LICENCE WAIVERS FOR ADNS ======================== See GPL-vs-LGPL, section 2. This file contains reproductions of waivers I have granted to allow adns to be mixed with certain other programs whose licenses are not GPL compatible. IMPORTANT NOTES --------------- * Not all of the code in adns was written by me. The programs `fanftest', `adnslogres' and `adnsheloex' are (partially) copyright Tony Finch and to that extent are not covered by the waivers. I believe - but do not warrant - that the rest of adns is (at the time of writing, 19th of November 2005) entirely mine, but please check the copyright notices on the individual files. * These waivers apply only in the specified circumstances. * The waivers listed in this file LICENCE.WAIVERS in a particular version of adns also apply to versions of adns released previously to the one with the LICENCE.WAIVERS file. But they do not necessarily apply to future versions of adns. - iwj, 19th November 2005 Affero GPL ---------- When adns is combined with Infomine ( or a work derived from it, I am happy for you to treat adns as if it were licenced to you (and all third parties) under the GNU GPL v2 with additionally the clause 2d from the Affero General Public Licence version 1 (as published today at - iwj, 2nd March 2004 Local variables: mode: text End: