 * PTlink Services is (C) CopyRight PTlink IRC Software 1999-2004 *
 *                http://software.pt-link.net                     *
 * This program is distributed under GNU Public License          *
 * Please read the file COPYING for copyright information.       *
  File: ms_help.c
  Description: memoserv help command
 *  $Id: ms_help.c,v 1.4 2005/10/11 16:13:06 jpinto Exp $
#include "module.h"
#include "encrypt.h"
#include "nickserv.h"
#include "lang/help.lh"

SVS_Module mod_info =
/* module, version, description, NULL */
{"ms_help", "1.0", "memoserv help command" };

/* external functions we need */
ServiceUser* (*memoserv_suser)(void);
Module_Function mod_requires[] =
   { "memoserv_suser", &memoserv_suser },
   { NULL }

/* internal functions */

/* available commands from module */
void ms_help(IRC_User *s, IRC_User *u);

ServiceUser* msu;

int mod_load(void)
  msu = memoserv_suser();
  suser_add_cmd(msu, "HELP", (void*) ms_help, HELP_SUMMARY, HELP_HELP);  
  return 0;

  suser_del_mod_cmds(msu, &mod_info);
/* s = service the command was sent to
   u = user the command was sent from */
void ms_help(IRC_User *s, IRC_User *u)
  char *cmd = strtok(NULL, " ");  
  Suser_cmd *c;

  c = msu->cmds;  
  if(IsNull(cmd) || *cmd=='\0')
      send_lang(u, s, HELP_LIST);      
              irc_SendMsg(u, s,"%-15s %s", c->cmd, c->summary[u->lang]);
              irc_SendNotice(u, s,"%-15s %s", c->cmd, c->summary[u->lang]);
          c = c->next;
      send_lang(u, s, HELP_END_OF_LIST);
  else /* help for a specific item */
          if(c->help && (strcasecmp(c->cmd, cmd) == 0))
              send_lang(u, s, c->help);              
              return ;
           c = c->next;           
      send_lang(u, s, NO_HELP_FOR_COMMAND_X, cmd);

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