# infobot :: Kevin Lenzo (c) 1997-2000
sub setup {
# param setup should stay after most of the requires
# so that it overrides anything they might set.
if ($param{VERBOSITY} > 1) {
my $params = "Parameters are:\n";
foreach (sort keys %param) {
$params .= " $_ -> $param{$_}\n";
die "dbname is null" if (!$param{'dbname'});
%dbs = ("is" => "$param{basedir}/$param{dbname}-is",
"are" => "$param{basedir}/$param{dbname}-are");
$setup_time = scalar(localtime());
$setup_time =~ s/\n//g;
$startTime = time();
$qCount = &get("is", "the qCount");
$qEpochTime = &get("is", "the qEpochTime");
# things to say when people thank me
@welcomes = ('no problem', 'my pleasure', 'sure thing',
'no worries', 'de nada', 'de rien', 'bitte', 'pas de quoi');
# when i'm cofused and I have to reply
@confused = ("huh?",
"i\'m not following you...",
"excuse me?");
# when i recognize a query but can't answer it
@dunno = ('i don\'t know',
'wish i knew',
'i haven\'t a clue',
'no idea',
'bugger all, i dunno');
# check the ignore parameter for a filename containing the
# ignore list
if ($param{ignore}) {
if ($param{sanePrefix}) {
for $d (qw/is are/) {
my $dbname = $DBprefix.$d;
my $sane = "$param{confdir}/$param{sanePrefix}";
$sane .= "-$d.txt";
if (-e $sane) {
&status("loading sane defines $sane");
&insertFile($dbname, $sane);
} else {
&status("can't fine sane file $sane");
if (! open IGNORE, "$param{'confdir'}/$param{sanePrefix}-ignore.txt") {
&status("No fallback ignore file $param{'confdir'}/$param{sanePrefix}-ignore.txt");
} else {
while (<IGNORE>) {
/\S/ && do {
&postInc(ignore => $_);
if ($param{'VERBOSITY'} > 0) {
&status("Adding $_ to ignore list (from sane).");
close IGNORE;
if ($param{'plusplus'}) {
if ($param{'seen'}) {
# set up the users and ops
&status("Parsing User File");
&status("Parsing Channel File");
# set up the channel file
# ways to say hello
@hello = ('hello',
'que tal',
"what's up");
$param{'maxKeySize'} ||= 30; # maximum LHS length
$param{'maxDataSize'} ||= 200; # maximum total length
if (!defined(@verb)) {
@verb = split(" ", "is are");
# am was were does has can wants needs feels
# handle s-v agreement for non-being verbs later
if (!defined(@qWord)) {
@qWord = split(" ", "what where who"); # why how when
# do this ONCE per startup to amortize. Still too much mem.
$isCount = &getDBMKeys('is');
$areCount = &getDBMKeys('are');
$factoidCount = $isCount + $areCount;
&status("setup: $factoidCount factoids; $isCount IS; $areCount ARE");
sub paramSetup {
my $initdebug = 1;
$param{'DEBUG'} = $initdebug;
if (!@paramfiles) {
# if there is no list of param files, just go for the default
# (usually ./files/infobot.config)
@paramfiles = ("$param{confdir}/infobot.config");
# now read in the parameter files
syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. 0.9.1