# main.py: Main wxGlade module: defines wxGladeFrame which contains the buttons # to add widgets and initializes all the stuff (tree, property_frame, etc.) # $Id: main.py,v 1.84 2007/08/07 12:21:56 agriggio Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Alberto Griggio # License: MIT (see license.txt) # THIS PROGRAM COMES WITH NO WARRANTY import wxversion wxversion.ensureMinimal("2.6") #from wxPython.wx import * import wx from widget_properties import * from tree import Tree, WidgetTree import edit_sizers import common, os, os.path, misc, config import clipboard import xml_parse import template class wxGladePropertyPanel(wx.Panel): """\ Panel used to display the Properties of the various widgets """ def SetTitle(self, title): try: self.GetParent().SetTitle(title) except AttributeError: pass def Layout(self): if self.is_visible(): wx.Panel.Layout(self) self.GetParent().Layout() def is_visible(self): return self.GetParent().IsShown() # end of class wxGladePropertyPanel TOGGLE_BOX_EVENT = wx.NewEventType() def EVT_TOGGLE_BOX(win, id, func): win.Connect(id, -1, TOGGLE_BOX_EVENT, func) class ToggleBoxEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent): def __init__(self, id, value, strval): wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self) self.SetId(id) self.SetEventType(TOGGLE_BOX_EVENT) self.value = value self.strval = strval def GetValue(self): return self.value def GetStringValue(self): return self.strval # end of class ToggleBoxEvent class ToggleButtonBox(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent, id, choices=[], value=0): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id) self.buttons = [wx.ToggleButton(self, -1, c) for c in choices] self.selected = None self.SetValue(value) for b in self.buttons: def handler(event, b=b): self.on_toggle(b, event) wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON(self, b.GetId(), handler) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) for b in self.buttons: sizer.Add(b, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 1) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) sizer.SetSizeHints(self) def on_toggle(self, button, event): if self.selected is button: self.selected.SetValue(True) return if self.selected is not None: self.selected.SetValue(False) self.selected = button wx.PostEvent(self, ToggleBoxEvent(self.GetId(), self.GetValue(), self.GetStringValue())) def GetValue(self): if self.selected is not None: return self.buttons.index(self.selected) return -1 def GetStringValue(self): if self.selected is None: return None return self.selected.GetLabel() def SetValue(self, index): if self.selected is not None: self.selected.SetValue(False) if -1 < index < len(self.buttons): self.selected = self.buttons[index] self.selected.SetValue(True) def SetStringValue(self, strval): index = -1 for i in range(len(self.buttons)): if self.buttons[i].GetLabel() == strval: index = i break self.SetValue(index) # end of class ToggleButtonBox class wxGladeArtProvider(wx.ArtProvider): def CreateBitmap(self, artid, client, size): if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__' and artid == wx.ART_FOLDER: return wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(common.wxglade_path, 'icons', 'closed_folder.xpm'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_XPM) return wx.NullBitmap # end of class wxGladeArtProvider class wxGladeFrame(wx.Frame): """\ Main frame of wxGlade (palette) """ def __init__(self, parent=None): style = wx.SYSTEM_MENU|wx.CAPTION|wx.MINIMIZE_BOX|wx.RESIZE_BORDER if misc.check_wx_version(2, 5): style |= wx.CLOSE_BOX wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "wxGlade v%s" % common.version, style=style) self.CreateStatusBar(1) if parent is None: parent = self common.palette = self # to provide a reference accessible # by the various widget classes icon = wx.EmptyIcon() bmp = wx.Bitmap(os.path.join(common.wxglade_path, "icons/icon.xpm"), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_XPM) icon.CopyFromBitmap(bmp) self.SetIcon(icon) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)) menu_bar = wx.MenuBar() file_menu = wx.Menu(style=wx.MENU_TEAROFF) view_menu = wx.Menu(style=wx.MENU_TEAROFF) help_menu = wx.Menu(style=wx.MENU_TEAROFF) wx.ToolTip_SetDelay(1000) # load the available code generators common.load_code_writers() # load the available widgets and sizers core_btns, custom_btns = common.load_widgets() sizer_btns = common.load_sizers() append_item = misc.append_item self.TREE_ID = TREE_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(view_menu, TREE_ID, _("Show &Tree\tF2")) self.PROPS_ID = PROPS_ID = wx.NewId() self.RAISE_ID = RAISE_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(view_menu, PROPS_ID, _("Show &Properties\tF3")) append_item(view_menu, RAISE_ID, _("&Raise All\tF4")) NEW_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, NEW_ID, _("&New\tCtrl+N"), wx.ART_NEW) NEW_FROM_TEMPLATE_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, NEW_FROM_TEMPLATE_ID, _("New from &Template...\tShift+Ctrl+N")) OPEN_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, OPEN_ID, _("&Open...\tCtrl+O"), wx.ART_FILE_OPEN) SAVE_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, SAVE_ID, _("&Save\tCtrl+S"), wx.ART_FILE_SAVE) SAVE_AS_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, SAVE_AS_ID, _("Save As...\tShift+Ctrl+S"), wx.ART_FILE_SAVE_AS) SAVE_TEMPLATE_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, SAVE_TEMPLATE_ID, _("Save As Template...")) file_menu.AppendSeparator() RELOAD_ID = wx.ID_REFRESH #wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, RELOAD_ID, _("&Refresh\tf5")) #, wx.ART_REDO) GENERATE_CODE_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, GENERATE_CODE_ID, _("&Generate Code\tCtrl+G"), wx.ART_EXECUTABLE_FILE) file_menu.AppendSeparator() IMPORT_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(file_menu, IMPORT_ID, _("&Import from XRC...\tCtrl+I")) EXIT_ID = wx.NewId() file_menu.AppendSeparator() append_item(file_menu, EXIT_ID, _('E&xit\tCtrl+Q'), wx.ART_QUIT) PREFS_ID = wx.ID_PREFERENCES #NewId() view_menu.AppendSeparator() MANAGE_TEMPLATES_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(view_menu, MANAGE_TEMPLATES_ID, _('Templates Manager...')) view_menu.AppendSeparator() append_item(view_menu, PREFS_ID, _('Preferences...')) #wx.ART_HELP_SETTINGS) menu_bar.Append(file_menu, _("&File")) menu_bar.Append(view_menu, _("&View")) TUT_ID = wx.NewId() append_item(help_menu, TUT_ID, _('Contents\tF1'), wx.ART_HELP) ABOUT_ID = wx.ID_ABOUT #wx.NewId() append_item(help_menu, ABOUT_ID, _('About...'))#, wx.ART_QUESTION) menu_bar.Append(help_menu, _('&Help')) parent.SetMenuBar(menu_bar) # Mac tweaks... if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__": wx.App_SetMacAboutMenuItemId(ABOUT_ID) wx.App_SetMacPreferencesMenuItemId(PREFS_ID) wx.App_SetMacExitMenuItemId(EXIT_ID) wx.App_SetMacHelpMenuTitleName(_('&Help')) # file history support if misc.check_wx_version(2, 3, 3): self.file_history = wx.FileHistory( config.preferences.number_history) self.file_history.UseMenu(file_menu) files = config.load_history() files.reverse() for path in files: self.file_history.AddFileToHistory(path.strip()) def open_from_history(event): if not self.ask_save(): return infile = self.file_history.GetHistoryFile( event.GetId() - wx.ID_FILE1) # ALB 2004-10-15 try to restore possible autosave content... if common.check_autosaved(infile) and \ wx.MessageBox(_("There seems to be auto saved data for " "this file: do you want to restore it?"), _("Auto save detected"), style=wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO) == wx.YES: common.restore_from_autosaved(infile) else: common.remove_autosaved(infile) self._open_app(infile) wx.EVT_MENU_RANGE(self, wx.ID_FILE1, wx.ID_FILE9, open_from_history) wx.EVT_MENU(self, TREE_ID, self.show_tree) wx.EVT_MENU(self, PROPS_ID, self.show_props_window) wx.EVT_MENU(self, RAISE_ID, self.raise_all) wx.EVT_MENU(self, NEW_ID, self.new_app) wx.EVT_MENU(self, NEW_FROM_TEMPLATE_ID, self.new_app_from_template) wx.EVT_MENU(self, OPEN_ID, self.open_app) wx.EVT_MENU(self, SAVE_ID, self.save_app) wx.EVT_MENU(self, SAVE_AS_ID, self.save_app_as) wx.EVT_MENU(self, SAVE_TEMPLATE_ID, self.save_app_as_template) def generate_code(event): common.app_tree.app.generate_code() wx.EVT_MENU(self, GENERATE_CODE_ID, generate_code) wx.EVT_MENU(self, EXIT_ID, lambda e: self.Close()) wx.EVT_MENU(self, TUT_ID, self.show_tutorial) wx.EVT_MENU(self, ABOUT_ID, self.show_about_box) wx.EVT_MENU(self, PREFS_ID, self.edit_preferences) wx.EVT_MENU(self, MANAGE_TEMPLATES_ID, self.manage_templates) wx.EVT_MENU(self, IMPORT_ID, self.import_xrc) wx.EVT_MENU(self, RELOAD_ID, self.reload_app) PREVIEW_ID = wx.NewId() def preview(event): if common.app_tree.cur_widget is not None: p = misc.get_toplevel_widget(common.app_tree.cur_widget) if p is not None: p.preview(None) wx.EVT_MENU(self, PREVIEW_ID, preview) self.accel_table = wx.AcceleratorTable([ (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('N'), NEW_ID), (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('O'), OPEN_ID), (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('S'), SAVE_ID), (wx.ACCEL_CTRL|wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, ord('S'), SAVE_AS_ID), (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('G'), GENERATE_CODE_ID), (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('I'), IMPORT_ID), (0, wx.WXK_F1, TUT_ID), (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('Q'), EXIT_ID), (0, wx.WXK_F5, RELOAD_ID), (0, wx.WXK_F2, TREE_ID), (0, wx.WXK_F3, PROPS_ID), (0, wx.WXK_F4, RAISE_ID), (wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('P'), PREVIEW_ID), ]) # Tutorial window ## self.tut_frame = None # layout # if there are custom components, add the toggle box... if custom_btns: main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) show_core_custom = ToggleButtonBox( self, -1, [_("Core components"), _("Custom components")], 0) if misc.check_wx_version(2, 5): core_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer( 0, config.preferences.buttons_per_row) custom_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer( 0, config.preferences.buttons_per_row) else: core_sizer = wx.GridSizer( 0, config.preferences.buttons_per_row) custom_sizer = wx.GridSizer( 0, config.preferences.buttons_per_row) self.SetAutoLayout(True) # core components for b in core_btns: core_sizer.Add(b) for sb in sizer_btns: core_sizer.Add(sb) # custom components for b in custom_btns: custom_sizer.Add(b) if misc.check_wx_version(2, 5): custom_sizer.Show(b, False) custom_sizer.Layout() main_sizer.Add(show_core_custom, 0, wx.EXPAND) main_sizer.Add(core_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) main_sizer.Add(custom_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(main_sizer) if not misc.check_wx_version(2, 5): main_sizer.Show(custom_sizer, False) #main_sizer.Show(1, False) main_sizer.Fit(self) # events to display core/custom components if misc.check_wx_version(2, 5): def on_show_core_custom(event): show_core = True show_custom = False if event.GetValue() == 1: show_core = False show_custom = True for b in custom_btns: custom_sizer.Show(b, show_custom) for b in core_btns: core_sizer.Show(b, show_core) for b in sizer_btns: core_sizer.Show(b, show_core) core_sizer.Layout() custom_sizer.Layout() main_sizer.Layout() else: def on_show_core_custom(event): to_show = core_sizer to_hide = custom_sizer if event.GetValue() == 1: to_show, to_hide = to_hide, to_show main_sizer.Show(to_show, True) main_sizer.Show(to_hide, False) main_sizer.Layout() EVT_TOGGLE_BOX(self, show_core_custom.GetId(), on_show_core_custom) # ... otherwise (the common case), just add the palette of core buttons else: sizer = wx.GridSizer(0, config.preferences.buttons_per_row) self.SetAutoLayout(True) # core components for b in core_btns: sizer.Add(b) for sb in sizer_btns: sizer.Add(sb) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) # Properties window frame_style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE frame_tool_win = config.preferences.frame_tool_win if frame_tool_win: frame_style |= wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT frame_style &= ~wx.MINIMIZE_BOX if wx.Platform != '__WXGTK__': frame_style |= wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW self.frame2 = wx.Frame(self, -1, _('Properties - '), style=frame_style) self.frame2.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)) self.frame2.SetIcon(icon) sizer_tmp = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) property_panel = wxGladePropertyPanel(self.frame2, -1) #---- 2003-06-22 Fix for what seems to be a GTK2 bug (notebooks) misc.hidden_property_panel = wx.Panel(self.frame2, -1) sz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sz.Add(property_panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) sz.Add(misc.hidden_property_panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.frame2.SetSizer(sz) sz.Show(misc.hidden_property_panel, False) self.property_frame = self.frame2 #-------------------------------------------------------- property_panel.SetAutoLayout(True) self.hidden_frame = wx.Frame(self, -1, "") self.hidden_frame.Hide() sizer_tmp.Add(property_panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.frame2.SetAutoLayout(True) self.frame2.SetSizer(sizer_tmp) sizer_tmp = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) def hide_frame2(event): #menu_bar.Check(PROPS_ID, False) self.frame2.Hide() wx.EVT_CLOSE(self.frame2, hide_frame2) wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.cleanup) common.property_panel = property_panel # Tree of widgets self.tree_frame = wx.Frame(self, -1, _('wxGlade: Tree'), style=frame_style) self.tree_frame.SetIcon(icon) import application app = application.Application(common.property_panel) common.app_tree = WidgetTree(self.tree_frame, app) self.tree_frame.SetSize((300, 300)) app.notebook.Show() sizer_tmp.Add(app.notebook, 1, wx.EXPAND) property_panel.SetSizer(sizer_tmp) sizer_tmp.Fit(property_panel) def on_tree_frame_close(event): #menu_bar.Check(TREE_ID, False) self.tree_frame.Hide() wx.EVT_CLOSE(self.tree_frame, on_tree_frame_close) # check to see if there are some remembered values prefs = config.preferences if prefs.remember_geometry: #print 'initializing geometry' try: x, y, w, h = prefs.get_geometry('main') misc.set_geometry(self, (x, y)) except Exception, e: pass misc.set_geometry(self.frame2, prefs.get_geometry('properties')) misc.set_geometry(self.tree_frame, prefs.get_geometry('tree')) else: if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__': self.frame2.SetSize((345, 384)) # I've been told this is OK... self.SetPosition((0, 45)) # to avoid the OS X menubar else: self.frame2.SetSize((max(self.GetSize()[0], 250), 350)) self.SetPosition((0, 0)) x, y = self.GetPosition() h = self.GetSize()[1] w = self.frame2.GetSize()[0] if wx.Platform != '__WXMSW__': # under X, IceWM (and Sawfish, too), GetSize seems to ignore # window decorations h += 60 w += 10 self.frame2.SetPosition((x, y+h)) self.tree_frame.SetPosition((x+w, y)) self.Show() self.tree_frame.Show() self.frame2.Show() #self._skip_activate = False ## if frame_tool_win: ## def on_iconize(event): ## if event.Iconized(): ## self.hide_all() ## else: ## self.show_and_raise() ## event.Skip() ## wx.EVT_ICONIZE(self, on_iconize) if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': import about # I'll pay a beer to anyone who can explain to me why this prevents # a segfault on Win32 when you exit without doing anything!! self.about_box = about.wxGladeAboutBox(self.GetParent()) else: self.about_box = None # last visited directory, used on GTK for wxFileDialog self.cur_dir = config.preferences.open_save_path # set a drop target for us... self._droptarget = clipboard.FileDropTarget(self) self.SetDropTarget(self._droptarget) #self.tree_frame.SetDropTarget(self._droptarget) #self.frame2.SetDropTarget(self._droptarget) # ALB 2004-10-15, autosave support... self.autosave_timer = None if config.preferences.autosave: TIMER_ID = wx.NewId() self.autosave_timer = wx.Timer(self, TIMER_ID) wx.EVT_TIMER(self, TIMER_ID, self.on_autosave_timer) self.autosave_timer.Start( int(config.preferences.autosave_delay) * 1000) # ALB 2004-10-15 CLEAR_SB_TIMER_ID = wx.NewId() self.clear_sb_timer = wx.Timer(self, CLEAR_SB_TIMER_ID) wx.EVT_TIMER(self, CLEAR_SB_TIMER_ID, self.on_clear_sb_timer) self.frame2.SetAcceleratorTable(self.accel_table) self.tree_frame.SetAcceleratorTable(self.accel_table) self.Raise() # ALB 2004-10-16 if common.check_autosaved(None) and \ wx.MessageBox(_("There seems to be auto saved data " "from last wxGlade session: " "do you want to restore it?"), _("Auto save detected"), style=wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO) == wx.YES: if self._open_app(common.get_name_for_autosave(), add_to_history=False): common.app_tree.app.saved = False common.app_tree.app.filename = None self.user_message(_("Recovery from auto save complete")) common.remove_autosaved() else: common.remove_autosaved() def on_autosave_timer(self, event): if common.autosave_current(): self.user_message(_("Auto saving... done")) def edit_preferences(self, event): config.edit_preferences() def show_tree(self, event): self.tree_frame.Show() self.tree_frame.Raise() common.app_tree.SetFocus() def show_props_window(self, event): self.frame2.Show() self.frame2.Raise() try: c = self.frame2.GetSizer().GetChildren() if c: c[0].GetWindow().SetFocus() except (AttributeError, TypeError): self.frame2.SetFocus() def raise_all(self, event): children = self.GetChildren() for child in children: child = misc.get_toplevel_parent(child) if child.IsShown() and child.GetTitle(): child.Raise() self.Raise() def user_message(self, msg): sb = self.GetStatusBar() if sb: sb.SetStatusText(msg) self.clear_sb_timer.Start(5000, True) def on_clear_sb_timer(self, event): sb = self.GetStatusBar() if sb: sb.SetStatusText("") def ask_save(self): """\ checks whether the current app has changed and needs to be saved: if so, prompts the user; returns False if the operation has been cancelled """ if not common.app_tree.app.saved: ok = wx.MessageBox(_("Save changes to the current app?"), _("Confirm"), wx.YES_NO|wx.CANCEL|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_QUESTION) if ok == wx.YES: self.save_app(None) return ok != wx.CANCEL return True def new_app(self, event): """\ creates a new wxGlade project """ if self.ask_save(): common.app_tree.clear() common.app_tree.app.filename = None common.app_tree.app.saved = True self.user_message("") # ALB 2004-10-15 common.remove_autosaved() if config.preferences.autosave and self.autosave_timer is not None: self.autosave_timer.Start() def new_app_from_template(self, event): """\ creates a new wxGlade project from an existing template file """ if not self.ask_save(): return infile = template.select_template() if infile: self._open_app(infile, add_to_history=False) common.app_tree.app.template_data = None def reload_app(self, event): self.ask_save() if not common.app_tree.app.filename: wx.MessageBox(_("Impossible to reload an unsaved application"), _("Alert"), style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) return path = common.app_tree.get_selected_path() #print 'path:', path self._open_app(common.app_tree.app.filename, add_to_history=False) common.app_tree.select_path(path) def open_app(self, event_unused): """\ loads a wxGlade project from an xml file NOTE: this is very slow and needs optimisation efforts NOTE2: the note above should not be True anymore :) """ if not self.ask_save(): return from xml_parse import XmlWidgetBuilder, ProgressXmlWidgetBuilder infile = misc.FileSelector(_("Open file"), wildcard="wxGlade files (*.wxg)|*.wxg|" "wxGlade Template files (*.wgt)|*.wgt|" "XML files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files|*", flags=wx.OPEN|wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST, default_path=self.cur_dir) if infile: # ALB 2004-10-15 try to restore possible autosave content... if common.check_autosaved(infile) and \ wx.MessageBox(_("There seems to be auto saved data for " "this file: do you want to restore it?"), _("Auto save detected"), style=wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.YES_NO) == wx.YES: common.restore_from_autosaved(infile) else: common.remove_autosaved(infile) self._open_app(infile) self.cur_dir = os.path.dirname(infile) def _open_app(self, infilename, use_progress_dialog=True, is_filelike=False, add_to_history=True): import time from xml_parse import XmlWidgetBuilder, ProgressXmlWidgetBuilder, \ XmlParsingError from xml.sax import SAXParseException start = time.clock() common.app_tree.clear() if not is_filelike: common.app_tree.app.filename = infilename else: common.app_tree.filename = getattr(infilename, 'name', None) common.property_panel.Reparent(self.hidden_frame) # prevent the auto-expansion of nodes common.app_tree.auto_expand = False old_dir = os.getcwd() try: if not is_filelike: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(infilename)) infile = open(infilename) else: infile = infilename infilename = getattr(infile, 'name', None) if use_progress_dialog and config.preferences.show_progress: p = ProgressXmlWidgetBuilder(input_file=infile) else: p = XmlWidgetBuilder() p.parse(infile) except (IOError, OSError, SAXParseException, XmlParsingError), msg: if locals().has_key('infile') and not is_filelike: infile.close() common.app_tree.clear() common.property_panel.Reparent(self.frame2) common.app_tree.app.saved = True wx.MessageBox(_("Error loading file %s: %s") % \ (misc.wxstr(infilename), misc.wxstr(msg)), _("Error"), wx.OK|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_ERROR) # reset the auto-expansion of nodes common.app_tree.auto_expand = True os.chdir(old_dir) return False except Exception, msg: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() if locals().has_key('infile') and not is_filelike: infile.close() common.app_tree.clear() common.property_panel.Reparent(self.frame2) common.app_tree.app.saved = True wx.MessageBox(_("An exception occurred while loading file \"%s\".\n" "This is the error message associated with it:\n" " %s\n" "For more details, look at the full traceback " "on the console.\n" "If you think this is a wxGlade bug," " please report it.") % \ (misc.wxstr(infilename), misc.wxstr(msg)), _("Error"), wx.OK|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_ERROR) # reset the auto-expansion of nodes common.app_tree.auto_expand = True os.chdir(old_dir) return False if not is_filelike: infile.close() common.app_tree.select_item(common.app_tree.root) common.app_tree.root.widget.show_properties() common.property_panel.Reparent(self.frame2) # reset the auto-expansion of nodes common.app_tree.auto_expand = True common.app_tree.expand() if common.app_tree.app.is_template: print _("Loaded template") common.app_tree.app.template_data = template.Template(infilename) common.app_tree.app.filename = None end = time.clock() print _('Loading time: %.5f') % (end-start) common.app_tree.app.saved = True if hasattr(self, 'file_history') and infilename is not None and \ add_to_history and (not common.app_tree.app.is_template): self.file_history.AddFileToHistory(misc.wxstr(infilename)) # ALB 2004-10-15 if config.preferences.autosave and self.autosave_timer is not None: self.autosave_timer.Start() self.user_message(_("Loaded %s (%.2f seconds)") % \ (misc.wxstr(common.app_tree.app.filename), end-start)) return True def save_app(self, event): """\ saves a wxGlade project onto an xml file """ if not common.app_tree.app.filename or common.app_tree.app.is_template: self.save_app_as(event) else: # check whether we are saving a template if os.path.splitext(common.app_tree.app.filename)[1] == ".wgt": common.app_tree.app.is_template = True self._save_app(common.app_tree.app.filename) def _save_app(self, filename): try: from cStringIO import StringIO buffer = StringIO() common.app_tree.write(buffer) common.save_file(filename, buffer.getvalue(), 'wxg') except (IOError, OSError), msg: common.app_tree.app.saved = False fn = filename wx.MessageBox(_("Error saving app:\n%s") % msg, _("Error"), wx.OK|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_ERROR) except Exception, msg: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() common.app_tree.app.saved = False fn = filename wx.MessageBox(_("An exception occurred while saving file " "\"%s\".\n" "This is the error message associated with it:" "\n %s\n" "For more details, look at the full traceback " "on the console.\nIf you think this is a " "wxGlade bug," " please report it.") % (fn, msg), _("Error"), wx.OK|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_ERROR) else: common.app_tree.app.saved = True common.remove_autosaved() # ALB 2004-10-15 # ALB 2004-10-15 if config.preferences.autosave and \ self.autosave_timer is not None: self.autosave_timer.Start() self.user_message(_("Saved %s") % filename) def save_app_as(self, event): """\ saves a wxGlade project onto an xml file chosen by the user """ fn = misc.FileSelector(_("Save project as..."), wildcard="wxGlade files (*.wxg)|*.wxg|" "wxGlade Template files (*.wgt) |*.wgt|" "XML files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files|*", flags=wx.SAVE|wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT, default_path=self.cur_dir) if fn: common.app_tree.app.filename = fn #remove the template flag so we can save the file. common.app_tree.app.is_template = False self.save_app(event) self.cur_dir = os.path.dirname(fn) if misc.check_wx_version(2, 3, 3): self.file_history.AddFileToHistory(fn) def save_app_as_template(self, event): data = getattr(common.app_tree.app, 'template_data', None) outfile, data = template.save_template(data) if outfile: common.app_tree.app.is_template = True common.app_tree.app.template_data = data self._save_app(outfile) def cleanup(self, event): if self.ask_save(): # first, let's see if we have to save the geometry... prefs = config.preferences if prefs.remember_geometry: prefs.set_geometry('main', misc.get_geometry(self)) prefs.set_geometry('tree', misc.get_geometry(self.tree_frame)) prefs.set_geometry('properties', misc.get_geometry(self.frame2)) prefs.changed = True common.app_tree.clear() if self.about_box: self.about_box.Destroy() try: config.save_preferences() except Exception, e: wx.MessageBox(_('Error saving preferences:\n%s') % e, _('Error'), wx.OK|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_ERROR) #self._skip_activate = True self.frame2.Destroy() self.tree_frame.Destroy() self.Destroy() common.remove_autosaved() # ALB 2004-10-15 misc.wxCallAfter(wx.GetApp().ExitMainLoop) def show_about_box(self, event): if self.about_box is None: import about self.about_box = about.wxGladeAboutBox(None) self.about_box.ShowModal() def show_tutorial(self, event): docs_path = os.path.join(common.wxglade_path, 'docs', 'index.html') if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__": os.system('open -a Help\ Viewer.app %s' % docs_path) else: import webbrowser, threading # ALB 2004-08-15: why did this block the program????? # (at least on linux - GTK) def go(): webbrowser.open_new(docs_path) t = threading.Thread(target=go) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() def show_and_raise(self): self.frame2.Show()#self.GetMenuBar().IsChecked(self.PROPS_ID)) self.tree_frame.Show()#self.GetMenuBar().IsChecked(self.TREE_ID)) self.frame2.Raise() self.tree_frame.Raise() self.Raise() def hide_all(self): self.tree_frame.Hide() self.frame2.Hide() def import_xrc(self, event): import xrc2wxg, cStringIO if not self.ask_save(): return infile = misc.FileSelector(_("Import file"), wildcard="XRC files (*.xrc)" "|*.xrc|All files|*", flags=wx.OPEN|wx.FILE_MUST_EXIST, default_path=self.cur_dir) if infile: buf = cStringIO.StringIO() try: xrc2wxg.convert(infile, buf) buf.seek(0) self._open_app(buf, is_filelike=True) common.app_tree.app.saved = False except Exception, msg: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() wx.MessageBox(_("An exception occurred while importing file " "\"%s\".\nThis is the error message associated " "with it:\n %s\n" "For more details, look at the full traceback " "on the console.\nIf you think this is a " "wxGlade bug, please report it.") % \ (infile, msg), _("Error"), wx.OK|wx.CENTRE|wx.ICON_ERROR) def manage_templates(self, event): to_edit = template.manage_templates() if to_edit is not None and self.ask_save(): # edit the template # TODO, you still need to save it manually... self._open_app(to_edit, add_to_history=False) wx.MessageBox(_("To save the changes to the template, edit the " "GUI as usual,\nand then click " "File->Save as Template..."), _("Information"), style=wx.OK|wx.ICON_INFORMATION) # end of class wxGladeFrame class wxGlade(wx.App): def OnInit(self): import sys sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ # needed for wx >= 2.3.4 to disable wxPyAssertionError exceptions if misc.check_wx_version(2, 3, 4): self.SetAssertMode(0) wx.InitAllImageHandlers() config.init_preferences() # ALB 2004-10-27 if wx.Platform == '__WXGTK__' and config.preferences.use_kde_dialogs: import kdefiledialog if kdefiledialog.test_kde(): misc.FileSelector = kdefiledialog.kde_file_selector misc.DirSelector = kdefiledialog.kde_dir_selector wx.ArtProvider.PushProvider(wxGladeArtProvider()) frame = wxGladeFrame() ## if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': ## def on_activate(event): ## if event.GetActive() and not frame.IsIconized(): ## frame.show_and_raise() ## event.Skip() ## wx.EVT_ACTIVATE_APP(self, on_activate) self.SetTopWindow(frame) self.SetExitOnFrameDelete(True) wx.EVT_IDLE(self, self.on_idle) return True def on_idle(self, event): common.message.flush() event.Skip() # end of class wxGlade def main(filename=None): """\ if filename is not None, loads it """ # first thing to do, patch wxSizerPtr's Insert if needed... ## from wxPython import wx ## if wx.__version__ == '': ## wxSizerPtr.Insert = misc.sizer_fixed_Insert # now, silence a deprecation warining for py2.3 import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "integer", DeprecationWarning, "wxPython.gdi") app = wxGlade() if filename is not None: app.GetTopWindow()._open_app(filename, False) app.MainLoop()