RUDL - a C library wrapping SDL for use in Ruby.
Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 Danny van Bruggen
$Log: rudl_video_sdl_gfx.c,v $
Revision 1.15 2004/10/23 19:54:22 rennex
Fixed docs
Revision 1.14 2004/08/04 23:03:46 tsuihark
Updated all documentation to Dokumentat format.
Revision 1.13 2004/01/21 22:55:10 tsuihark
Converted to Dokumentat format.
Revision 1.12 2003/12/26 22:40:44 rennex
Combined Surface#plot and Surface#[]= into one method
Revision 1.11 2003/09/26 22:43:16 tsuihark
Added CVS headers
#include "rudl_events.h"
#include "rudl_video.h"
#include "SDL_rotozoom.h"
#include "SDL_gfxPrimitives.h"
///////////////////////////////// SDL_GFX: ROTOZOOM
@file Surface
@class Surface
@section Drawing
Many of the methods here are from SDL_gfx.
They were written by Andreas Schiffler.
@section Scaling, Flipping and Rotating
@method rotozoom( angle, zoom, smooth ) => Surface
Returns a new surface that is rotated @angle degrees and zoomed
@zoom times (fractions are OK).
This method returns a 32 bit surface.
Exception: for now it returns an 8 bit surface when fed an 8 bit surface.
If @smooth is true and the surface is not 8 bits,
bilinear interpolation will be applied, resulting in a smoother image.
static VALUE surface_rotozoom(VALUE self, VALUE angle, VALUE zoom, VALUE smooth)
return createSurfaceObject(rotozoomSurface(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), NUM2DBL(angle), NUM2DBL(zoom), NUM2BOOL(smooth)));
@method zoom( zoom_horizontal, zoom_vertical, smooth ) => Surface
Returns a new surface that is zoomed.
1.0 doesn't zoom, bigger than 1.0 zooms in, smaller than 1.0 zooms out.
This method returns a 32 bit surface.
Exception: for now it returns an 8 bit surface when fed an 8 bit surface.
If @smooth is true and the surface is not 8 bits,
bilinear interpolation will be applied, resulting in a smoother image.
(The last two methods are from Andreas Schiffler's SDL_rotozoom, aschiffler@home.com)
static VALUE surface_zoom(VALUE self, VALUE zoom_x, VALUE zoom_y, VALUE smooth)
return createSurfaceObject(zoomSurface(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), NUM2DBL(zoom_x), NUM2DBL(zoom_y), NUM2BOOL(smooth)));
///////////////////////////////// SDL_GFX: GFXPRIMITIVES
@section Drawing
For these methods, "antialiased" means that drawing is done with many shades of the
requested color to simulate
@method plot( x, y, color ) -> self
@method plot( coordinate, color ) -> self
@method [ x, y ]= color -> self
@method [ coordinate ]= color -> self
These methods access single pixels on a surface.
@plot or @[]= set the color of a pixel. The coordinate can be given as an [x,y] array or two
separate numbers. @plot is an alias for @[]=.
These methods require the surface to be locked if necessary.
@[]= and @[] are the only methods in RUDL that take separate x and y coordinates.
See also: @Surface.get, @Surface.[]
static VALUE surface_plot(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
Sint16 x,y;
Uint32 color;
/* did we get a coordinate array? */
if (argc == 2) {
PARAMETER2COORD(argv[0], &x, &y);
color = VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(argv[1]);
} else if (argc == 3) {
/* what about separate coordinates? */
x = NUM2Sint16(argv[0]);
y = NUM2Sint16(argv[1]);
color = VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(argv[2]);
} else {
/* no, something else */
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments");
if(pixelColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, color)) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
static VALUE surface_array_plot(VALUE self, VALUE x, VALUE y, VALUE color)
if(pixelColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), NUM2Sint16(x), NUM2Sint16(y), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
@section Drawing: Straight stuff
@method horizontal_line( coord, endx, color ) => self
static VALUE surface_horizontal_line(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE endx, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(hlineColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, NUM2Sint16(endx), y, VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method vertical_line( coord, endy, color ) => self */
static VALUE surface_vertical_line(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE endy, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(vlineColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, NUM2Sint16(endy), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method rectangle( rect, color ) => self */
static VALUE surface_rectangle(VALUE self, VALUE rectObject, VALUE color)
SDL_Rect rect;
PARAMETER2CRECT(rectObject, &rect);
if(rectangleColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), rect.x, rect.y, (Sint16)(rect.x+rect.w-1), (Sint16)(rect.y+rect.h-1), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
@method filled_rectangle( rect, color ) => self
Filled_rectangle is a lot like @fill.
Fill comes from SDL, filled_rectangle from SDL_gfx,
choose whichever you like best.
static VALUE surface_filled_rectangle(VALUE self, VALUE rectObject, VALUE color)
SDL_Rect rect;
PARAMETER2CRECT(rectObject, &rect);
if(boxColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), rect.x, rect.y, (Sint16)(rect.x+rect.w-1), (Sint16)(rect.y+rect.h-1), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method line( coord1, coord2, color ) */
static VALUE surface_line(VALUE self, VALUE coord1, VALUE coord2, VALUE color)
Sint16 x1,y1,x2,y2;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord1, &x1, &y1);
PARAMETER2COORD(coord2, &x2, &y2);
if(lineColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x1, y1, x2, y2, VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method antialiased_line( coord1, coord2, color ) -> self*/
static VALUE surface_antialiased_line(VALUE self, VALUE coord1, VALUE coord2, VALUE color)
Sint16 x1,y1,x2,y2;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord1, &x1, &y1);
PARAMETER2COORD(coord2, &x2, &y2);
if(aalineColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x1, y1, x2, y2, VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
@section Drawing: Circles
@method circle( coord, radius, color ) -> self
static VALUE surface_circle(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE r, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(circleColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, NUM2Sint16(r), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method filled_circle( coord, radius, color ) -> self*/
static VALUE surface_filled_circle(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE r, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(filledCircleColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, NUM2Sint16(r), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method antialiased_circle( coord, radius, color ) -> self*/
static VALUE surface_antialiased_circle(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE r, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(aacircleColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, NUM2Sint16(r), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method filled_pie( coord, radius, start, end, color ) -> self*/
static VALUE surface_filled_pie(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE r, VALUE start, VALUE end, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(filledpieColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, NUM2Sint16(r), NUM2Sint16(start), NUM2Sint16(end), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method ellipse( coord, radius_x, radius_y, color ) -> self*/
static VALUE surface_ellipse(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE rx, VALUE ry, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(ellipseColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, NUM2Sint16(rx), NUM2Sint16(ry), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method antialiased_ellipse( coord, radius_x, radius_y, color ) -> self*/
static VALUE surface_antialiased_ellipse(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE rx, VALUE ry, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(aaellipseColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, NUM2Sint16(rx), NUM2Sint16(ry), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
/** @method filled_ellipse( coord, radius_x, radius_y, color ) -> self*/
static VALUE surface_filled_ellipse(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE rx, VALUE ry, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(filledEllipseColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, NUM2Sint16(rx), NUM2Sint16(ry), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
@section Drawing: Polygons
The polygon methods take an array of [x,y], like [[10,10],[40,60],[16,66]].
@method polygon( coord_list, color ) -> self
static VALUE surface_polygon(VALUE self, VALUE coordlist, VALUE color)
int numpoints=RARRAY(coordlist)->len;
Sint16 *x=malloc(sizeof(Sint16)*numpoints);
Sint16 *y=malloc(sizeof(Sint16)*numpoints);
int i;
VALUE tmp;
for(i=0; i self */
static VALUE surface_filled_polygon(VALUE self, VALUE coordlist, VALUE color)
int numpoints=RARRAY(coordlist)->len;
Sint16 *x=malloc(sizeof(Sint16)*numpoints);
Sint16 *y=malloc(sizeof(Sint16)*numpoints);
int i;
VALUE tmp;
for(i=0; i self
static VALUE surface_antialiased_polygon(VALUE self, VALUE coordlist, VALUE color)
int numpoints=RARRAY(coordlist)->len;
Sint16 *x=malloc(sizeof(Sint16)*numpoints);
Sint16 *y=malloc(sizeof(Sint16)*numpoints);
int i;
VALUE tmp;
for(i=0; i self
Puts @text on the surface in a monospaced 8x8 standard old ASCII font.
static VALUE surface_print(VALUE self, VALUE coord, VALUE text, VALUE color)
Sint16 x,y;
PARAMETER2COORD(coord, &x, &y);
if(stringColor(retrieveSurfacePointer(self), x, y, STR2CSTR(text), VALUE2COLOR_NOMAP(color))) SDL_RAISE_S("failed");
return self;
Unsupported for now (don't know how they work yet)
== SDL_gfx: SDL_imageFilter
--- Surface#filterMMXdetect
--- Surface#filterEnableMMX( true_or_false )
--- Surface#filterAdd: D = saturation255(S1 + S2)
--- Surface#filterMean: D = S1/2 + S2/2
SDL_imageFilterSub: D = saturation0(S1 - S2)
SDL_imageFilterAbsDiff: D = | S1 - S2 |
SDL_imageFilterMult: D = saturation(S1 * S2)
SDL_imageFilterMultNor: D = S1 * S2 (non-MMX)
SDL_imageFilterMultDivby2: D = saturation255(S1/2 * S2)
SDL_imageFilterMultDivby4: D = saturation255(S1/2 * S2/2)
SDL_imageFilterBitAnd: D = S1 & S2
SDL_imageFilterBitOr: D = S1 | S2
SDL_imageFilterDiv: D = S1 / S2 (non-MMX)
SDL_imageFilterBitNegation: D = !S
SDL_imageFilterAddByte: D = saturation255(S + C)
SDL_imageFilterAddByteToHalf: D = saturation255(S/2 + C)
SDL_imageFilterSubByte: D = saturation0(S - C)
SDL_imageFilterShiftRight: D = saturation0(S >> N)
SDL_imageFilterMultByByte: D = saturation255(S * C)
SDL_imageFilterShiftRightAndMultByByte: D = saturation255((S >> N) * C)
SDL_imageFilterShiftLeftByte: D = (S << N)
SDL_imageFilterShiftLeft: D = saturation255(S << N)
SDL_imageFilterBinarizeUsingThreshold: D = S >= T ? 255:0
SDL_imageFilterClipToRange: D = (S >= Tmin) & (S <= Tmax) 255:0
SDL_imageFilterNormalizeLinear: D = saturation255((Nmax - Nmin)/(Cmax - Cmin)*(S - Cmin) + Nmin)
SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel3x3Divide: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel5x5Divide: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel7x7Divide: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel9x9Divide: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel3x3ShiftRight: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel5x5ShiftRight: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel7x7ShiftRight: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel9x9ShiftRight: Dij = saturation0and255( ... )
SDL_imageFilterSobelX: Dij = saturation255( ... )
int SDL_imageFilterAdd (unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterMean(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterSub(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterAbsDiff(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterMult(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterMultNor(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterMultDivby2(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterMultDivby4(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterBitAnd(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterBitOr(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterDiv(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Src2, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterBitNegation(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length);
int SDL_imageFilterAddByte(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char C);
int SDL_imageFilterAddByteToHalf(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char C);
int SDL_imageFilterSubByte(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char C);
int SDL_imageFilterShiftRight(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char N);
int SDL_imageFilterMultByByte(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char C);
int SDL_imageFilterShiftRightAndMultByByte(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char N, unsigned char C);
int SDL_imageFilterShiftLeftByte(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char N);
int SDL_imageFilterShiftLeft(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char N);
int SDL_imageFilterBinarizeUsingThreshold(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char T);
int SDL_imageFilterClipToRange(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, unsigned char Tmin, unsigned char Tmax);
int SDL_imageFilterNormalizeLinear(unsigned char *Src1, unsigned char *Dest, int length, int Cmin, int Cmax, int Nmin, int Nmax);
int SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel3x3Divide(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns, signed short *Kernel, unsigned char Divisor);
int SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel5x5Divide(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns, signed short *Kernel, unsigned char Divisor);
int SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel7x7Divide(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns, signed short *Kernel, unsigned char Divisor);
int SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel9x9Divide(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns, signed short *Kernel, unsigned char Divisor);
int SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel3x3ShiftRight(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns, signed short *Kernel, unsigned char NRightShift);
int SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel5x5ShiftRight(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns, signed short *Kernel, unsigned char NRightShift);
int SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel7x7ShiftRight(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns, signed short *Kernel, unsigned char NRightShift);
int SDL_imageFilterConvolveKernel9x9ShiftRight(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns, signed short *Kernel, unsigned char NRightShift);
int SDL_imageFilterSobelX(unsigned char *Src, unsigned char *Dest, int rows, int columns);
///////////////////////////////// INIT
void initVideoSDLGFXClasses()
//classSurfaceArray=rb_define_class_under(moduleRUDL, "SurfaceArray", rb_cObject);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "[]=", surface_plot, -1);
rb_alias(classSurface, rb_intern("plot"), rb_intern("[]="));
rb_define_method(classSurface, "horizontal_line", surface_horizontal_line, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "vertical_line", surface_vertical_line, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "rectangle", surface_rectangle, 2);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "filled_rectangle", surface_filled_rectangle, 2);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "line", surface_line, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "antialiased_line", surface_antialiased_line, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "circle", surface_circle, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "filled_circle", surface_filled_circle, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "antialiased_circle", surface_antialiased_circle, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "filled_pie", surface_filled_pie, 5);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "ellipse", surface_ellipse, 4);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "filled_ellipse", surface_filled_ellipse, 4);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "antialiased_ellipse", surface_antialiased_ellipse, 4);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "polygon", surface_polygon, 2);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "filled_polygon", surface_filled_polygon, 2);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "antialiased_polygon", surface_antialiased_polygon, 2);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "print", surface_print, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "rotozoom", surface_rotozoom, 3);
rb_define_method(classSurface, "zoom", surface_zoom, 3);