/* External declarations for convert-db.
 * IRC Services is copyright (c) 1996-2007 Andrew Church.
 *     E-mail: <achurch@achurch.org>
 * Parts written by Andrew Kempe and others.
 * This program is free but copyrighted software; see the file COPYING for
 * details.

#ifndef CONVERT_DB_H
#define CONVERT_DB_H


/* Common includes. */

#include "services.h"
#include "language.h"
#include "encrypt.h"
#include "modules/database/fileutil.h"
#include "modules/nickserv/nickserv.h"
#include "modules/chanserv/chanserv.h"
#include "modules/memoserv/memoserv.h"
#include "modules/operserv/operserv.h"
#include "modules/operserv/maskdata.h"
#include "modules/operserv/news.h"
#include "modules/operserv/sessions.h"
#include "modules/statserv/statserv.h"


/* Structure with information about each supported database type, and
 * external declarations for all types. */

typedef struct {
    /* Identifier (used with +xyz command-line option) */
    const char *id;
    /* Routine to check whether databases for this program are in the given
     * directory; returns a program/database-type name for use in the
     * "Found XYZ databases" message if databases are found, NULL if not */
    const char *(*check)(const char *sourcedir);
    /* Routine to load databases from the given directory; prints an
     * appropriate error message and calls exit(1) if an error occurs.
     * ac/av are loaded with all option arguments passed to the program
     * not parsed out by the main code; av[0] will contain the program
     * name as usual */
    void (*load)(const char *dir, int verbose, int ac, char **av);
} DBTypeInfo;

extern DBTypeInfo


/* Converted data. */
extern NickGroupInfo *ngi_list;
extern NickInfo *ni_list;
extern ChannelInfo *ci_list;
extern NewsItem *news_list;
extern MaskData *md_list[256];
extern ServerStats *ss_list;
extern int32 maxusercnt;
extern time_t maxusertime;
extern char supass[PASSMAX];
extern int no_supass;


/* Safe memory allocation.  We also clear the memory just to be clean, and
 * to make scalloc() easy to implement. */
extern void *smalloc(long size);
#define scalloc(a,b) smalloc((a)*(b))
/* Safe memory reallocation.  If the buffer is grown, any extra memory is
 * _not_ cleared. */
extern void *srealloc(void *ptr, long size);
/* Safe string duplication. */
extern char *sstrdup(const char *s);

/* Allocate a new, initialized NickInfo (and possibly NickGroupInfo)
 * structure. */
extern NickInfo *makenick(const char *nick, NickGroupInfo **nickgroup_ret);
/* Allocate a new, initialized ChannelInfo structure. */
extern ChannelInfo *makechan(const char *name);

/* Open a (Services pre-5.0 style) data file and check the version number.
 * Prints an error message and exits with 1 if either the file cannot be
 * opened or the version number is wrong.  If `version_ret' is non-NULL,
 * the version number is stored there. */
extern dbFILE *open_db_ver(const char *dir, const char *name,
			   int32 min_version, int32 max_version,
			   int32 *version_ret);

/* Retrieve the NickGroupInfo structure for the given nick.  Returns NULL
 * if the nick does not exist or is forbidden (i.e. has no NickGroupInfo). */
extern NickGroupInfo *get_nickgroupinfo_by_nick(const char *nick);

/* Set the OperServ privilege level (os_priv) for the nickgroup associated
 * with `nick' to `level', if it is not already greater than `level'.  Does
 * nothing if `nick' is NULL or does not have an associated nickgroup. */
extern void set_os_priv(const char *nick, int16 level);

/* Return the Services 5.0 channel access level that corresponds to the
 * given pre-5.0 level. */
extern int16 convert_acclev(int16 old);

/* Add or remove various things to or from the appropriate lists. */
#define add_nickgroupinfo(ngi)	LIST_INSERT((ngi), ngi_list)
#define add_nickinfo(ni)	LIST_INSERT((ni), ni_list)
#define add_channelinfo(ci)	LIST_INSERT((ci), ci_list)
#define add_news(news)		LIST_INSERT((news), news_list)
#define add_maskdata(type,md)	LIST_INSERT((md), md_list[(type)])
#define add_serverstats(ss)	LIST_INSERT((ss), ss_list)
#define del_nickgroupinfo(ngi)	LIST_REMOVE((ngi), ngi_list)
#define del_nickinfo(ni)	LIST_REMOVE((ni), ni_list)
#define del_channelinfo(ci)	LIST_REMOVE((ci), ci_list)
#define del_news(news)		LIST_REMOVE((news), news_list)
#define del_maskdata(type,md)	LIST_REMOVE((md), md_list[(type)])
#define del_serverstats(ss)	LIST_REMOVE((ss), ss_list)



/* Macro to handle write errors. */
#define SAFE(x) do {						\
    if ((x) < 0) {						\
	fprintf(stderr, "Write error on %s: %s\n",		\
		f->filename, strerror(errno));			\
	exit(1);						\
    }								\
} while (0)

#else /* !CONVERT_DB_MAIN */

/* Macro to handle read errors. */
#define SAFE(x) do {						\
    if ((x) < 0) {						\
	fprintf(stderr, "Read error on %s\n", f->filename);	\
	exit(1);						\
    }								\
} while (0)

#endif  /* CONVERT_DB_MAIN */


/* Miscellaneous externs. */

extern void usage(const char *progname);


#endif	/* CONVERT_DB_H */

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