MainForm MainForm 0 0 799 456 0 0 0 0 21 121 800 476 Eggdrop.conf creator for Linux tabWidget2 0 20 800 390 tab General Settings textLabel3 10 110 108 20 Bot Real Name textLabel4 10 140 125 20 Botnet Nickname textLabel6 10 170 76 20 Bot Admin textLabel8 10 230 94 20 IRC Network textLabel9 10 260 102 20 Console Flags textLabel10 10 290 95 20 Default Flags textLabel5 10 80 126 20 Bot Alt Nickname textLabel2 10 50 102 20 Bot Nickname nickname 150 50 100 23 Fidana AlignRight altnickname 150 80 100 23 Fldana AlignRight realname 150 110 100 23 * I'm too lame to read BitchX.doc * AlignRight groupBox1 260 10 270 210 Files and Dirs textLabel11 10 30 85 20 User File textLabel12 10 60 86 20 Help Dir textLabel13 10 90 85 20 Text Dir textLabel14 10 120 85 20 Mod Dir textLabel15 10 150 84 20 Temp Dir helpdir 90 60 155 23 help/ tempdir 90 150 155 23 /tmp textLabel16 10 180 70 20 Motd Dir userfile 90 30 155 23 Fidana.user AlignAuto textdir 90 90 155 23 text/ modtdir 90 180 155 23 text/motd moddir 90 120 155 23 modules/ groupBox3 540 130 250 220 Logs textLabel2_2 9 85 77 20 Max Logs textLabel3_2 9 115 76 20 Max Size textLabel4_2 10 140 96 20 Logfile Name textLabel29 10 170 86 20 Flags textLabel1_2 false 10 50 60 20 Format maxlogs 180 80 55 23 5 logmaxsize 180 110 55 23 logflags 110 170 130 23 mco Logfilename 110 140 130 23 logs/eggdrop.log keeplogs 10 20 130 23 Keep All Logs logformat false 110 50 130 23 .%d%b%Y AlignRight buttonGroup1 260 220 270 130 Ports portbuton2 10 50 80 23 Costum textLabel18 false 150 80 62 20 For Bots textLabel17 false 10 80 85 20 For Users botsport false 220 80 45 23 3333 pole 150 0 110 74 portbuton1 10 20 70 23 For All true allport 90 20 45 23 3333 userport false 90 80 45 23 4444 groupBox2 540 10 250 110 Virtual Hosting textLabel20 false 10 50 80 20 Hostname textLabel21 false 10 80 30 20 IP evirtual 10 20 80 23 Enable virhost false 90 50 155 23 AlignRight virip false 90 80 155 23 AlignRight textLabel1 10 20 130 20 Bot Username textLabel27 10 320 86 20 Time Zone username 150 20 100 23 PeBHuBa AlignRight botadmin 150 170 100 23 simo <> AlignRight mreja 150 230 100 23 UniBg AlignRight EST CET vreme 150 320 100 31 cflags 150 260 100 23 mkcobxs AlignRight botnetnick 150 140 100 23 Fidana AlignRight textLabel7 10 200 80 20 Bot Owner botowner 150 200 100 23 simo AlignRight dflags 150 290 100 23 hp AlignRight TabPage Channel Settings textLabel6_2 10 40 107 20 Channel Name textLabel7_2 10 70 80 20 Chanmode textLabel9_2 10 100 76 20 Idle Kick chanmode 160 70 240 23 +nt-milk AlignRight idlekick 160 100 55 23 aopdelay 349 135 50 23 5:30 AlignRight 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 comboBox2 160 130 50 31 textLabel13_2 9 175 85 20 Need Invite textLabel14_2 10 200 85 20 Need Op textLabel16_2 10 260 85 20 Need Key textLabel17_2 10 290 85 20 Need Limit needinvite 160 170 240 23 putserv "PRIVMSG CS :inv #freepleven" 0 1 2 3 revengemode 350 100 50 30 10 textLabel10_2 230 100 109 20 Revenge Mode textLabel5_2 10 10 90 20 Channel File chanfile textLabel12_2 229 135 86 20 Aop-Delay textLabel11_2 10 135 135 20 Stopnethack Mode textLabel15_2 10 230 91 20 Need Unban needunban 160 230 240 23 putserv "PRIVMSG CS :unban #freepleven" needop 160 200 240 23 putserv "PRIVMSG CS :op #freepleven" needlimit 160 290 240 23 putserv "PRIVMSG CS :clear #freepleven" needkey 160 260 240 23 putserv "PRIVMSG CS :clear #freepleven" textLabel18_2 420 10 121 20 Channel Log File textLabel19 420 40 40 20 Flags tabWidget3 410 60 380 290 tab Options autoop 10 10 80 23 Autoop dontkickops 10 50 105 23 Dontkickops bitch 10 30 70 23 Bitch dynamicexempts 10 70 150 23 Dynamicexempts enforcebans 10 90 120 23 Enforcebans revenge 10 110 106 23 Revenge true protectfriends 10 130 130 23 ProtectFriends true secret 10 150 80 23 Secret inactive 10 170 115 23 Inactive shared 10 190 116 23 Shared userexempts 10 210 120 23 Userexempts true autovoice 210 50 115 23 Autovoice userinvites 210 30 115 23 Userinvites true userbans 210 10 114 23 Userbans true seen 10 230 115 23 Seen cycle 210 70 115 23 Cycle true dynamicbans 210 90 130 23 Dynamicbans true dynamicinvites 210 110 140 23 Dynamicinvites true greet 210 130 116 23 Greet true nodesynch 210 150 117 23 Nodesynch protectops 210 170 116 23 Protectops revengebot 210 190 116 23 Revengebot true statuslog 210 210 115 23 Statuslog true tab Flood Settings textLabel21_2 10 10 93 20 Flood - Chan floodchan 120 10 155 23 5:10 AlignRight floodctcp 120 210 155 23 3:60 AlignRight flooddeop 120 50 155 23 3:10 AlignRight floodjoin 120 90 155 23 5:60 AlignRight floodnick 120 130 155 23 5:60 AlignRight floodkick 120 170 155 23 3:10 AlignRight textLabel26 10 210 96 20 Flood - CTCP textLabel25 10 170 90 20 Flood - Kick textLabel24 10 130 90 20 Flood - Nick textLabel23 10 90 86 20 Flood - Join textLabel22 10 50 96 20 Flood - Deop chanlogflags 560 40 160 23 jk AlignRight channame 160 40 240 23 #freepleven AlignRight chanlogfile 560 10 160 23 logs/freepleven.log AlignRight chanfile 160 10 240 23 Fidana.chan AlignRight TabPage Modules server 10 50 80 23 Server true ctcp 10 70 70 23 CTCP true transfer 10 130 90 23 Transfer true irc 10 110 60 23 IRC true compress 10 90 100 23 Compress share 10 150 70 23 Share true console 10 190 80 23 Console true woobie 10 210 80 23 Woobie false assoc 10 270 70 23 Assoc blowfish 10 250 80 23 Blowfish true seenm 10 230 60 23 Seen wire 10 290 60 23 Wire true uptime 10 330 80 23 Uptime true buttonGroup2 440 10 340 330 Server rembut 200 270 100 31 Remove remove.png addbut 50 270 100 31 Add add.png servers 20 100 310 150 obt 20 60 70 23 Other unibt 20 30 80 23 UniBg true unibgserver 130 20 200 31 custumserver false 135 60 190 23 my.costum.server:6667 filesys 10 170 80 23 Filesys groupBox4 false 130 10 300 150 Filesys Settings textLabel1_3 9 25 76 20 Files Path maxfilesize 130 100 150 23 10000 0 1024 textLabel3_3 10 90 96 37 <p align="center">Max File Size (in kbites)</p> textLabel2_3 10 60 103 20 Incoming Path incomingpath 130 60 160 23 /home/lamer/eggdrop/filesys/incoming filespath 130 20 160 23 /home/lamer/eggdrop/filesys notes 10 310 70 23 Notes groupBox5 false 130 190 300 150 Notes Settings textLabel4_3 10 30 76 20 Notes File textLabel5_3 10 60 80 20 Max Notes textLabel6_3 10 90 120 40 How Long keep notes(in days) keepnotes 145 100 140 23 1000 60 maxnotes 145 60 140 23 1000 50 notesfile 145 20 140 23 Fidana.notes AlignRight dns 10 10 60 23 DNS channels 10 30 90 23 Channels true MenuBar 0 0 799 26 fileSaveAction filesave Save &Save Ctrl+S fileExitAction exit.png Exit E&xit helpAboutAction about.png About &About fileLanguageAction lang.png Language fileLanguageBulgarianAction bg.png Bulgarian fileLanguageEnglishAction eng.png English filePreviewAction lupa.png Preview helpHelpAction help.png Help portbuton1 clicked() MainForm Ports_set() portbuton2 clicked() MainForm Ports_set() evirtual clicked() MainForm V_hosting() keeplogs clicked() MainForm Keep_logs() filesys clicked() MainForm Enable_filesys() notes clicked() MainForm Enable_notes() addbut clicked() MainForm Add_server() rembut clicked() MainForm Remove_server() unibt clicked() MainForm Choise_server() obt clicked() MainForm Choise_server() fileLanguageBulgarianAction activated() MainForm Bul_lang() filePreviewAction activated() MainForm Preview_win() helpAboutAction activated() MainForm About_Show() fileSaveAction activated() MainForm Save_file() fileExitAction activated() MainForm close() helpHelpAction activated() MainForm pomogni() prevform.h about.h mainform.ui.h Ports_set() V_hosting() Keep_logs() Enable_filesys() Enable_notes() Add_server() Remove_server() Choise_server() Bul_lang() Create_File() Preview_win() About_Show() Save_file() pomogni() init()