/* Routines to import Services databases from an XML file.  Note that empty
 * tags (of the form "<tag/>") are not supported.
 * IRC Services is copyright (c) 1996-2007 Andrew Church.
 *     E-mail: <achurch@achurch.org>
 * Parts written by Andrew Kempe and others.
 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see the file COPYING for
 * details.

#include "services.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "language.h"
#include "conffile.h"

/* We include new_xxx() and free_xxx() routines in here directly, so we
 * need to make sure the appropriate preprocessor symbols are defined here
 * to avoid static/non-static warnings. */
#include "modules/nickserv/nickserv.h"
#include "modules/chanserv/chanserv.h"
#include "modules/memoserv/memoserv.h"
#include "modules/operserv/operserv.h"
#include "modules/operserv/maskdata.h"
#include "modules/operserv/news.h"
#include "modules/statserv/statserv.h"

#include "xml.h"


/* Flags for xml_import().  Note that the `abort' ones are slightly
 * misleading: the parser will continue to parse to the end of the file
 * even if an `abort' condition is encountered, but will not actually merge
 * the read-in data with the current databases in such a case.

/* Behavior for nickname collisions: default is to skip the entire nickname
 * group when a nickname is found that matches one already registered. */
#define XMLI_NICKCOLL_SKIPNICK	0x0001	/* Only skip the colliding nick */
#define XMLI_NICKCOLL_OVERWRITE	0x0002	/* Overwrite the registered nick */
#define XMLI_NICKCOLL_ABORT	0x0007	/* Stop importing */
#define XMLI_NICKCOLL_MASK	0x0007

/* Behavior for channel collisions: default is to skip the channel. */
#define XMLI_CHANCOLL_OVERWRITE	0x0008	/* Overwrite the registered channel */
#define XMLI_CHANCOLL_ABORT	0x0038	/* Stop importing */
#define XMLI_CHANCOLL_MASK	0x0038


static Module *module;
static Module *module_chanserv;  /* used by th_levels() */

static int VerboseImport = 0;

/* Import flags, set from configuration options */
static int flags = 0;

/* File to import from. */
static FILE *import_file;

/* Number of bytes and lines (i.e. \012 characters) read from data so far.
 * lines_read starts at 1 so it can be used as a line number in messages. */
static int bytes_read, lines_read;

/* Macro to read the next byte of data, returning -1 at EOF. */
#define NEXT_BYTE	do { if ((c = get_byte()) < 0) return -1; } while (0)

/* Value returned by tag handlers to indicate there's no data to return but
 * no fatal error either (as opposed to NULL, which indicates an error). */
#define CONTINUE	((void *)1)

/* Value returned by parse_tag() to indicate that the current tag's closing
 * tag has been found. */
#define PARSETAG_END	((void *)-1)


/* Type for a tag handler. */
typedef void *(*TagHandler)(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);

/* Structure for returning text/length pairs.  th_text() returns this. */
typedef struct {
    char *text;
    int len;
} TextInfo;

/* Structure for returning array/length pairs.  th_strarray() and other
 * array-tag handlers return this. */
typedef struct {
    void *array;
    int len;  /* number of elements */
} ArrayInfo;

/* Prototypes for tag handlers. */
static void *th_default(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_text(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_int32(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_uint32(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_time(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_strarray(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_constants(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_nickgroupinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_suspendinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_memoinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_memos(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_memo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_nickinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_channelinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_levels(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_chanaccesslist(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_chanaccess(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_akicklist(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_akick(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_mlock(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_news(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_maskdata(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);
static void *th_serverstats(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval);

/* List of tags and associated handlers. */
static struct {
    const char *tag;
    TagHandler handler;
} tags[] = {
    { "constants",         th_constants },
    { "LANG_DEFAULT",      th_int32 },
    { "CHANMAX_UNLIMITED", th_int32 },
    { "CHANMAX_DEFAULT",   th_int32 },
    { "TIMEZONE_DEFAULT",  th_int32 },
    { "ACCLEV_FOUNDER",    th_int32 },
    { "ACCLEV_INVALID",    th_int32 },
    { "ACCLEV_SOP",        th_int32 },
    { "ACCLEV_AOP",        th_int32 },
    { "ACCLEV_HOP",        th_int32 },
    { "ACCLEV_VOP",        th_int32 },
    { "MEMOMAX_UNLIMITED", th_int32 },
    { "MEMOMAX_DEFAULT",   th_int32 },
    { "NEWS_LOGON",        th_int32 },
    { "NEWS_OPER",         th_int32 },
    { "MD_AKILL",          th_int32 },
    { "MD_EXCEPTION",      th_int32 },
    { "MD_EXCLUSION",      th_int32 },
    { "MD_SGLINE",         th_int32 },
    { "MD_SQLINE",         th_int32 },
    { "MD_SZLINE",         th_int32 },

    { "maxusercnt",        th_default },  /* ignore */
    { "maxusertime",       th_default },  /* ignore */
    { "supass",            th_default },  /* ignore */

    { "nickgroupinfo",     th_nickgroupinfo },
    { "id",                th_uint32 },
    { "nicks",             th_strarray },
    { "array-element",     th_text },
    { "mainnick",          th_int32 },
    { "pass",              th_text },
    { "url",               th_text },
    { "email",             th_text },
    { "info",              th_text },
    { "authcode",          th_int32 },
    { "authset",           th_time },
    { "suspendinfo",       th_suspendinfo },
    { "who",               th_text },
    { "reason",            th_text },
    { "suspended",         th_time },
    { "expires",           th_time },
    { "flags",             th_int32 },
    { "os_priv",           th_int32 },
    { "language",          th_int32 },
    { "timezone",          th_int32 },
    { "channelmax",        th_int32 },
    { "access",            th_strarray },
    { "ajoin",             th_strarray },
    { "memoinfo",          th_memoinfo },
    { "memos",             th_memos },
    { "memo",              th_memo },
    { "number",            th_int32 },
    { "time",              th_time },
    { "sender",            th_text },
    { "text",              th_text },
    { "memomax",           th_int32 },
    { "ignore",            th_strarray },

    { "nickinfo",          th_nickinfo },
    { "nick",              th_text },
    { "status",            th_int32 },
    { "last_usermask",     th_text },
    { "last_realmask",     th_text },
    { "last_realname",     th_text },
    { "last_quit",         th_text },
    { "time_registered",   th_time },
    { "last_seen",         th_time },
    { "nickgroup",         th_uint32 },

    { "channelinfo",       th_channelinfo },
    { "name",              th_text },
    { "founder",           th_uint32 },
    { "successor",         th_uint32 },
    { "founderpass",       th_text },
    { "desc",              th_text },
    { "last_used",         th_time },
    { "last_topic",        th_text },
    { "last_topic_setter", th_text },
    { "last_topic_time",   th_time },
    { "levels",            th_levels },
    { "CA_INVITE",         th_int32 },
    { "CA_AKICK",          th_int32 },
    { "CA_SET",            th_int32 },
    { "CA_UNBAN",          th_int32 },
    { "CA_AUTOOP",         th_int32 },
    { "CA_AUTODEOP",       th_int32 },
    { "CA_AUTOVOICE",      th_int32 },
    { "CA_OPDEOP",         th_int32 },
    { "CA_ACCESS_LIST",    th_int32 },
    { "CA_CLEAR",          th_int32 },
    { "CA_NOJOIN",         th_int32 },
    { "CA_ACCESS_CHANGE",  th_int32 },
    { "CA_MEMO",           th_int32 },
    { "CA_VOICE",          th_int32 },
    { "CA_AUTOHALFOP",     th_int32 },
    { "CA_HALFOP",         th_int32 },
    { "CA_AUTOPROTECT",    th_int32 },
    { "CA_PROTECT",        th_int32 },
    { "CA_AUTOOWNER",      th_int32 },
    { "chanaccesslist",    th_chanaccesslist },
    { "chanaccess",        th_chanaccess },
    { "level",             th_int32 },
    { "akicklist",         th_akicklist },
    { "akick",             th_akick },
    { "mask",              th_text },
    { "set",               th_time },
    { "lastused",          th_time },
    { "mlock_on",          th_mlock },
    { "mlock_off",         th_mlock },
    { "mlock_limit",       th_int32 },
    { "mlock_key",         th_text },
    { "mlock_link",        th_text },
    { "mlock_flood",       th_text },
    { "mlock_joindelay",   th_int32 },
    { "mlock_joinrate1",   th_int32 },
    { "mlock_joinrate2",   th_int32 },
    { "entry_message",     th_text },

    { "news",              th_news },
    { "type",              th_int32 },
    { "num",               th_int32 },

    { "maskdata",          th_maskdata },
    { "limit",             th_int32 },

    { "serverstats",       th_serverstats },
    { "t_join",            th_time },
    { "t_quit",            th_time },
    { "quit_message",      th_text },

    { NULL }

/***************************** Error output ******************************/

/* Write the given error message, along with a line number.  The message
 * will be truncated at 4095 bytes if it exceeds that length.

static void error(const char *fmt, ...) FORMAT(printf,1,2);
static void error(const char *fmt, ...)
    char buf[4096];
    va_list args;

    va_start(args, fmt);
    vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args);
    fprintf(stderr, "Line %d: %s\n", lines_read, buf);

/************** Utility routines (taken from other modules) **************/

/* The NickServ/ChanServ/etc. modules may not be loaded at this point, so
 * we need to have the freeing routines locally. */


#include "modules/nickserv/util.c"
#include "modules/chanserv/util.c"


/* Free a NewsItem structure. */

static void my_free_newsitem(NewsItem *news)


/* Free a MaskData structure. */

static void my_free_maskdata(MaskData *md)


/* Free a ServerStats structure. */

static void my_free_serverstats(ServerStats *ss)


/* Unlink and free a nickname, and remove it from its associated nickname
 * group, if any.  If the nickname is the last in its group, remove the
 * group as well, along with any channels owned by the group (unless the
 * channels have successors, in which case the successor gets the channel).

static void my_delnick(NickInfo *ni)
    if (ni->nickgroup) {
	NickGroupInfo *ngi = get_nickgroupinfo(ni->nickgroup);
	if (ngi) {
	    int i;
	    ARRAY_SEARCH_PLAIN(ngi->nicks, ni->nick, irc_stricmp, i);
	    if (i < ngi->nicks_count) {
		ARRAY_REMOVE(ngi->nicks, i);
		if (ngi->mainnick > i || ngi->mainnick >= ngi->nicks_count)
		if (!ngi->nicks_count) {
		    ChannelInfo *ci;
		    del_nickgroupinfo(ngi);  /* also frees */
		    for (ci = first_channelinfo(); ci;
			 ci = next_channelinfo()
		    ) {
			if (ci->successor == ni->nickgroup)
			    ci->successor = 0;
			if (ci->founder == ni->nickgroup) {
			    if (ci->successor) {
				NickGroupInfo *ngi2 =
				if (ngi2) {
				    error("Giving channel %s (owned by deleted"
					  " nick %s) to %s", ci->name,
					  ni->nick, ngi_mainnick(ngi2));
				    ci->founder = ci->successor;
				    ci->successor = 0;
				} else {
				    error("Dropping channel %s (owned by"
					  " deleted nick %s, invalid successor"
					  " %u)", ci->name, ni->nick,
			    } else {  /* !ci->successor */
				error("Dropping channel %s (owned by deleted"
				      " nick %s, no successor)",
				      ci->name, ni->nick);
			    }  /* if (ci->successor) */
			}  /* if (ci->founder == ni->nickgroup) */
		    }  /* for all channels */
		}  /* if (!ngi->nicks_count) */
	    }  /* if (i < ngi->nicks_count) */
	}  /* if (ngi) */
    }  /* if (ni->nickgroup) */
    del_nickinfo(ni);  /* also frees */

/****************************** XML parsing ******************************/

/* Read and return the next byte of data; return -1 at end of file. */

static int get_byte(void)
    char c;	/* Byte read */

    static char readbuf[4096];	/* Read buffer */
    static int readbuf_end;	/* Amount of data in read buffer */
    static int readbuf_pos;	/* Next byte to read from buffer */

    if (bytes_read == 0) {
	/* First call */
	readbuf_end = readbuf_pos = 0;
    if (readbuf_pos >= readbuf_end) {
	/* Out of data in buffer */
	readbuf_end = fread(readbuf, 1, sizeof(readbuf), import_file);
	if (readbuf_end <= 0) {
	    /* End of file or error */
	    return -1;
	readbuf_pos = 0;
    /* Retrieve next byte from read buffer and increment "next" index */
    c = readbuf[readbuf_pos++];
    /* Update xxx_read counters */
    if (c == '\012')
    /* Return the character */
    return c;


/* Parse the given entity into a character (multiple-character entities not
 * supported).  Return the character, -1 if EOF was reached while parsing
 * the entity, or -2 if the entity was successfully read in but unknown.
 * Assumes the '&' beginning the entity has already been read.  If the
 * entity name is longer than 255 characters, it will not be parsed
 * correctly.

static int parse_entity(void)
    char name[256];
    int i, c;

    i = 0;
    while (c != ';') {
	if (i < sizeof(name)-1)
	    name[i++] = c;
    name[i] = 0;
    if (stricmp(name, "lt") == 0) {
	return '<';
    } else if (stricmp(name, "gt") == 0) {
	return '>';
    } else if (stricmp(name, "amp") == 0) {
	return '&';
    } else if (*name == '#') {
	if (name[1+strspn(name+1,"0123456789")] == '\0') {
	    /* &#NNN; */
	    return strtol(name+1, NULL, 10);
	} else if ((name[1] == 'x' || name[1] == 'X')
		   && name[2+strspn(name+2,"0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")] == '\0'){
	    /* &#xNN; */
	    return strtol(name+2, NULL, 16);
    /* Unknown entity */
    error("Unknown entity `%s'", name);
    return -2;


/* Read the next tag and return it in *tag_ret.  If the tag has attributes,
 * return the name of the first one in *attr_ret and its value in
 * *attrval_ret, otherwise set both *attr_ret and *attrval_ret to NULL.
 * If `text_ret' and `textlen_ret' are both not NULL, return all text found
 * before the opening bracket of the next tag in *text_ret and the length
 * of the text in *textlen_ret; the text will be followed by a null
 * character.
 * The function's return value is as follows:
 *                                                ------ Modified? ------
 * Value| Meaning                                |tag |attr|val |text|len
 * -----+----------------------------------------+----+----+----+----+----
 *   1  | Valid opening tag found                | ** | ** | ** | ** | **
 *   0  | Valid closing tag found                | ** | ** | ** | ** | **
 *  -1  | End of file                            | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
 *  -2  | Non-whitespace chars found before tag  | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
 *      |    (if text_ret or textlen_ret NULL)   |    |    |    |    |
 *  -2  | Not enough memory for text (if both    | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
 *      |    text_ret and textlen_ret not NULL)  |    |    |    |    |
 *  -3  | Invalid syntax in tag                  | ** | -- | -- | ** | **
 *  -4  | Invalid & entity in text before tag    | -- | -- | -- | -- | --
 * Note that all returned strings are stored in static buffers which are
 * overwritten at each call, and all returned strings except *text_ret will
 * be silently truncated at 255 characters.
 * If `tag_ret' is NULL, the function frees its static buffers and returns
 * 0.

static int read_tag(char **tag_ret, char **attr_ret, char **attrval_ret,
		    char **text_ret, int *textlen_ret)
    static char tag[256], attr[256], attrval[256];
    static char *text = NULL;
    static int textlen = 0, textsize = 0;
    int is_closing = 0;  /* Is this a closing tag? */
    int c, i;

    /* Special case: free buffers */
    if (!tag_ret) {
	text = NULL;
	textlen = textsize = 0;
	return 0;

    /* Find beginning of tag */
    if (text_ret && textlen_ret) {
	textlen = 0;
	if (!text) {
	    textsize = 256;
	    text = malloc(textsize);
	    if (!text)
		return -2;
    while (c != '<') {
	if (text_ret && textlen_ret) {
	    if (textlen+1 >= textsize) {  /* +1 to allow space for \0 at end */
		textsize = textlen + 256;
		text = realloc(text, textsize);
		if (!text) {
		    textsize = 0;
		    return -2;
	    if (c == '&') {
		c = parse_entity();
		if (c == -1) {
		    return -1;
		} else if (c == -2) {
		    return -4;
	    text[textlen++] = c;
	} else if (!isspace(c)) {
	    return -2;
    } while (c != '<');
    if (text_ret && textlen_ret)
	text[textlen] = 0;

    /* Skip over whitespace before tag name */
    do {
    } while (isspace(c));

    /* Check for / to indicate closing tag */
    if (c == '/') {
	is_closing = 1;
	do {
	} while (isspace(c));

    /* Read tag name */
    i = 0;
    while (!isspace(c) && c != '>') {
	if (i < sizeof(tag)-1)
	    tag[i++] = c;
    tag[i] = 0;
    /* Skip over whitespace */
    while (isspace(c))

    /* Check for and parse attributes */
    *attr = 0;
    *attrval = 0;
    while (c != '>' && c != '?') {
	int save_attr = (*attr == 0);  /* Only save the first attribute */
	int quote = 0;  /* Quote character to match for attribute value */
	i = 0;
	/* Parse attribute name */
	while (!isspace(c) && c != '=') {
	    if (c == '>') {
		/* We don't use any valueless attributes, so ignore this one */
		if (save_attr)
		    *attr = 0;
	    if (save_attr && i < sizeof(attr)-1)
		attr[i++] = c;
	attr[i] = 0;
	while (isspace(c))
	/* As above, we don't use any valueless attributes */
	if (c != '=') {
	    if (save_attr)
		*attr = 0;
	do {
	} while (isspace(c));
	/* Parse value; allow any sequence of 'string', "string", or
	 * unquoted strings */
	i = 0;
	while (quote || (!isspace(c) && c != '>' && c != '?')) {
	    if (quote && c == quote) {
		quote = 0;
	    } else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {
		quote = c;
	    } else {
		if (c == '&') {
		    c = parse_entity();
		    if (c == -1) {
			return -1;
		    } else if (c == -2) {
			*tag_ret = tag;
			if (text_ret && textlen_ret) {
			    *text_ret = text;
			    *textlen_ret = textlen;
			return -3;
		if (save_attr && i < sizeof(attrval)-1)
		    attrval[i++] = c;
	attrval[i] = 0;
	while (isspace(c))
    } /* while more attributes */

    /* If this is a ?XML-type tag, there should be a ? before the > that
     * closes the tag.  Skip it and any subsequent whitespace if it's
     * there, but don't complain if it's not. */
    if (*tag == '?' && c == '?') {
	do {
	} while (isspace(c));

    /* We should now be at the closing > of the tag.  We don't use empty
     * tags, so don't bother handling them. */
    if (c != '>') {
	*tag_ret = tag;
	if (text_ret && textlen_ret) {
	    *text_ret = text;
	    *textlen_ret = textlen;
	return -3;

    /* Successfully parsed: return tag, attribute and text data. */
    *tag_ret = tag;
    if (*attr) {
	*attr_ret = attr;
	*attrval_ret = attrval;
    } else {
	*attr_ret = NULL;
	*attrval_ret = NULL;
    if (text_ret && textlen_ret) {
	*text_ret = text;
	*textlen_ret = textlen;
    return is_closing ? 0 : 1;


/* Parse the next tag, and return a pointer to its contents (the type of
 * pointer depends on the tag); return the tag's name in *found_tag_ret.
 * Returns NULL if either read_tag() returns an error or the tag handler
 * returns NULL; returns PARSETAG_END when the closing tag corresponding to
 * `caller_tag' is found.  (In both of the latter cases, *found_tag_ret
 * will be unmodified.)  If the handler returns PARSETAG_END, signals an
 * error via error() and returns NULL.
 * If `text_ret' and `textlen_ret' are both non-NULL, then for closing
 * tags (PARSETAG_END return value), the text found before the tag will be
 * returned as with read_tag().

static void *parse_tag(const char *caller_tag, char found_tag_ret[256],
		       char **text_ret, int *textlen_ret)
    char local_tag[256], local_attr[256], local_attrval[256];
    char *tag, *attr, *attrval, *text;
    int textlen;
    int i;

    /* Read next tag; if it's not an opening tag, return immediately */
    i = read_tag(&tag, &attr, &attrval, &text, &textlen);
    if (i == -1) {
	if (found_tag_ret)
	    *found_tag_ret = 0;
    } else if (i < 0) {
	return NULL;
    } else if (i == 0) {
	if (stricmp(tag, caller_tag) != 0) {
	    error("Mismatched closing tag: expected </%s>, got </%s>",
		  caller_tag, tag);
	    return NULL;
	if (text_ret && textlen_ret) {
	    *text_ret = text;
	    *textlen_ret = textlen;

    /* Copy tag and attribute data to local buffers */
    strscpy(local_tag, tag, sizeof(local_tag));
    strscpy(local_attr, attr ? attr : "", sizeof(local_attr));
    strscpy(local_attrval, attrval ? attrval : "", sizeof(local_attrval));

    /* Copy tag name to return buffer */
    if (found_tag_ret)
	strscpy(found_tag_ret, tag, 256);  /* sizeof(found_tag_ret) == 4 */

    /* Look up tag in table and call handler */
    for (i = 0; tags[i].tag != NULL; i++) {
	if (stricmp(tags[i].tag, tag) == 0) {
	    void *retval;
	    retval = tags[i].handler(local_tag, local_attr, local_attrval);
	    if (retval == PARSETAG_END) {
		error("Internal error: bad return value from <%s> handler",
		retval = NULL;
	    return retval;

    /* If tag was not found in table, call default handler (which just
     * ignores all text until the end tag and parses intermediate tags) */
    return th_default(local_tag, local_attr, local_attrval);

/***************************** Tag handlers ******************************/

/* Constants used in this data set. */
static int32

/* Various lists of data. */
static NickGroupInfo *ngi_list;
static NickInfo *ni_list;
static ChannelInfo *ci_list;
static NewsItem *news_list;
static MaskData *md_list[256];
static ServerStats *ss_list;


/* Default tag handler; simply parses tags until an appropriate end tag is
 * found.  Returns CONTINUE.

static void *th_default(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;

    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	else if (result == CONTINUE)
    return CONTINUE;


/* Returns the text between the open tag and close tag (if nested tags are
 * present, returns the text between the last nested close tag and this
 * close tag) as a dynamically allocated, null-terminated buffer pointed to
 * by a static TextInfo *.

static void *th_text(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char *text;
    int textlen;
    static TextInfo ti = {NULL,0};

    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, NULL, &text, &textlen)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	else if (result == CONTINUE)
    ti.text = malloc(textlen+1);
    if (!ti.text) {
	error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    memcpy(ti.text, text, textlen);
    ti.text[textlen] = 0;
    ti.len = textlen;
    return &ti;


/* Returns the text between the open tag and close tag (if nested tags are
 * present, returns the text between the last nested close tag and this
 * close tag) as an int32 *.

static void *th_int32(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char *text;
    int textlen;
    static int32 retval;

    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, NULL, &text, &textlen)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	else if (result == CONTINUE)
    retval = strtol(text, &text, 0);
    if (*text) {
	error("Invalid integer value for <%s>", tag);
	return CONTINUE;
    return &retval;


/* Returns the text between the open tag and close tag (if nested tags are
 * present, returns the text between the last nested close tag and this
 * close tag) as a uint32 *.

static void *th_uint32(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char *text;
    int textlen;
    static int32 retval;

    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, NULL, &text, &textlen)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	else if (result == CONTINUE)
    retval = strtoul(text, &text, 0);
    if (*text) {
	error("Invalid unsigned integer value for <%s>", tag);
	return CONTINUE;
    return &retval;


/* Returns the text between the open tag and close tag (if nested tags are
 * present, returns the text between the last nested close tag and this
 * close tag) as a time_t *.

static void *th_time(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char *text;
    int textlen;
    static time_t retval;

    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, NULL, &text, &textlen)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	else if (result == CONTINUE)
    retval = strtol(text, &text, 0);
    if (*text) {
	error("Invalid time value for <%s>", tag);
	return CONTINUE;
    return &retval;


/* Parses all <array-element> tags into an array of NULL-terminated
 * strings.  Returns a dynamically allocated array pointed to by a static
 * ArrayInfo *.

static void *th_strarray(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static ArrayInfo ai;
    static char **array;
    int i;

    if (!attr || !attrval || stricmp(attr, "count") != 0) {
	error("Missing `count' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    ai.len = strtol(attrval, &attrval, 0);
    if (*attrval || ai.len < 0) {
	error("Invalid value for `count' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    if (ai.len == 0) {
	array = NULL;
    } else {
	array = malloc(sizeof(*array) * ai.len);
	if (!array) {
	    error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	    return NULL;
    i = 0;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    while (--i >= 0)
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "array-element") == 0) {
	    if (i >= ai.len) {
		error("Warning: Too many elements for <%s>, extra elements"
		      " ignored", tag);
	    } else {
		array[i] = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
    ai.array = array;
    return &ai;


/* Read in constant values.  Returns CONTINUE. */

#define DEFINE_CONST(name) {#name,&const_##name}
static const struct {
    const char *name;
    int32 *ptr;
} constants[] = {
    { NULL }

static void *th_constants(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    int i;

    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	else if (result == CONTINUE)
	for (i = 0; constants[i].name; i++) {
	    if (stricmp(constants[i].name, tag2) == 0) {
		*constants[i].ptr = *(int32 *)result;
	if (!constants[i].name)
	    error("Warning: Unknown constant tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    return CONTINUE;


/* Parse a <nickgroupinfo> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated
 * NickGroupInfo *.

static void *th_nickgroupinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    NickGroupInfo *ngi;

    ngi = new_nickgroupinfo(NULL);
    if (!ngi) {
	error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "id") == 0) {
	    ngi->id = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (!ngi->id)
		error("Invalid <id> tag (must not be zero)");
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "nicks") == 0) {
	    int i;
	    char **nicks = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->array;
	    ngi->nicks_count = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->len;
	    ngi->nicks = calloc(ngi->nicks_count, sizeof(*ngi->nicks));
	    if (!ngi->nicks) {
		error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag2);
		return NULL;
	    ARRAY_FOREACH (i, ngi->nicks) {
		strscpy(ngi->nicks[i], nicks[i], sizeof(ngi->nicks[i]));
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mainnick") == 0) {
	    ngi->mainnick = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "pass") == 0) {
	    TextInfo *ti = result;
	    if (ti->len < PASSMAX)
		memcpy(ngi->pass, ti->text, ti->len);
		memcpy(ngi->pass, ti->text, PASSMAX);
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "url") == 0) {
	    ngi->url = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "email") == 0) {
	    ngi->email = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "info") == 0) {
	    ngi->info = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "authcode") == 0) {
	    ngi->authcode = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "authset") == 0) {
	    ngi->authset = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "suspendinfo") == 0) {
	    ngi->suspendinfo = result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "flags") == 0) {
	    ngi->flags = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "os_priv") == 0) {
	    ngi->os_priv = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "language") == 0) {
	    ngi->language = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (ngi->language == const_LANG_DEFAULT)
		ngi->language = LANG_DEFAULT;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "timezone") == 0) {
	    ngi->timezone = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (ngi->timezone == const_TIMEZONE_DEFAULT)
		ngi->timezone = TIMEZONE_DEFAULT;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "channelmax") == 0) {
	    ngi->channelmax = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (ngi->channelmax == const_CHANMAX_DEFAULT)
		ngi->channelmax = CHANMAX_DEFAULT;
	    else if (ngi->channelmax == const_CHANMAX_UNLIMITED)
		ngi->channelmax = CHANMAX_UNLIMITED;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "access") == 0) {
	    ngi->access = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->array;
	    ngi->access_count = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->len;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "ajoin") == 0) {
	    ngi->ajoin = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->array;
	    ngi->ajoin_count = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->len;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "memoinfo") == 0) {
	    ngi->memos = *(MemoInfo *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "ignore") == 0) {
	    ngi->ignore = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->array;
	    ngi->ignore_count = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->len;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown NickGroupInfo tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (!ngi->id) {
	error("<id> tag missing from nick group, ignoring");
	return CONTINUE;
    } else if (!ngi->nicks_count) {
	error("Nick group %u has no nicks, ignoring", ngi->id);
	return CONTINUE;
    if (ngi->mainnick >= ngi->nicks_count) {
	error("Warning: invalid main nick setting %d for nick group %u,"
	      " resetting to 0", ngi->mainnick, ngi->id);
	ngi->mainnick = 0;
    return ngi;


/* Parse a <suspendinfo> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated
 * SuspendInfo *.

static void *th_suspendinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static SuspendInfo *si;

    si = new_suspendinfo("", NULL, 0);
    if (!si) {
	error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "who") == 0) {
	    strscpy(si->who, ((TextInfo *)result)->text, sizeof(si->who));
	    free(((TextInfo *)result)->text);
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "reason") == 0) {
	    si->reason = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "suspended") == 0) {
	    si->suspended = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "expires") == 0) {
	    si->expires = *(time_t *)result;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown MemoInfo tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (!*si->who)
	strscpy(si->who, "<unknown>", sizeof(si->who));
    if (!si->reason) {
	si->reason = strdup("<reason unknown>");
	if (!si->reason) {
	    error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	    return NULL;
    if (!si->suspended) {
	error("Warning: Time of suspension not set, setting to current"
	      " time");
	si->suspended = time(NULL);
    return si;


/* Parse a <memoinfo> tag block, and return dynamically allocated memo
 * data pointed to by a static MemoInfo *.

static void *th_memoinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static MemoInfo mi;
    int i;

    memset(&mi, 0, sizeof(mi));
    mi.memomax = MEMOMAX_DEFAULT;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    ARRAY_FOREACH (i, mi.memos)
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "memos") == 0) {
	    mi.memos = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->array;
	    mi.memos_count = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->len;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "memomax") == 0) {
	    mi.memomax = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (mi.memomax == const_MEMOMAX_DEFAULT)
		mi.memomax = MEMOMAX_DEFAULT;
	    if (mi.memomax == const_MEMOMAX_UNLIMITED)
		mi.memomax = MEMOMAX_UNLIMITED;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown MemoInfo tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    return &mi;


/* Parse a <memos> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated Memo array
 * pointed to by a static ArrayInfo *.

static void *th_memos(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static ArrayInfo ai;
    static Memo *array;
    int i;

    if (!attr || stricmp(attr, "count") != 0) {
	error("Missing `count' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    ai.len = strtol(attrval, &attrval, 0);
    if (*attrval || ai.len < 0) {
	error("Invalid value for `count' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    if (ai.len == 0) {
	array = NULL;
    } else {
	array = malloc(sizeof(*array) * ai.len);
	if (!array) {
	    error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	    return NULL;
    i = 0;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    while (--i >= 0)
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "memo") == 0) {
	    if (i >= ai.len) {
		error("Warning: Too many elements for <%s>, extra elements"
		      " ignored", tag);
	    } else {
		array[i] = *(Memo *)result;
    ai.array = array;
    return &ai;


/* Parse a <memo> tag block, and return a static Memo * (with dynamically
 * allocated text).

static void *th_memo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static Memo memo;

    memset(&memo, 0, sizeof(memo));
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "number") == 0) {
	    memo.number = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "flags") == 0) {
	    memo.flags = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "time") == 0) {
	    memo.time = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "sender") == 0) {
	    strscpy(memo.sender, ((TextInfo *)result)->text,
	    free(((TextInfo *)result)->text);
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "text") == 0) {
	    memo.text = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown MemoInfo tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (!*memo.sender)
	strscpy(memo.sender, "<unknown>", sizeof(memo.sender));
    return &memo;


/* Parse a <nickinfo> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated
 * NickInfo *.

static void *th_nickinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    NickInfo *ni;

    ni = new_nickinfo();
    if (!ni) {
	error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "nick") == 0) {
	    strscpy(ni->nick, ((TextInfo *)result)->text, sizeof(ni->nick));
	    free(((TextInfo *)result)->text);
	    if (!*ni->nick)
		error("Empty <nick> tag");
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "status") == 0) {
	    ni->status = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_usermask") == 0) {
	    ni->last_usermask = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_realmask") == 0) {
	    ni->last_realmask = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_realname") == 0) {
	    ni->last_realname = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_quit") == 0) {
	    ni->last_quit = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "time_registered") == 0) {
	    ni->time_registered = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_seen") == 0) {
	    ni->last_seen = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "nickgroup") == 0) {
	    ni->nickgroup = *(int32 *)result;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown NickInfo tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (!*ni->nick) {
	error("<nick> tag missing from nick, ignoring");
	return CONTINUE;
    } else if (!(ni->status & NS_VERBOTEN)) {
	if (!ni->nickgroup) {
	    error("Nick %s has no nick group, ignoring", ni->nick);
	    return CONTINUE;
	if (!ni->last_usermask) {
	    error("Warning: Nick %s has no <last_usermask> tag, setting to"
		  " `@'", ni->nick);
	    ni->last_usermask = strdup("@");
	    if (!ni->last_usermask) {
		error("Out of memory");
		return CONTINUE;
	if (!ni->last_realname) {
	    error("Warning: Nick %s has no <last_realname> tag, setting to"
		  " `'", ni->nick);
	    ni->last_realname = strdup("");
	    if (!ni->last_realname) {
		error("Out of memory");
		return CONTINUE;
    if (!ni->time_registered) {
	/* Don't warn for forbidden nicks--old versions didn't record the
	 * forbid time */
	if (!(ni->status & NS_VERBOTEN)) {
	    error("Warning: Nick %s has no time of registration, setting"
		  " registration time to current time", ni->nick);
	ni->time_registered = time(NULL);
    if (!ni->last_seen && !(ni->status & NS_VERBOTEN)) {
	error("Warning: Nick %s has no last-seen time, setting last-seen"
	      " time to registration time", ni->nick);
	ni->last_seen = ni->time_registered;
    return ni;


/* Parse a <channelinfo> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated
 * ChannelInfo *.

static void *th_channelinfo(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    ChannelInfo *ci;

    ci = new_channelinfo();
    if (!ci) {
	error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "name") == 0) {
	    strscpy(ci->name, ((TextInfo *)result)->text, sizeof(ci->name));
	    free(((TextInfo *)result)->text);
	    if (!*ci->name)
		error("Empty <name> tag");
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "founder") == 0) {
	    ci->founder = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "successor") == 0) {
	    ci->successor = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "founderpass") == 0) {
	    TextInfo *ti = result;
	    if (ti->len < PASSMAX)
		memcpy(ci->founderpass, ti->text, ti->len);
		memcpy(ci->founderpass, ti->text, PASSMAX);
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "desc") == 0) {
	    ci->desc = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "url") == 0) {
	    ci->url = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "email") == 0) {
	    ci->email = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "time_registered") == 0) {
	    ci->time_registered = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_used") == 0) {
	    ci->last_used = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_topic") == 0) {
	    ci->last_topic = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_topic_setter") == 0) {
	    strscpy(ci->last_topic_setter, ((TextInfo *)result)->text,
	    free(((TextInfo *)result)->text);
	    if (!*ci->last_topic_setter)
		strscpy(ci->last_topic_setter, "<unknown>",
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "last_topic_time") == 0) {
	    ci->last_topic_time = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "flags") == 0) {
	    ci->flags = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "suspendinfo") == 0) {
	    ci->suspendinfo = result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "levels") == 0) {
	    ci->levels = result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "chanaccesslist") == 0) {
	    ci->access = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->array;
	    ci->access_count = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->len;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "akicklist") == 0) {
	    ci->akick = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->array;
	    ci->akick_count = ((ArrayInfo *)result)->len;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_on") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_on = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_off") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_off = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_limit") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_limit = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_key") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_key = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_link") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_link = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_flood") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_flood = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_joindelay") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_joindelay = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_joinrate1") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_joinrate1 = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mlock_joinrate2") == 0) {
	    ci->mlock_joinrate2 = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "entry_message") == 0) {
	    ci->entry_message = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "memoinfo") == 0) {
	    ci->memos = *(MemoInfo *)result;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown NickGroupInfo tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (!*ci->name) {
	error("<name> tag missing from channel, ignoring");
	return CONTINUE;
    } else if (strcmp(ci->name, "#") == 0) {
	error("Channel \"#\" not supported");
	return CONTINUE;
    } else if (!ci->founder && !(ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN)) {
	error("Channel %s has no founder, ignoring", ci->name);
	return CONTINUE;
    if (ci->founder && ci->successor == ci->founder) {
	error("Warning: Channel %s has founder == successor, clearing"
	      " successor", ci->name);
	ci->successor = 0;
    if (!ci->time_registered) {
	/* Don't warn for forbidden channels--old versions didn't record
	 * the forbid time */
	if (!(ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN)) {
	    error("Warning: Channel %s has no time of registration, setting"
		  " registration time to current time", ci->name);
	ci->time_registered = time(NULL);
    if (!ci->last_used && !(ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN)) {
	error("Warning: Channel %s has no last-used time, setting last-used"
	      " time to registration time", ci->name);
	ci->last_used = ci->time_registered;
    return ci;


/* Parse a <levels> tag block, and return a static array of CA_SIZE level
 * values (int16).
 * FIXME: this depends on chanserv/main for reset_levels()... is there a
 *        better way to deal with the fact that we may not have all the
 *        levels listed in the XML file? --> to be fixed in 5.1

#define DEFINE_LEVEL(name) {#name,name}
static const struct {
    const char *name;
    int index;
} levellist[] = {
    { NULL }

static void *th_levels(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    static ChannelInfo ci;
    int16 *levels;
    char tag2[256];
    void *result;
    int i;

    /* Get default levels */
    ci.levels = NULL;
    reset_levels(&ci, 1);
    levels = ci.levels;

    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	int32 value;
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	value = *(int32 *)result;
	if (value == const_ACCLEV_FOUNDER)
	    value = ACCLEV_FOUNDER;
	else if (value == const_ACCLEV_INVALID)
	    value = ACCLEV_INVALID;
	else if (value >= ACCLEV_FOUNDER)
	    value = ACCLEV_FOUNDER-1;
	else if (value <= ACCLEV_INVALID)
	    value = ACCLEV_INVALID+1;
	for (i = 0; levellist[i].name; i++) {
	    if (stricmp(levellist[i].name, tag2) == 0) {
		levels[levellist[i].index] = (int16)value;
	if (!levellist[i].name)
	    error("Warning: Unknown level tag <%s> ignored", tag2);

    return levels;


/* Parse a <chanaccesslist> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated
 * ChanAccess array pointed to by a static ArrayInfo *.

static void *th_chanaccesslist(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static ArrayInfo ai;
    static ChanAccess *array;
    int i;

    if (!attr || stricmp(attr, "count") != 0) {
	error("Missing `count' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    ai.len = strtol(attrval, &attrval, 0);
    if (*attrval || ai.len < 0) {
	error("Invalid value for `count' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    if (ai.len == 0) {
	array = NULL;
    } else {
	array = malloc(sizeof(*array) * ai.len);
	if (!array) {
	    error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	    return NULL;
    i = 0;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "chanaccess") == 0) {
	    if (i >= ai.len) {
		error("Warning: Too many elements for <%s>, extra elements"
		      " ignored", tag);
	    } else {
		array[i] = *(ChanAccess *)result;
    ai.array = array;
    return &ai;


/* Parse a <chanaccess> tag block, and return a static ChanAccess *. */

static void *th_chanaccess(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static ChanAccess access;

    memset(&access, 0, sizeof(access));
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "nickgroup") == 0) {
	    access.nickgroup = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "level") == 0) {
	    int32 level = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (level >= ACCLEV_FOUNDER)
		level = ACCLEV_FOUNDER-1;
	    else if (level <= ACCLEV_INVALID)
		level = ACCLEV_INVALID+1;
	    access.level = (int16)level;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown ChanAccess tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    return &access;


/* Parse a <akicklist> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated
 * AutoKick array pointed to by a static ArrayInfo *.

static void *th_akicklist(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static ArrayInfo ai;
    static AutoKick *array;
    int i;

    if (!attr || stricmp(attr, "count") != 0) {
	error("Missing `count' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    ai.len = strtol(attrval, &attrval, 0);
    if (*attrval || ai.len < 0) {
	error("Invalid value for `count' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    if (ai.len == 0) {
	array = NULL;
    } else {
	array = malloc(sizeof(*array) * ai.len);
	if (!array) {
	    error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	    return NULL;
    i = 0;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    while (--i >= 0) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "akick") == 0) {
	    if (i >= ai.len) {
		error("Warning: Too many elements for <%s>, extra elements"
		      " ignored", tag);
	    } else {
		array[i] = *(AutoKick *)result;
    ai.array = array;
    return &ai;


/* Parse an <akick> tag block, and return a static AutoKick *. */

static void *th_akick(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    static AutoKick akick;

    memset(&akick, 0, sizeof(akick));
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mask") == 0) {
	    akick.mask = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "reason") == 0) {
	    akick.reason = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "who") == 0) {
	    strscpy(akick.who, ((TextInfo *)result)->text, sizeof(akick.who));
	    free(((TextInfo *)result)->text);
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "set") == 0) {
	    akick.set = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "lastused") == 0) {
	    akick.lastused = *(time_t *)result;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown AutoKick tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (!akick.mask) {
	memset(&akick, 0, sizeof(akick));
    } else {
	if (!*akick.who)
	    strscpy(akick.who, "<unknown>", sizeof(akick.who));
    return &akick;


/* Parse an <mlock_on> or <mlock_off> tag, and return a pointer to a static
 * int32.

static void *th_mlock(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    TextInfo *ti;
    char *s;
    static int32 modes;

    ti = th_text(tag, attr, attrval);
    if (!ti)
	return NULL;
    s = ti->text;
    modes = 0;
    while (*s) {
	int32 flag = mode_char_to_flag(*s, MODE_CHANNEL);
	if (flag == 0)			/* Invalid mode character */
	    error("Ignoring unknown mode character `%c' in <%s>", *s, tag);
	else if (flag == MODE_INVALID)	/* No associated flag */
	    error("Ignoring non-binary mode character `%c' in <%s>", *s, tag);
	else				/* Valid mode with flag */
	    modes |= flag;
    return &modes;


/* Parse a <news> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated NewsItem *.

static void *th_news(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    NewsItem *news;

    news = malloc(sizeof(*news));
    if (!news) {
	error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    memset(news, 0, sizeof(*news));
    news->type = NEWS_INVALID;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "type") == 0) {
	    news->type = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (news->type == const_NEWS_LOGON)
		news->type = NEWS_LOGON;
	    else if (news->type == const_NEWS_OPER)
		news->type = NEWS_OPER;
	    else {
		error("Unknown news type %d", news->type);
		news->type = NEWS_INVALID;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "num") == 0) {
	    news->num = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (news->num < 0) {
		error("Warning: Invalid news item number %d, will be"
		      " renumbered later", news->num);
		news->num = 0;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "text") == 0) {
	    news->text = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "who") == 0) {
	    strscpy(news->who, ((TextInfo *)result)->text, sizeof(news->who));
	    free(((TextInfo *)result)->text);
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "time") == 0) {
	    news->time = *(time_t *)result;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown NewsItem tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (news->type == NEWS_INVALID) {
	error("News type missing or invalid, ignoring news item");
	return CONTINUE;
    } else if (!news->text || !*news->text) {
	error("News item has no text, ignoring");
	return CONTINUE;
    if (!*news->who) {
	strscpy(news->who, "<unknown>", sizeof(news->who));
    if (!news->time) {
	error("Warning: News item has no creation time, setting to current"
	      " time");
	news->time = time(NULL);
    return news;


/* Parse a <maskdata> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated
 * MaskData *.  The type is returned in `md->modified'.

static void *th_maskdata(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    MaskData *md;
    long type;

    if (!attr || !attrval || stricmp(attr, "type") != 0) {
	error("`type' attribute missing from <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    type = strtol(attrval, &attrval, 0);
    if (*attrval || type < 0 || type > 255) {
	error("`Invalid value for `type' attribute for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    if (type == const_MD_AKILL) {
	type = MD_AKILL;
    } else if (type == const_MD_EXCEPTION) {
    } else if (type == const_MD_EXCLUSION) {
    } else if (type == const_MD_SGLINE) {
	type = MD_SGLINE;
    } else if (type == const_MD_SQLINE) {
	type = MD_SQLINE;
    } else if (type == const_MD_SZLINE) {
	type = MD_SZLINE;
    } else {
	error("Unknown type %ld, entry will be ignored", type);
	type = -1;
    md = malloc(sizeof(*md));
    if (!md) {
	error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    memset(md, 0, sizeof(*md));
    md->modified = (int)type;
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "num") == 0) {
	    md->num = *(int32 *)result;
	    if (md->num < 0) {
		error("Warning: Invalid mask data entry number %d, will be"
		      " renumbered later", md->num);
		md->num = 0;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "limit") == 0) {
	    md->limit = *(int32 *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "mask") == 0) {
	    md->mask = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "reason") == 0) {
	    md->reason = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "who") == 0) {
	    strscpy(md->who, ((TextInfo *)result)->text, sizeof(md->who));
	    free(((TextInfo *)result)->text);
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "time") == 0) {
	    md->time = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "expires") == 0) {
	    md->expires = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "lastused") == 0) {
	    md->lastused = *(time_t *)result;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown MaskData tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (md->modified < 0) {
	error("Mask data type unrecognized, ignoring entry");
	return CONTINUE;
    } else if (!md->mask || !*md->mask) {
	error("Mask data entry has no mask, ignoring");
	return CONTINUE;
    if (!md->reason) {
	md->reason = strdup("<reason unknown>");
	if (!md->reason) {
	    error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
    if (!*md->who) {
	strscpy(md->who, "<unknown>", sizeof(md->who));
    if (!md->time) {
	error("Warning: Mask data entry has no creation time, setting to"
	      " current time");
	md->time = time(NULL);
    return md;


/* Parse a <ServerStats> tag block, and return a dynamically allocated
 * ServerStats *.

static void *th_serverstats(char *tag, char *attr, char *attrval)
    void *result;
    char tag2[256];
    ServerStats *ss;

    ss = malloc(sizeof(*ss));
    if (!ss) {
	error("Out of memory for <%s>", tag);
	return NULL;
    memset(ss, 0, sizeof(*ss));
    while ((result = parse_tag(tag, tag2, NULL, NULL)) != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (result == NULL) {
	    return NULL;
	} else if (result == CONTINUE) {
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "name") == 0) {
	    ss->name = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "t_join") == 0) {
	    ss->t_join = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "t_quit") == 0) {
	    ss->t_quit = *(time_t *)result;
	} else if (stricmp(tag2, "quit_message") == 0) {
	    ss->quit_message = ((TextInfo *)result)->text;
	} else {
	    error("Warning: Unknown ServerStats tag <%s> ignored", tag2);
    if (!ss->name || !*ss->name) {
	error("ServerStats entry has no server name, ignoring");
	return CONTINUE;
    return ss;

/************************* Overall data handling *************************/

/* Free read-in data. */

static void free_data(void)
    NickGroupInfo *ngi, *ngi2;
    NickInfo *ni, *ni2;
    ChannelInfo *ci, *ci2;
    NewsItem *news, *news2;
    MaskData *md, *md2;
    ServerStats *ss, *ss2;
    int i;

    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ngi, ngi_list, ngi2)
    ngi_list = NULL;
    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ni, ni_list, ni2)
    ni_list = NULL;
    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ci, ci_list, ci2)
    ci_list = NULL;
    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (news, news_list, news2)
    news_list = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
	LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (md, md_list[i], md2)
	md_list[i] = NULL;
    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ss, ss_list, ss2)
    ss_list = NULL;


/* Read in all data; return nonzero on success, zero if an error occurred
 * that prevents the data from being merged.

static int read_data(int flags)
    int flags_nickcoll = flags & XMLI_NICKCOLL_MASK;
    int flags_chancoll = flags & XMLI_CHANCOLL_MASK;
    NickGroupInfo *ngi_discarded = NULL;  /* for discarded nickgroups */
    int failed = 0;  /* set to 1 on a fatal error */
    void *result;
    char tag[256];

    /* Make sure we start with a clean slate */

    while ((result = parse_tag("ircservices-db", tag, NULL, NULL))
	   != PARSETAG_END) {
	if (!result)
	    return 0;
	else if (result == CONTINUE)

	/* Do something with the returned data */

	if (stricmp(tag, "nickgroupinfo") == 0) {
	    NickGroupInfo *ngi = result;
	    int i;
	    /* Check for nick collisions now if we're in the default mode
	     * (discard entire group on collision) or abort-on-collision
	     * mode.  For discard-colliding-nick-only mode, we check when
	     * we get the NickInfo. */
	    if (!flags_nickcoll || flags_nickcoll == XMLI_NICKCOLL_ABORT) {
		ARRAY_FOREACH (i, ngi->nicks) {
		    /* See if the nick already exists in the database */
		    NickInfo *ni = get_nickinfo(ngi->nicks[i]);
		    if (ni) {
			int j;
			printf("Line %d: %sImported nick %s collides with %s"
			       " nick, discarding nick group with nicks:",
				   ? "" : "Warning: ",
			       ni->status & NS_VERBOTEN
				   ? "forbidden" : "registered");
			/* Let them know what nicks get discarded. */
			ARRAY_FOREACH (j, ngi->nicks)
			    printf(" %s", ngi->nicks[j]);
			LIST_INSERT(ngi, ngi_discarded);
			ngi = NULL;
			if (flags_nickcoll == XMLI_NICKCOLL_ABORT)
			    failed = 1;
		} /* for each nick */
	    } /* if default mode or abort mode */
	    if (ngi)  /* it might be NULL if we handled it above */
		LIST_INSERT(ngi, ngi_list);

	} else if (stricmp(tag, "nickinfo") == 0) {
	    NickInfo *ni = result;
	    NickGroupInfo *ngi;
	    int i;

	    /* Special handling for forbidden nicks (which have no groups) */
	    if (!ni->nickgroup) {
		if (flags_nickcoll != XMLI_NICKCOLL_OVERWRITE
		 && get_nickinfo(ni->nick)
		) {
		LIST_INSERT(ni, ni_list);

	    /* Make sure nick has a valid (possibly discarded) nickgroup */
	    LIST_SEARCH_SCALAR(ngi_discarded, id, ni->nickgroup, ngi);
	    if (ngi) {
		/* It's from a discarded nickgroup, drop it and continue */
	    LIST_SEARCH_SCALAR(ngi_list, id, ni->nickgroup, ngi);
	    if (!ngi) {
		error("Nick %s has invalid nick group %u, discarding",
		      ni->nick, ni->nickgroup);
	    /* Also make sure nickgroup has nick listed */
	    ARRAY_SEARCH_PLAIN(ngi->nicks, ni->nick, irc_stricmp, i);
	    if (i >= ngi->nicks_count) {
		error("Nick %s not listed in nick array for nick group %u"
		      " (corrupt database?), discarding", ni->nick, ngi->id);
	    /* Check for nick collisions if in discard-colliding-nick-only
	     * mode. */
	    if (flags_nickcoll == XMLI_NICKCOLL_SKIPNICK) {
		NickInfo *ni2 = get_nickinfo(ngi->nicks[i]);
		if (ni2) {
		    error("Warning: Imported nick %s collides with %s nick,"
			  " discarding imported nick", ni->nick,
			  ni2->status & NS_VERBOTEN
			      ? "forbidden" : "registered");
		    if (ngi->nicks_count == 1) {
			/* Only nick in group, delete group */
			LIST_REMOVE(ngi, ngi_list);
		    } else {
			/* Delete nick from group's nick list; `i' still
			 * holds nicks[] index from above */
			ARRAY_REMOVE(ngi->nicks, i);
			/* Update mainnick if necessary */
			if (ngi->mainnick > i
			 || (ngi->mainnick == i && i >= ngi->nicks_count))
		    /* Continue on to next tag */
		} /* if nick is registered */
	    } /* if discard-colliding-nick-only mode */
	    /* Everything okay, insert nick into list. */
	    LIST_INSERT(ni, ni_list);

	} else if (stricmp(tag, "channelinfo") == 0) {
	    ChannelInfo *ci = result;
	    if (flags_chancoll != XMLI_CHANCOLL_OVERWRITE) {
		if (get_channelinfo(ci->name)) {
		    error("%sImported channel %s collides with %s channel,"
			  " discarding imported channel",
			  flags_chancoll==XMLI_CHANCOLL_ABORT ? "":"Warning: ",
			  ci->flags&CI_VERBOTEN ? "forbidden" : "registered");
		    ci = NULL;
		    if (flags_chancoll == XMLI_CHANCOLL_ABORT)
			failed = 1;
	    if (ci)
		LIST_INSERT(ci, ci_list);

	} else if (stricmp(tag, "news") == 0) {
	    my_free_newsitem(result);  /* Don't import news items */

	} else if (stricmp(tag, "maskdata") == 0) {
	    MaskData *md = result;
	    if (get_maskdata(md->modified, md->mask)) {
		char typebuf[16];
		const char *s;
		switch (md->modified) {
		  case MD_AKILL:	s = "autokill";			break;
		  case MD_EXCEPTION:	s = "session exception";	break;
		  case MD_SGLINE:	s = "SGline";			break;
		  case MD_SQLINE:	s = "SQline";			break;
		  case MD_SZLINE:	s = "SZline";			break;
		    snprintf(typebuf,sizeof(typebuf),"type %u",md->modified);
		    s = typebuf;
		error("MaskData entry for `%s' (%s) already exists in"
		      " database, skipping", md->mask, s);
	    } else {
		LIST_INSERT(md, md_list[md->modified]);
		md->modified = 0;

	} else if (stricmp(tag, "serverstats") == 0) {
	    ServerStats *ss = result;
	    if (get_serverstats(ss->name)) {
		error("ServerStats entry for `%s' already exists in"
		      " database, skipping", ss->name);
	    } else {
		LIST_INSERT(ss, ss_list);

    } /* while not PARSETAG_END */

    /* Free discarded nickgroups */
	NickGroupInfo *ngi, *ngi2;
	LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ngi, ngi_discarded, ngi2)

    return !failed;


/* Merge read-in data with database. */

static void merge_data(int flags)
    NickGroupInfo *ngi, *ngi2;
    NickInfo *ni, *ni2;
    ChannelInfo *ci, *ci2;
    MaskData *md, *md2;
    ServerStats *ss, *ss2;
    int i;

    /* All colliding nick groups have already been removed, so just add all
     * the new ones. */
    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ngi, ngi_list, ngi2) {
	uint32 newid = ngi->id;
	while (get_nickgroupinfo(newid)) {
	    if (newid == 0)
	    if (newid == ngi->id) {
		fatal("No available nick group IDs for ID %u in XML import",
	if (newid != ngi->id) {
	    if (VerboseImport)
		error("Nick group %u imported as group %u", ngi->id, newid);
	    LIST_FOREACH (ni, ni_list) {
		if (ni->nickgroup == ngi->id)
		    ni->nickgroup = newid;
	    LIST_FOREACH (ci, ci_list) {
		if (ci->founder == ngi->id)
		    ci->founder = newid;
		if (ci->successor == ngi->id)
		    ci->successor = newid;
		ARRAY_FOREACH (i, ci->access) {
		    if (ci->access[i].nickgroup == ngi->id)
			ci->access[i].nickgroup = newid;
	    ngi->id = newid;
	} else if (VerboseImport) {
	    error("Nick group %u imported", ngi->id);
	LIST_REMOVE(ngi, ngi_list);

    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ni, ni_list, ni2) {
	NickInfo *oldni = get_nickinfo(ni->nick);
	if (oldni) {
		error("Overwriting nick %s", oldni->nick);
	    } else {
		fatal("BUG: Colliding nick %s not removed!", ni->nick);
	LIST_REMOVE(ni, ni_list);
	error("Nick %s imported", ni->nick);

    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ci, ci_list, ci2) {
	LIST_REMOVE(ci, ci_list);
	if (ci->founder) {
	    NickGroupInfo *ngi = get_nickgroupinfo(ci->founder);
	    if (!ngi) {
		error("Warning: Founder nickgroup missing for channel %s,"
		      " deleting channel", ci->name);
		ci = NULL;
	if (ci) {
	    ChannelInfo *oldci = get_channelinfo(ci->name);
	    if (oldci) {
		    error("Overwriting channel %s", oldci->name);
		    del_channelinfo(oldci);  /* also frees */
		} else {
		    fatal("BUG: Colliding nick %s not removed!", ni->nick);
	    error("Channel %s imported", ci->name);

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
	LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (md, md_list[i], md2) {
	    LIST_REMOVE(md, md_list[i]);
	    add_maskdata(i, md);
	    error("Mask data %d/%s imported", i, md->mask);

    LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (ss, ss_list, ss2) {
	LIST_REMOVE(ss, ss_list);
	error("ServerStats %s imported", ss->name);

/************************** Main import routine **************************/

static int xml_import(FILE *f)
    char *tag, *attr, *attrval;

    import_file = f;
    bytes_read = 0;
    lines_read = 1;
    const_ACCLEV_SOP        = ACCLEV_SOP;
    const_ACCLEV_AOP        = ACCLEV_AOP;
    const_ACCLEV_HOP        = ACCLEV_HOP;
    const_ACCLEV_VOP        = ACCLEV_VOP;
    const_NEWS_LOGON        = NEWS_LOGON;
    const_NEWS_OPER         = NEWS_OPER;
    const_MD_AKILL          = MD_AKILL;
    const_MD_SGLINE         = MD_SGLINE;
    const_MD_SQLINE         = MD_SQLINE;
    const_MD_SZLINE         = MD_SZLINE;

    /* Read in initial tag(s) */
    if (read_tag(&tag, &attr, &attrval, NULL, NULL) != 1) {
	error("Error reading initial tag");
	return 0;
    } else if (stricmp(tag, "?xml") == 0) {
	if (attr && stricmp(attr, "version") == 0) {
	    char *s = strchr(attrval, '.');
	    if (s)
		*s++ = 0;
	    if (!s || atoi(attrval) != 1 || atoi(s) != 0) {
		error("Invalid XML version");
		return 0;
	if (read_tag(&tag, &attr, &attrval, NULL, NULL) != 1) {
	    error("Error reading initial tag");
	    return 0;
    if (stricmp(tag, "ircservices-db") != 0) {
	error("Initial tag is not <ircservices-db>");
	return 0;

    /* Read data */
    if (!read_data(flags)) {
	printf("Import aborted.\n");
	return 0;

    /* Free read_tag() data */
    (void) read_tag(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    /* Merge data into our database and free it */

    /* Return success */
    return 1;


/* Command-line option callback. */

static int do_command_line(const char *option, const char *value)
    FILE *f;

    if (!option || strcmp(option, "import") != 0)
	return 0;
    if (!value || !*value) {
	fprintf(stderr, "-import option requires a parameter (filename to"
		" import)\n");
	return 2;
    f = fopen(value, "r");
    if (!f) {
	return 2;
    if (!xml_import(f))
	return 2;
    return 3;

/***************************** Module stuff ******************************/

const int32 module_version = MODULE_VERSION_CODE;

static int do_OnNicknameCollision(const char *filename, int linenum,
				  const char *value);
static int do_OnChannelCollision(const char *filename, int linenum,
				 const char *value);

ConfigDirective module_config[] = {
    { "OnChannelCollision",  { { CD_FUNC, 0, do_OnChannelCollision } } },
    { "OnNicknameCollision", { { CD_FUNC, 0, do_OnNicknameCollision } } },
    { "VerboseImport",       { { CD_SET, 0, &VerboseImport } } },
    { NULL }


static int do_OnNicknameCollision(const char *filename, int linenum,
				  const char *value)
    static int value_to_set = 0;

    if (!value) {
	if (linenum == CDFUNC_SET) {
	    flags &= ~XMLI_NICKCOLL_MASK;
	    flags |= value_to_set;
	return 1;
    if (stricmp(value, "skipgroup") == 0) {
	value_to_set = 0;
    } else if (stricmp(value, "skipnick") == 0) {
    } else if (stricmp(value, "overwrite") == 0) {
    } else if (stricmp(value, "abort") == 0) {
	value_to_set = XMLI_NICKCOLL_ABORT;
    } else {
	config_error(filename, linenum,
		     "Invalid setting for OnNicknameCollision: `%s'", value);
	return 0;
    return 1;


static int do_OnChannelCollision(const char *filename, int linenum,
				 const char *value)
    static int value_to_set = 0;

    if (!value) {
	if (linenum == CDFUNC_SET) {
	    flags &= ~XMLI_CHANCOLL_MASK;
	    flags |= value_to_set;
	} else if (linenum == CDFUNC_DECONFIG) {
	    flags = 0;
	return 1;
    if (stricmp(value, "skip") == 0) {
	value_to_set = 0;
    } else if (stricmp(value, "overwrite") == 0) {
    } else if (stricmp(value, "abort") == 0) {
	value_to_set = XMLI_CHANCOLL_ABORT;
    } else {
	config_error(filename, linenum,
		     "Invalid setting for OnChannelCollision: `%s'", value);
	return 0;
    return 1;


int init_module(Module *module_)
    int i, j;

    module = module_;

    for (i = 1; tags[i].tag; i++) {
	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
	    if (stricmp(tags[i].tag, tags[j].tag) == 0)
		module_log("BUG: duplicate entry for tag `%s'", tags[i].tag);

    /* ChanServ module is used by th_levels() as a kludge to get default
     * level information */
    module_chanserv = find_module("chanserv/main");
    if (!module_chanserv) {
	module_log("ChanServ main module not loaded");
	return 0;

    if (!add_callback(NULL, "command line", do_command_line)) {
	module_log("Unable to add callback");
	return 0;

    return 1;


int exit_module(int shutdown)
    remove_callback(NULL, "command line", do_command_line);
    module_chanserv = NULL;
    return 1;


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