# $Id: Makefile.PL 630 2007-02-09 11:04:36Z olaf $ -*-perl-*- use strict; $^W = 1; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker qw(WriteMakefile prompt); use IO::Socket (); use Config qw(%Config); use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); sub DEBUG { 0; } # An existing makefile can confuse the CC test. unlink('Makefile'); # clean up the online testing flag file. unlink("t/online.enabled"); warn <VERSION("2.00");} ){ print < \$use_xs, 'pm' => sub { warn qq/\n\tWARNING: Use of "--pm" is deprecated. Use "--noxs" instead.\n\n/; $use_xs = 0; }, 'online-tests!' => \$online_tests, ); # # Get our makefile started... # NB Net::IP is still needed for tests. my %Makefile = ( NAME => 'Net::DNS', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Net/DNS.pm', PREREQ_PM => { 'Test::More' => 0.18, 'IO::Socket' => 0, 'MIME::Base64' => 2.11, 'Digest::MD5' => 2.12, 'Net::IP' => 1.2, 'Digest::HMAC_MD5' => 1.00, }, XS => {}, C => [], clean => { FILES => 't/online.enabled compile.* DNS.o DNS.c DNS.bs' }, ); if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $Makefile{'PREREQ_PM'}->{'Win32::Registry'} = 0; } # Not relevant with netdnslib. #if ($^O eq 'darwin' and $Config{'osvers'} =~ m/^[78]\./) { # $Makefile{'DEFINE'} = '-DBIND_8_COMPAT'; #} if ($] >= 5.005) { $Makefile{'AUTHOR'} = 'Olaf Kolkman '; $Makefile{'ABSTRACT'} = 'Perl DNS resolver module'; } # # Check if we have a C compiler unless (defined $use_xs) { if (test_cc()) { print "You have a working compiler.\n"; $use_xs = 1; } else { $use_xs = 0; print <new( PeerAddr => "www.google.com:80", Timeout => 10, ); if ($s) { close($s); print <t/online.enabled") || die "Can't touch ./t/online.enabled $!"; close(ENABLED) || die "Can't touch ./t/online.enabled $!"; } WriteMakefile(%Makefile); sub test_cc { # # The perl/C checking voodoo is stolen from Graham Barr's # Scalar-List-Utils distribution. # print "Testing if you have a C compiler and the needed header files....\n"; unless (open(F, ">compile.c")) { warn "Cannot write compile.c, skipping test compilation and installing pure Perl version.\n"; return; } print F <<'EOF'; #include "netdns.h" int main() { return 0; } EOF close(F) or return; my $ret = system("$Config{'cc'} -c compile.c -o compile$Config{obj_ext}"); foreach my $file (glob('compile*')) { unlink($file) || warn "Could not delete $file: $!\n"; } return ($ret == 0); } package MY; sub metafile { my $self = shift; my $meta = $self->SUPER::metafile_target(@_); my ($extra) = $self->echo('license: perl', 'META.yml', 1); return "$meta\t$extra\n"; } use Config qw(%Config); sub postamble { my $content; $content.=' test_cover : pure_all cover -delete HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover $(MAKE) test cover netdns$(LIB_EXT): netdns$(OBJ_EXT) $(AR) '.($^O eq 'MSWin32' && $Config{'cc'} eq 'cl'?'/OUT:':'cr '). 'netdns$(LIB_EXT) netdns$(OBJ_EXT) '; # print "$content"; return $content; } sub MY::libscan { my $path = $_[1]; return '' if $path =~ /\B\.svn\b/; return $path; }