# Generated automatically from Makefile.in by configure. # # Makefile for ezbounce # # other makeable things: # # clean: clean up compiled objects # distclean: do clean, and get rid of configure script cache # superclean: do all of the above and rebuild the configure.in script # with autoconf. Useful only for me. # CXX = c++ CXX_OPTS = -Wall -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti CXX_OPTIMIZATIONS = -fno-common -fomit-frame-pointer SUBDIRS = lib src mdidentd all: ezbounce_src identd @echo @echo Compilation complete @echo @echo The following files were made: @echo @ls -l ./ezbounce @ls -l mdidentd/mdidentd @ls -l ezb @echo ccmalloc: cd src; $(MAKE) ccmalloc @echo @echo ccmalloc Configuration and Build Completed @echo identd: cd mdidentd; $(MAKE) all ezbounce_src: cd src; $(MAKE) all superclean: distclean rm -f configure autoconf distclean: @for I in ${SUBDIRS}; do (cd $$I; ${MAKE} $@ || exit 1); done rm -f *.o ezb ezbounce *.log core *\~ \~* *.orig *.rej *.out output *.greg *.br rm -f config.cache config.status Makefile autoconf.h rm -f *.pid rm -rf logs/* clean: @for I in ${SUBDIRS}; do (cd $$I; ${MAKE} clean || exit 1); done rm -f ezbounce core *.o ezb install: @for I in ${SUBDIRS}; do (cd $$I; ${MAKE} install || exit 1); done