string as text (ASCII 33-127 with escape sequences and spaces between the letters): ! \" # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ */ /** @section Class Methods @method new( surface ) -> BitmapFont Creates a new BitmapFont from the drawn characters in @surface. To load a font directly from disc, use Surface.load_new('fontfilename') as the argument to @new. */ static VALUE sfont_new(VALUE self, VALUE surface) { VALUE newFont; Sint16 x = 0, i = 0; SFont_FontInfo* font=(SFont_FontInfo*)malloc(sizeof(SFont_FontInfo)); font->Surface=retrieveSurfacePointer(surface); SDL_VERIFY(font->Surface!=NULL); if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(font->Surface)) SDL_LockSurface(font->Surface); while ( x < font->Surface->w ) { if(internal_nonlocking_get(font->Surface,x,0)==SDL_MapRGB(font->Surface->format,255,0,255)) { font->CharPos[i++]=x; while (( x < font->Surface->w-1) && (internal_nonlocking_get(font->Surface,x,0)==SDL_MapRGB(font->Surface->format,255,0,255))) x++; font->CharPos[i++]=x; } x++; } if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(font->Surface)) SDL_UnlockSurface(font->Surface); font->h=font->Surface->h; SDL_SetColorKey(font->Surface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, internal_nonlocking_get(font->Surface, 0, font->Surface->h-1)); newFont=Data_Wrap_Struct(classSFont, 0, free, font); rb_iv_set(newFont, "@referenceholder", surface); return newFont; } /** @section Instance Methods @method print( surface, coordinate, text ) -> self Puts @text on @surface at @coordinate which is an array of [x, y]. */ static VALUE sfont_print(VALUE self, VALUE surface, VALUE coord, VALUE text) { Sint16 x,y; PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y); PutString(retrieveSurfacePointer(surface), retrieveFontInfoPointer(self), x, y, STR2CSTR(text)); return self; } /** @method print_centered( surface, y, text ) -> self Puts @text on @surface at y-coordinate @y in the horizontal center of the screen. */ static void add_sfont_print_centered() { rb_eval_string( "module RUDL class SFont \n" " def print_centered(surface, y, text) \n" " print(surface,[(surface.w-size(text)[0])/2,y],text) \n" " self \n" " end \n" "end end \n" ); } /** @method size( text ) -> [width, heigth] Returns the size in pixels that @text will take when written. */ static VALUE sfont_size(VALUE self, VALUE ruby_text) { SFont_FontInfo* font=retrieveFontInfoPointer(self); char* text=STR2CSTR(ruby_text); int ofs=0; int i=0,x=0; while (text[i]!='\0') { if (text[i]==' ') { x+=font->CharPos[2]-font->CharPos[1]; i++; }else{ ofs=(text[i]-33)*2+1; x+=font->CharPos[ofs+1]-font->CharPos[ofs]; i++; } } return rb_ary_new3(2, INT2NUM(x), INT2NUM(font->h)); } void initSFontClasses() { classSFont=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "SFont", rb_cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(classSFont, "new", sfont_new, 1); rb_define_method(classSFont, "print", sfont_print, 3); rb_define_method(classSFont, "size", sfont_size, 1); add_sfont_print_centered(); // Backward compatability: rb_alias(classSFont, rb_intern("puts"), rb_intern("print")); rb_alias(classSFont, rb_intern("puts_centered"), rb_intern("print_centered")); classBitmapFont=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "BitmapFont", classSFont); rb_eval_string( "module RUDL class BitmapFont \n" " def inspect \n" " \"\" \n" " end \n" "end end \n" ); }