# \
if [ -x "$HOME/.roxirc/.wish" ]; then exec $HOME/.roxirc/.wish "$0" -- "$@"; elif [ `which tclkit` ]; then exec tclkit "$0" -- "$@"; elif [ `which wish` ]; then exec wish "$0" -- "$@"; else echo "Please make sure tclkit or wish is in your PATH or link $HOME/.roxirc/.wish to wish 8.3 or newer"; exit; fi;

# Copyright (c) 1997-2003 Aaron Faupell (roxirc@lighter.net)
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
#    must display the following acknowledgement:
#    This product includes software developed by Aaron Faupell
# 4. The name of Aaron Faupell may not be used to endorse or promote
#    products derived from this software without specific prior written
#    permission.

# In addition to the above, please do not remove the version reply.
# Improvments and bug fixes are welcome.
# Version 2.0b (1/1/04)
# Description: main program file

package provide roxirc 2.0

if {[info level] > 0} {return}

if {[catch {package require Tk 8.3}]} {
    puts stderr "Unable to locate Tk 8.3 or newer.\nPlease make sure that Tk 8.3 or newer is installed\nand that [info nameofexecutable] is linked to the correct version\nor link $env(HOME)/.roxirc/.wish to the correct wish"

wm withdraw .

proc SetDefaults {} {
    global prefs env info tcl_platform
    array set prefs {
        geom,channel 600x350
        geom,status 550x375
        geom,chat 500x300
        font,chantopic {fixed 10}
        font,cmdline {fixed 10}
        font,menu {fixed 10}
        font,status {fixed 10}
        font,chan {fixed 10}
        font,nicklist {fixed 10}
        font,chat {fixed 10}
        name {My config script is missing}
        away {Finding my config script}
        awayreason {auto away}
        nick {"roxirc" "roxirc_" "roxirc-"}
        chan #freebsd
        quit RoxIRC
        server irc.ef.net:EFnet
        port 6667
        notify {}
        showmotd 1
        autoaway 0
        autounaway 2
        ts 0
        history 30
        scrollback 200
        host ""
        underline 1
        bold 1
        ial 1
        margin 0
        urlcommand {}
        dccpacketsize 512
        dccfileautoclose 0
        dccchatautoclose 0
        dcchighport 65535
        dcclowport 1025
        netsplit 1
        urls 1
        maxbeeps 3
        nicklist 1
        menubar 1
        topic 1
        unsafedcc 0
        dcctimeout 600
        iconifyqueries 0
        flood 1
        floodlines 5
        floodtime 1000
        flooddelay 600
        floodmaxq 25
        reconnect 5
        showops 1
        opsinchan 0
        authdelay 750
        tsformat [%R]
        gmt 0
    set prefs(defaultdccdir) $env(HOME)
    set prefs(defaultlogdir) $env(HOME)
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
        set prefs(defaultdccdir) $env(USERPROFILE)\\Desktop
        set prefs(defaultlogdir) [file dirname [info script]]\\logs
    if {[info exists ::starkit::topdir]} {set prefs(defaultlogdir) [file nativename [file dirname $::starkit::topdir]/logs]}
    set prefs(ident) $tcl_platform(user)
    array set info {
        set,history num
        set,showmotd bool
        set,autoaway num
        set,autounaway {num 0 2}
        set,awayreason string
        set,port num
        set,name string
        set,ts bool
        set,bold {bool cmd bold}
        set,underline {bool cmd underline}
        set,margin {num cmd margin}
        set,scrollback num
        set,host string
        set,urlcommand string
        set,dccpacketsize {num 256 16384}
        set,dccfileautoclose bool
        set,dccchatautoclose bool
        set,defaultdccdir string
        set,dcchighport num
        set,dcclowport num
        set,unsafedcc bool
        set,dcctimeout num
        set,defaultlogdir string
        set,netsplit bool
        set,urls bool
        set,maxbeeps num
        set,ial {bool cmd ial}
        set,nicklist bool
        set,menubar bool
        set,topic bool
        set,iconifyqueries bool
        set,flood bool
        set,floodlines {num 2 100}
        set,floodtime {num 100 10000}
        set,flooddelay {num 100 5000}
        set,floodmaxq {num 5 500}
        set,showops {bool cmd showops}
        set,opsinchan {bool cmd opsinchan}
        set,reconnect {num 5 300}
        set,authdelay {num 0 3000}
        set,tsformat string
        set,gmt bool
        set,ident string
    set info(config) $env(HOME)/.roxirc
    set info(on) "{text 3} {action 3} {notice 3} {join 2} {part 2} {quit 2} {nick 2} {kick 3} {mode 2} {umode 0} {op 3} {deop 3}
                  {voice 3} {ban 2} {unban 2} {exception 2} {unexception 2} {devoice 3} {wallops 2} {topic 2} {away 0} {unaway 0}
                  {notify 1} {unnotify 1} {connect 0} {disconnect 0} {invite 2} {chatrequest 1} {chatconnect 1} {chat 2}
                  {chatclose 1} {filerequest 2} {getconnect 2} {getfail 2} {getdone 2} {sendconnect 2} {sendfail 2} {senddone 2}"

proc SetVars {} {
    global notify me server away urls info prefs tcl_platform
    set notify(+online) ""
    set me -
    set server -
    set away 0
    set urls ""
    set info(connect) ""
    set info(send,last) [clock clicks -milliseconds]
    set info(send,num) 0
    option add *Text.wrap word widgetDefault
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
        option add *background #c0c0c0 widgetDefault
        option add *activeBackground #c0c0c0 widgetDefault
        option add *highlightBackground #c0c0c0 widgetDefault
        option add *selectBorderWidth 0 widgetDefault
        option add *selectBackground #999999 widgetDefault
        option add *selectColor navy widgetDefault
        option add *Toplevel.borderWidth 1 widgetDefault
        option add *Toplevel.relief raised widgetDefault
        option add *Scrollbar.width 13 widgetDefault
        option add *Scrollbar.borderWidth 0 widgetDefault
        option add *Scrollbar.elementBorderWidth 2 widgetDefault
        option add *Scrollbar.highlightThickness 0 widgetDefault
        option add *Listbox.highlightThickness 0 widgetDefault
        option add *Menubutton.borderWidth 1 widgetDefault
        option add *Menu.activeBorderWidth 1 widgetDefault
        option add *Menu*Menu.borderWidth 1 widgetDefault
        option add *Text.cursor left_ptr widgetDefault
        option add *Button.borderWidth 1 widgetDefault
        option add *Button.highlightThickness 0 widgetDefault
        option add *menubar.relief raised widgetDefault
        option add *menubar.borderWidth 1 widgetDefault
    } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
        option add *Text.cursor arrow
        option add *Button.padY 0 widgetDefault
        option add *Button.padX 1m widgetDefault
        option add *Menubutton.padY 4 widgetDefault
        option add *menubar.relief groove widgetDefault
        option add *menubar.borderWidth 2 widgetDefault
        font create fixed -family fixedsys -size 8
        if {$tcl_platform(osVersion) > 5.0} {
            option add *Menubutton.activeBackground SystemHighlight widgetDefault
            option add *Menubutton.activeForeground SystemHighlightText widgetDefault
            option add *Menubutton.borderWidth 0 widgetDefault
        } else {
            option add *Menubutton.borderWidth 1 widgetDefault

proc ParseCommandline {} {
    global argv argc
    set oargv $argv
    set num 0
    unset argv
    while {[set cur [lrange $oargv $num end]] != ""} {
        switch -glob -- [lindex $cur 0] {
            -h {
                incr num 2
                set argv(h) [lindex $cur 1]
            -f {
                incr num 2
                set argv(f) [lindex $cur 1]
            -* {
                puts stderr "Unknown option [lindex $cur 0]"
                incr num
            default {
                if {[expr {$argc - $num}] > 2} {
                    puts stderr "Too many arguments"
                    return [array get argv]
                } else {
                    if {[string match *.* [lindex $oargv $num]]} {
                        set argv(server) [lindex $oargv $num]
                    } else {
                        set argv(nick) [lindex $oargv $num]
                incr num 1
    return [array get argv]

proc LoadFile {file} {
    global procs errorInfo
    set ft [file tail $file]
    set ns ::scripts::$ft
    if {![catch {namespace eval $ns [list source $file]} msg]} {
        namespace import -force ${ns}::*
        if {[info commands ${ns}::*] == ""} {namespace delete $ns}
        return 1
    if {[regexp "\\\(file \\\".*/$ft\\\" line (\\\d*)" $errorInfo --> match]} {append msg " on line $match"}
    foreach proc [array names procs] {
        if {$ft == $procs($proc)} {
            catch {rename ::$proc ""}
            catch {rename ::backup::${ft}::$proc ::$proc}
            unset procs($proc)
    catch {namespace delete ::backup::$ft}
    namespace delete $ns
    echo on
    puts stderr "Error loading $file: $msg"
    Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error loading $file: $msg" {error default}
    return 0

proc procs {args} {
    global procs
    set file [file tail [info script]]
    foreach x $args {
        if {[info exists procs($x)] && $procs($x) != $file} {
            error "proc $x conflicts with script \"$procs($x)\""
        set procs($x) $file
        if {[info procs $x] != "" && [info commands ::backup::${file}::$x] == ""} {
            namespace eval ::backup::$file {}
            rename $x ::backup::${file}::$x
        namespace eval ::scripts::${file} "namespace export $x"

proc FirstRun {} {
    global info
    foreach x {"/usr/local/roxirc" "/usr/local/doc/roxirc" "/usr/local/share/doc/roxirc"} {
        if {[file isdirectory $x]} {set installpath $x}
    if {[catch {file mkdir $info(config)} err]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Could not create directory $info(config): [geterror $err]" {error default}
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Please create $info(config) and copy the files included with the distribution to $info(config), or see http://roxirc.lighter.net/ for example files" {error default}
    Echo .0 "\[ info \] Created configuration directory $info(config)" {info default}
    if {![info exists installpath]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Could not find install path, please copy the files included with the distribution to $info(config) or see http://roxirc.lighter.net/ for example files" {error default}
    } else {
        foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $installpath *]] {
            set to [string map {-example "" -initial ""} [file tail $file]]
            if {[catch {file copy $file [file join info(config) $to]} err]} {set fail $err}
        if {![info exists file]} {set fail "no files"}
    if {[info exists fail] && [info exists installpath]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Could not copy files from $installpath: [geterror $fail]" {error default}
        Echo .0 "\[ info \] Please see http://roxirc.lighter.net/ for example files" {info default}
    } elseif {![info exists fail] && [info exists installpath]} {
        foreach x [glob -nocomplain [file join $info(config) *]] {
            catch {file attributes $x -permissions 0644}
        Echo .0 "\[ info \] Please edit the config file $info(config)/config for configuration options" {info default}
    Echo .0 "\[ info \] See /set, /color, and /help for other settings /save when youre done, and http://roxirc.lighter.net/ for more information" {info default}

proc SourceFiles {} {
    global prefs notify env menu ignore on info argv
    set autoload 1
    set startup 1
    if {[info exists argv(f)]} {
        set info(config) [abspath $argv(f)]
    } elseif {![file isdirectory $info(config)]} {
    namespace eval ::scripts {}
    if {[file isdirectory $info(config)]} {
        set files [glob -nocomplain -types f $info(config)/*]
        foreach file [lsort $files] {LoadFile $file}
    } elseif {[file isfile $info(config)]} {
        LoadFile $info(config)
    } else {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] No such file or directory: $info(config)" {error default}
    if {[info exists argv(h)]} {set prefs(host) $argv(h)}
    if {[info exists argv(nick)]} {set prefs(nick) [linsert $prefs(nick) 0 $argv(nick)]}
    if {[info exists argv(server)]} {command_server .0 $argv(server)}

proc startup {} {
    upvar 3 startup start autoload auto
    if {!$start && $auto} {return -code return}

proc noautoload {} {
    upvar 3 autoload auto
    if {$auto} {return -code return}

proc !xresources {} {
    option readfile [info script] userDefault
    return -code return

proc echo {cmd} {
    if {$cmd == "off"} {
        if {[info procs __Echo] == ""} {
            rename ::Echo __Echo
            proc Echo {args} {}
    } else {
        if {[info procs __Echo] != ""} {
            rename Echo {}
            rename __Echo Echo

proc configfile {name} {
    global $name
    set data [read [set fh [open [info script] r]]]
    close $fh
    array set $name $data
    catch {unset ${name}(configfile) ${name}(#)}
    return -code return

proc WindowMenu {} {
    global menu
    set menu(window) {
        command "New Window" /newwin
        command "New RoxIRC" "global argv0 ; exec $argv0 &"
        command "Save Settings" /save
        menu Extras
         command "Url List" /url
         command "Notify List" NotifyWindow
        menu Position
         command Remember "/position s"
         command Forget "/position f"
         command Reset "/position r"
        menu Options
         checkbutton Timestamp  {options(ts,$window)} {ts $window}
         checkbutton Logging... {options(log,$window)} {if {$options(log,$window)} {set options(log,$window) 0; /log on} else {set options(log,$window) 1; /log off}}
         checkbutton Popup      {options(popup,$window)}    {}
         checkbutton Nicklist   {options(nicklist,$window)} {/option nicklist $options(nicklist,$window)}
         checkbutton Topic      {options(topic,$window)}    {/option topic    $options(topic,$window)}
         checkbutton Menubar    {options(menubar,$window)}  {/option menubar  $options(menubar,$window)}
        menu Buffer
         command Save... /savebuf
         command Clear /clear
        command Hide /hide
        command Close /close
        menu Disconnect
         tcl {set r ""; foreach a $prefs(quit) {lappend r "command \"$a\" \"/disconnect $a\""}; return [join $r]}
        menu Quit
         tcl {set r ""; foreach a $prefs(quit) {lappend r "command \"$a\" \"/quit $a\""}; return [join $r]}
        command Exit /quit

proc AddToPrefs {var type default} {
    global prefs info
    if {![info exists prefs($var)]} {set prefs($var) $default}
    if {![info exists info(set,$var)]} {
        set info(set,$var) $type
    } elseif {$info(set,$var) != $type} {
        error "Cannot redefine preferences: $var"

proc RemoveFromPrefs {var} {
    global prefs info
    catch {unset info(set,$var)}
    catch {unset prefs($var)}

proc command_admin {window line} {
    Send "ADMIN $line"

proc setaliasvars {} {
    global info
    upvar nick nick nicks nicks channel channel window window
    set channel ""
    set nicks ""
    set nick ""
    if {[info exists info(channel,$window)]} {set channel $info(channel,$window)}
    if {[info exists info(nick,$window)]} {set nick $info(nick,$window)}
    if {[winfo exists $window.middle.right.nicks]} {
        set win $window.middle.right.nicks
        foreach x [$win curselection] {lappend nicks [string trimleft [$win get $x] "@+"]}
        set nick [$win get anchor]

proc command_alias {window line} {
    set line [split [string trimleft $line]]
    set name [trim [lindex $line 0] /]
    if {[string trim [join $line]] == ""} {
        set aliases ""
        foreach x [info procs command_*] {
            if {[string range [string trimleft [info body $x]] 0 5] == "#alias"} {
                lappend aliases [string range $x 8 end]
        Echo $window "\[ info \] Aliases: [join $aliases]" {info default}
    } elseif {[llength $line] < 2} {
        if {[info procs command_[globescape $name]] == "" || [string range [string trimleft [info body command_$name]] 0 5] != "#alias"} {
            Echo $window "\[ error \] No such alias: $name" {error default}
        } else {
            Echo $window "alias $name: [string range [info body command_$name] [expr {[string first "\n#\000\n" [info body command_$name]] + 4}] [string last "\n#\000\n" [info body command_$name]]]" alias
    } elseif {[info commands command_$name] != "" && [string range [string trim [info body command_$name]] 0 5] != "#alias"} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Cannot add alias $name: command exists" {error default}
    } else {
        eval [list proc command_$name {window line} "#alias\nglobal options prefs away me server info names\nsetaliasvars\nif \{\[catch \{\n#\000\n[join [lrange $line 1 end]]\n#\000\n\} err\]\} \{\n\Echo \$window \"\\\[ error \\\] Error while executing alias $name: \[geterror \$err\]\" \{error default\}\n\}"]
        Echo $window "+alias $name: [join [lrange $line 1 end]]" alias

proc command_ame {window line} {
    foreach x [activechannelwindows] {
        command_me $x $line

proc command_amsg {window line} {
    global info
    foreach x [activechannelwindows] {
        command_msg $x "$info(channel,$x) $line"

proc command_away {window line} {
    catch {unset ::autoaway}
    Send "AWAY :$line"

proc command_ban {window line} {
    global info userhost
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[ischannelname [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set chan [lindex $line 0]
        set nick [lindex $line 1]
        set mask [lindex $line 2]
    } elseif {[info exists info(channel,$window)]} {
        set chan $info(channel,$window)
        set nick [lindex $line 0]
        set mask [lindex $line 1]
    if {![info exists chan] || $nick == ""} {
        Echo $window {[ info ] Ban usage: /ban [<channel>] <nick>|<ban> [<mask_number>]} {info default}
    if {[string match {*\?*} $nick] || [string match {*!*} $nick] || [string match {*\**} $nick] || [string match {*@*} $nick]} {
        Send "MODE $chan +b $nick"
    if {$mask == ""} {set mask 3}
    if {[set address [address $nick $mask]] != ""} {
        Send "MODE $chan +b $address"
    } else {
        Echo $window {[ info ] Getting users address...} {info default}
        getaddress $nick "Send \"MODE $chan +b \[addressmask \"%address\" $mask\]\""

proc command_beep {window line} {
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[set times [lindex $line 0]] == ""} {
    if {[set delay [lindex $line 1]] == ""} {set delay 500}
    if {[string is integer -strict $delay] && [string is integer -strict $times]} {
        if {$times > 1} {
            after $delay [list command_beep $window "[expr {$times - 1}] $delay"]

proc command_bind {window line} {
    if {[string trim $line] == ""} {
        foreach x [lsort [bind cmdline]] {
            if {[string match "DoBinding *" [bind cmdline $x]]} {
                Echo $window "binding [string map {< "" > "" Control- ^ Key- ""} $x]: [lindex [bind cmdline $x] 2]" bind
    set line [split [string trimleft $line]]
    set keysym [string map {^ Control-} [lindex $line 0]]
    if {[set command [join [lrange $line 1 end]]] == ""} {
        set tmp ""
        if {[lindex [bind cmdline <$keysym>] 0] == "DoBinding"} {
            set tmp [lindex [bind cmdline <$keysym>] 2]
        Echo $window "binding [string map {Control- ^ Key- ""} $keysym]: $tmp" bind
    if {[bind cmdline <$keysym>] != "" && [lindex [bind cmdline <$keysym>] 0] != "DoBinding"} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Error creating binding $keysym: cannot replace builtin binding" {error default}
    if {$command == "\"\""} {
        bind cmdline <$keysym> ""
        Echo $window "-binding [string map {Control- ^ Key- ""} $keysym]" bind
    if {[catch {bind cmdline <$keysym> [list DoBinding %W $command]} err]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Error creating binding [string map {Control- ^ Key- ""} $keysym]: [geterror $err]" {error default}
    bind Entry <$keysym> {}
    Echo $window "+binding [string map {Control- ^ Key- ""} $keysym]: $command" bind

proc command_bk {window line} {
    global info
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    set chan [lindex $line 0]
    set msg ""
    if {[info exists info(channel,$window)] && ![ischannelname $chan]} {
        set chan $info(channel,$window)
        set nick [lindex $line 0]
        set msg [join [lrange $line 1 end]]
    } else {
        set nick [lindex $line 1]
        set msg [join [lrange $line 2 end]]
    if {[info exists info(window,$chan)] && [ison $chan $nick]} {
        KickWindow $info(window,$chan) $nick
        if {$msg != ""} {
            .kb.right.bottom.entry delete 0 end
            .kb.right.bottom.entry insert end $msg

proc command_clear {window line} {
    global info
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[set tmp [windowname [lindex $line 0]]] != ""} {
        set window $tmp
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    } elseif {[string tolower [lindex $line 0]] == "all"} {
        set line [join [lrange $line 1 end]]
        foreach x [textwindows] {command_clear $x $line}
    $info(text,$window) configure -state normal
    if {$line == ""} {$info(text,$window) delete 1.0 end}
    if {[string is integer -strict $line] && $line > 0} {$info(text,$window) delete end-${line}l end}
    if {[string is integer -strict $line] && $line < 0} {$info(text,$window) delete 1.0 1.0+[string trimleft $line -]l}
    $info(text,$window) configure -state disabled

proc command_close {window line} {
    set line [rele [split [string tolower $line]]]
    set close ""
    if {$line == ""} {
        set close $window
    } else {
        foreach x $line {
            if {[set tmp [windowname $x]] != ""} {
                lappend close $tmp
            } else {
                foreach w [winfo children .] {
                    if {$w != ".0" && [string match "roxirc $x*" [string tolower [wm title $w]]]} {
                        lappend close $w
    foreach x $close {
        if {$x == "" || $x == ".0"} {continue}
        if {[wm protocol $x WM_DELETE_WINDOW] != ""} {
            eval [wm protocol $x WM_DELETE_WINDOW]
        } else {
            destroy $x

proc command_color {window line} {
    global info prefs
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {$line == ""} {return}
    if {[string match "-f*" [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set ground "foreground"
        set tag [string tolower [lindex $line 1]]
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    } elseif {[string match "-b*" [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set ground "background"
        set tag [string tolower [lindex $line 1]]
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    } elseif {[string match "-sb*" [lindex $line 0]] || [string match "-selectb*" [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set ground "selectbackground"
        set tag [string tolower [lindex $line 1]]
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    } elseif {[string match "-sf*" [lindex $line 0]] || [string match "-selectf*" [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set ground "selectforeground"
        set tag [string tolower [lindex $line 1]]
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    } else {
        set ground "foreground"
        set tag [string tolower [lindex $line 0]]

    # for backwards compatibility
    if {[info exists prefs(color,$tag)]} {
        set prefs(color,$tag,foreground) $prefs(color,$tag)
        unset prefs(color,$tag)

    if {[lindex $line 1] == "\"\"" && ($tag == "nicklist" || $tag == "chan" || $tag == "query" || $tag == "chantopic" || $tag == "cmdline" || $tag == "status")} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] \"\" is not a valid color for $tag" {error default}
    } elseif {[lindex $line 1] == "\"\""} {
        set color ""
    } elseif {[lindex $line 1] == ""} {
        if {[info exists prefs(color,$tag,$ground)]} {
            set color [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $prefs(color,$tag,$ground) -title "RoxIRC $tag $ground color"]
        } elseif {[info exists prefs(color,default,$ground)]} {
            set color [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $prefs(color,default,$ground) -title "RoxIRC $tag $ground color"]
        } else {
            set color [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor [$info(text,$window) cget -$ground] -title "RoxIRC $tag color"]
        if {$color == ""} {return}
    } else {
        set color [lindex $line 1]
    if {[catch {.0.bottom configure -background $color}]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] $color is not a valid color" {error default}
    switch -exact -- $tag {
        +nicklist {
            foreach x [activechannelwindows] {
                set end [$x.middle.right.nicks index end]
                for {set index 0} {$index < $end} {incr index} {
                    if {[isvoice $info(channel,$x) [string trimleft [$x.middle.right.nicks get $index] +]]} {
                        $x.middle.right.nicks itemconfigure $index -$ground $color
        @nicklist {
            foreach x [activechannelwindows] {
                set end [$x.middle.right.nicks index end]
                for {set index 0} {$index < $end} {incr index} {
                    if {[isop $info(channel,$x) [string trimleft [$x.middle.right.nicks get $index] @]]} {
                        $x.middle.right.nicks itemconfigure $index -$ground $color
        nicklist {
            foreach x [channelwindows] {$x.middle.right.nicks configure -$ground $color}
        chan {
            foreach x [channelwindows] {$info(text,$x) configure -$ground $color}
        query {
            foreach x [querywindows] {$info(text,$x) configure -$ground $color}
        dccchat {
            foreach x [dccwindows] {$info(text,$x) configure -$ground $color}
        status {
            .0.middle.text configure -$ground $color
        cmdline {
            foreach x [textwindows] {
                $x.bottom.cmdline configure -$ground $color
                if {$ground == "foreground"} {$x.bottom.cmdline configure -insertbackground $color -highlightcolor $color}
        chantopic {
            foreach x [channelwindows] {$x.middle.left.topic configure -$ground $color}
        all {
            foreach x [textwindows] {$info(text,$x) configure -$ground $color}
        default {
            if {$ground == "selectforeground" || $ground == "selectbackground"} {
                Echo $window "\[ info \] /color: $ground is only valid for the following objects: chan nicklist +nicklist @nicklist query dcc cmdline chantopic" {info default}
            foreach x [textwindows] {$info(text,$x) tag configure $tag -$ground $color}
    if {$color == ""} {
        catch {unset prefs(color,$tag,$ground)}
    } else {
        if {$tag == "all"} {
            array set prefs [list color,dccchat,$ground $color color,query,$ground $color color,chan,$ground $color color,status,$ground $color]
        } else {
            set prefs(color,$tag,$ground) $color
        foreach x [textwindows] {
            foreach tag {hilight ts search sel} {$info(text,$x) tag raise $tag}

proc command_ctcp {window line} {
    set line [split $line]
    if {[string trim $line] != ""} {
        if {[string tolower [lindex $line 1]] == "ping" && [lindex $line 2] == ""} {
            command_ping $window [lindex $line 0]
        Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] -> [lindex $line 0] [string toupper [lindex $line 1]] [lrange $line 2 end]" {ctcp default}
        Send "PRIVMSG [lindex $line 0] :\001[string toupper [lindex $line 1]] [lrange $line 2 end]\001"

proc command_dcc {window line} {
    global irc info dcc prefs env
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    switch -- [string tolower [lindex $line 0]] {
        chat {
            if {[set nick [lindex $line 1]] == ""} {
                Echo $window {[ info ] Dcc usage: /dcc chat <nick>} {info default}
            if {![info exists irc]} {
                Echo $window {[ server ] You are not connected to a server} {server default}
            set tmp [split [lindex [fconfigure $irc -sockname] 0] .]
            set ip [format %u 0x[format %02X%02X%02X%02X [lindex $tmp 0] [lindex $tmp 1] [lindex $tmp 2] [lindex $tmp 3]]]
            set id [CreateDccId c]
            foreach tmp [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type chat"] {
                if {$dcc($tmp,state) == 0 || $dcc($tmp,state) == 2} {
                    catch {close $dcc($tmp,sock)}
                    catch {destroy .dialog$tmp}
                    ClearDcc $id
                } elseif {$dcc($tmp,state) == 1} {
                    Send "PRIVMSG $dcc($tmp,nick) :\001DCC CHAT chat $ip $dcc($tmp,port)\001"
                    Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Sent DCC Chat request to $dcc($tmp,nick)" {dcc default}
                    Echo .$tmp "\[ dcc \] Sent DCC Chat request to $dcc($tmp,nick)" {dcc default}
                    wm deiconify .$tmp
                    raise .$tmp
                    return $id
                } elseif {$dcc($tmp,state) == 3} {
                    wm deiconify .$tmp
                    raise .$tmp
                } elseif {$dcc($tmp,state) == 4} {
                    set id $tmp
            set port [expr {round(rand() * ($prefs(dcchighport) - $prefs(dcclowport)) + $prefs(dcclowport))}]
            if {[catch {socket -server [list AcceptDccChat $id] -myaddr $ip $port} sock]} {
                if {[winfo exists .$id]} {
                    Echo .$id "\[ error \] Could not create listening socket: [geterror $sock]" {error default}
                    set dcc($id,state) 4
                } else {
                    Echo .0 "\[ error \] Could not create listening socket: [geterror $sock]" {error default}
            array set dcc [list $id,nick $nick $id,state 1 $id,sock $sock $id,port $port $id,type chat]
            CreateDccChat $id
            Send "PRIVMSG $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC CHAT chat $ip $dcc($id,port)\001"
            after [expr {$prefs(dcctimeout) * 1000}] [list CleanupDccChat $id]
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Sent DCC Chat request to $dcc($id,nick)" {dcc default}
            Echo .$id "\[ dcc \] Sent DCC Chat request to $dcc($id,nick)" {dcc default}
            return $id
        send {
            if {[set nick [lindex $line 1]] == ""} {
                Echo $window {[ info ] Dcc usage: /dcc send <nick> [<file>]} {info default}
            if {![info exists irc]} {
                Echo $window {[ server ] You are not connected to a server} {server default}
            if {[set fn [lindex $line 2]] == ""} {
                set fn [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $env(HOME) -title "RoxIRC Send file to $nick"]
            if {$fn == ""} {return}
            set fn [abspath $fn]
            if {[catch {open $fn r} fh]} {
                Echo $window "\[ error \] Cannot open $fn for reading: [geterror $fh]" {error default}
            fconfigure $fh -translation binary
            if {[set tmp [getdccid [list nick $nick] [list file $fn] "type send"]] != ""} {
                if {$dcc($tmp,state) == 1} {
                    close $dcc($tmp,sock)
                    close $dcc($tmp,fh)
                    unset dcc($tmp,sock) dcc($tmp,fh) dcc($tmp,port)
                } else {
                    close $fh
                    wm deiconify .$tmp
                    raise .$tmp
            set id [CreateDccId f]
            array set dcc [list $id,fh $fh $id,file $fn $id,nick $nick $id,size [file size $fn] $id,type send]
            set tmp [split [lindex [fconfigure $irc -sockname] 0] .]
            set ip [format %u 0x[format %02X%02X%02X%02X [lindex $tmp 0] [lindex $tmp 1] [lindex $tmp 2] [lindex $tmp 3]]]
            set dcc($id,port) [expr {round(rand() * ($prefs(dcchighport) - $prefs(dcclowport)) + $prefs(dcclowport))}]
            if {[catch {socket -server [list AcceptDccSend $id] -myaddr $ip $dcc($id,port)} sock]} {
                Echo .0 "\[ error \] Could not create listening socket: [geterror $sock]" {error default}
                close $dcc($id,fh)
                ClearDcc $id
            CreateDccFile send $id
            set dcc($id,sock) $sock
            set dcc($id,state) 1
            Send "PRIVMSG $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC SEND [file tail $dcc($id,file)] $ip $dcc($id,port) $dcc($id,size)\001"
            after [expr {$prefs(dcctimeout) * 1000}] [list CleanupDccSend $id]
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Sent DCC Send request to $dcc($id,nick): $dcc($id,file) ([kb $dcc($id,size)])" {dcc default}
            return $id
        accept {
            if {[set nick [lindex $line 1]] == ""} {
                Echo $window {[ info ] Dcc usage: /dcc accept <nick>} {info default}
            if {[set tmp [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type chat"]] == ""} {
                Echo $window "\[ dcc \] No chat requests from $nick found" {dcc default}
            foreach id $tmp {
                if {$dcc($id,state) == 3} {
                    wm deiconify .$id
                    raise .$id
                } elseif {$dcc($id,state) == 2} {
                    close $dcc($id,sock)
                    IncomingDccChat2 1 $id
                } elseif {$dcc($id,state) == 0 || $dcc($id,state) == 4} {
                    catch {destroy .dialog$id}
                    IncomingDccChat2 1 $id
        get {
            if {[set nick [lindex $line 1]] == ""} {
                Echo $window {[ info ] Dcc usage: /dcc get <nick> [<file>] [<saveas>]} {info default}
            if {[set file [lindex $line 2]] == ""} {
                if {[set list [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type get" "state 0"]] == ""} {
                    Echo $window "\[ dcc \] No pending sends from $nick found" {dcc default}
                foreach x $list {command_dcc $window "get $nick $dcc($x,file)"}
            if {[set id [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type get" [list file $file]]] == ""} {
                Echo $window "\[ dcc \] No send of $file from $nick found" {dcc default}
            if {$dcc($id,state) == 3} {
                wm deiconify .$id
                raise .$id
            } elseif {$dcc($id,state) == 2} {
                close $dcc($id,sock)
            } else {
                catch {destroy .dialog$id}
            if {[set fn [lindex $line 3]] == ""} {set fn $file}
            if {[file dirname $fn] == "."} {set fn $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$fn}
            set fn [abspath $fn]
            if {[catch {open $fn w} fh]} {
                Echo $window "\[ error \] Cannot open $fn for writing: [geterror $fh]" {error default}
            if {[info exists dcc($id,fh)]} {close $dcc($id,fh)}
            set host [expr {$prefs(unsafedcc) ? $dcc($id,ip) : [lindex [split $dcc($id,who) @] 1]}]
            if {[catch {socket -async $host $dcc($id,port)} sock]} {
                Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Could not connect to $host: [geterror $sock]" {dcc default}
                close $fh
            CreateDccFile get $id
            .$id.1.host configure -text "ip: [string range $host end-14 end]"
            array set dcc [list $id,file $fn $id,fh $fh $id,sock $sock $id,state 2]
            fconfigure $fh -translation binary
            fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
            fileevent $sock writable [list DccFileConnect $id]
        resume {
            if {[set fn [lindex $line 2]] == ""} {
                Echo $window {[ info ] Dcc usage: /dcc resume <nick> <file>} {info default}
            set nick [lindex $line 1]
            if {[set id [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type get" [list file $fn]]] == ""} {
                Echo $window "\[ dcc \] No send of $fn from $nick found" {dcc default}
            if {[file pathtype $fn] != "absolute"} {set fn $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$fn}
            set fn [abspath $fn]
            if {![info exists dcc($id,fh)]} {
                if {![file isfile $fn]} {
                    Echo $window "\[ error \] $fn does not exist" {error default}
                if {[catch {open $fn a} fh]} {
                    Echo $window "\[ error \] Cannot open $fn for writing: [geterror $fh]" {error default}
                fconfigure $fh -translation binary
            if {$dcc($id,state) == 3} {
                wm deiconify .$id
                raise .$id
            } elseif {$dcc($id,state) == 2} {
                close $dcc($id,sock)
            } else {
                catch {destroy .dialog$id}
            array set dcc [list $id,fh $fh $id,file $fn $id,state 2]
            CreateDccFile get $id
            .$id.1.size configure -text "size: [kb $dcc($id,size)]"
            .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Requesting resume..."
            Send "PRIVMSG $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC RESUME [file tail $dcc($id,file)] $dcc($id,port) [file size $fn]\001"
        close {
            switch -- [string tolower [lindex $line 1]] {
                send {
                    if {[set nick [lindex $line 2]] == ""} {return}
                    if {[set file [lindex $line 3]] == ""} {
                        set file <any>
                        set found [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type send"]
                    } else {
                        set found [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type send" [list file $file]]
                    if {$found == ""} {
                        Echo $window "\[ dcc \] No DCC sends of $file to $nick found" {dcc default}
                    foreach id $found {
                        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Send of $dcc($id,file) to $dcc($id,nick) closed ($dcc($id,scale)%)" {dcc default}
                        Event sendfail "id id nick nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
                        DccFileDone $id
                chat {
                    foreach id [getdccid [list nick [lindex $line 2]] "type chat"] {
                        set nick $dcc($id,nick)
                        Event chatclose "id id nick nick dcc($id,ip) ip" $dcc($id,nick)
                        if {[DccChatAutoClose $id]} {
                            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Chat connection with $nick closed" {dcc default}
                        } else {
                            Echo .$id "\[ dcc \] Chat connection closed" {dcc default}
                    if {![info exists id]} {
                        Echo $window "\[ dcc \] No chat connections with [lindex $line 2] found" {dcc default}
                get {
                    if {[set nick [lindex $line 2]] == ""} {return}
                    if {[set file [lindex $line 3]] == ""} {
                        set file <any>
                        set found [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type get"]
                    } else {
                        set found [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type get" [list file $file]]
                    foreach id $found {
                        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Get of $dcc($id,file) from $dcc($id,nick) closed ($dcc($id,scale)%)" {dcc default}
                        Event getfail "id id nick nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
                        DccFileDone $id
                    if {![info exists id]} {
                        Echo $window "\[ dcc \] No DCC gets of $file from $nick found" {dcc default}
                default {
                    if {[lindex $line 1] == ""} {
                        Echo $window {[ info ] Dcc usage: /dcc close chat|send|get <nick> [<file>]} {info default}
                    } else {
                        Echo $window "\[ error \] Unknown dcc type \"[lindex $line 1]\"" {error default}
        "" {
            lappend tmp "Nick IP Type File % Rate"
            foreach x [array names dcc *,nick] {
                set id [lindex [split $x ,] 0]
                if {[string match c* $id]} {
                    set i [expr {([info exists dcc($id,ip)] && [info exists dcc($id,sock)]) ? $dcc($id,ip) : {?.?.?.?}}]
                    lappend tmp [list $dcc($id,nick) $i Chat - - -]
                } elseif {[string match f* $id]} {
                    set i [expr {([info exists dcc($id,ip)] && [info exists dcc($id,sock)]) ? $dcc($id,ip) : {?.?.?.?}}]
                    lappend tmp [list $dcc($id,nick) $i $dcc($id,type) [file tail $dcc($id,file)] $dcc($id,scale)% [lindex [.$id.2.kbps cget -text] 1]kbps]
            foreach x $tmp {
                Echo $window "\[ dcc \] [format "%-11s %-15s %-4s %-20s %-4s %s" [lindex $x 0] [lindex $x 1] [lindex $x 2] [lindex $x 3] [lindex $x 4] [lindex $x 5]]" {dcc default}
        default {
            Echo $window "\[ dcc \] Unknown dcc type \"[lindex $line 0]\"" {dcc default}

proc command_describe {window line} {
    global me info dcc
    set line [split [string trimleft $line]]
    set to [lindex $line 0]
    set line [join [lrange $line 1 end]]
    multiline $to $line
    set to2 [string tolower $to]
    if {[info exists info(window,$to2)]} {
        Echo $info(window,$to2) "* $me $line" {me action}
    } elseif {[string match "=*" $to2]} {
        if {[set tmp [getdccid [list nick [string range 1 end $to2]] "type chat"]] != "" && $dcc($tmp,state) == 3} {
            DccSend .$tmp "\001ACTION $line\001"
            Echo .$tmp "* $me $line" {action me}
    } elseif {[info exists info(query,$to2)]} {
        Echo $info(query,$to2) "* $me $line" {me action}
        wm deiconify $info(query,$to2)
        raise $info(query,$to2)
    } else {
        Echo .0 "-> **$to $line" {me action}
    Send "PRIVMSG $to :\001ACTION $line\001"

proc command_disconnect {window line} {
    global irc info server me away
    if {$line == ""} {set line "<insert witty, contrived message here>"}
    Send "QUIT :$line"
    if {[info exists irc]} {
        catch {close $irc}
        unset irc
        after cancel autoaway
        foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x {[ server ] Disconnected} {default server}}
        if {[info exists info(time,server)]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ info \] Connected to server for: [dur [expr {[clock seconds] - $info(time,server)}]]" {info default}
            unset info(time,server)
        foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x {[ server ] You are not connected to a server} {default server}}
    foreach x [after info] {
        if {[lindex [lindex [after info $x] 0] 0] == "command_server"} {after cancel $x}
    foreach x [file channels sock*] {
        if {![catch {fileevent $x readable} out] && [string match "Connect*" $out]} {
            catch {close $x}
    Event disconnect {}
    foreach x [activechannelwindows] {DeleteChannel $info(channel,$x) $x}
    set server -
    set me -
    set away 0
    .0.menubar.modes configure -text -

proc command_echo {window line} {
    set line2 [split [string trimleft $line]]
    if {[set tmp [windowname [lindex $line2 0]]] != ""} {
        set window $tmp
        set line [join [lrange $line2 1 end]]
    } elseif {[string tolower [lindex $line2 0]] == "all"} {
        set window all
        set line [join [lrange $line2 1 end]]
    Echo $window $line

proc command_exec {window line} {
    set line [split $line]
    switch -glob -- [lindex $line 0] {
        -o* {
            doexec $window [join [lrange $line 1 end]] "event generate [current] <<command>>"
        -m* {
            set nick [lindex $line 1]
            set line [join [lrange $line 2 end]]
            if {[set t [windowname $nick]] != ""} {
                doexec $window $line "event generate $t <<command>>"
            doexec $window $line "Echo .0 \"-> *$nick* \$line\" me ; Send \"PRIVMSG $nick :\$line\""
        -in {
            if {![catch {fileevent [string map {% file} [lindex $line 1]] readable} out] && [string match "execcallback *" $out]} {
                catch {puts [string map {% file} [lindex $line 1]] [join [lrange $line 2 end]]}
            } else {
                Echo $window "\[ error \] [lindex $line 1] is not an executed process identifier" {error default}
        -[1-9]* {
            if {![catch {fileevent [string map {% file} [lindex $line 1]] readable} out] && [string match "execcallback *" $out]} {
                foreach pid [pid [string map {% file} [lindex $line 1]]] {
                    catch {exec kill [lindex $line 0] $pid}
            } else {
                Echo $window "\[ error \] [lindex $line 1] is not an executed process identifier" {error default}
        "" {
            foreach x [file channels file*] {
                if {![catch {fileevent $x readable} out] && [string match "execcallback *" $out]} {
                    Echo $window "\[ info \] %[string map {file ""} $x] [lindex $out 2]" {info default}
            if {![info exists x]} {
                Echo $window {[ info ] There are no processes being executed} {info default}
        default {
            doexec $window [join $line] "Echo $window \$line"

proc doexec {window cmd callback} {
    global tcl_platform
    set redir {}
    if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {set redir "2>@ stdout"}
    if {[catch {open "|$cmd $redir" r+} exec]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Error executing command: [geterror $exec]" {error default}
    fconfigure $exec -buffering none -blocking 0
    fileevent $exec readable [list execcallback $exec $cmd $window $callback]

proc execcallback {h name window cmd} {
    if {[eof $h]} {
        fconfigure $h -blocking 1
        catch {close $h} out
        global errorCode
        if {[lindex $errorCode 0] == "CHILDSTATUS"} {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] $name exited with return code [lindex $errorCode 2]" {info default}
        } elseif {[lindex $errorCode 0] == "CHILDKILLED"} {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] $name was killed: [geterror $out]" {info default}
    } elseif {[catch {gets $h} out]} {
        global errorInfo
    	Echo $window "\[ error \] Error executing command: $errorInfo" {error default}
    	catch {close $h}
    if {$out != ""} {
        global line
        foreach line [split $out "\n"] {eval $cmd}
        catch {unset line}

proc command_font {window line} {
    global info prefs
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    set prefs(font,all) {}
    if {[set tmp [windowname [lindex $line 0]]] != ""} {
        set font [lrange $line 1 end]
        set win $tmp
    } elseif {[info exists prefs(font,[lindex $line 0])]} {
        set font [lrange $line 1 end]
        set win [lindex $line 0]
    } else {
        set font $line
        set win $window
    unset prefs(font,all)
    if {$font == "" && [info exists prefs(font,$win)]} {
        set font [font actual $prefs(font,$win)]
        Echo $window "\[ info \] $win font is \"[lindex $font 1] [lindex $font 3]\"" {info default}
    } elseif {$font == ""} {
        set font [font actual f[string trimleft $window .]]
        Echo $window "\[ info \] Font is currently \"[lindex $font 1] [lindex $font 3]\"" {info default}
    if {[llength $font] > 1 && [string is integer -strict [lindex $font end]]} {
        set font [list [lrange $font 0 end-1] [lindex $font end]]
    } else {
        set font [list $font]
    if {$win == ".0"} {set win status}
    switch -exact -- $win {
        status {
            set tmp [lindex [$info(text,.0) yview] 1]
            fontconfigure .0 $font
            if {$tmp == 1} {$info(text,.0) see end}
        chan {
            foreach x [channelwindows] {
                set tmp [lindex [$info(text,$x) yview] 1]
                fontconfigure $x $font
                if {$tmp == 1} {$info(text,$x) see end}
        chat {
            foreach x "[querywindows] [dccwindows]" {
                set tmp [lindex [$info(text,$x) yview] 1]
                fontconfigure $x $font
                if {$tmp == 1} {$info(text,$x) see end}
        cmdline {
            foreach x [textwindows] {$x.bottom.cmdline configure -font $font}
        chantopic {
            foreach x [channelwindows] {
                $x.middle.left.topic configure -font $font
                $x.middle.right.label configure -font $font
        nicklist {
            foreach x [channelwindows] {
                $x.middle.right.nicks configure -font $font
                $x.middle.right.label configure -font $font
        menu {
            proc __mfc {win} {upvar font font; $win configure -font $font; foreach sadfg [winfo children $win] {__mfc $sadfg}}
            foreach x [textwindows] {
                foreach t {window user channel personal server misc query dcc} {
                    if {[winfo exists $x.menubar.$t]} {
                        $x.menubar.$t configure -font $font
                        __mfc $x.menubar.$t.menu
                $x.menubar.modes configure -font $font
            rename __mfc {}
            .0.menubar.modes configure -font $font
        all {
            foreach x {status chat chan} {command_font $window "$x [join $font]"}
        default {
            set tmp [lindex [$info(text,$win) yview] 1]
            fontconfigure $win $font
            if {$tmp == 1} {$info(text,$win) see end}
    set prefs(font,$win) $font

proc command_help {window line} {
    global procs
    set line [rele [split [string tolower $line]]]
    if {$line == ""} {
        Echo $window "Available commands:" {help default}
        Echo $window [lsort [string map {command_ ""} [info commands command_*]]] {help default}
        Echo $window "Type \"/help <command>\" for more information" {help default}
    if {[info exists procs($line)] && [info commands ::scripts::$procs($line)::help] != ""} {
        ::scripts::$procs($line)::help $window $line
    } elseif {[info exists procs(command_$line)] && [info commands ::scripts::$procs(command_$line)::help] != ""} {
        ::scripts::$procs(command_$line)::help $window $line
    } elseif {[namespace children ::scripts ::scripts::$line] != ""} {
        ::scripts::${line}::help $window $line
    set startup 0
    set autoload 0
    proc helpload2 {} {
        global info
        upvar 2 help help
        set startup 0
        set autoload 0
        foreach x [list "$info(config)/help" "/usr/local/share/doc/roxirc" "/usr/local/doc/roxirc" "/usr/local/roxirc"] {
            if {[file isfile $x]} {
                catch {source $x}
    proc helpload {} {helpload2}
    rename helpload {}
    rename helpload2 {}
    after cancel {catch {unset help}}
    after 600000 {catch {unset help}}
    if {[info exists help($line)]} {
        Echo $window "Help on $line:" {help default}
        foreach x [rele [split $help($line) "\n"]] {Echo $window "$x" {help default}}
    Echo $window "No help on \"$line\"" {help default}

proc command_hide {window line} {
    global info
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[string tolower $line] == "all"} {
        foreach x [textwindows] {
            if {$x != $window} {command_hide $x ""}
    set hide ""
    if {[string trim $line] == ""} {
        set hide $window
    } else {
        foreach x $line {
            if {[set win [windowname $x]] != ""} {
                lappend hide $win
            } else {
                foreach w [winfo children .] {
                    if {[info exists info(text,$w)] && [string match "roxirc $x*" [string tolower [wm title $w]]]} {
                        lappend hide $w
    set last 0
    foreach a $hide {
        foreach x [textwindows] {
            if {[wm state $x] != "withdrawn" && $x != $a} {
                wm withdraw $a
                set last 1
    if {!$last} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] You must have at least one window showing" {error default}

proc command_ial {window line} {
    global ial prefs
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    switch -regexp -- [lindex $line 0] {
        search|find {
            set line [join [lrange $line 1 end]]
            set num 0
            foreach {x y} [array get ial] {
                if {[string match -nocase $line $y]} {
                    Echo $window "\[ info \] [lindex [split $x ,] 0] $y" {info default}
                    incr num
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Found $num matches for \"$line\" out of [array size ial] in IAL" {info default}
        clear|flush {
            catch {unset ial}
            Echo $window "\[ info \] IAL cleared" {info default}
        on {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] IAL is now ON" {info default}
            set prefs(ial) 1
        off {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] IAL is now OFF" {info default}
            catch {unset ial}
            set prefs(ial) 0
        "" {
            if {$prefs(ial)} {
                Echo $window "\[ info \] IAL is ON, [array size ial] entries" {info default}
            } else {
                Echo $window "\[ info \] IAL is OFF" {info default}

proc command_ignore {window line} {
    global ignore
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[set mask [lindex $line 0]] == ""} {
        foreach type [array names ignore] {
            Echo $window "\[ ignore \] Ignoring $type from [join $ignore($type)]" {ignore default}
        if {![info exists type]} {
            Echo $window {[ ignore ] Ignore list is empty} {ignore default}
    set type [string toupper [lrange $line 1 end]]
    if {$mask == "-clear"} {
        if {$type == ""} {set type $types}
        foreach x [string toupper $type] {
            if {[lsearch -exact $types $x] == -1} {
                Echo $window "\[ ignore \] Unknown type $x" {ignore default}
            if {![info exists ignore($x)]} {continue}
            foreach y $ignore($x) {command_ignore $window "$y none"}
    if {![string match {*\**} $mask] && ![string match {*\?*} $mask]} {set mask [globescape $mask]}
    if {![string match *@* $mask] && ![string match *!* $mask]} {
        if {[string match *.* $mask]} {
            set mask *@$mask
        } else {
            set mask $mask!*
    if {$type == "NONE"} {
        set found 0
        foreach type $types {
            if {[info exists ignore($type)]} {
                for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $ignore($type)]} {incr i} {
                    if {[string equal -nocase $mask [lindex $ignore($type) $i]]} {
                        Echo $window "\[ ignore \] Removed ignore of [lindex $ignore($type) $i] from $type" {ignore default}
                        set ignore($type) [lreplace $ignore($type) $i $i]
                        set found 1
                        incr i -1
        foreach type $types {
            if {[info exists ignore($type)] && [string trim $ignore($type)] == ""} {unset ignore($type)}
        if {!$found} {Echo $window "\[ ignore \] $mask is not in ignore list" {ignore default}}
    if {$type == ""} {set type ALL}
    foreach x $type {
        if {[lsearch -exact $types $x] == -1} {
            Echo $window "\[ ignore \] Unknown type $type" {ignore default}
    foreach x $type {
        if {[info exists ignore($x)] && [lsearch -exact $ignore($x) $mask] != "-1"} {
            Echo $window "\[ ignore \] Already ignoring $x from $mask" {ignore default}
        lappend ignore($x) $mask
    Echo $window "\[ ignore \] Now ignoring $type from $mask" {ignore default}

proc Ignore {type nick} {
    global ignore
    if {[info exists ignore($type)]} {
        foreach x $ignore($type) {
            if {[string match -nocase $x $nick]} {return -code return}
    if {[info exists ignore(ALL)]} {
        foreach x $ignore(ALL) {
            if {[string match -nocase $x $nick]} {return -code return}

proc command_info {window line} {
    global info
    Echo $window "\[ info \] RoxIRC 2.0b by RockShox (09/20/03)" {info default}
    Echo $window "\[ info \] roxirc@lighter.net - http://roxirc.lighter.net/" {info default}
    Echo $window "\[ info \] Client uptime: [dur [expr {[clock seconds] - $info(time,client)}]]" {info default}
    if {[info exists info(time,server)]} {
        Echo $window "\[ info \] Connected to server for: [dur [expr {[clock seconds] - $info(time,server)}]]" {info default}

proc command_invite {window line} {
    global info
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[info exists info(channel,$window)] && ![ischannelname [lindex $line 1]]} {
        Send "INVITE [join $line] $info(channel,$window)"
    } else {
        Send "INVITE [join $line]"

proc command_join {window line} {
    global info
    foreach x [split [lindex [split $line] 0] ,] {
        if {[info exists info(window,$x)] && [winfo exists $info(window,$x)]} {
            wm deiconify $info(window,$x)
            raise $info(window,$x)
    Send "JOIN $line"

proc command_kick {window line} {
    global info
    set line [split [string trimleft $line]]
    if {[info exists info(channel,$window)] && ![ischannelname [lindex $line 0]]} {
        Send "KICK $info(channel,$window) [lindex $line 0] :[join [lrange $line 1 end]]"
    } else {
        Send "KICK [lindex $line 0] [lindex $line 1] :[join [lrange $line 2 end]]"

proc command_knock {window line} {
    Send "KNOCK $line"

proc command_links {window line} {
    Send "LINKS $line"

proc command_list {window line} {
    Send "LIST $line"

proc command_load {window line} {
    global away prefs me server notify env info
    set autoload 0
    set startup 0
    set files ""
    if {[string trim $line] == ""} {
        set s ""
        foreach x [namespace children ::scripts] {lappend s [namespace tail $x]}
        Echo $window "\[ info \] Loaded scripts: [join $s]" {info default}
    foreach file $line {
        if {[file isfile $file]} {
            lappend files [abspath $file]
        } elseif {[file dirname $file] == "." && [file isfile $info(config)/$file]} {
            lappend files $info(config)/$file
        } elseif {[file isdirectory $file]} {
            append files " [join [glob -nocomplain $file/*]]"
        } else {
            Echo $window "\[ error \] No such file or directory: $file" {error default}
    foreach file $files {
        if {[LoadFile $file]} {
            if {$window != ".0"} {
                Echo .0 "\[ info \] Loaded $file" {info default}
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Load: $file loaded succesfully" {info default}

proc command_log {window line} {
    global options prefs env
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[set tmp [windowname [lindex $line 0]]] != ""} {
        set window $tmp
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    switch -exact -- [string tolower [lindex $line 0]] {
        on {
            if {[set fn [lindex $line 1]] != ""} {
                if {[file dirname $fn] == "."} {set fn $prefs(defaultlogdir)/$fn}
                set fn [abspath $fn]
            } else {
                set fn [tk_getSaveFile -title "RoxIRC Choose logfile" -initialdir $prefs(defaultlogdir) -filetypes {{All *} {Logs *.log} {Text *.txt}}]
                if {$fn == ""} {return}
            if {$options(log,$window)} {command_log $window off}
            if {[catch {open $fn {WRONLY CREAT APPEND}} fh]} {
                Echo $window "\[ error \] Cannot open $fn for writing: [geterror $fh]" {error default}
            } else {
                fconfigure $fh -buffersize 2048
                Echo $window "\[ info \] Now logging to $fn" {info default}
                array set options [list ln,$window $fn lfh,$window $fh log,$window 1]
                puts $fh "Logging started on [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%D at %R %Z" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]"
        off {
            if {!$options(log,$window)} {
                Echo $window {[ info ] Logging is already OFF} {info default}
            EndLogging $window
            unset options(ln,$window) options(lfh,$window)
            set options(log,$window) 0
            Echo $window {[ info ] Logging stopped} {info default}
        flush {
            if {$options(log,$window)} {
                flush $options(lfh,$window)
                Echo $window "\[ info \] Flushed log to $options(ln,$window)" {info default}
            } else {
                Echo $window {[ info ] Logging is OFF} {info default}
        "" {
            if {$options(log,$window)} {
                Echo $window "\[ info \] Logging to $options(ln,$window)" {info default}
            } else {
                Echo $window {[ info ] Logging is OFF} {info default}
        default {
            Echo $window {[ info ] /log commands: ON OFF FLUSH} {info default}

proc command_lusers {window line} {
    Send "LUSERS $line"

proc command_me {window line} {
    global me info dcc
    multiline "" $line
    if {[info exists info(channel,$window)]} {
        Send "PRIVMSG $info(channel,$window) :\001ACTION $line\001"
        Echo $window "* $me $line" {me action}
    } elseif {[info exists info(nick,$window)]} {
        Send "PRIVMSG $info(nick,$window) :\001ACTION $line\001"
        Echo $window "* $me $line" {me action}
    } elseif {[info exists $dcc([string trimleft $window .],state)]} {
        if {$dcc([string trimleft $window .],state) != 3} {
            Echo $window {[ info ] This dcc is not connected} {info default}
        DccSend $window "\001ACTION $line\001"
        Echo $window "* $me $line" {me action}
    } else {
        Echo $window {[ info ] You have no channel joined in this window} {info default}

proc command_mode {window line} {
    global info
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[ischannelname [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set channel [lindex $line 0]
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    } elseif {[info exists info(channel,$window)]} {
        set channel $info(channel,$window)
    } else {
        Send "MODE [join $line]"
    if {[llength $line] == 0 && [set win [windowname $channel]] != ""} {
        ModeWindow $win
    } else {
        Send "MODE $channel [join $line]"

proc command_motd {window line} {
    Send "MOTD $line"

proc command_msg {window line} {
    global info me dcc
    set line [split [string trimleft $line]]
    set to [lindex $line 0]
    set line [join [lrange $line 1 end]]
    multiline $to $line
    set to2 [string tolower $to]
    if {[info exists info(query,$to2)]} {
        Echo $info(query,$to2) "<$me> $line" me
        wm deiconify $info(query,$to2)
        raise $info(query,$to2)
    } elseif {[string match "=*" $to2]} {
        if {[set tmp [getdccid [list nick [string range 1 end $to2]] "type chat"]] != "" && $dcc($tmp,state) == 3} {
            DccSend .$tmp $line
            Echo .$tmp "<$me> $line" me
    } elseif {[info exists info(window,$to2)]} {
        Echo $info(window,$to2) "<$me> $line" me
    } else {
        Echo .0 "-> *$to* $line" me
    Send "PRIVMSG $to :$line"

proc command_names {window line} {
    Send "NAMES $line"

proc command_newwin {window line} {
    CreateChannel ""

proc command_nick {window line} {
    Send "NICK $line"

proc command_notice {window line} {
    global info me
    set line [split $line " "]
    set to [lindex $line 0]
    set line [join [lrange $line 1 end]]
    multiline $to $line
    set to2 [string tolower $to]
    if {[info exists info(query,$to2)]} {
        Echo $info(query,$to2) "+$me+ $line" me
        raise $info(query,$to2)
    } elseif {[info exists info(window,$to2)]} {
        Echo $info(window,$to2) "-$me- $line" me
    } else {
        Echo .0 "-> +$to+ $line" me
    Send "NOTICE $to :$line"

proc command_notify {window line} {
    global prefs notify
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {$line == ""} {
        if {$prefs(notify) != ""} {
            foreach x $notify(+online) {
                Echo $window "\[ notify \] Online: $x [lindex $notify([string tolower $x]) 0] ([dur [expr {[clock seconds] - [lindex $notify([string tolower $x]) 1]}]])" {notify default}
            set off {}
            foreach x [lsort -dictionary $prefs(notify)] {
                if {[lsearch -exact [string tolower $notify(+online)] [string tolower $x]] == -1} {lappend off $x}
            Echo $window "\[ notify \] Offline: [join [lsort -dictionary $off]]" {notify default}
        } else {
            Echo $window "\[ notify \] Notify list is empty" {notify default}
    foreach x $line {
        if {[string match -* $x]} {
            set x [string range $x 1 end]
            if {[set index [lsearch -exact [string tolower $prefs(notify)] [string tolower $x]]] != -1} {
                Echo .0 "\[ notify \] [lindex $prefs(notify) $index] removed from notification list" {notify default}
                set prefs(notify) [lreplace $prefs(notify) $index $index]
                catch {unset notify([string tolower $x])}
                if {[set index [lsearch -exact [string tolower $notify(+online)] [string tolower $x]]] != -1} {
                    set notify(+online) [lreplace $notify(+online) $index $index]
        } elseif {[lsearch -exact [string tolower $prefs(notify)] [string tolower $x]] == -1} {
            lappend prefs(notify) $x
            Echo .0 "\[ notify \] $x added to notification list" {notify default}
    DoNotifyWindow refresh
    if {$prefs(notify) != ""} {Send "ISON [join $prefs(notify)]"}

proc command_on {window line} {
    global on info
    set line [string trimleft $line]
    if {[string trim $line] == ""} {
        foreach x $info(on) {
            if {[info exists on([lindex $x 0])]} {
                foreach a $on([lindex $x 0]) {Echo $window "on [lindex $x 0] $a" on}
        if {[array size on] == 0} {Echo $window {[ info ] No events defined} {info default}}
    if {[string match "-*" $line]} {
        set type [trim [lindex [split $line] 0] -]
        if {$type == "all"} {
            foreach x $info(on) {command_on $window -[lindex $x 0]}
        if {[info exists on($type)]} {
            set num 0
            set line [string range $line [expr {[string length $type] + 2}] end]
            foreach x $on($type) {
                if {[string match -nocase [globescape $line]* [join $x]]} {
                    Echo $window "-on $type $x" on
                    set on($type) [lreplace $on($type) $num $num]
                    incr num -1
                incr num
            if {[string trim $on($type)] == ""} {unset on($type)}
    if {[llength [rele [split $line]]] == 1} {
        set line [rele [split $line]]
        if {[lsearch -glob $info(on) "$line *"] == -1} {
            Echo $window "\[ error \] on: unknown event: $line" {error default}
        } elseif {![info exists on($line)]} {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] on: no $line events defined" {info default}
        } else {
            foreach a $on($line) {Echo $window "on $line $a" on}
    foreach x $info(on) {
        set type [lindex $x 0]
        if {[string match "$type*" $line]} {
            set args [lindex $x 1]
            set line [split $line [string index $line [string length $type]]]
            set a [lrange $line 1 $args]
            if {[set blah [join [lrange $line [expr {$args + 1}] end]]] == ""} {
                Echo $window "\[ error \] on $type requires [expr {$args + 1}] arguments" {error default}
            if {[catch {eval proc __onevent args \{$blah\}} err]} {
                Echo $window "\[ error \] Error in event expression: $err" {error default}
            rename __onevent {}
            lappend a $blah
            lappend on($type) $a
            Echo $window "+on $type $a" on
    Echo $window "\[ error \] on: unknown event: [lindex [split $line] 0]" {error default}

proc command_option {window line} {
    global options info
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[set tmp [windowname [lindex $line 0]]] != ""} {
        set window $tmp
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    if {[set cmd [lindex $line 0]] == ""} {
        set opt "popup, menubar"
        if {[winfo exists $window.middle.right.nicks]} {append opt ", nicklist, topic"}
        Echo $window "\[ info \] Options are: $opt" {info default}
    if {![info exists options($cmd,$window)]} {
        Echo $window "\[ info \] Unknown option $cmd" {info default}
    if {[set line [lrange $line 1 end]] == ""} {
        Echo $window "\[ info \] [string totitle $cmd] is [string map {0 OFF 1 ON} $options($cmd,$window)]"
    if {![string is boolean -strict $line]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Invalid value for $cmd, must be boolean" {error default}
    switch -- $cmd {
        popup {
            set options(popup,$window) [expr {$line ? 1 : 0}]
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Pop up on activity is [string map {0 OFF 1 ON} $options(popup,$window)]" {info default}
        menubar {
            set options(menubar,$window) [expr {$line ? 1 : 0}]
            if {$options(menubar,$window)} {
                pack forget $window.menubar $window.middle $window.bottom
                pack $window.menubar -side top -fill x
                pack $window.bottom -side bottom -fill x
                pack $window.middle -side top -expand 1 -fill both
            } else {
                pack forget $window.menubar
        nicklist {
            if {![winfo exists $window.middle.right.nicks]} {
                Echo $window {[ error ] Nicklist option is only valid for channel windows} {error default}
            set options(nicklist,$window) [expr {$line ? 1 : 0}]
            if {$options(nicklist,$window)} {
                reattachnick $window
                catch {$window.menubar.user configure -state normal}
            } else {
                pack forget $window.middle.right
                catch {destroy $window.n}
                catch {$window.menubar.user configure -state disabled}
        topic {
            if {![winfo exists $window.middle.left.topic]} {
                Echo $window {[ error ] Topic option is only valid for channel windows} {error default}
            set options(topic,$window) [expr {$line ? 1 : 0}]
            if {$options(topic,$window)} {
                pack forget $window.middle.left.text $window.middle.left.topic $window.middle.left.scroll
                pack $window.middle.left.topic -side top -fill x
                pack $window.middle.left.scroll -side right -fill y
                pack $window.middle.left.text -expand 1 -fill both         
            } else {
                pack forget $window.middle.left.topic

proc command_part {window line} {
    global info
    set line [string trim $line]
    if {$line == "all"} {
        Send "JOIN 0"
    } elseif {![ischannelname $line]} {
        if {[info exists info(channel,$window)]} {
            Send "PART $info(channel,$window) :$line"
    } else {
        set line [split $line]
        Send "PART [lindex $line 0] :[join [lrange $line 1 end]]"

proc command_ping {window line} {
    foreach x [rele [split $line]] {
        Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] -> $x PING" {ctcp default}
        Send "PRIVMSG $x :\001PING [clock clicks -milliseconds]\001"

proc command_position {window line} {
    global prefs info options dcc
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    set cmd [lindex $line 0]
    if {[set tmp [windowname [lindex $line 0]]] != ""} {
        set window $tmp
        set cmd [lindex $line 1]
    set name [realname $window]
    if {($name == "" || $name == "status") && ![string match r* $cmd]} {return}
    switch -glob -- $cmd {
        s* {
            set prefs(geom,$name) ""
            lappend prefs(geom,$name) "wm geometry \$window [wm geometry $window]"
            lappend prefs(geom,$name) "/ts $options(ts,$window)"
            lappend prefs(geom,$name) "set options(popup,\$window) $options(popup,$window)"
            lappend prefs(geom,$name) "/option menubar $options(menubar,$window)"
            if {$options(log,$window)} {lappend prefs(geom,$name) "/log on $name $options(ln,$window)"}
            if {[info exists info(window,$name)]} {
                if {[winfo exists $window.n]} {
                    lappend prefs(geom,$name) {detachnick $window 0 0 0 0}
                    lappend prefs(geom,$name) "wm geometry \$window.n [wm geometry $window.n]"
                } else {
                    lappend prefs(geom,$name) "/option nicklist $options(nicklist,$window)"
                lappend prefs(geom,$name) "/option topic $options(topic,$window)"
            Echo $window {[ info ] Window settings saved} {info default}
        r* {
            if {$name != "status" && $name != "" && [info exists prefs(geom,$name)]} {
                catch {eval [join $prefs(geom,$name) \;]}
            } elseif {[string match {.[1-9]*} $window]} {
                catch {wm geometry $window $prefs(geom,channel)}
            } elseif {[string equal .0 $window]} {
                catch {wm geometry $window $prefs(geom,status)}
            } elseif {[string match .q* $window] || [string match .c* $window]} {
                catch {wm geometry $window $prefs(geom,chat)}
        f* {
            catch {unset prefs(geom,$name)}
            Echo $window {[ info ] Window settings forgotten} {info default}
        default {
            Echo $window {[ info ] Position commands: save forget reset} {info default}

proc command_qbk {window line} {
    global prefs info
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[info exists info(channel,$window)] && ![ischannelname [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set chan $info(channel,$window)
    } else {
        set chan [lindex $line 0]
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    foreach x $line {
        command_ban $window "$chan $x"
        command_kick $window "$chan $x [lindex $prefs(kick) 0]"

proc command_quiet {window line} {
    echo off
    set list [list $line]
    if {[info script] != ""} {set list [split $line \n]}
    foreach x $list {
        set x [string trimleft $x]
        set cmd [lindex [split $x] 0]
        catch {$cmd [string range $x [expr {[string length $cmd] + 1}] end]} ret
    echo on
    return $ret

proc command_query {window line} {
    global prefs
    set line [split [string trimleft $line]]
    if {[lindex $line 0] != ""} {CreateChat [lindex $line 0]}
    if {[join [lrange $line 1 end]] != ""} {command_msg $window [join $line]}

proc command_quit {window line} {
    CloseClient $line

proc command_quote {window line} {
    Send $line

proc command_reload {window line} {
    global prefs env info menu argv info
    set autoload 1
    set startup 0
    catch {unset prefs}
    catch {unset menu}
    if {$line != ""} {
        set load [rele [split $line]]
    } else {
        if {[info exists argv(f)]} {set info(config) [abspath $argv(f)]}
        set load [list $info(config)]
    foreach x $load {
        if {[file isdirectory $x]} {
            foreach f [lsort [glob -nocomplain -types f $x/*]] {LoadFile $f}
        } elseif {[file isfile $x]} {
            LoadFile $x
        } else {
            Echo .0 "\[ error \] No such file or directory: $x" {error default}
    if {[info exists argv(h)]} {set prefs(host) $argv(h)}
    if {[info exists argv(nick)]} {set prefs(nick) [linsert $prefs(nick) 0 $argv(nick)]}
    foreach win [textwindows] {
        foreach x [$info(text,$win) tag names] {
            $info(text,$win) tag configure $x -foreground {} -background {}
        foreach m "window user channel personal server dcc query misc" {
            catch {destroy $win.menubar.$m}
        $win.bottom.cmdline configure -font $prefs(font,cmdline)
        colorconfigure $win.bottom.cmdline cmdline
        ConfigureTags $win
    fontconfigure .0 $prefs(font,status)
    colorconfigure .0.middle.text status
    MakeMenu .0 "window personal server misc"
    .0.menubar.window.menu delete 10
    .0.menubar.window.menu.1 delete 0 1
    .0.menubar.window.menu.2 delete 4 5
    foreach win [channelwindows] {
        fontconfigure $win $prefs(font,chan)
        $win.middle.left.topic configure -font $prefs(font,chantopic)
        colorconfigure $win.middle.left.text chan
        colorconfigure $win.middle.right.nicks nicklist
        colorconfigure $win.middle.left.topic chantopic
        MakeMenu $win "window user channel personal server misc"
        set end [$win.middle.right.nicks index end]
        for {set index 0} {$index < $end} {incr index} {
            if {[isop $info(channel,$win) [string trimleft [$win.middle.right.nicks get $index] @]]} {
                itemconfigure $win @nicklist $index
            } elseif {[isvoice $info(channel,$win) [string trimleft [$win.middle.right.nicks get $index] +]]} {
                itemconfigure $win +nicklist $index
            } else {
    foreach win [querywindows] {
        fontconfigure $win $prefs(font,chat)
        colorconfigure $win.middle.text query
        MakeMenu $win "window query personal misc"
        $win.menubar.window.menu.2 delete 4 5
    foreach win [dccwindows] {
        fontconfigure $win $prefs(font,chat)
        colorconfigure $win.middle.text dccchat
        MakeMenu $win "window dcc personal misc"
        $win.menubar.window.menu.2 delete 4 5

proc command_reply {window line} {
    set line [split [string trimleft $line]]
    Send "NOTICE [lindex $line 0] :\001[string toupper [lindex $line 1]] [join [lrange $line 2 end]]\001"
    Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] [string toupper [lindex $line 1]] reply -> [lindex $line 0]" {ctcp default}

proc command_save {window line} {
    global prefs info
    if {[set file [lindex [rele [split $line]] 0]] == ""} {set file $info(config)/prefs}
    if {[catch {open $file w} fh]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Could not open $file for writing: [geterror $fh]" {error default}
    puts $fh "configfile prefs\n\n# \{ do not edit this file! \}\n# \{ see /set /color /font and /save \}\n\n"
    foreach var [lsort [array names prefs geom,*]] {
        if {$var != "geom,status" && $var != "geom,channel" && $var != "geom,chat"} {
            puts $fh "$var \{$prefs($var)\}"
    foreach x [array names info set,*] {
        set x [string range $x 4 end]
        puts $fh "$x \{$prefs($x)\}"
    foreach {x y} [array get prefs font,*] {puts $fh "$x \{$y\}"}
    foreach x "notify color,* options,*" {
        foreach {name val} [array get prefs $x] {
            puts $fh "$name \{$val\}"
    close $fh
    Echo .0 "\[ info \] Settings saved to $file" {info default}

proc command_savebuf {window line} {
    global info prefs
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[set tmp [windowname [lindex $line 0]]] != ""} {
        set window $tmp
        set line [lrange $line 1 end]
    if {[set file [lindex $line 0]] == ""} {
        set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "RoxIRC Save Buffer" -initialdir $prefs(defaultlogdir) -filetypes {{All *} {Logs *.log} {Text *.txt}}]
    if {$file == ""} {return}
    if {[file dirname $file] == "."} {set file $prefs(defaultlogdir)/$file}
    set file [abspath $file]
    if {[catch {open $file w} fn]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Cannot open $file for writing: [geterror $fn]" {error default}
    puts -nonewline $fn [$info(text,$window) get 1.0 end]
    close $fn
    Echo $window "\[ info \] Buffer saved to $file" {info default}

proc command_say {window blah} {
     set ::line $blah
     event generate $window <<command>>

proc command_search {window line} {
    global info
    $info(text,$window) tag remove search 1.0 end
    if {$line == ""} {return}
    set blah 1.0
    set pos 1.0
    while {$blah != ""} {
        set blah [$info(text,$window) search -nocase -elide -count len -- $line $pos end]
        if {$blah == ""} {break}
        set pos [$info(text,$window) index $blah+${len}c]
        $info(text,$window) tag add search $blah $pos
    if {[$info(text,$window) tag nextrange search 1.0] != "" && [lindex [$info(text,$window) yview] 1] == "1"} {
        $info(text,$window) yview search.first
    } elseif {[lindex [$info(text,$window) tag nextrange search [set a [expr {int([$info(text,$window) index @0,0])}].0]+1l] 1] != ""} {
        $info(text,$window) yview [lindex [$info(text,$window) tag nextrange search $a+1l] 1]

proc command_server {window line} {
    global prefs info
    set tmp ""
    set line [rele [split $line " :"]]
    set server [string tolower [lindex $line 0]]
    if {$server == ""} {return}
    set port [lindex $line 1]
    set pass [join [lrange $line 2 end]]
    foreach x [split [string tolower $prefs(server)] "\n"] {
        set x [split [string trim $x] :]
        lappend network([lindex $x 1]) [lindex $x 0]
        set host([lindex $x 0]) $x
    if {[info exists network($server)]} {
        set tmp [lindex $network($server) [expr {round(rand() * ([llength $network($server)] - 1))}]]
        set info(connect) [list $server]
        OpenSock [string trim [lindex $tmp 0]] [getport [lindex $tmp 2]] [lindex $tmp 3]
    } else {
        if {[info exists host($server)]} {
            if {$port == "" && [lindex $host($server) 2] != ""} {
                set port [lindex $host($server) 2]
            if {$pass == "" && [lindex $host($server) 3] != ""} {
                set pass [lindex $host($server) 3]
            if {[lindex $host($server) 1] != ""} {
                set info(connect) [list [lindex $host($server) 1]]
            } else {
                set info(connect) [list $server $port $pass]
        } else {
            set info(connect) [list $server $port $pass]
        OpenSock [string trim $server] [getport $port] $pass

proc command_set {window line} {
    global prefs info
    set line [split [string trimleft $line]]
    set tmp [string tolower [lindex $line 0]]
    if {$tmp == ""} {
        foreach x [lsort [array names info set,*]] {
            set x [string range $x 4 end]
            Echo $window "\[ info \] [string toupper $x] set to \"$prefs($x)\"" {info default}
    if {![info exists info(set,$tmp)]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] No such variable \"[string toupper $tmp]\"" {error default}
        if {$tmp != "" && [array names info set,*$tmp*] != ""} {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Matching variables: [string toupper [string map {"set," ""} [array names info set,*$tmp*]]]" {info default}
    if {[llength [rele $line]] == "1"} {
        if {[info exists prefs($tmp)]} {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] [string toupper [string trim $line]] set to \"$prefs($tmp)\"" {info default}
    set type [split $info(set,$tmp)]
    set val [join [lrange $line 1 end]]
    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $type]} {incr i} {
        switch [lindex $type $i] {
            cmd {
                [lindex $type [expr {$i + 1}]] $window $val
            bool {
                if {![string is boolean -strict $val]} {
                    Echo $window "\[ error \] Invalid value for [string toupper [lindex $line 0]], must be boolean" {error default}
                if {$val} {
                    set val 1
                } else {
                    set val 0
            num {
                if {![string is integer -strict $val]} {
                    Echo $window "\[ error \] Invalid value for [string toupper [lindex $line 0]], must be a number" {error default}
                if {[string is integer -strict [lindex $type [expr {$i + 1}]]] && [string is integer -strict [lindex $type [expr {$i + 2}]]]} {
                    if {$val < [lindex $type [expr {$i + 1}]] || $val > [lindex $type [expr {$i + 2}]]} {
                        Echo $window "\[ error \] Invalid value for [string toupper [lindex $line 0]], must be from [lindex $type [expr {$i + 1}]] to [lindex $type [expr {$i + 2}]]" {error default}
                    incr i
    if {$val == "\"\""} {
        Echo $window "\[ info \] [string toupper $tmp] \"$prefs($tmp)\" -> \"\"" {info default}
        set prefs($tmp) ""
    } else {
        Echo $window "\[ info \] [string toupper $tmp] \"$prefs($tmp)\" -> \"$val\"" {info default}
        set prefs($tmp) $val

proc command_show {window line} {
    global info
    if {[set line [rele [split $line]]] == ""} {
        set num 1
        foreach x [textwindows] {
            if {[wm state $x] == "withdrawn"} {
                set title [split [wm title $x]]
                if {[string match ".q*" $x]} {
                    set title [lrange $title 1 2]
                } elseif {[string match ".c*" $x]} {
                    set title [lrange $title 1 3]
                } else {
                    set title [lindex $title 1]
                Echo $window "$num) $title" {}
                incr num
        if {$num == 1} {Echo $window {[ info ] There are no hidden windows} {info default}}
    if {[string tolower $line] == "all"} {
        foreach x [textwindows] {
            if {[wm state $x] == "withdrawn"} {
                wm geometry $x [winfo geometry $x]
                wm deiconify $x
    set show ""
    foreach x $line {
        if {[set win [windowname $x]] != ""} {
            lappend show $win
        } elseif {[string is integer -strict $x]} {
            set num 1
            foreach a [textwindows] {
                if {[wm state $a] == "withdrawn"} {
                    if {$num == $x} {
                        lappend show $a
                    incr num
        } else {
            foreach w [winfo children .] {
                if {[info exists info(text,$w)] && [wm state $w] == "withdrawn" && [string match "roxirc $x*" [string tolower [wm title $w]]]} {
                    lappend show $w
    foreach x $show {
        wm geometry $x [winfo geometry $x]
        wm deiconify $x

proc command_sping {window line} {
    global server
    if {[set line [string trim $line]] == ""} {set line $server}
    Send "PING [clock clicks -milliseconds] :$line"

proc command_stats {window line} {
    Send "STATS $line"

proc command_tcl {window line} {
    global info prefs dcc ignore help server me irc env notify userhost last ial names history options on away tcl_traceExec errorInfo errorCode
    if {[catch {set out [eval $line]} msg]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Error while executing tcl command: $msg" {error default}
    } elseif {[string trim $out] != ""} {
        Echo $window $out {}

proc command_timer {window line} {
    set line [split $line]
    if {[string trim [join $line]] == ""} {
        set num 0
        foreach x [after info] {
            if {[lindex [set tmp [lindex [after info $x] 0]] 0] == "DoTimer"} {
                Echo $window "timer[lindex $tmp 1] [lindex $tmp 3]/[lindex $tmp 4] [dur [lindex $tmp 2] 1000] [lindex $tmp 5]" timer
                incr num
        if {$num == 0} {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] There are no active timers" {info default}
    } elseif {[lindex $line 0] == "stop" || [lindex $line 0] == "cancel" || [lindex $line 0] == "off"} {
        foreach x [after info] {
            if {[lindex [set tmp [lindex [after info $x] 0]] 0] == "DoTimer" && ([lindex $tmp 1] == [lindex $line 1] || [lindex $line 1] == "all" || [string match [lindex $line 1] [lindex $tmp 5]])} {
                after cancel $x
                Echo $window "-timer[lindex $tmp 1] [lindex $tmp 3]/[lindex $tmp 4] [dur [lindex $tmp 2] 1000] [lindex $tmp 5]" timer
    } else {
        set delay [lindex $line 1]
        set times [lindex $line 0]
        set command [join [lrange $line 2 end]]
        if {[string match *s $delay]} {
            set delay [expr {1000 * [string trimright $delay s]}]
        } elseif {[string match *m $delay]} {
            set delay [expr {60000 * [string trimright $delay m]}]
        } elseif {[string match *h $delay]} {
            set delay [expr {3600000 * [string trimright $delay h]}]
        if {[string is integer -strict $delay] && [string is integer -strict $times]} {
            set num 1
            foreach x [after info] {
                if {[lindex [lindex [after info $x] 0] 0] == "DoTimer"} {
                    set temp([lindex [lindex [after info $x] 0] 1]) ""
            while {[info exists temp($num)]} {incr num}
            if {$times < 0} {set times 0}
            after $delay [list DoTimer $num $delay $times $times $command]
            Echo $window "+timer$num $times [dur $delay 1000] $command" timer
            return $num
        } else {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Timer usage: /timer <times> <delay> <command>" {info default}

proc command_topic {window line} {
    global info
    set line [split $line]
    if {[info exists info(channel,$window)] && ![ischannelname [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set chan $info(channel,$window)
        set line [join $line]
    } else {
        set chan [lindex $line 0]
        set line [join [lrange $line 1 end]]
    if {[string trim $line] == ""} {
        Send "TOPIC $chan"
    } elseif {[string trim $line] == ":"} {
        Send "TOPIC $chan :"
    } else {
        Send "TOPIC $chan :$line"

proc command_ts {window line} {
    global options
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {[set tmp [windowname [lindex $line 0]]] != ""} {
        set window $tmp
        set win $tmp
        set to [lindex $line 1]
    } elseif {[string tolower [lindex $line 0]] == "channels"} {
        set win [channelwindows]
        set to [lindex $line 1]
    } elseif {[string tolower [lindex $line 0]] == "chats"} {
        set win "[querywindows] [dccwindows]"
        set to [lindex $line 1]
    } elseif {[string tolower [lindex $line 0]] == "all"} {
        set win [textwindows]
        set to [lindex $line 1]
    } else {
        set win $window
        set to [lindex $line 0]
    if {$to == ""} {
        set to 2
    } elseif {[string is boolean $to] && $to} {
        set to 1
    } elseif {[string is boolean $to]} {
        set to 0
    } else {
        Echo $window {[ info ] Usage: /ts [on|off]} {info default}
    foreach x $win {
        if {$to > 1} {
            set options(ts,$x) [expr {!$options(ts,$x)}]
        } else {
            set options(ts,$x) $to
        ts $x

proc command_trace {window line} {
    Send "TRACE $line"

proc command_umode {window line} {
    Send "MODE $::me $line"

proc command_unalias {window line} {
    set line [rele [split [string tolower $line]]]
    if {$line == ""} {
        set aliases ""
        foreach x [info commands command_*] {
            if {[string range [string trimleft [info body $x]] 0 5] == "#alias"} {
                lappend aliases [string range $x 8 end]
        Echo $window "\[ info \] Aliases: [join $aliases]" {info default}
    foreach x $line {
        if {[info procs command_$x] == "" || [string range [string trimleft [info body command_$x]] 0 5] != "#alias"} {
            Echo $window "\[ error \] Cannot unalias $x: no such alias" {error default}
        catch {rename command_$x ""}
        Echo $window "-alias $x" alias

proc command_unload {window line} {
    global procs
    if {[string trim $line] == ""} {
        set s ""
        foreach x [namespace children ::scripts] {
            if {[set t [info commands ${x}::unload]] != ""} {
                lappend s [namespace tail $x]
        if {$s != ""} {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Currently unloadable scripts: [join $s]" {info default}
        } else {
            Echo $window "\[ info \] There are no unloadable scripts" {info default}
    foreach x [rele [split $line]] {
        if {[info commands ::scripts::${x}::unload] != ""} {
            if {[catch {::scripts::${x}::unload} err]} {
                Echo $window "\[ error \] Could not unload $x: [geterror $err]" {error default}
            } else {
                foreach proc [array names procs] {
                    if {$x == $procs($proc)} {
                        catch {rename ::$proc ""}
                        if {[info commands ::backup::${x}::$proc] != ""} {
                            rename ::backup::${x}::$proc ::$proc
                        unset procs($proc)
                catch {namespace delete ::backup::${x}}
                namespace delete ::scripts::${x}
                if {$window != ".0"} {
                    Echo .0 "\[ info \] Unloaded $x" {info default}
                Echo $window "\[ info \] Unload: $x unloaded succesfully" {info default}
        } elseif {[info commands ::scripts::${x}::*] != ""} {
            Echo $window "\[ error \] $x is not unloadable" {error default}
        } else {
            Echo $window "\[ error \] Could not unload $x: no such script" {error default}

proc command_url {window line} {
    global urls prefs
    switch -exact -- [lindex [split $line] 0] {
        on {
            set prefs(urls) 1
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Url catcher is now ON" {info default}
        off {
            set prefs(urls) 0
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Url catcher is now OFF" {info default}
        clear {
            set urls ""
            Echo $window "\[ info \] Url list cleared" {info default}
        last {
            global prefs
            set url [lindex [rele [split [lindex $urls end]]] 3]
            eval exec [string map {"\$url" $url} $prefs(urlcommand)] &
        "" {

proc command_users {window line} {
    Send "USERS $line"

proc command_wall {window line} {
    global info names me
    set line [string trimleft $line]
    if {[info exists info(channel,$window)] && ![ischannelname [lindex $line 0]]} {
        set chan $info(channel,$window)
    } else {
        set chan [lindex $line 0]
        set line [join [lrange [split $line] 1 end]]
    Echo $window "-> +@$chan+: $line" me
    foreach {a b c d e f g} [array names names [globescape $chan],*,o] {
        Send "NOTICE [string map [list [string tolower $me] "" $chan, "" ,o ""] [join [list $a $b $c $d $e $f $g] ,]] :\[@$chan\] $line"

proc command_who {window line} {
    Send "WHO $line"

proc command_whois {window line} {
    Send "WHOIS $line"

proc command_whowas {window line} {
    Send "WHOWAS $line"

proc raw_001 {header line} {
    global me server prefs info showmotd notify away autoaway
    set info(time,server) [clock seconds]
    set notify(+online) ""
    set me [lindex $header end]
    if {!$prefs(showmotd)} {set showmotd 1}
    catch {unset autoaway}
    if {$away} {
        set autoaway 1
        Send "AWAY :$prefs(awayreason)"
    set away 0
    foreach x [array names info channel,*] {
        if {[winfo exists $info(window,$info($x))]} {
            Send "JOIN $info($x)"
        } elseif {[info exists info($x)]} {
            DeleteChannel $info($x)
    after cancel autoaway
    if {$prefs(autoaway) > 0} {after [expr {$prefs(autoaway) * 60000}] autoaway}
    if {$prefs(notify) != ""} {
        after 3000 [list Send "ISON [join $prefs(notify)]"]
    Echo .0 "\[ server \] $line" {server default}
    array unset info server,*
    after 1000 [list Event connect {}]
    after 1000 [list Parse ": 005 :"]

proc raw_002 {header line} {}

proc raw_003 {header line} {
    Echo .0 "\[ server \] $line" {server default}

proc raw_004 {header line} {
    Echo .0 "\[ server \] User modes available: [lindex $header 5] Channel modes: $line" {server default}

proc raw_005 {header line} {
    global info
    foreach x [lrange $header 3 end] {
        set x [split $x =]
        set info(server,[string tolower [lindex $x 0]]) [lindex $x 1]
    after cancel [list Event connect {}]
    after cancel [list Parse ": 005 :"]
    Event connect {}

proc raw_221 {header line} {
    if {$line == "+"} {
        .0.menubar.modes configure -text "-"
    } else {
        .0.menubar.modes configure -text [string trimleft $line +]

proc raw_301 {header line} {
    global info
    set nick [lindex $header end]
    if {![info exists info(query,[string tolower $nick])]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ away \] $nick is away: $line" {away default}

proc raw_302 {header line} {
    global userhost
    foreach x [split $line] {
        set nick [string trimright [lindex [split $x =] 0] *]
        set address [string range [lindex [split $x =] 1] 1 end]
        foreach x [common $nick] {ialadd $x $nick $address}
        if {[info exists userhost([string tolower $nick])]} {
            set cmd [string map [list %address [escape $nick!$address]] $userhost([string tolower $nick])]
            catch {eval $cmd}
            unset userhost([string tolower $nick])

proc raw_303 {header line} {
    global prefs notify away on info
    foreach x $notify(+online) {
        if {[lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $line]] [string tolower $x]] == -1} {
            if {![info exists notify([string tolower $x])]} {continue}
            set address [lindex $notify([string tolower $x]) 0]
            Echo .0 "\[ notify \] Signoff by $x ($address) at [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%R" -gmt $prefs(gmt)] ([dur [expr {[clock seconds] - [lindex $notify([string tolower $x]) 1]}]])" {notify default}
            if {[info exists info(query,[string tolower $x])]} {
                Echo $info(query,[string tolower $x]) "\[ notify \] Signoff by $x ($address) at [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%R" -gmt $prefs(gmt)] ([dur [expr {[clock seconds] - [lindex $notify([string tolower $x]) 1]}]])" {notify default}
            unset notify([string tolower $x])
            set index [lsearch -exact [string tolower $notify(+online)] [string tolower $x]]
            set notify(+online) [lreplace $notify(+online) $index $index]
            DoNotifyWindow refresh
            Event unnotify "x nick address address" $x!$address
    foreach x [split $line] {
        if {$x == ""} {continue}
        if {[lsearch -exact [string tolower $notify(+online)] [string tolower $x]] == -1} {
            getaddress $x [list notifyon $x %address [clock seconds]]
            lappend notify(+online) $x

proc raw_305 {header line} {
    global prefs away autoaway 
    Echo .0 "\[ away \] $line" {away default}
    set away 0
    catch {unset autoaway}
    if {$prefs(autoaway) > 0} {
        after [expr {$prefs(autoaway) * 60000}] autoaway
    Event unaway {}

proc raw_306 {header line} {
    global away autoaway
    set away 1
    after cancel autoaway
    Echo .0 "\[ away \] $line[expr {[info exists autoaway] ? { (auto)} : {}}]" {away default}
    Event away {}

proc raw_311 {header line} {
    Echo [current] "\[ whois \] [lindex $header 3] is [lindex $header 4]@[lindex $header 5] ($line)" {whois default}

proc raw_312 {header line} {
    global last
    if {$last == "314"} {
        Echo [current] "\[ whowas \] [lindex $header 3] was on server [lindex $header end] until $line" {whowas default}
    } else {
        Echo [current] "\[ whois \] [lindex $header 3] on server [lindex $header end] ($line)" {whois default}

proc raw_313 {header line} {
    Echo [current] "\[ whois \] [lindex $header end] $line" {whois default}

proc raw_314 {header line} {
    Echo [current] "\[ whowas \] [lindex $header 3] was [lindex $header 4]@[lindex $header 5] ($line)" {whowas default}

proc raw_315 {header line} {
    Echo [current] "\[ who \] [lindex $header end] $line" {who default}

proc raw_317 {header line} {
    global prefs
    if {[lindex $header 5] != ""} {
        Echo [current] "\[ whois \] [lindex $header 3] has been idle [dur [lindex $header 4]], signed on [clock format [lindex $header end] -format "%D at %T" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]" {whois default}
    } else {
        Echo [current] "\[ whois \] [lindex $header 3] has been idle [dur [lindex $header 4]]" {whois default}

proc raw_318 {header line} {}

proc raw_319 {header line} {
    Echo [current] "\[ whois \] [lindex $header end] on channels [string trim $line]" {whois default}

proc raw_320 {header line} {
    Echo [current] "\[ whois \] [lindex $header end] $line" {whois default}

proc raw_321 {header line} {
    global chanlist
    set chanlist ""
    proc listwindowupdate {} {update idletasks; after 1000 listwindowupdate}

proc raw_322 {header line} {
    if {![winfo exists .list]} {return}
    global chanlist
    set chan [lindex $header 3]
    set users [lindex $header 4]
    if {$chan == "*"} {return}
    if {$users == ""} {set users 0}
    lappend chanlist [list $chan $users $line]
    if {[string length $chan] > 20} {
        set chan [string range $chan 0 16]...
    .list.middle.list insert end [format "%-20s %5s %s" $chan $users $line]
    .list.bottom.status configure -text "Listing... [.list.middle.list index end]"

proc raw_323 {header line} {
    if {[winfo exists .list]} {
        .list.bottom.status configure -text "[.list.middle.list index end] channels"
    after cancel {listwindowupdate}
    if {[info commands listwindowupdate] == ""} {
        Echo .0 {[ server ] Channel list is empty} {server default}
    } else {
        rename listwindowupdate {}

proc raw_324 {header line} {
    global info
    set chan [string tolower [lindex $header 3]]
    set mode [string trimleft [string trim "[join [lrange $header 4 end]] $line"] +]
    if {[info exists info(window,$chan)] && [winfo exists $info(window,$chan)]} {
        if {$line != "+"} {
            $info(window,$chan).menubar.modes configure -text $mode
        } else {
            $info(window,$chan).menubar.modes configure -text "-"
    } else {
        Echo .0 "\[ channel \] $chan modes: $line" {channel default}

proc raw_329 {header line} {
    global info prefs
    set chan [string tolower [lindex $header 3]]
    global join$chan
    if {![info exists join$chan]} {return}
    unset join$chan
    if {[info exists info(window,$chan)]} {
        Echo $info(window,$chan) "\[ channel \] $chan was created on [clock format $line -format "%D at %T" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]" {channel default}
    } else {
        Echo .0 "\[ channel \] $chan was created on [clock format $line -format "%D at %T" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]" {channel default}

proc raw_332 {header line} {
    global info
    set chan [string tolower [lindex $header end]]
    Echo $info(window,$chan) "\[ topic \] $line" {topic default}
    InsertDisabled $info(window,$chan).middle.left.topic $line

proc raw_331 {header line} {
    global info
    set chan [string tolower [lindex $header end]]
    if {[info exists info(window,$chan)]} {
        Echo $info(window,$chan) {[ topic ] No topic is set} {topic default}
    } else {
        Echo .0 "\[ topic \] $chan no topic is set" {topic default}

proc raw_333 {header line} {
    global info prefs
    set nick [lindex $header 4]
    if {[string match "*!*" $nick]} {set nick "[lindex [split $nick !] 0] ([lindex [split $nick !] 1])"}
    Echo $info(window,[string tolower [lindex $header 3]]) "\[ topic \] set by $nick on [clock format $line -format "%D at %T" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]" {topic default}

proc raw_338 {header line} {
    if {[set host [lindex $header 4]] != ""} {
        Echo [current] "\[ whois \] [string totitle $line] $host" {whois default}
    } else {
        Echo [current] "\[ whois \] $line" {whois default}

proc raw_341 {header line} {
    Echo .0 "\[ invite \] Invited [lindex $header 3] to $line" {invite default}

proc raw_352 {header line} {
    set blah ""
    set hops [lindex $line 0]
    if {[string match *@* [lindex $header end]]} {
        lappend blah @[lindex $header 3]
    } elseif {[string match *+* [lindex $header end]]} {
        lappend blah +[lindex $header 3]
    } elseif {[lindex $header 3] != "*"} {
        lappend blah [lindex $header 3]
    if {[string index [lindex $header end] 0] == "G"} {
        lappend blah Away
    } elseif {[string index [lindex $header end] 0] == "H"} {
        lappend blah Here
    lappend blah "$hops hops"
    if {[string match "*\\\**" [lindex $header end]]} {
        lappend blah Oper
    set line [string range $line [expr {[string length $hops] + 1}] end]
    Echo [current] "\[ who \] [lindex $header 7]![lindex $header 4]@[lindex $header 5] ($line) on [lindex $header 6], [join $blah ", "]" {who default}

proc raw_353 {header line} {
    global names info last
    set chan [string tolower [lindex $header end]]
    if {[info exists info(window,$chan)]} {
        if {$last != "353"} {array unset names [globescape $chan],*}
        foreach nick [split $line] {
            if {$nick == ""} {continue}
            if {[string match {@*} $nick]} {
                set nick [string trimleft $nick @]
                set names($chan,[string tolower $nick],o) $nick
            } elseif {[string match {+*} $nick]} {
                set nick [string trimleft $nick +]
                set names($chan,[string tolower $nick],v) $nick
            } else {
                set names($chan,[string tolower $nick],n) $nick
            lappend names($chan,[string tolower $nick],a) $nick
    } else {
        Echo .0 "( 353 ) $chan: $line" numeric

proc raw_365 {header line} {}

proc raw_364 {header line} {
    if {![winfo exists .links]} {
        global prefs
        toplevel .links
        wm geometry .links [expr {round([winfo width .0] * .70)}]x[expr {round([winfo height .0] * .80)}]
        wm title .links "RoxIRC Links"
        wm iconname .links "Links [lindex $header end] \[RoxIRC\]"
        frame .links.top
        frame .links.buttons -bd [.links cget -bd] -relief raised
        pack .links.buttons -side bottom -fill x -ipady 3
        pack .links.top -ipadx 1 -ipady 1 -side top -fill both -expand 1
        scrollbar .links.top.scrolly -orient v -command ".links.top.list yview"
        scrollbar .links.top.scrollx -orient h -command ".links.top.list xview"
        listbox .links.top.list -bd 1 -relief sunken -font fixed -yscrollcommand ".links.top.scrolly set" -xscrollcommand ".links.top.scrollx set"
        bind .links.top.list <Double-Button-1> {command_server .0 [lindex [split [.links.top.list get [.links.top.list curselection]]] 0]}
        bind .links <Escape> ".links.buttons.done invoke"
        pack .links.top.scrolly -side right -fill y
        pack .links.top.scrollx -side bottom -fill x
        pack .links.top.list -fill both -expand 1
        button .links.buttons.save -text Save -command "SaveListbox .links.top.list" -font $prefs(font,menu)
        button .links.buttons.done -text Done -command "destroy .links" -font $prefs(font,menu)
        pack .links.buttons.save -side left -padx 5
        pack .links.buttons.done -side right -padx 5
    .links.top.list insert 0 "[string repeat "   " [lindex [split $line] 0]][lindex $header 3] ([join [string range [split $line] 2 end]])"

proc raw_366 {header line} {
    global info
    set chan [string tolower [lindex $header end]]
    if {[info exists info(window,$chan)]} {
        ListFill $info(window,$chan)
        UpdateTitle $info(window,$chan)

proc raw_367 {header line} {
    global banlist
    if {[llength $header] < 5} {
        lappend banlist [list $line unknown [clock seconds] b]
    } else {
        lappend banlist "[lrange $header 4 end] $line b"

proc raw_348 {header line} {
    global banlist
    if {[llength $header] < 5} {
        lappend banlist [list $line unknown [clock seconds] e]
    } else {
        lappend banlist "[lrange $header 4 end] $line e"

proc raw_349 {header line} {
    BanWindow [string tolower [lindex $header end]]

proc raw_368 {header line} {
    BanWindow [string tolower [lindex $header end]]

proc raw_369 {header line} {}

proc raw_372 {header line} {
    global showmotd
    if {![info exists showmotd]} {Echo .0 "\[ motd \] $line" {motd default}}

proc raw_375 {header line} {
    global showmotd
    if {![info exists showmotd]} {Echo .0 "\[ motd \] $line" {motd default}}

proc raw_376 {header line} {
    global showmotd
    if {[info exists showmotd]} {
        unset showmotd
    } else {
        Echo .0 "\[ motd \] $line" {motd default}

proc raw_377 {header line} {
    global showmotd
    if {![info exists showmotd]} {Echo .0 "\[ motd \] $line" {motd default}}

proc raw_401 {header line} {
    Echo .0 "( 401 ) [lindex $header end] $line" numeric
    Send "WHOWAS [lindex $header end]"

proc raw_404 {header line} {
    global info
    set chan [lindex $header end]
    if {[info exists info(window,$chan)]} {
        if {[string match *m* [lindex [$info(window,$chan).menubar.modes cget -text] 0]]} {
            Echo $info(window,$chan) {[ channel ] Cannot send to channel} {channel default}
        } else {
            Echo $info(window,$chan) "\[ channel \] [lindex $header 0] is desynched (cannot send to channel)" {channel default}
    } else {
        Echo .0 "\[ channel \] $chan cannot send to channel" {channel default}

proc raw_422 {header line} {
    global showmotd
    if {[info exists showmotd]} {unset showmotd}
    Echo .0 {[ motd ] No MOTD} {motd default}

proc raw_431 {header line} {
    global info connecting
    if {[info exists connecting] && [lindex $header 2] == "*" || [lindex $header 2] == ""} {
        Echo .0 {[ info ] All your alternate nicks are in use, choose a new one} {info default}
        .0.bottom.cmdline delete 0 end
        .0.bottom.cmdline insert 0 "/nick "
    } else {
        Echo .0 "( 431 ) $line" numeric

proc raw_433 {header line} {
    global info prefs me connecting
    if {[lindex $header 2] == "*"} {
        Echo .0 "\[ server \] Nickname is already in use: [lindex $header end]" {server default}
        if {$me != "-" && [info exists connecting] && [lindex $header end] != $me && [lsearch -exact $prefs(nick) [lindex $header end]] > -1} {
            Send "NICK $me"
        } elseif {[set index [lsearch -exact $prefs(nick) [lindex $header end]]] != -1} {
            Send "NICK [unescape [lindex $prefs(nick) [expr {$index + 1}]]]"
        } else {
            Send "NICK [unescape [lindex $prefs(nick) 0]]"
    } else {
        Echo .0 "( 433 ) [lindex $header end] $line" numeric

proc raw_437 {header line} {
    global info
    set chan [lindex $header end]
    if {[info exists info(window,$chan)]} {
        Echo $info(window,$chan) "\[ channel \] $line" {channel default}
        after 30000 [list Send "JOIN $chan"]
    } else {
        Echo .0 "\[ channel \] $chan $line" {channel default}

proc raw_443 {header line} {
    Echo .0 "\[ invite \] [lindex $header 3] $line [lindex $header 4]" {invite default}

proc raw_471 {header line} {
    global info
    set channel [lindex $header end]
    Echo .0 "\[ channel \] Cannot join $channel: full" {channel default}
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)]} {DeleteChannel $channel $info(window,$channel)}

proc raw_473 {header line} {
    global info
    set channel [lindex $header end]
    Echo .0 "\[ channel \] Cannot join $channel: not invited" {channel default}
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)]} {DeleteChannel $channel $info(window,$channel)}

proc raw_474 {header line} {
    global info
    set channel [lindex $header end]
    Echo .0 "\[ channel \] Cannot join $channel: banned" {channel default}
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)]} {DeleteChannel $channel $info(window,$channel)}

proc raw_475 {header line} {
    global info
    set channel [lindex $header end]
    Echo .0 "\[ channel \] Cannot join $channel: wrong key" {channel default}
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)]} {DeleteChannel $channel $info(window,$channel)}

proc raw_JOIN {header line} {
    global me info names
    set channel [string tolower $line]
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    if {[string equal -nocase $me $nick]} {
        if {![info exists info(window,$channel)]} {
            CreateChannel $channel
        } else {
            InsertDisabled $info(window,$channel).middle.left.topic {}
        Send "MODE $channel"
        set ::join$channel {}
        after 15000 [list catch [list unset join$channel]]
    } elseif {[winfo exists $info(window,$channel)]} {
        set names($channel,[string tolower $nick],a) $nick
        ListAdd $info(window,$channel) $nick
        ialadd $channel $nick $address
    Echo $info(window,$channel) "\[ join \] $nick ($address)" {join default}
    Event join "nick nick address address channel channel" $channel $nick!$address

proc raw_PART {header line} {
    global me info
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    lappend header $line
    set channel [string tolower [lindex $header 2]]
    set line [lindex $header 3]
    set msg {}
    if {$line != ""} {set msg " ($line)"}
    Echo $info(window,$channel) "\[ part \] $nick ($address)$msg" {part default}
    Event part "nick nick address address channel channel line line" $channel $nick!$address
    if {[string equal -nocase $nick $me]} {
        DeleteChannel $channel $info(window,$channel)
    } elseif {[winfo exists $info(window,$channel)]} {
        DeleteUser $channel $nick

proc raw_QUIT {header line} {
    global info netsplit prefs
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    Event quit "nick nick address address line line" "$nick!$address $line"
    if {$prefs(netsplit) && [string match "*?.??*.??* *?.??*.??*" $line] && [llength $line] == 2} {
        catch {after cancel netsplit}
        after 4000 netsplit
        foreach x [common $nick] {
            if {![info exists netsplit($info(window,$x))]} {
                Echo $info(window,$x) "\[ quit \] Netsplit: [lindex $line 0] -> [lindex $line 1]" {netsplit quit default}
            lappend netsplit($info(window,$x)) $nick
            DeleteUser $x $nick
    foreach x [common $nick] {
        Echo $info(window,$x) "\[ quit \] $nick ($address) ($line)" {quit default}
        DeleteUser $x $nick

proc netsplit {} {
    global netsplit
    foreach x [array names netsplit] {
        Echo $x "\[ quit \] Netsplit: [join [lsort -dictionary $netsplit($x)]] ([llength $netsplit($x)])" {netsplit quit default}
    unset netsplit

proc raw_PRIVMSG {header line} {
    global me info away
    set to [string tolower [lindex $header 2]]
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    if {[string match \001*\001 $line]} {
        if {[info exists ::flood]} {return}
        Ignore CTCP $nick!$address
        set line [string trim $line "\001"]
        set ctcp [lindex [rele [split $line]] 0]
        set line [string range $line [expr {[string length $ctcp] + 1}] end]
        if {[info commands ctcp_$ctcp] != ""} {
            ctcp_$ctcp $header $line
        } else {
            if {[string equal -nocase $to $me]} {
                Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] Unknown ctcp [string trim "$ctcp $line"] from $nick!$address" {ctcp default}
            } else {
                Echo $info(window,$to) "\[ ctcp \] Unknown ctcp [string trim "$ctcp $line"] from $nick!$address" {ctcp default}
    if {[info exists info(window,$to)]} {
        ialadd $to $nick $address
        Ignore PUBLIC $nick!$address
        set c {}
        if {[isop $to $nick]} {
            set c @
        } elseif {[isvoice $to $nick]} {
            set c +
        Echo $info(window,$to) < "<> $c<>" $c $c $nick "${c}nicks nicks" > "<> $c<>" " $line" margin
        #Echo $info(window,$to) "<$nick> $line" {}
    } elseif {[string equal -nocase $me $to]} {
        Ignore MSGS $nick!$address
        if {$away && ![info exists info(query,[string tolower $nick])]} {
            Echo .0 "*$nick!$address* $line" privmsg
        } else {
            Echo [UpdateChat $nick!$address] "<$nick> $line" {}
    } else {
        Echo .0 "*$nick/$to* $line" privmsg
    Event text "nick nick address address to target line line" $to $nick!$address $line

proc raw_NOTICE {header line} {
    global me info server connecting
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    set channel [string tolower [lindex $header 2]]
    if {[string match "\001*\001" $line]} {
        set line [string trim $line "\001"]
        set reply [lindex [rele [split $line]] 0]
        set line [string range $line [expr {[string length $reply] + 1}] end]
        if {[info commands reply_$reply] != ""} {
            reply_$reply $header $line
        } else {
            Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] $reply reply from $nick: $line" {ctcp default}
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)]} {
        Ignore NOTICES $nick!$address
        Echo $info(window,$channel) "-$nick- $line" {}
        ialadd $channel $nick $address
    } elseif {[string match *.* $nick]} {
        regsub {^\*\*\* Notice -- |^\*\*\* } $line {} line
        if {[info exists connecting]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ server \] $line" {server default}
        } elseif {[string equal -nocase $server $nick]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ snotice \] $line" {snotice default}
        } else {
            Echo .0 "\[ snotice \] from $nick: $line" {snotice default}
    } elseif {[string equal -nocase $me $channel]} {
        Ignore NOTICES $nick!$address
        if {[info exists info(query,[string tolower $nick])]} {
            Echo $info(query,[string tolower $nick]) "+$nick+ $line" {privmsg}
        } else {
            Echo .0 "+$nick+ $line" privmsg
    } else {
        Ignore NOTICES $nick!$address
        Echo .0 "+$nick/$channel+ $line" privmsg
    Event notice "nick nick address address channel target line line" $channel $nick!$address $line

proc raw_MODE {header line} {
    global info me names
    if {[string equal -nocase $me [lindex $header 2]]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ mode \] $me sets umode $line" {mode default}
        Send "MODE $me"
        foreach mchar [split $line {}] {
            if {$mchar == "+" || $mchar == "-"} {set dir $mchar; continue}
            lappend mode $dir$mchar
        Event umode "mode mode"
    lappend header $line
    set channel [string tolower [lindex $header 2]]
    if {![winfo exists $info(window,$channel)]} {return}
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    set mode [lindex $header 3]
    set line [lrange $header 4 end]
    Echo $info(window,$channel) "\[ mode \] $nick sets mode $mode [join $line]" {mode default}
    if {![string match *.* $nick]} {ialadd $channel $nick $address}
    set i 0
    set do {}
    foreach mchar [split $mode {}] {
        if {$mchar == "+" || $mchar == "-"} {set dir $mchar; continue}
        lappend newmode $dir$mchar
        if {[string match {[ohvbekl]} $mchar]} {
            if {$mchar == "l" && $dir == "-"} {continue}
            lappend do $dir$mchar [lindex $line $i]
            incr i
    set key {}
    set limit {}
    foreach {mchar arg} $do {
        switch -glob -- $mchar {
            +o {
                if {![isop $channel $arg]} {
                    set names($channel,[string tolower $arg],o) $arg
                    ListChange $info(window,$channel) $arg $arg
                    Event op "nick nick address address channel channel arg onick" $channel $nick!$address $arg
            -o {
                if {[isop $channel $arg]} {
                    unset names($channel,[string tolower $arg],o)
                    ListChange $info(window,$channel) $arg $arg
                    Event deop "nick nick address address channel channel arg onick" $channel $nick!$address $arg
            +v {
                if {![isvoice $channel $arg]} {
                    set names($channel,[string tolower $arg],v) $arg
                    ListChange $info(window,$channel) $arg $arg
                    Event voice "nick nick address address channel channel arg vnick" $channel $nick!$address $arg
            -v {
                if {[isvoice $channel $arg]} {
                    unset names($channel,[string tolower $arg],v)
                    ListChange $info(window,$channel) $arg $arg
                    Event devoice "nick nick address address channel channel arg vnick" $channel $nick!$address $arg
            ?b {Event [string map {+ {} - un} $mchar]an "nick nick address address channel channel arg ban" $channel $nick!$address}
            ?e {Event [string map {+ {} - un} $mchar]xception "nick nick address address channel channel arg exception" $channel $nick!$address}
            ?k {set key $arg}
            ?l {set limit $arg}
    if {![regexp {^[ohvbe+-]+$} $mode]} {
        after cancel [list Send "MODE $channel"]
        after 350 [list Send "MODE $channel"]
        Event mode "nick nick address address channel channel newmode mode key key limit limit" $channel $nick!$address
    if {[string match -nocase *$me* [join $line]]} {UpdateTitle $info(window,$channel)}

proc raw_NICK {header line} {
    global me info names
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    Event nick "nick nick address address line newnick" $nick!$address $line
    set nick2 [string tolower $nick]
    foreach x [common $nick] {
        if {[isop $x $nick]} {
            unset names($x,$nick2,o)
            set names($x,[string tolower $line],o) $line
        if {[isvoice $x $nick]} {
            unset names($x,$nick2,v)
            set names($x,[string tolower $line],v) $line
        unset names($x,$nick2,a)
        set names($x,[string tolower $line],a) $line
        Echo $info(window,$x) "\[ nick \] $nick is now known as $line" {nick default}
        ListChange $info(window,$x) $nick $line
        ialdel $x $nick
        ialadd $x $line $address
    if {[string equal -nocase $nick $me]} {
        set me $line
        Echo .0 "\[ nick \] Your nick is now $line" {nick default}
    if {[info exists info(query,$nick2)]} {
        set win $info(query,$nick2)
        unset info(query,$nick2)
        set info(query,[string tolower $line]) $win
        set info(nick,$win) [string tolower $line]
        wm title $win "RoxIRC Query $line"
        wm iconname $win "Query $line \[RoxIRC\]"

proc raw_KICK {header line} {
    global me info away
    set channel [string tolower [lindex $header 2]]
    if {![winfo exists $info(window,$channel)]} {return}
    set knick [lindex $header end]
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    Event kick "nick nick address address channel channel knick knick" $channel $nick!$address $knick
    if {[string equal -nocase $knick $me]} {
        set win $info(window,$channel)
        Echo $win "\[ kick \] You were kicked from $channel by $nick!$address ($line)" {kick default}
        DeleteChannel $channel $win
        if {!$away} {
            dialog ${win}kick "RoxIRC Rejoin?" "You were kicked from $channel\nDo you want to rejoin?" kickrejoin 1 "Yes [list 1 $channel]" "No 0"
    } else {
        DeleteUser $channel $knick
        Echo $info(window,$channel) "\[ kick \] $nick kicked $knick ($line)" {kick default}

proc kickrejoin {args} {
    if {[lindex $args 0] == 1} {
        Send "JOIN [lindex $args 1]"

proc raw_TOPIC {header line} {
    global info on
    set channel [string tolower [lindex $header end]]
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    if {$line == ""} {
        Echo $info(window,$channel) "\[ topic \] $nick has removed the topic" {topic default}
    } else {
        Echo $info(window,$channel) "\[ topic \] $nick has changed the topic to \"$line\"" {topic default}
    catch {InsertDisabled $info(window,$channel).middle.left.topic $line}
    Event topic "nick nick address address channel channel line line" $channel $nick!$address

# drop this with 8.3 support
proc InsertDisabled {win line} {
    global tcl_version
    $win configure -state normal
    $win delete 0 end
    $win insert end $line
    $win configure -state disabled
    if {$tcl_version >= 8.4} {$win configure -state readonly}

proc raw_INVITE {header line} {
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    Ignore INVITES $nick!$address
    Echo .0 "\[ invite \] $nick!$address invites you to $line" {invite default}
    Event invite "nick nick address address line channel" $nick!$address $line

proc raw_WALLOPS {header line} {
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    Echo .0 "\[ wallops \] : $line" {wallops default}
    Event wallops "nick nick address address line line" $nick!$address $line

proc raw_AUTH {header line} {
    if {[string range $line 0 3] == "*** "} {
        set line [string range $line 4 end]
    Echo .0 "\[ server \] $line" {server default}

proc raw_KILL {header line} {
    foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x "\[ kill \] You were killed by [lindex $header 0] $line" {kill default}}

proc raw_PONG {header line} {
    if {![catch {set pong [format %0.2fs [expr {([clock clicks -milliseconds] - $line) / 1000.000}]]}]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ server \] Ping reply from [lindex $header 0]: $pong" {server default}

proc raw_* {header line} {
    Parse "[lindex [split $header] 0] $::me :$line"

proc SaveListbox {path} {
    global env
    set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "RoxIRC Save Listbox" -initialdir $env(HOME) -filetypes {{All *} {Text *.txt}}]
    if {$file == ""} {return}
    if {[catch {open $file w} fn]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Cannot open $file for writing: [geterror $fn]" {error default}
    puts $fn [join [$path get 0 end] "\n"]
    close $fn
    Echo .0 "\[ info \] [lrange [split [wm title [winfo toplevel $path]]] 1 end] saved to $file" {info default}

proc DoBinding {window command} {
    global away server me info prefs dcc
    set window [winfo toplevel $window]
    switch -exact [string index $window 1] {
        0 {}
        q {
            if {![info exists info(nick,$window)]} {return}
            set nick $info(nick,$window)
        c {set nick $dcc([string trimleft $window .],nick)}
        default {
            set channel ""
            if {[info exists info(channel,$window)]} {set channel $info(channel,$window)}
            set nicks [selected $window]
            set nick [lindex $nicks 0]
    if {[catch {eval $command} err]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Error in binding: [geterror $err] while executing $command" {error default}

proc DoTimer {num delay left times command} {
    global me server away info prefs
    if {[catch {eval $command} error]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error in timer $num: $error" {error default}
    if {$times == 0} {
        incr left
    } elseif {$left > 1} {
        incr left -1
    } else {
    after $delay [list DoTimer $num $delay $left $times $command]

proc Event {name upvars args} {
    global on me away server info prefs
    if {![info exists on($name)]} {return}
    if {$upvars != ""} {eval upvar $upvars}
    set a {}
    set v {}
    foreach {x y} $upvars {
        lappend a $y
        lappend v [set $y]
    foreach x $on($name) {
        set match 1
        set matched [lrange $x 0 end-1]
        foreach first $matched second $args {
            if {[set error [catch {string match -nocase [subst -nobackslashes $first] [unescape $second]} match]]} {
                Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error processing $name event: $match" {error default}
            if {$error || !$match} {break}
        if {!$match} {continue}
        set proc on[clock clicks]
        eval proc $proc \{$a\} \{global server me away prefs info\; [lindex $x end]\; rename $proc \{\}\}
        after 1 [list DoEvent $name $matched $proc $v]

proc DoEvent {name matched proc values} {
    if {[catch {eval $proc $values} err]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error executing $name event: $err" {error default}

proc BanWindow {chan} {
    global banlist info prefs tcl_platform
    if {![info exists banlist]} {
        if {[info exists info(window,$chan)]} {
            Echo $info(window,$chan) {[ channel ] Banlist is empty} {channel default}
        } else {
            Echo .0 "\[ channel \] $chan banlist is empty" {channel default}
    if {[winfo exists .bans]} {
        if {$chan == [lindex [split [wm title .bans]] 2]} {
            set geom [winfo geometry .bans]
        destroy .bans
    toplevel .bans
    wm title .bans "RoxIRC Banlist $chan"
    wm iconname .bans "Banlist $chan \[RoxIRC\]"
    bind .bans <Return> ".bans.buttons.ok invoke"
    bind .bans <Escape> ".bans.buttons.cancel invoke"
    frame .bans.top
    frame .bans.buttons -bd [.bans cget -bd] -relief raised
    frame .bans.mid
    pack .bans.buttons -side bottom -fill x -ipady 3
    pack .bans.mid -side bottom -fill x -ipady 3
    pack .bans.top -ipadx 1 -ipady 1 -side top -fill both -expand 1
    scrollbar .bans.top.scrolly -orient v -command ".bans.top.list yview"
    scrollbar .bans.top.scrollx -orient h -command ".bans.top.list xview"
    listbox .bans.top.list -bd 1 -relief sunken -font fixed -yscrollcommand ".bans.top.scrolly set" -xscrollcommand ".bans.top.scrollx set" -selectmode extended
    listbox .bans.top.old
    label .bans.mid.num -bd 1 -relief sunken -text " [llength $banlist] bans " -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .bans.mid.del -text "Remove" -command "DoBanWindow 0" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .bans.mid.all -text "Remove All" -command "DoBanWindow 1" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    pack .bans.top.scrolly -side right -fill y
    pack .bans.top.scrollx -side bottom -fill x
    pack .bans.top.list -fill both -expand 1
    pack .bans.mid.num -side left -padx 5
    pack .bans.mid.del -side left -padx 10
    pack .bans.mid.all -side left -padx 5
    button .bans.buttons.ok  -default active -text "Ok" -width 5 -command "DoBanWindow $chan" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .bans.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "destroy .bans" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    pack .bans.buttons.ok -side left -padx 5
    pack .bans.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
    set l1 0
    set l2 0
    foreach x $banlist {
        if {[string length [lindex $x 0]] > $l1} {set l1 [string length [lindex $x 0]]}
        if {[string length [lindex $x 1]] > $l2} {set l2 [string length [lindex $x 1]]}
        .bans.top.old insert end [lindex $x 0]
    foreach x $banlist {
        .bans.top.list insert end [format " %s  %-${l1}s  %-${l2}s  %s"  [lindex $x 3] [lindex $x 0] [lindex $x 1] [clock format [lindex $x 2] -format "%D %T" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]]
    unset banlist
    wm withdraw .bans
    update idletasks
    if {[info exists geom]} {
        wm geometry .bans $geom
    } elseif {[info exists info(window,$chan)]} {
        set win $info(window,$chan)
        set cw [winfo width $win]
        set ch [winfo height $win]
        set bw [expr {round($cw * .666)}]
        set bh [expr {round($ch * .666)}]
        set x [expr {(($cw / 2) + [winfo rootx $win]) - ($bw / 2)}]
        set y [expr {(($ch / 2) + [winfo rooty $win]) - ($bh / 2)}]
        wm geometry .bans ${bw}x$bh+$x+$y
    } else {
        wm geometry .bans [expr {round([winfo width .0] * .666)}]x[expr {round([winfo height .0] * .666)}]
    wm deiconify .bans

proc DoBanWindow {type} {
    switch -exact -- $type {
        0 {
            foreach x [lsort -integer -decreasing [.bans.top.list curselection]] {.bans.top.list delete $x}
        1 {.bans.top.list delete 0 end}
        default {
            set bans ""
            set new ""
            set old [.bans.top.old get 0 end]
            foreach x [.bans.top.list get 0 end] {
                lappend new [lindex [split $x] 3]
            foreach x $old {
                if {[lsearch -exact $new $x] == -1} {lappend bans $x}
                if {[llength $bans] == 4} {
                    Send "MODE $type -bbbb [join $bans]"
                    set bans ""
            if {[llength $bans] > 0} {Send "MODE $type -[string repeat b [llength $bans]] [join $bans]"}
            destroy .bans

proc KickWindow {win address} {
    global prefs info userhost
    set nick [lindex [split $address !] 0]
    if {$nick == $address} {set address [address $nick]}
    if {$address == ""} {
        Echo $win {[ info ] Getting users address...} {info default}
        getaddress $nick [list KickWindow $win %address]
    if {[winfo exists .kb]} {destroy .kb}
    toplevel .kb
    wm title .kb "RoxIRC Kick/Ban $nick from $info(channel,$win)"
    wm iconname .kb "Kick/Ban \[RoxIRC\]"
    bind .kb <Escape> ".kb.buttons.cancel invoke"
    bind .kb <Return> ".kb.buttons.bk invoke"
    frame .kb.buttons -relief raised -bd [.kb cget -bd]
    frame .kb.left
    frame .kb.right
    frame .kb.left.top
    frame .kb.right.top
    frame .kb.left.bottom
    frame .kb.right.bottom
    pack .kb.buttons -side bottom -fill x -ipady 3
    pack .kb.left -side left -fill both -expand 1
    pack .kb.right -side right -fill both -expand 1
    pack .kb.left.bottom -fill x -side bottom
    pack .kb.right.bottom -fill x -side bottom
    pack .kb.left.top -fill both -expand 1 -side top
    pack .kb.right.top -fill both -expand 1 -side top
    listbox .kb.left.top.list -exportselection 0 -font $prefs(font,menu)
    listbox .kb.right.top.list -exportselection 0 -font $prefs(font,menu)
    foreach x "1 2 3 4 5 6" {
        .kb.left.top.list insert end " [addressmask $address $x]"
    foreach x $prefs(kick) {
        .kb.right.top.list insert end " $x "
    label .kb.left.bottom.label -text "Ban: "
    label .kb.right.bottom.label -text "Kick: "
    entry .kb.left.bottom.entry
    entry .kb.right.bottom.entry
    button .kb.buttons.ban -text "Ban" -command [list DoKickWindow $info(channel,$win) $nick 0] -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .kb.buttons.bk -default active -text "Ban/Kick" -command [list DoKickWindow $info(channel,$win) $nick 1] -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .kb.buttons.kick -text "Kick" -command [list DoKickWindow $info(channel,$win) $nick 2] -font $prefs(font,menu)
    #checkbutton .kb.buttons.ignore -text "Ignore"
    button .kb.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "destroy .kb" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    pack .kb.buttons.ban -side left -padx 5
    pack .kb.buttons.bk -side left
    pack .kb.buttons.kick -side left -padx 5
    #pack .kb.buttons.ignore -side left
    pack .kb.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
    pack .kb.left.top.list -fill both -expand 1
    pack .kb.right.top.list -fill both -expand 1
    pack .kb.left.bottom.label -side left
    pack .kb.left.bottom.entry -side left -expand 1 -fill x
    pack .kb.right.bottom.label -side left
    pack .kb.right.bottom.entry -side left -expand 1 -fill x
    bind .kb.left.top.list <ButtonRelease> {.kb.left.bottom.entry delete 0 end ; .kb.left.bottom.entry insert end [string trim [.kb.left.top.list get [.kb.left.top.list curselection]]]}
    bind .kb.right.top.list <ButtonRelease> {.kb.right.bottom.entry delete 0 end ; .kb.right.bottom.entry insert end [string trim [.kb.right.top.list get [.kb.right.top.list curselection]]]}
    .kb.right.top.list selection set 0
    .kb.left.top.list selection set 2
    .kb.left.bottom.entry insert end [string trim [.kb.left.top.list get 2]]
    .kb.right.bottom.entry insert end [string trim [.kb.right.top.list get 0]]
    wm withdraw .kb
    update idletasks
    set cw [winfo width $win]
    set ch [winfo height $win]
    set bw [expr {round($cw * .6)}]
    set bh [expr {round($ch * .6)}]
    set x [expr {(($cw / 2) + [winfo rootx $win]) - ($bw / 2)}]
    set y [expr {(($ch / 2) + [winfo rooty $win]) - ($bh / 2)}]
    wm geometry .kb ${bw}x$bh+$x+$y
    wm deiconify .kb

proc DoKickWindow {chan nick type} {
    global info
    set ban [.kb.left.bottom.entry get]
    set kick [.kb.right.bottom.entry get]
    destroy .kb
    if {($type == "0" || $type == "1") && $ban != ""} {Send "MODE $chan -o+b $nick $ban"}
    if {$type == "1" || $type == "2"} {Send "KICK $chan $nick :$kick"}
    #if {$ignore && $ban != ""} {command_ignore .0 $ban}

proc ModeWindow {win} {
    global info prefs mmode
    if {![info exists info(channel,$win)]} {return}
    set chan $info(channel,$win)
    set blah [lindex [split [$win.menubar.modes cget -text]] 0]
    if {[winfo exists .mode]} {destroy .mode}
    toplevel .mode
    wm title .mode "RoxIRC Modes $chan"
    wm iconname .mode "Modes $chan \[RoxIRC\]"
    wm transient .mode $win
    frame .mode.buttons -bd [.mode cget -bd] -relief raised
    frame .mode.kl -bd 1 -relief sunken
    frame .mode.left -bd 1 -relief sunken
    frame .mode.right -bd 1 -relief sunken
    pack .mode.buttons -side bottom -fill x
    pack .mode.kl -side bottom -fill x -padx 3 -pady 3
    pack .mode.left -side left -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand 1
    pack .mode.right -side right -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3 -expand 1
    foreach x "n t s i m p" side "left left left right right right" {
        checkbutton .mode.$side.$x -font fixed -highlightthickness 0 -text $x -variable mmode($x) -relief raised -bd 1 -anchor w -padx 10
        if {[string first $x $blah] != -1} {.mode.$side.$x select}
        pack .mode.$side.$x -side top -padx 3 -pady 3 -fill x -ipady 3
    label .mode.kl.k -text "k" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    label .mode.kl.l -text "l" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    entry .mode.kl.le -width 10 -font $prefs(font,menu) -highlightthickness 0
    entry .mode.kl.ke -width 10 -font $prefs(font,menu) -highlightthickness 0
    set mmode(k) ""
    set mmode(l) ""
    foreach x [chanmodes $info(channel,$win)] {
        if {[lindex $x 0] == "k" || [lindex $x 0] == "l"} {
            .mode.kl.[lindex $x 0]e insert end [lindex $x 1]
            set mmode([lindex $x 0]) [lindex $x 1]
    pack .mode.kl.k -side left -pady 3 -padx 2
    pack .mode.kl.ke -side left -pady 3 -padx 4 -expand 1 -fill x
    pack .mode.kl.le -side right -pady 3 -padx 4 -expand 1 -fill x
    pack .mode.kl.l -side right -pady 3 -padx 2
    button .mode.buttons.ok -default active -text "Ok" -width 5 -command [list DoModeWindow $chan] -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .mode.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "DoModeWindow 0" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    pack .mode.buttons.ok -side left -padx 5 -pady 2
    pack .mode.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5 -pady 2
    bind .mode <Return> ".mode.buttons.ok invoke"
    bind .mode <Escape> ".mode.buttons.cancel invoke"
    wm withdraw .mode
    update idletasks
    set x [expr {(([winfo width $win] / 2) + [winfo rootx $win]) - ([winfo reqwidth .mode] / 2)}]
    set y [expr {(([winfo height $win] / 2) + [winfo rooty $win]) - ([winfo reqheight .mode] / 2)}]
    wm geometry .mode +$x+$y
    wm deiconify .mode

proc DoModeWindow {chan} {
    global mmode
    if {$chan == "0"} {
        destroy .mode
        unset mmode
    set l [.mode.kl.le get]
    set k [.mode.kl.ke get]
    destroy .mode
    set tmp(0) ""
    set tmp(1) ""
    foreach x "n t m i s p" {append tmp($mmode($x)) $x}
    if {$l != "" && $mmode(l) != $l} {
        Send "MODE $chan +l $l"
    } elseif {$l == ""} {
        append tmp(0) l
    if {$mmode(k) != "" && $mmode(k) != $k} {
        Send "MODE $chan -k $mmode(k)"
    if {$k != "" && $mmode(k) != $k} {
        Send "MODE $chan +k $k"
    Send "MODE $chan -$tmp(0)"
    Send "MODE $chan +$tmp(1)"
    unset mmode

proc NotifyWindow {} {
    if {[winfo exists .notify]} {
        wm deiconify .notify
        raise .notify
    global notify prefs
    toplevel .notify
    wm title .notify "RoxIRC Notify List"
    wm iconname .notify "Notify List \[RoxIRC\]"
    frame .notify.bottom -bd [.notify cget -bd] -relief raised
    button .notify.bottom.delete -text Remove -command "DoNotifyWindow remove" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    entry .notify.bottom.entry -width 10 -highlightthickness 0 -font $prefs(font,menu)
    bind .notify.bottom.entry <Return> "DoNotifyWindow add"
    label .notify.bottom.label -text "Add:" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    pack .notify.bottom -side bottom -fill x -ipadx 4 -ipady 3
    pack .notify.bottom.label -side left -padx 5
    pack .notify.bottom.entry -side left
    pack .notify.bottom.delete -side right -padx 4
    frame .notify.top
    scrollbar .notify.top.scrollx -orient h -command ".notify.top.list xview"
    scrollbar .notify.top.scrolly -orient v -command ".notify.top.list yview"
    listbox .notify.top.list -bd 1 -yscrollcommand ".notify.top.scrolly set" -xscrollcommand ".notify.top.scrollx set" -font fixed
    bind .notify.top.list <Double-Button-1> "DoNotifyWindow double"
    bind .notify <Escape> "destroy .notify"
    pack .notify.top -side top -fill both -expand 1
    pack .notify.top.scrolly -side right -fill y
    pack .notify.top.scrollx -side bottom -fill x
    pack .notify.top.list -expand 1 -fill both
    DoNotifyWindow refresh
    wm withdraw .notify
    update idletasks
    wm geometry .notify [expr {round([winfo width .0] * .700)}]x[expr {round([winfo height .0] * .700)}]
    wm deiconify .notify

proc DoNotifyWindow {cmd} {
    if {![winfo exists .notify]} {return}
    switch -exact -- $cmd {
        refresh {
            global notify prefs
            .notify.top.list delete 0 end
            set l1 0
            foreach x $notify(+online) {
                if {[string length $x] > $l1} {set l1 [string length $x]}
            .notify.top.list insert end "   Online:"
            foreach x [lsort -dictionary $notify(+online)] {
                .notify.top.list insert end [format " %s   %-${l1}s  %s" \[[clock format [lindex $notify([string tolower $x]) 1] -format "%R" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]\] $x [lindex $notify([string tolower $x]) 0]]
            .notify.top.list insert end "" "   Offline:"
            foreach x [lsort -dictionary $prefs(notify)] {
                if {[lsearch -exact [string tolower $notify(+online)] [string tolower $x]] == "-1"} {
                    .notify.top.list insert end " \[--:--\]   [unescape $x]"
        add {
            if {[set nick [.notify.bottom.entry get]] == ""} {return}
            .notify.bottom.entry delete 0 end
            command_notify .0 $nick
        remove {
            if {[set tmp [.notify.top.list curselection]] == ""} {return}
            set line [.notify.top.list get $tmp]
            if {![string match "   *line:" $line]} {
                command_notify .0 -[lindex [split $line] 4]
        double {
            if {[set tmp [.notify.top.list curselection]] == ""} {return}
            set nick [.notify.top.list get $tmp]
            if {![string match "   *line:" $nick]} {
                command_query .0 [lindex [split $nick] 4]

proc UrlWindow {} {
    if {[winfo exists .urls]} {
        wm deiconify .notify
        raise .urls
    global urls prefs
    toplevel .urls
    wm title .urls "RoxIRC URL List"
    wm iconname .urls "URLs \[RoxIRC\]"
    frame .urls.bottom -bd [.urls cget -bd] -relief raised
    button .urls.bottom.save -text Save -command "SaveListbox .urls.top.list" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .urls.bottom.last -text Last -command "DoUrlWindow last" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .urls.bottom.delete -text Delete -command "DoUrlWindow delete" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .urls.bottom.clear -text Clear -command "DoUrlWindow clear" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    pack .urls.bottom.save -side left -padx 4
    pack .urls.bottom.last -side left -padx 4
    pack .urls.bottom -side bottom -fill x -ipadx 4 -ipady 3
    pack .urls.bottom.delete -side right -padx 4
    pack .urls.bottom.clear -side right -padx 4
    frame .urls.top
    scrollbar .urls.top.scrollx -orient h -command ".urls.top.list xview"
    scrollbar .urls.top.scrolly -orient v -command ".urls.top.list yview"
    listbox .urls.top.list -bd 1 -yscrollcommand ".urls.top.scrolly set" -xscrollcommand ".urls.top.scrollx set" -selectmode extended -font fixed -listvar urls
    bind .urls.top.list <Double-Button-1> "DoUrlWindow double"
    bind .urls <Escape> "destroy .urls"
    pack .urls.top -side top -fill both -expand 1
    pack .urls.top.scrolly -side right -fill y
    pack .urls.top.scrollx -side bottom -fill x
    pack .urls.top.list -expand 1 -fill both
    wm withdraw .urls
    update idletasks
    .urls.top.list see end
    wm geometry .urls [expr {round([winfo width .0] * .900)}]x[expr {round([winfo height .0] * .700)}]
    wm deiconify .urls

proc DoUrlWindow {cmd args} {
    global prefs urls
    switch -exact -- $cmd {
        double {
            set tmp [.urls.top.list curselection]
            if {$tmp == ""} {return}
            set url [lindex [rele [split [.urls.top.list get [lindex $tmp 0]]]] 3]
            eval exec [string map {"\$url" $url} $prefs(urlcommand)] &
        last {
            .urls.top.list selection clear 0 end
            .urls.top.list selection set end
            .urls.top.list see end
            DoUrlWindow double
        clear {set urls ""}
        delete {
            foreach x [lsort -integer -decreasing [.urls.top.list curselection]] {
                .urls.top.list delete $x
            .urls.top.list selection set $x

proc ListWindow {} {
    global prefs
    if {[winfo exists .list]} {destroy .list}
    toplevel .list
    wm title .list "RoxIRC Channel listing"
    wm iconname .list "Channel list \[RoxIRC\]"
    wm protocol .list WM_DELETE_WINDOW "DoListWindow destroy"
    frame .list.top -relief raised -borderwidth 1
    frame .list.middle
    frame .list.bottom
    pack .list.top -fill x -side top
    pack .list.bottom -fill x -side bottom
    pack .list.middle -fill both -expand 1
    scrollbar .list.middle.scroll -orient v -command ".list.middle.list yview"
    listbox .list.middle.list -width 65 -bd 1 -font fixed -yscrollcommand ".list.middle.scroll set"
    pack .list.middle.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack .list.middle.list -side left -fill both -expand 1
    label .list.top.label1 -text "Channel" -anchor center -font fixed -width 20 -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
    label .list.top.label2 -text "Users"  -anchor center -font fixed -width 5 -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
    label .list.top.label3 -text "Topic" -anchor center -font fixed -borderwidth 1 -relief raised
    pack .list.top.label1 -side left
    pack .list.top.label2 -side left
    pack .list.top.label3 -side left -fill x -expand 1
    button .list.bottom.done -text "Done" -command "DoListWindow destroy" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    label .list.bottom.status -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -font $prefs(font,menu)
    button .list.bottom.filter -text "Filter" -command "DoListWindow filter" -font $prefs(font,menu)
    entry .list.bottom.re -width 15 -highlightthickness 0
    frame .list.bottom.pad -width 10
    pack .list.bottom.status -side left -padx 2 -ipadx 3 -ipady 2 -pady 2
    pack .list.bottom.pad -side left
    pack .list.bottom.re -side left -padx 2
    pack .list.bottom.filter -side left -padx 2
    pack .list.bottom.done -side right -padx 15 -pady 2
    bind .list.top.label1 <Button-1> "DoListWindow sortchan"
    bind .list.top.label2 <Button-1> "DoListWindow sortusers"
    bind .list.middle.list <Double-Button-1> "DoListWindow double"
    bind .list <Escape> "DoListWindow destroy"
    foreach letter {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z} {
        bind .list <KeyPress-$letter> "set a \[lsearch -glob \[.list.middle.list get 0 end\] #$letter*] \; .list.middle.list selection clear 0 end \; .list.middle.list selection set \$a \; .list.middle.list see \$a"
    bind .list.bottom.re <Return> "DoListWindow filter"
    update idletasks

proc DoListWindow {action args} {
    global chanlist
    switch -exact -- $action {
        destroy {
            catch {unset chanlist}
            destroy .list
        sortchan {
            .list.middle.list delete 0 end
            foreach x [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $chanlist] {
                set chan [lindex $x 0]
                if {[string length $chan] > 20} {set chan [string range $chan 0 16]...}
                .list.middle.list insert end [format "%-20s %5s %s" $chan [lindex $x 1] [lindex $x 2]]
        sortusers {
            .list.middle.list delete 0 end
            foreach x [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 1 $chanlist] {
                set chan [lindex $x 0]
                if {[string length $chan] > 20} {set chan [string range $chan 0 16]...}
                .list.middle.list insert end [format "%-20s %5s %s" $chan [lindex $x 1] [lindex $x 2]]
        double {
            set line [rele [split [.list.middle.list get [.list.middle.list curselection]]]]
            set chan [lsearch -glob $chanlist "[string range [lindex $line 0] 0 16]* [lindex $line 1] *"]
            Send "JOIN [lindex $chanlist $chan]"
        filter {
            if {[set re [.list.bottom.re get]] == ""} {DoListWindow sortchan; return}
            if {[catch {regexp $re teststring}]} {return}
            .list.middle.list delete 0 end
            foreach x [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $chanlist] {
                set chan [lindex $x 0]
                if {[regexp $re $chan]} {
                    if {[string length $chan] > 20} {set chan [string range $chan 0 16]...}
                    .list.middle.list insert end [format "%-20s %5s %s" $chan [lindex $x 1] [lindex $x 2]]

proc notifyon {nick address time} {
    global notify info prefs
    Echo .0 "\[ notify \] Signon by $nick ($address) at [clock format $time -format "%R" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]" {notify default}
    if {[info exists info(query,[string tolower $nick])]} {
        Echo $info(query,[string tolower $nick]) "\[ notify \] Signon by $nick ($address) at [clock format $time -format "%R" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]" {notify default}
    set notify([string tolower $nick]) [list $address $time]
    DoNotifyWindow refresh
    Event notify "nick nick address address" $nick!$address

proc raw_ {header line} {
    switch -- $header {
        ERROR {Echo .0 "\[ server \] $line" {server default}}

proc auth {fh pass} {
    global prefs me prefs
    if {[catch {fileevent $fh writable}]} {return}
    if {[fileevent $fh writable] != ""} {
        after $prefs(authdelay) [list auth $fh $pass]
        fileevent $fh writable {}
    if {$pass != ""} {
        catch {puts $fh "PASS $pass"}
    if {$me != "-"} {
         set nick "NICK $me"
    } else {
        set nick "NICK [unescape [lindex $prefs(nick) 0]]"
    catch {
        puts $fh "USER $prefs(ident) host domain :$prefs(name)"
        puts $fh $nick

proc reply_PING {header line} {
    upvar nick nick address address
    if {[catch {expr {([clock clicks -milliseconds] - $line) / 1000.000}} time]} {
         Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] Invalid PING reply from $nick!$address: $line" {ctcp default}
    } else {
         Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] PING reply from $nick: [format %0.2f $time]s" {ctcp default}

proc ctcp_PING {header line} {
    global me info
    set who [lindex $header 0]
    set nick [lindex [split $who !] 0]
    if {[string length $line] > 25} {return}
    if {[string equal -nocase [lindex $header 2] $me]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] PING from $who" {ctcp default}
    } else {
        Echo $info(window,[string tolower [lindex $header 2]]) "\[ ctcp \] PING by $nick" {ctcp default}
    Send "NOTICE $nick :\001PING $line\001"

proc ctcp_VERSION {header line} {
    global me info tcl_platform
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set to [string tolower [lindex $header 2]]
    if {[string equal -nocase $to $me]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] VERSION from [lindex $header 0]" {ctcp default}
    } elseif {[info exists info(window,$to)]} {
        Echo $info(window,$to) "\[ ctcp \] VERSION by $nick" {ctcp default}
    } else {
        Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] VERSION by $nick to $to" {ctcp default}
    #Send "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION RoxIRC 2.0b $tcl_platform(os) $tcl_platform(osVersion)\001"
    Send "NOTICE $nick :\001VERSION RoxIRC 2.0b\001"

proc ctcp_CLIENTINFO {header line} {
    global me info
    set to [lindex $header 2]
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set ci CLIENTINFO
    set tmp [rele [split $line]]
    if {[lindex $tmp 0] != ""} {
        append ci " ([lindex $tmp 0])"
    if {[string equal -nocase $to $me]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ ctcp \] $ci from [lindex $header 0]" {ctcp default}
    } else {
        Echo $info(window,[string tolower $to]) "\[ ctcp \] $ci by $nick" {ctcp default}
    switch -- [string toupper [lindex $tmp 0]] {
        ACTION     {Send "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO ACTION contains action descriptions for atmosphere\001"}
        CLIENTINFO {Send "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO CLIENTINFO gives information about available CTCP commands\001"}
        PING       {Send "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO PING returns the arguments it receives\001"}
        VERSION    {Send "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO VERSION shows client type and version\001"}
        DCC        {Send "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO DCC requests a direct_client_connection\001"}
        ""         {Send "NOTICE $nick :\001CLIENTINFO [string toupper [string map {ctcp_ ""} [info commands ctcp_*]]]\001"}

proc ctcp_DCC {header line} {
    global away dcc info
    set tmp [rele [split $line]]
    switch -- [string tolower [lindex $tmp 0]] {
        send    {IncomingDccFile $header $line}
        chat    {IncomingDccChat $header $line}
        resume  {ResumeDccSend $header $line}
        accept  {AcceptDccResume $header $line}
        default {Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Unknown DCC command [lindex $tmp 0] from [lindex $header 0]" {dcc default}}

proc ctcp_ACTION {header line} {
    global info me away on ial
    set nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 1]
    set channel [string tolower [lindex $header 2]]
    if {[string equal -nocase $channel $me]} {
        if {$away && ![info exists info(query,[string tolower $nick])]} {
            Echo .0 "** $nick $line" privmsg
        } else {
            Echo [UpdateChat $nick!$address] "* $nick $line" action
    } else {
        #Echo $info(window,$channel) "* $nick $line" action
        Echo $info(window,$channel) {* } action $nick "action nicks" " $line" "action margin"
        ialadd $channel $nick $address
    Event action "nick nick address address channel target line line" $channel $nick!$address $line

proc ialadd {chan nick address} {
    global ial prefs
    if {$prefs(ial)} {
        set ial($chan,[string tolower $nick]) $nick!$address

proc ialdel {chan nick} {
    global ial prefs
    if {$prefs(ial)} {
        catch {unset ial($chan,[string tolower $nick])}

proc periodic {} {
    after 60000 periodic
    event generate .0 <<periodic>>

proc checkison {} {
    global prefs irc connecting
    if {$prefs(notify) != "" && [info exists irc] && ![info exists connecting]} {
        Send "ISON [join $prefs(notify)]"

proc getdccid {{one {type *}} args} {
    global dcc
    set list {}
    if {[lindex $one 1] != "*"} {set one [list [lindex $one 0] [globescape [lindex $one 1]]]}
    foreach x [array names dcc *,[lindex $one 0]] {
        if {![string match [lindex $one 1] $dcc($x)]} {continue}
        set id [lindex [split $x ,] 0]
        set num 0
        foreach a $args {
            set name [lindex $a 0]
            if {![info exists dcc($id,$name)] || ![string equal -nocase $dcc($id,$name) [lindex $a 1]]} {break}
            incr num
        if {$num == [llength $args]} {lappend list $id}
    return $list

proc isop {channel nick} {
    global names info
    return [expr {[info exists info(window,$channel)] && [info exists names($channel,[string tolower $nick],o)]}]

proc isvoice {channel nick} {
    global names info
    return [expr {[info exists info(window,$channel)] && [info exists names($channel,[string tolower $nick],v)]}]

proc ison {channel nick} {
    global names info ial
    return [expr {[info exists info(window,$channel)] && [info exists names($channel,[string tolower $nick],a)]}]

proc channels {} {
    global info
    set blah {}
    foreach x [activechannelwindows] {lappend blah $info(channel,$x)}
    return $blah

proc queries {} {
    set chans {}
    foreach {x y} [array get ::info nick,*] {lappend chans $y}
    return $chans

proc common {nick} {
    global info
    set chans {}
    foreach x [activechannelwindows] {
        if {[ison $info(channel,$x) $nick]} {lappend chans $info(channel,$x)}
    return $chans

proc address {nick {mask 5}} {
    global ial
    if {[set tmp [lindex [array names ial *,[globescape [string tolower $nick]]] 0]] != ""} {
        return [addressmask $ial($tmp) $mask]
    return {}

proc nicks {channel} {
    global info
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)] && [winfo exists $info(window,$channel)]} {
        return [$info(window,$channel).middle.right.nicks get 0 end]
    return ""

proc ops {channel} {
    global info
    set r {}
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)] && [winfo exists $info(window,$channel)]} {
        foreach x [GetList $info(window,$channel) v] {lappend r [string trimleft $x @]}
    return $r

proc voiced {channel} {
    global info
    set r {}
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)] && [winfo exists $info(window,$channel)]} {
        foreach x [GetList $info(window,$channel) v] {lappend r [string trimleft $x +]}
    return $r

proc regular {channel} {
    global info
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)] && [winfo exists $info(window,$channel)]} {
        return [GetList $info(window,$channel) n]
    return {}

proc selected {win} {
    global info
    if {[info exists info(window,$win)]} {set win $info(window,$win)}
    if {![winfo exists $win.middle.right.nicks]} {return ""}
    set r {}
    foreach x [$win.middle.right.nicks curselection] {lappend r [string trimleft [$win.middle.right.nicks get $x] @+]}
    return $r

proc searchial {glob {channel *}} {
    set match {}
    if {$channel != "*"} {set channel [globescape $channel]}
    foreach {x y} [array get ::ial $channel,*] {
        if {[string match -nocase $glob $y]} {lappend match $y}
    return $match

proc getaddress {nick command} {
    global userhost
    if {[set a [address $nick]] != ""} {
        catch {eval [string map [list %address [escape $a]] $command]}
    set userhost([string tolower $nick]) $command
    Send "USERHOST $nick"

proc umode {} {
    return [split [.0.menubar.modes cget -text] {}]

proc chanmodes {channel} {
    global info
    if {[info exists info(window,$channel)]} {
        if {[set m [$info(window,$channel).menubar.modes cget -text]] == "-"} {return {}}
        if {[llength [split $m]] == 1} {return [split $m {}]}
        set m [split $m]
        set r [split [string range [lindex $m 0] 0 end-[expr {[llength $m] - 1}]] {}]
        for {set i 0} {$i < [expr {[llength $m] - 1}]} {incr i} {
            lappend r [list [string index [lindex $m 0] end-$i] [lindex $m end-$i]]
        return $r
    return {}

proc curtimer {} {
    if {[string match "DoTimer *" [info level 1]]} {return [lrange [info level 1] 1 end]}
    return {}

proc curevent {} {
    if {![string match "DoEvent *" [info level 1]]} {return {}}
    eval return \{[join [lrange [info level 1] 1 2]]\}

proc timers {} {
    set ret {}
    foreach x [after info] {
        if {[lindex [set tmp [lindex [after info $x] 0]] 0] == "DoTimer"} {lappend ret [lrange $tmp 1 end]}
    return $ret

proc aliases {{name {}}} {
    set a {}
    if {$name == ""} {
        foreach x [info procs command_*] {
             if {[string range [string trimleft [info body $x]] 0 5] == "#alias"} {lappend a [string range $x 8 end]}
         return $a
     if {[info procs command_[globescape $name]] != "" && [string range [string trimleft [info body command_$name]] 0 5] == "#alias"} {
         set body [info body command_$name]
         set a [string range $body [expr {[string first "\n#\000\n" $body] + 4}] [expr {[string last "\n#\000\n" $body] - 1}]]
     return $a

proc bindings {} {
    set b {}
    foreach x [bind cmdline] {
        if {[string match "DoBinding *" [set do [bind cmdline $x]]]} {
            lappend b [list $x [lindex $do 2]]
    return $b

proc topic {channel} {
    global info
    if {![info exists info(window,$channel)]} {return {}}
    return [$info(window,$channel).middle.left.topic get]

proc addressmask {address mask} {
    switch -exact -- $mask {
        1 {
            set ident [string trimleft [lindex [split [lindex [split $address @] 0] !] 1] ~]
            set ident [string range $ident [expr {[string length $ident] - 9}] end]
            return *!*$ident@[lindex [split $address @] 1]
        2 {return *!*@[lindex [split $address @] 1]}
        3 {
            set tmp [lindex [split $address @] 1]
            set ident [string trimleft [lindex [split [lindex [split $address @] 0] !] 1] ~]
            set ident [string range $ident [expr {[string length $ident] - 9}] end]
            if {[regexp {^((([0-9]){1,3}\.){3})([0-9]){1,3}$} $tmp -> a]} {
                set domain $a*
            } elseif {[regexp {^((([0-9a-z]){1,4}:){6})([0-9a-z]){1,4}:([0-9a-z]){1,4}$} $tmp -> a]} {
                set domain $a*
            } elseif {[llength [split $tmp .]] > 2} {
                set domain *.[join [lrange [split $tmp .] end-1 end] .]
            } else {
                set domain $tmp
            return *!*$ident@$domain
        4 {
            set tmp [lindex [split $address @] 1]
            if {[regexp {^((([0-9]){1,3}\.){3})([0-9]){1,3}$} $tmp -> a]} {
                set domain $a*
            } elseif {[regexp {^((([0-9a-z]){1,4}:){6})([0-9a-z]){1,4}:([0-9a-z]){1,4}$} $tmp -> a]} {
                set domain $a*
            } elseif {[llength [split $tmp .]] > 2} {
                set domain *.[join [lrange [split $tmp .] end-1 end] .]
            } else {
                set domain $tmp
            return *!*@$domain
        5 {return $address}
        6 {return [lindex [split $address !] 0]!*@*}

proc globescape {line} {
    return [string map {* \\* ? \\? \\ \\\\ \[ \\\[ \] \\\]} $line]

proc kb {bytes} {
    if {$bytes < 1024} {return "$bytes bytes"}
    if {$bytes >= 1048576} {
        return [format %3.2f [expr {$bytes / 1048576.0000}]]mb
    return [format %3.2f [expr {$bytes / 1024.0000}]]kb

proc dur {in {div 1}} {
    set in [expr {double($in) / $div}]
    set d [expr {int($in / 86400.000)}]
    set h [expr {int(($in - ($d * 86400)) / 3600.000)}]
    set m [expr {int(($in - ($d * 86400) - ($h * 3600)) / 60.000)}]
    set s [string trimright [string trimright [format %.3f [expr {$in - ($d * 86400) - ($h * 3600) - ($m * 60)}]] 0] .]
    foreach x "d h m s" {
        if {[set $x] > 0} {
            append return [set $x]$x
    if {[info exists return]} {return $return}
    return 0s

proc multiline {arg line} {
    if {[string first "\n" $line] != "-1"} {
        set cmd [info level -1]
        set win [lindex $cmd 1]
        set cmd [lindex $cmd 0]
        if {$arg != ""} {set arg "$arg "}
        foreach x [rele [split $line "\n"]] {$cmd $win "$arg$x"}
        return -code return

proc abspath {file} {
    if {[file pathtype $file] != "absolute"} {set file [pwd]/$file}
    return $file

proc rele {list} {
    # remove empty list elements
    while {[set pos [lsearch $list ""]] > -1} {
        set list [lreplace $list $pos $pos]
    return $list

proc inttoquad {in args} {
    upvar [lindex $args 0] return
    if ![catch {
        set ip [format %08X $in]
        set ip [format %u 0x[string range $ip 0 1]].[format %u 0x[string range $ip 2 3]].[format %u 0x[string range $ip 4 5]].[format %u 0x[string range $ip 6 7]]
    } err] {
        set return $ip
        return 1
    set return $err
    return 0

proc CreateDccId {prefix} {
    global dcc
    set id $prefix[lindex [split [expr {rand()}] .] 1]
    if {[array names dcc $id,*] != ""} {
        set id [CreateDccId $prefix]
    return $id

proc IncomingDccChat {header line} {
    global away dcc prefs
    set who [lindex $header 0]
    if {![inttoquad [lindex $line 2] ip]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Invalid CHAT request from $who: bad ip" {dcc default}
    set nick [lindex [split $who !] 0]
    set id [CreateDccId c]
    foreach tmp [getdccid [list nick $nick] "type chat"] {
        if {$dcc($tmp,state) == 3} {
        } elseif {$dcc($tmp,state) == 2} {
            close $dcc($tmp,sock)
            unset $dcc($tmp,sock)
            set dcc($id,ip) $ip
            set dcc($id,port) [lindex $line 3]
            IncomingDccChat2 1 $tmp
        } elseif {$dcc($tmp,state) == 0 || $dcc($tmp,state) == 4} {
            set id $tmp
            catch {destroy .dialog$id}
            after cancel [list DccIncomingChatTimedout $id]
    array set dcc [list $id,ip $ip $id,port [lindex $line 3] $id,who $who $id,nick $nick $id,state 0 type chat]
    set address [lindex [split $who !] 1]
    Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Chat request from $who \[$dcc($id,ip):$dcc($id,port)\]" {dcc default}
    Event chatrequest "id id nick nick address address" $who
    after [expr {$prefs(dcctimeout) * 1000}] [list DccIncomingChatTimedout $id]
    if {$away} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] To accept it, type \"/dcc accept $dcc($id,nick)\"" {dcc default}
    } else {
        dialog .dialog$id "RoxIRC DCC Request" "Accept DCC Chat from\n$who?" IncomingDccChat2 0 "Yes [list 1 $id]" "No [list 0 $id]"

proc IncomingDccChat2 {choice id} {
    global dcc prefs
    if {!$choice} {
        Send "NOTICE $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC REJECT chat <any>\001"
    set host [expr {$prefs(unsafedcc) ? $dcc($id,ip) : [lindex [split $dcc($id,who) @] 1]}]
    if {[catch {socket -async $host $dcc($id,port)} sock]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Could not connect to $host: [geterror $sock]" {dcc default}
    CreateDccChat $id
    fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation lf
    fileevent $sock writable [list DccChatConnect $id $host]
    array set dcc [list $id,sock $sock $id,state 2]

proc DccIncomingChatTimedout {id} {
    catch {destroy .dialog$id}
    ClearDcc $id

proc DccSend {window line} {
    global dcc
    set id [string trimleft $window .]
    if {![info exists dcc($id,sock)]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Error writing to socket: no socket" {error default}
    } elseif {[catch {puts $dcc($id,sock) $line} err]} {
        Echo $window "\[ error \] Error writing to socket: [geterror $err]" {error default}

proc AcceptDccChat {id sock addr port} {
    global dcc
    close $dcc($id,sock)
    array set dcc [list $id,sock $sock $id,ip $addr $id,state 3]
    fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation lf
    fileevent $sock readable [list DccChat $id]
    Echo .$id "\[ dcc \] Chat connection to $addr established" {dcc default}
    bind .$id <<command>> {foreach x [rele [split $line "\n"]] {DccSend %W $x ; Echo %W "<$me> $x" me}}
    wm title .$id "RoxIRC DCC Chat $dcc($id,nick)@$addr"
    Event chatconnect "id id dcc($id,nick) nick addr ip" $dcc($id,nick)

proc DccChatConnect {id host} {
    global info dcc
    set port $dcc($id,port)
    if {[set err [fconfigure $dcc($id,sock) -error]] != ""} {
        if {[DccChatAutoClose $id]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Connection to $host:$port failed: [geterror $err]" {dcc default}
        } else {
            Echo .$id "\[ dcc \] Connection to $host:$dcc($id,port) failed: [geterror $err]" {dcc default}
            set dcc($id,state) 4
            unset dcc($id,sock) dcc($id,port) dcc($id,ip)
    fileevent $dcc($id,sock) writable {}
    fileevent $dcc($id,sock) readable [list DccChat $id]
    set peer [fconfigure $dcc($id,sock) -peername]
    bind .$id <<command>> {foreach x [rele [split $line "\n"]] {DccSend %W $x ; Echo %W "<$me> $x" me}}
    array set dcc [list $id,ip [lindex $peer 0] $id,state 3]
    Echo .$id "\[ dcc \] Chat connection to [lindex $peer 1] established" {dcc default}
    wm title .$id "RoxIRC DCC Chat $dcc($id,nick)@$dcc($id,ip)"
    Event chatconnect "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip" $dcc($id,nick)

proc DccChat {id} {
    global dcc
    if {[eof $dcc($id,sock)] || [catch {gets $dcc($id,sock)} tmp]} {
        set tmp "Chat connection to $dcc($id,nick)@$dcc($id,ip) [expr {[info exists tmp] ? "lost: [geterror $tmp]" : "closed"}]"
        close $dcc($id,sock)
        Event chatclose "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip" $dcc($id,nick)
        if {[DccChatAutoClose $id]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] $tmp" {dcc default}
        } else {
            Echo .$id "\[ dcc \] $tmp" {dcc default}
            set dcc($id,state) 4
            unset dcc($id,sock) dcc($id,ip) dcc($id,port)
    } elseif {$tmp != ""} {
        if {[string match "\001ACTION *\001" $tmp]} {
            Echo .$id "* $dcc($id,nick) [string range [string trim $tmp "\x01"] 7 end]" action
        } else {
            Echo .$id "<$dcc($id,nick)> $tmp" {}
        Event chat "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip tmp line" $dcc($id,nick) $tmp

proc DccChatAutoClose {id} {
    global dcc info
    if {$dcc($id,close)} {
        CloseDccChatWindow $id
        return 1
    catch {close $dcc($id,sock)}
    bind .$id <<command>> {Echo %W {[ info ] This dcc is not connected} {info default}}
    return 0

proc CleanupDccChat {id} {
    global dcc
    if {[info exists dcc($id,state)] && $dcc($id,state) < 3} {
        set nick $dcc($id,nick)
        if {[winfo exists .$id] && [DccChatAutoClose $id]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Timeout waiting for chat connection from $nick" {dcc default}
        Echo .$id {[ dcc ] Timeout waiting for connection} {dcc default}
        unset dcc($id,sock) dcc($id,port)
        set dcc($id,state) 4

proc DccCleanupIncomingFile {id} {
    global dcc
    if {[winfo exists .dialog$id]} {
        destroy .dialog$id
        ClearDcc $id
    } elseif {![info exists dcc($id,sock)]} {
        ClearDcc $id

proc IncomingDccFile {header line} {
    global dcc away prefs
    set who [lindex $header 0]
    set line [rele [split $line]]
    if {![string is integer -strict [lindex $line end]]} {
        set line [lrange $line 0 end-1]
    set nick [lindex [split $who !] 0]
    set address [lindex [split $who !] 1]
    set file [string trimleft [file tail [string trim [join [lrange $line 1 end-3] _] \"]] .]
    if {![string is integer -strict [lindex $line end]]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Invalid SEND request from $who: bad filesize" {dcc default}
    if {![inttoquad [lindex $line end-2] ip]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Invalid SEND request from $who: bad remote address" {dcc default}
    set id [CreateDccId f]
    if {[set tmp [getdccid [list nick $nick] [list file $file] "type get"]] != ""} {
        if {$dcc($tmp,state) == 3} {
        } elseif {$dcc($tmp,state) == 2} {
            close $dcc($tmp,sock)
            unset dcc($tmp,sock)
            set dcc($id,ip) $ip
            set dcc($id,port) [lindex $line end-1]
            IncomingDccFile2 2 $tmp
        } elseif {$dcc($tmp,state) == 0} {
            set id $tmp
            catch {destroy .dialog$id}
            after cancel [list DccCleanupIncomingFile $id]
    array set dcc [list $id,type get $id,state 0 $id,who $who $id,nick $nick $id,file $file $id,size [lindex $line end] $id,port [lindex $line end-1] $id,ip $ip]
    Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Send request from $dcc($id,who) \[$dcc($id,ip):$dcc($id,port)\] $dcc($id,file) ([kb $dcc($id,size)])" {dcc default}
    after [expr {$prefs(dcctimeout) * 1000}] [list DccCleanupIncomingFile $id]
    Event filerequest "dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file dcc($id,size) size address address" $dcc($id,who) $dcc($id,file)
    if {$away} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] To accept it, type \"/dcc get $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file) \[newname\]\"" {dcc default}
        if {[file exists $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$dcc($id,file)] && [file size $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$dcc($id,file)] < $dcc($id,size)} {
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] File exists and is smaller, use /dcc resume $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)" {dcc default}
        } elseif {[file exists $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$dcc($id,file)]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] WARNING: file exists" {dcc default}
    if {[file exists $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$dcc($id,file)] && [file size $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$dcc($id,file)] < $dcc($id,size)} {
        dialog .dialog$id "RoxIRC DCC Request" "Accept DCC Send of\n$dcc($id,file)\nfrom\n$dcc($id,who)?\nWARNING file exists" IncomingDccFile2 2 "Yes [list 2 $id]" "Rename [list 1 $id]" "Resume [list 3 $id]" "No [list 0 $id]"
    } elseif {[file exists $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$dcc($id,file)]} {
        dialog .dialog$id "RoxIRC DCC Request" "Accept DCC Send of\n$dcc($id,file)\nfrom\n$dcc($id,who)?\nWARNING file exists" IncomingDccFile2 1 "Yes [list 2 $id]" "Rename [list 1 $id]" "No [list 0 $id]"
    } else {
        dialog .dialog$id "RoxIRC DCC Request" "Accept DCC Send of\n$dcc($id,file)\nfrom\n$dcc($id,who)?" IncomingDccFile2 0 "Yes [list 2 $id]" "Rename [list 1 $id]" "No [list 0 $id]"

proc ClearDcc {id} {
    array unset ::dcc $id,*

proc IncomingDccFile2 {choice id} {
    global dcc prefs
    set open w
    if {$choice == "1"} {
        if {[set fn [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir $prefs(defaultdccdir) -title "RoxIRC Save As" -initialfile $dcc($id,file)]] == ""} {
            Send "NOTICE $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC REJECT send $dcc($id,file)\001"
            ClearDcc $id
    } elseif {$choice == "2"} {
        set fn $dcc($id,file)
    } elseif {[lindex $choice 0] == "3"} {
        set fn $dcc($id,file)
        set open a
    } else {
        Send "NOTICE $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC REJECT send $dcc($id,file)\001"
        ClearDcc $id
    if {[file dirname $fn] == "."} {set fn $prefs(defaultdccdir)/$fn}
    set fn [abspath $fn]
    while {[catch {open $fn $open} fh]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Cannot open $fn for writing: [geterror $fh]" {error default}
        if {[set fn [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir $prefs(defaultdccdir) -title "RoxIRC Save As" -initialfile $dcc($id,file)]] == ""} {
            Send "NOTICE $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC REJECT send $dcc($id,file)\001"
            ClearDcc $id
        if {[file dirname $fn] == "."} {set fn $prefs(dccdefaultdir)/$fn}
        set fn [abspath $fn]
    fconfigure $fh -translation binary
    array set dcc [list $id,file $fn $id,fh $fh]
    if {$choice == "3"} {
        CreateDccFile get $id
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Requesting resume..."
        Send "PRIVMSG $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC RESUME $dcc($id,file) $dcc($id,port) [file size $dcc($id,file)]\001"
    set host [expr {$prefs(unsafedcc) ? $dcc($id,ip) : [lindex [split $dcc($id,who) @] 1]}]
    if {[catch {socket -async $host $dcc($id,port)} sock]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Could not connect to $host: [geterror $sock]" {dcc default}
    CreateDccFile get $id
    array set dcc [list $id,sock $sock $id,state 2]
    fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
    fileevent $sock writable [list DccFileConnect $id]

proc geterror {err} {
    if {[string first ": " $err] == -1} {return $err}
    return [string trimleft [join [lrange [split $err :] 1 end] :]]

proc AcceptDccResume {header line} {
    global dcc prefs
    if {[set id [lindex [getdccid [list port [lindex $line 2]] [list nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]] {type get} {state 2}] 0]] != ""} {
        set host [expr {$prefs(unsafedcc) ? $dcc($id,ip) : [lindex [split $dcc($id,who) @] 1]}]
        if {[catch {socket -async $host $dcc($id,port)} sock]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Could not connect to $host: [geterror $sock]" {dcc default}
            .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Connection to $host failed: [geterror $sock]"
            DccFileDone $id
        array set dcc [list $id,sock $sock $id,state 2]
        fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Connecting for resume..."
        fileevent $sock writable [list DccFileConnect $id]

proc ResumeDccSend {header line} {
    global dcc
    if {[set id [lindex [getdccid [list nick [lindex [split [lindex $header 0] !] 0]] [list port [lindex $line 2]] {state 1} {type send}] 0]] == ""} {return}
    seek $dcc($id,fh) [lindex $line 3]
    Send "PRIVMSG $dcc($id,nick) :\001DCC ACCEPT [lindex $line 1] $dcc($id,port) [tell $dcc($id,fh)]\001"

proc DccFileDone {id} {
    global dcc
    if {![info exists dcc($id,state)]} {return}
    catch {unset dcc($id,last) dcc($id,start)}
    catch {close $dcc($id,fh)}
    catch {close $dcc($id,sock)}
    if {[file exists $dcc($id,file)] && [file size $dcc($id,file)] == 0} {
        file delete $dcc($id,file)
    if {$dcc($id,close)} {destroy .$id}
    set dcc($id,state) 4
    if {$dcc($id,state) >= 3 || $dcc($id,type) == "send"} {ClearDcc $id}

proc DccFileConnect {id} {
    global dcc
    fileevent $dcc($id,sock) writable {}
    if {[set err [fconfigure $dcc($id,sock) -error]] != ""} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Get of [file tail $dcc($id,file)] from $dcc($id,nick) failed: [geterror $err]" {dcc default}
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Get failed: [geterror $err]"
        DccFileDone $id
    fileevent $dcc($id,sock) readable [list DccFileGet $id]
    array set dcc [list $id,start [clock seconds] $id,state 3 $id,ip [lindex [fconfigure $dcc($id,sock) -peername] 0]]
    .$id.1.host configure -text "ip: $dcc($id,ip)"
    .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Receiving..."
    UpdateDccFileWindow $id
    Event getconnect "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)

proc DccFileGet {id} {
    global dcc
    if {[eof $dcc($id,sock)]} {
        if {[tell $dcc($id,fh)] < $dcc($id,size)} {
            .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Get failed: connection lost"
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Get of [file tail $dcc($id,file)] from $dcc($id,nick) failed: connection lost" {dcc default}
        } else {
            .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Received succesfully"
            if {[set el [expr {[clock seconds] - $dcc($id,start)}]] <= 0} {set el 1}
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Sucessfully received [kb $dcc($id,size)] of [file tail $dcc($id,file)] from $dcc($id,nick) in [dur $el] ([format %3.2f [expr {($dcc($id,size) / 1024.00) / $el}]]kbps)" {dcc default}
            Event getdone "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
            DccFileDone $id
    } elseif {[catch {read $dcc($id,sock)} tmp]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Get of [file tail $dcc($id,file)] from $dcc($id,nick) failed: [geterror $tmp]" {dcc default}
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Get failed: [geterror $tmp]"
    } elseif {[catch {puts -nonewline $dcc($id,fh) $tmp} err]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error writing to file $dcc($id,file): $err" {error default}
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Write failed"
    } else {
        catch {puts -nonewline $dcc($id,sock) [binary format I* [tell $dcc($id,fh)]]}
        set dcc($id,last) [clock seconds]
    Event getfail "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
    DccFileDone $id

proc UpdateDccFileWindow {id} {
    global dcc
    after cancel [list UpdateDccFileWindow $id]
    if {![info exists dcc($id,state)]} {return}
    if {$dcc($id,state) == 3 && [info exists dcc($id,last)] && [expr [clock seconds].00 - $dcc($id,last)] > 2.5} {
        .$id.2.kbps configure -text "kbps: 0"
        .$id.graph configure -label "Time remaining: ?"
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Stalled"
        .$id.2.elapsed configure -text "elapsed: [dur [expr {[clock seconds] - $dcc($id,start)}]]"
    } elseif {$dcc($id,state) == 3 && [set el [expr {[clock seconds] - $dcc($id,start)}]] >= 1} {
        .$id.2.elapsed configure -text "elapsed: [dur $el]"
        if {[set tell [tell $dcc($id,fh)]] > 0} {
            if {$dcc($id,type) == "get"} {
                .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Receiving..."
                .$id.2.r configure -text "received: [kb $tell]"
                if {$tell > $dcc($id,size)} {.$id.bottom.status configure -text "WARNING: received > filesize"}
            } else {
                .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Sending..."
                .$id.2.r configure -text "sent: [kb $tell]"
            .$id.2.kbps configure -text "kbps: [format %3.2f [expr ($tell / 1024.00) / $el]]"
            set dcc($id,scale) [expr {(double($tell) / $dcc($id,size)) * 100.0 - 0.0001}]
            .$id.graph configure -label "Time remaining: [dur [expr {round(($el / ($dcc($id,scale) / 100.00)) - $el)}]]"
    update idletasks
    after 500 [list UpdateDccFileWindow $id]

proc DccFileSend {id} {
    global dcc
    if {[eof $dcc($id,sock)]} {
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Send failed: connection reset"
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Send of $dcc($id,file) to $dcc($id,nick) failed: connection reset" {dcc default}
        Event sendfail "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
        DccFileDone $id
    } elseif {[catch {binary scan [read $dcc($id,sock)] I* ack} err]} {
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Send failed: socket read error"
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Send of $dcc($id,file) to $dcc($id,nick) failed: read error: [geterror $err]" {dcc default}
        Event sendfail "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
        DccFileDone $id
    } elseif {$ack != ""} {
        set ack [lindex $ack end]
        if {[eof $dcc($id,fh)]} {
            if {$ack == [tell $dcc($id,fh)]} {
                .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Sent sucessfully"
                if {[set el [expr {[clock seconds] - $dcc($id,start)}]] <= 0} {set el 1}
                Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Sucessfully sent [kb $dcc($id,size)] of $dcc($id,file) to $dcc($id,nick) in [dur $el] ([format %3.2f [expr ($dcc($id,size) / 1024.00) / $el]]kbps)" {dcc default}
                Event senddone "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
                DccFileDone $id
        if {$ack < [tell $dcc($id,fh)]} {return}
        if {$ack > [tell $dcc($id,fh)]} {
            .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Send failed: last ack > sent"
            Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Send of $dcc($id,file) to $dcc($id,nick) failed: last ack > sent" {dcc default}
            Event sendfail "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
            DccFileDone $id
        } else {
            DccSendPacket $id

proc DccSendPacket {id {offset {}}} {
    global prefs dcc
    set dcc($id,last) [clock seconds]
    if {$offset != ""} {seek $dcc($id,fh) $offset}
    fcopy $dcc($id,fh) $dcc($id,sock) -size $prefs(dccpacketsize) -command DccSendPacketCallback

proc DccSendPacketCallback {args} {}

proc AcceptDccSend {id sock ip port} {
    global dcc
    close $dcc($id,sock)
    fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none -translation binary
    fileevent $sock readable [list DccFileSend $id]
    array set dcc [list $id,sock $sock $id,ip $ip $id,start [clock seconds] $id,state 3]
    .$id.1.host configure -text "ip: $ip"
    .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Sending..."
    Event sendconnect "id id dcc($id,nick) nick dcc($id,ip) ip dcc($id,file) file" $dcc($id,nick) $dcc($id,file)
    DccSendPacket $id
    UpdateDccFileWindow $id

proc CleanupDccSend {id} {
    global dcc
    if {[winfo exists .$id] && [info exists dcc($id,state)] && $dcc($id,state) == 1} {
        .$id.bottom.status configure -text "Timeout waiting for connection"
        Echo .0 "\[ dcc \] Timeout waiting for connection from $dcc($id,nick) for $dcc($id,file)" {dcc default}
        DccFileDone $id

proc activechannelwindows {} {
    global info
    set chans ""
    foreach x [array names info window,*] {
        lappend chans $info($x)
    return $chans

proc channelwindows {} {
    global info
    set chans ""
    for {set i 1} {$i <= 30} {incr i} {
        if {[winfo exists .$i]} {lappend chans .$i}
    return $chans

proc textwindows {} {
    global info
    set win ""
    foreach x [array names info text,*] {
        lappend win [lindex [split $x ,] 1]
    return $win

proc querywindows {} {
    global info
    set chans ""
    foreach x [winfo children .] {
       if {[string match .q* $x]} {lappend chans $x}
    return $chans

proc dccwindows {} {
    global dcc
    set chats ""
    foreach x [array names dcc c*,nick] {
       lappend chats .[lindex [split $x ,] 0]
    return $chats

proc windowname {in} {
    global info dcc
    set in [string tolower $in]
    if {[info exists info(window,$in)]} {
        return $info(window,$in)
    } elseif {[info exists info(query,$in)]} {
        return $info(query,$in)
    } elseif {$in == "current"} {
        return [current]
    } elseif {$in == "status"} {
        return .0
    } elseif {[string match =* $in] && [set tmp [getdccid [list nick [string range $in 1 end]] "type chat"]] != ""} {
        return .$tmp
    return {}

proc realname {in} {
    global info dcc
    set in [string tolower $in]
    if {[info exists info(channel,$in)]} {
        return $info(channel,$in)
    } elseif {[info exists info(nick,$in)]} {
        return $info(nick,$in)
    } elseif {$in == "current"} {
        return [realname [current]]
    } elseif {$in == ".0"} {
        return status
    } elseif {[info exists dcc(.$in,nick)]} {
        return =$dcc(.$in,nick)
    return {}

proc ischannelname {name} {
    global info
    if {![info exists info(server,chantypes)]} {set info(server,chantypes) "#&"}
    return [string match "\[$info(server,chantypes)\]*" $name]

proc DeleteUser {chan nick} {
    global names info ial
    set nick2 [string tolower $nick]
    catch {unset names($chan,$nick2,a)}
    catch {unset names($chan,$nick2,v)}
    catch {unset names($chan,$nick2,o)}
    ListDelete $info(window,$chan) $nick
    ialdel $chan $nick

proc Complete {win} {
    global names info
    set line [$win get]
    set a [string range $line 0 [expr {[$win index insert] - 1}]]
    set b [string range $line [$win index insert] end]
    set win [winfo toplevel $win]
    set word [lindex [split $a] end]
    set match ""
    if {[string trim $word] == ""} {return}
    if {[string match "/*" $word]} {
        set match [split [string map {command_ /} [info commands command_*]]]
    } elseif {[info exists info(channel,$win)]} {
        set match [string map {@ "" + ""} [$win.middle.right.nicks get 0 end]]
        lappend match $info(channel,$win)
    } elseif {[info exists info(nick,$win)]} {
        lappend match $info(nick,$win)
    set found {}
    set gword [string tolower [globescape $word]]
    while {[set index [lsearch -glob [string tolower $match] "$gword*"]] != -1} {
        lappend found [lindex $match $index]
        set match [lrange $match [expr {$index + 1}] end]
    set break 0
    if {[llength $found] > 1} {
        set o [lindex $found 0]
        for {set i [string length $word]} {$i < 31} {incr i} {
            foreach x $found {
                if {[string tolower [string index $x $i]] != [string tolower [string index $o $i]]} {
                    set found [string range $x 0 [expr {$i - 1}]]
                    set break 1
            if {$break} {break}
    } else {
        set found [lindex $found 0]
    if {$found != ""} {
        $win.bottom.cmdline delete 0 end
        $win.bottom.cmdline insert end [string range $a 0 [expr {[string length $a] - [string length $word] - 1}]]
        $win.bottom.cmdline insert end $found
        if {!$break && [llength [split [$win.bottom.cmdline get]]] == 1} {
            if {![string match "/*" [$win.bottom.cmdline get]] && ![string match "#*" $found]} {
                $win.bottom.cmdline insert end ":"
        if {!$break} {$win.bottom.cmdline insert end " "}
        $win.bottom.cmdline icursor end
        $win.bottom.cmdline insert end $b
    } elseif {![catch {$info(text,$win) search -backwards -nocase -regexp -elide -- "( |^)$word" @65535,65535 @0,0} index] && $index != ""} {
        $win.bottom.cmdline delete 0 end
        $win.bottom.cmdline insert end [string range $a 0 [expr {[string length $a] - [string length $word] - 1}]]
        $win.bottom.cmdline insert end [lindex [split [$info(text,$win) get $index+1c "$index lineend"]] 0]
        if {[llength [split [$win.bottom.cmdline get]]] == 1} {
            $win.bottom.cmdline insert end " "
        $win.bottom.cmdline icursor end
        $win.bottom.cmdline insert end $b

proc UpdateAllTitles {} {
    global me server away
    wm title .0 "RoxIRC Status ${me}[expr {$away ? { (away)} : {}}] on $server"
    wm iconname .0 "$me Status \[RoxIRC\]"
    foreach x [channelwindows] {UpdateTitle $x}

proc UpdateTitle {win} {
    global me server info away
    if {[info exists info(channel,$win)]} {
        if {[isop $info(channel,$win) $me]} {
            set blah @$info(channel,$win)
        } elseif {[isvoice $info(channel,$win) $me]} {
            set blah +$info(channel,$win)
        } else {
            set blah $info(channel,$win)
    } else {
        set blah -none-
    wm title $win "RoxIRC ${blah}[expr {$away ? { (away)} : {}}] \[$me on $server\]"
    wm iconname $win "$blah \[RoxIRC\]"
    if {[winfo exists $win.n]} {
        wm title $win.n "RoxIRC $blah nicklist"
        wm iconname $win.n "$blah nicklist \[RoxIRC\]"

proc ListFill {window} {
    global info names prefs
    set chan [globescape $info(channel,$window)]
    $window.middle.right.nicks delete 0 end
    set char [expr {$prefs(showops) ? {@} : {}}]
    foreach x [lsort [array names names $chan,*,o]] {
        $window.middle.right.nicks insert end $char$names($x)
    set end1 [$window.middle.right.nicks index end]
    set char [expr {$prefs(showops) ? {+} : {}}]
    foreach x [lsort [array names names $chan,*,v]] {
        $window.middle.right.nicks insert end $char$names($x)
    set end2 [$window.middle.right.nicks index end]
    foreach x [lsort [array names names $chan,*,n]] {
        $window.middle.right.nicks insert end $names($x)
    itemconfigure $window @nicklist 0 $end1
    itemconfigure $window +nicklist $end1 $end2
    array unset names $chan,*,n
    ListUpdateLabel $window

proc showops {window state} {
    global info
    if {$state} {
        foreach win [channelwindows] {
            set end [$win.middle.right.nicks index end]
            for {set index 0} {$index < $end} {incr index} {
                set name [$win.middle.right.nicks get $index]
                set sel [$win.middle.right.nicks selection includes $index]
                if {[isop $info(channel,$win) $name]} {
                    $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index
                    $win.middle.right.nicks insert $index @$name
                    itemconfigure $win @nicklist $index
                } elseif {[isvoice $info(channel,$win) $name]} {
                    $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index
                    $win.middle.right.nicks insert $index +$name
                    itemconfigure $win +nicklist $index
                } else {
                if {$sel} {$win.middle.right.nicks selection set $index}
    } else {
        foreach win [channelwindows] {
            set end [$win.middle.right.nicks index end]
            for {set index 0} {$index < $end} {incr index} {
                set name [$win.middle.right.nicks get $index]
                set sel [$win.middle.right.nicks selection includes $index]
                if {[string match {[+@]*} $name]} {
                    $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index
                    $win.middle.right.nicks insert $index [string range $name 1 end]
                    itemconfigure $win [string index $name 0]nicklist $index
                } else {
                if {$sel} {$win.middle.right.nicks selection set $index}

proc opsinchan {window state} {
    global info
    foreach win [channelwindows] {
        $info(text,$win) tag configure @ -elide [expr {!$state}]
        $info(text,$win) tag configure + -elide [expr {!$state}]
proc itemconfigure {win tag index args} {
    global prefs
    foreach {x color} [array get prefs color,$tag,*] {
        lappend config -[lindex [split $x ,] 2] $color
    if {![info exists config]} {return}
    if {$args != ""} {
        set stop [$win.middle.right.nicks index $args]
    } else {
        set stop [expr {[$win.middle.right.nicks index $index] + 1}]
    for {} {$index < $stop} {incr index} {
        eval $win.middle.right.nicks itemconfigure $index $config

proc colorconfigure {w name} {
    global prefs
    foreach {x color} [array get prefs color,$name,*] {
        lappend config -[lindex [split $x ,] 2] $color
    if {[info exists config]} {eval $w configure $config}
    if {$name == "cmdline"} {$w configure -insertbackground [$w cget -fg] -highlightcolor [$w cget -fg]}

proc ListDelete {win nick} {
    global names info
    ListUpdateLabel $win
    set list [$win.middle.right.nicks get 0 end]
    if {[set index [lsearch -exact $list $nick]] != -1} {
        $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index
    } elseif {[set index [lsearch -exact $list @$nick]] != -1} {
        $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index
    } elseif {[set index [lsearch -exact $list +$nick]] != -1} {
        $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index

proc ListAdd {win nick} {
    global info names
    ListUpdateLabel $win
    set list [GetList $win n]
    set num [ListSearch $list $nick]
    set index [expr {$num + [$win.middle.right.nicks index end] - [llength $list]}]
    $win.middle.right.nicks insert $index $nick
    return $index

proc ListSearch {list nick} {
    set lo -1
    set hi [llength $list]
    set test [expr {$hi / 2}]
    while {$lo != $test} {
        set res [string compare -nocase [lindex $list $test] $nick]
        if {$res < 0} {
            set lo $test
        } elseif {$res > 0} {
            set hi $test
        } else {
            return $test
        set test [expr {($hi + $lo) / 2}]
    return $hi

proc ListUpdateLabel {win} {
    global info names
    set chan [globescape $info(channel,$win)]
    set tmp "@[llength [array names names $chan,*,o]] +[llength [array names names $chan,*,v]] [llength [array names names $chan,*,a]]"
    $win.middle.right.label configure -text $tmp

proc GetList {win mode} {
    global names
    set list [$win.middle.right.nicks get 0 end]
    switch -exact -- $mode {
        o {
            return [lrange $list 0 [expr {[llength [split [join $list] @]] - 2}]]
        v {
            set l [split [join $list] +]
            set f [llength [split [lindex $l 0]]]
            return [lrange $list [expr {$f - 1}] [expr {$f + [llength $l] - 2}]]
        n {
            return [lrange [split [lindex [split [join $list] @+] end]] 1 end]

proc ListChange {win old new} {
    global info names prefs
    ListUpdateLabel $win
    set list [$win.middle.right.nicks get 0 end]
    if {[set index [lsearch -exact $list $old]] != -1} {
        set sel [$win.middle.right.nicks selection includes $index]
        $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index
    } elseif {[set index [lsearch -exact $list @$old]] != -1} {
        set sel [$win.middle.right.nicks selection includes $index]
        $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index
    } elseif {[set index [lsearch -exact $list +$old]] != -1} {
        set sel [$win.middle.right.nicks selection includes $index]
        $win.middle.right.nicks delete $index
    if {[isop $info(channel,$win) $new]} {
        set c [expr {$prefs(showops) ? {@} : {}}]
        set index [ListSearch [GetList $win o] $c$new]
        $win.middle.right.nicks insert $index $c$new
        itemconfigure $win @nicklist $index
    } elseif {[isvoice $info(channel,$win) $new]} {
        set c [expr {$prefs(showops) ? {+} : {}}]
        set index [ListSearch [GetList $win v] $c$new]
        incr index [llength [array names names [globescape $info(channel,$win)],*,o]]
        $win.middle.right.nicks insert $index $c$new
        itemconfigure $win +nicklist $index
    } else {
        set index [ListAdd $win $new]
    if {$sel} {$win.middle.right.nicks selection set $index}

proc UpdateChat {who} {
    global info prefs
    set nick [string tolower [lindex [split $who !] 0]]
    if {[info exists info(query,$nick)]} {
        wm title $info(query,$nick) "RoxIRC Query $who"
        return $info(query,$nick)
    set oldfocus [focus]
    set win [CreateChat $who]
    if {$prefs(iconifyqueries)} {wm iconify $win}
    focus -force $oldfocus
    return $win

proc CreateChat {who} {
    global info prefs history options
    set nick [string tolower [lindex [split $who !] 0]]
    if {[info exists info(query,$nick)]} {
        wm deiconify $info(query,$nick)
        raise $info(query,$nick)
    set i 0
    while {[winfo exists .q$i]} {incr i}
    set i .q$i
    toplevel $i -class Query
    frame $i.menubar
    frame $i.middle
    frame $i.bottom
    text $i.middle.text -state disabled -bd 1 -yscrollcommand "$i.middle.scroll set"
    scrollbar $i.middle.scroll -orient v -command "$i.middle.text yview"
    entry $i.bottom.cmdline -font $prefs(font,cmdline)
    MakeMenu $i "window query personal misc"
    $i.menubar.window.menu.2 delete 4 5
    if {$prefs(menubar)} {pack $i.menubar -side top -fill x}
    pack $i.bottom -side bottom -fill x
    pack $i.middle -side top -expand 1 -fill both
    pack $i.middle.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack $i.middle.text -expand 1 -fill both
    pack $i.bottom.cmdline -fill x
    wm protocol $i WM_DELETE_WINDOW "CloseChat $i"
    wm title $i "RoxIRC Query $who"
    wm iconname $i "Query $nick \[RoxIRC\]"
    wm geometry $i $prefs(geom,chat)
    array set info [list query,$nick $i nick,$i $nick text,$i $i.middle.text]
    array set options [list ts,$i $prefs(ts) menubar,$i $prefs(menubar)]
    array set history "$i,list {} $i,cur -1"
    fontconfigure $i $prefs(font,chat)
    colorconfigure $i.middle.text query
    colorconfigure $i.bottom.cmdline cmdline
    ConfigureTags $i
    bindtags $i.bottom.cmdline "cmdline $i.bottom.cmdline Entry $i all"
    bind $i.middle.text <Double-Button-1> "Double $i query ; break"
    bind $i.middle.text <Button-3> "OtherPopup $i.menubar.query.menu %X %Y"
    bind $i.middle.text <ButtonRelease-1> "focus $i.bottom.cmdline; tk_textCopy $i.middle.text; break"
    bind $i.middle.text <Configure> "$i.middle.text see end"
    bind $i <<command>> {foreach x [rele [split $line "\n"]] {Send "PRIVMSG $info(nick,%W) :$x" ; Echo %W "<$me> $x" me}}
    if {[info exists prefs(geom,$nick)]} {
        set window $i
        catch {eval [join $prefs(geom,$nick) \;]}
    focus $i.bottom.cmdline
    event generate $i <<querycreate>>
    return $i

proc CreateNicklist {i} {
    global prefs
    toplevel $i.n -class Channel
    label $i.n.label -bd 1 -relief raised -text "@- +- -" -font $prefs(font,chantopic)
    scrollbar $i.n.scroll -orient v -command "$i.n.nicks yview"
    listbox $i.n.nicks -bd 2 -relief flat -selectmode extended -width 12 -exportselection 0 -yscrollcommand "$i.n.scroll set" -font $prefs(font,nicklist)
    colorconfigure $i.n.nicks nicklist
    pack $i.n.label -side top -fill x
    pack $i.n.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack $i.n.nicks -fill both -expand 1
    wm protocol $i.n WM_DELETE_WINDOW "reattachnick $i"
    if {[string match 8.4* [info patchlevel]]} {
        wm protocol $i WM_TAKE_FOCUS "catch \"lower $i.n $i\""
        wm protocol $i.n WM_TAKE_FOCUS "lower $i $i.n"
    bind $i.n <Escape> "wm iconify $i.n"
    bind $i.n <Control-KeyPress> "focus $i.bottom.cmdline; event generate $i.bottom.cmdline <Control-%K>; catch {focus $i.n}"
    bind $i.n <Alt-KeyPress> "focus $i.bottom.cmdline; event generate $i.bottom.cmdline <Alt-%K>; catch {focus $i.n}"
    bind $i.n.nicks <Double-Button-1> "Double $i nick"
    bind $i.n.nicks <Button-3> "NickPopup $i.menubar.user $i.n.nicks %X %Y %y"

proc CreateChannel {chan} {
    global info server prefs history options
    foreach x [winfo children .] {
        if {[string match {.[1-9]*} $x] && ![info exists info(channel,$x)]} {set i $x}
    if {![info exists i]} {
        for {set i 1} {[winfo exists .$i]} {incr i} {}
        set i .$i
    if {$chan != ""} {array set info [list window,$chan $i channel,$i $chan]}
    if {[set exists [winfo exists $i]]} {
        wm deiconify $i
        raise $i
    } else {
        toplevel $i -class Channel
        frame $i.menubar
        frame $i.middle
        frame $i.middle.left
        frame $i.middle.right
        frame $i.middle.right.move -width 3 -cursor sb_h_double_arrow
        frame $i.bottom
        label $i.menubar.modes -relief sunken -bd 1 -text "-" -font $prefs(font,menu)
        entry $i.middle.left.topic -bd 1 -state disabled -highlightthickness 0 -font $prefs(font,chantopic)
        scrollbar $i.middle.left.scroll -orient v -command "$i.middle.left.text yview"
        text $i.middle.left.text -state disabled -bd 1 -yscrollcommand "$i.middle.left.scroll set"
        listbox $i.middle.right.nicks -bd 2 -relief flat -selectmode extended -width 12 -exportselection 0 -takefocus 0 -yscrollcommand "$i.middle.right.scroll set" -font $prefs(font,nicklist)
        scrollbar $i.middle.right.scroll -orient v -command "$i.middle.right.nicks yview"
        label $i.middle.right.label -bd 1 -relief flat -text "@- +- -" -font $prefs(font,chantopic) -cursor fleur
        entry $i.bottom.cmdline -font $prefs(font,cmdline)
        MakeMenu $i "window user channel personal server misc"
        if {$prefs(menubar)} {pack $i.menubar -side top -fill x}
        pack $i.bottom -side bottom -fill x
        pack $i.middle -side top -expand 1 -fill both
        if {$prefs(nicklist)} {
            pack $i.middle.right -side right -fill y
        } else {
            catch {$i.menubar.user configure -state disabled}
        pack $i.middle.left -side left -expand 1 -fill both
        pack $i.menubar.modes -side right -padx 2 -pady 2 -ipadx 3 -fill y
        if {$prefs(topic)} {pack $i.middle.left.topic -side top -fill x}
        pack $i.middle.left.scroll -side right -fill y
        pack $i.middle.left.text -expand 1 -fill both
        pack $i.middle.right.label -side top -fill x
        pack $i.middle.right.scroll -side right -fill y
        pack $i.middle.right.move -side left -fill y -expand 1
        pack $i.middle.right.nicks -side bottom -fill y -expand 1
        pack $i.bottom.cmdline -fill x
        if {[string match "*8.4*" [info patchlevel]]} {
            $i.middle.left.topic configure -state readonly -disabledbackground "" -disabledforeground "" -readonlybackground ""
        wm protocol $i WM_DELETE_WINDOW "CloseChannel $i"
        wm geometry $i $prefs(geom,channel)
        array set options [list nicklist,$i $prefs(nicklist) ts,$i $prefs(ts) menubar,$i $prefs(menubar) topic,$i $prefs(topic)]
        array set history [list $i,list {} $i,cur -1]
        set info(text,$i) $i.middle.left.text
        fontconfigure $i $prefs(font,chan)
        colorconfigure $i.middle.left.topic chantopic
        colorconfigure $i.middle.left.text chan
        colorconfigure $i.middle.right.nicks nicklist
        colorconfigure $i.bottom.cmdline cmdline
        ConfigureTags $i
        bind $i.menubar.modes <Double-Button-1> "ModeWindow $i"
        bind $i.middle.right.nicks <Double-Button-1> "Double $i nick"
        bind $i.middle.right.label <ButtonRelease-1> "NicksMove %W %X %Y"
        bind $i.middle.right.move <ButtonPress-1> "NicksResize press $i %X"
        bind $i.middle.right.nicks <Button-3> "NickPopup $i.menubar.user $i.middle.right.nicks %X %Y %y"
        bind $i.middle.left.topic <Double-Button-1> "if \{[info exists info(channel,$i)]\} \{Send \"TOPIC \$info(channel,$i)\"\}; break"
        bind $i.middle.left.text <Button-3> "ChanPopup $i %X %Y"
        bind $i.middle.left.text <Double-Button-1> "Double $i channel ; break"
        bind $i.middle.left.text <ButtonRelease-1> "tk_textCopy $i.middle.left.text; focus $i.bottom.cmdline; break"
        bind $i.middle.left.topic <ButtonRelease-1> "event generate $i.middle.left.topic <<Copy>>; focus $i.bottom.cmdline; break"
        bind $i.middle.left.text <Configure> "$i.middle.left.text see end"
        bindtags $i.bottom.cmdline "cmdline $i.bottom.cmdline Entry $i all"
        bind $i <<command>> {Echo %W "\[ info \] You have no channel joined in this window" {info default}}
    if {$chan != ""} {
        bind $i <<command>> {foreach x [rele [split $line "\n"]] {Send "PRIVMSG $info(channel,%W) :$x" ; Echo %W < "<> my<> me" $me "nicks mynick me" > "<> my<> me" " $x" "margin mytext me"}}
        if {[info exists prefs(geom,$chan)]} {
            set window $i
            catch {eval [join $prefs(geom,$chan) \;]}
    focus $i.bottom.cmdline
    UpdateTitle $i
    update idletasks
    if {!$exists} {event generate $i <<channelcreate>>}
    return $i

proc CreateDccChat {id} {
    global info server prefs away history dcc
    set i .$id
    if {[winfo exists $i]} {
        wm deiconify $i
        raise $i
        return $i
    toplevel $i -class Chat
    frame $i.menubar
    frame $i.middle
    frame $i.bottom
    scrollbar $i.middle.scroll -orient v -command "$i.middle.text yview"
    text $i.middle.text -state disabled -bd 1 -yscrollcommand "$i.middle.scroll set"
    entry $i.bottom.cmdline -font $prefs(font,cmdline)
    checkbutton $i.menubar.close -font $prefs(font,menu) -highlightthickness 0 -text Autoclose -variable dcc($id,close)
    MakeMenu $i "window dcc personal misc"
    $i.menubar.window.menu.2 delete 4 5
    wm protocol $i WM_DELETE_WINDOW "CloseDccChatWindow $id"
    wm title $i "RoxIRC DCC Chat $dcc($id,nick)"
    wm iconname $i "DCC Chat $dcc($id,nick) \[RoxIRC\]"
    wm geometry $i $prefs(geom,chat)
    if {$prefs(menubar)} {pack $i.menubar -side top -fill x}
    pack $i.bottom -side bottom -fill x
    pack $i.middle -side top -expand 1 -fill both
    pack $i.middle.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack $i.middle.text -expand 1 -fill both
    pack $i.bottom.cmdline -fill x
    pack $i.menubar.close -side right
    array set options [list ts,$i $prefs(ts) menubar,$i $prefs(menubar)]
    set info(text,$i) $i.middle.text
    set dcc($id,close) $prefs(dccchatautoclose)
    array set history [list $i,list {} $i,cur -1]
    fontconfigure $i $prefs(font,chat)
    colorconfigure $i.middle.text dccchat
    colorconfigure $i.bottom.cmdline cmdline
    ConfigureTags $i
    bindtags $i.bottom.cmdline "cmdline $i.bottom.cmdline Entry $i all"
    bind $i.middle.text <Double-Button-1> "Double $i dcc ; break"
    bind $i.middle.text <ButtonRelease-1> "tk_textCopy $i.middle.text; focus $i.bottom.cmdline; break"
    bind $i.middle.text <Button-3> "OtherPopup $i.menubar.dcc.menu %X %Y"
    bind $i.middle.text <Configure> "$i.middle.text see end"
    bind $i <<command>> {Echo %W {[ info ] This dcc is not connected} {info default}}
    if {[info exists prefs(geom,=$dcc($id,nick)]} {
        set window $i
        catch {eval [join $prefs(geom,=$dcc($id,nick) \;]}
    focus $i.bottom.cmdline
    update idletasks
    event generate $i <<dccchatcreate>>
    return $i

proc CreateDccFile {type id} {
    global dcc prefs
    set w .$id
    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
        wm deiconify $w
        raise $w
        return $w
    if {[set bd [option get . Toplevel.borderWidth Toplevel]] == ""} {set bd 0}
    toplevel $w -class File -relief raised -bd $bd
    wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "CloseDccFileWindow $id"
    wm title $w "RoxIRC DCC [string map {get "Get from" send "Send to"} $type] $dcc($id,nick) ([file tail $dcc($id,file)])"
    wm iconname $w "DCC [string totitle $type] $dcc($id,nick) ([file tail $dcc($id,file)]) \[RoxIRC\]"
    wm resizable $w 1 0
    frame $w.bottom
    frame $w.1 -bd 1 -relief sunken
    frame $w.2 -bd 1 -relief sunken
    label $w.1.file    -font $prefs(font,menu) -anchor w
    label $w.1.host    -font $prefs(font,menu) -anchor e -text "ip: ?.?.?.?"
    label $w.1.size    -font $prefs(font,menu) -anchor e -text "size: 0"
    label $w.2.elapsed -font $prefs(font,menu) -anchor e -text "elapsed: 0"
    label $w.2.kbps    -font $prefs(font,menu) -anchor e -text "kbps: 0.00"
    label $w.2.r       -font $prefs(font,menu) -anchor e -text "[string map {send sent get received} $type]: 0"
    label $w.bottom.status -font $prefs(font,menu) -bd 1 -relief sunken -padx 3 -pady 2 -anchor e -text [string map {get "Connecting..." send "Waiting for connection"} $type] -anchor w
    checkbutton $w.bottom.close -highlightthickness 0 -font $prefs(font,menu) -text "Autoclose" -variable dcc($id,close)
    scale $w.graph -width 20 -highlightthickness 0 -from 0 -to 100 -resolution 1 -variable dcc($id,scale) -state disabled -orient h -tickinterval 25 -sliderlength 10 -label "Time remaining: "
    pack $w.1 -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
    pack $w.2 -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
    pack $w.graph -padx 5 -fill x
    pack $w.bottom -side bottom -fill x
    pack $w.bottom.close -side right -pady 3 -padx 3
    pack $w.bottom.status -side left -fill x -expand 1 -pady 3 -padx 3
    grid $w.1.host $w.1.size $w.1.file -sticky w -pady 2 -padx 2 -ipady 1
    grid $w.2.elapsed $w.2.r $w.2.kbps -sticky w -pady 2 -padx 2 -ipady 1
    grid columnconfigure $w.1 {0 1} -uniform 1 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure $w.2 {0 1} -uniform 1 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure $w.1 2 -uniform 1 -weight 2
    grid columnconfigure $w.2 2 -uniform 1 -weight 2
    array set dcc [list $id,close $prefs(dccfileautoclose) $id,scale 0]
    if {$type == "send"} {
        $w.1.file configure -text "file: [string range $dcc($id,file) end-24 end]"
        $w.1.size configure -text "size: [kb [file size $dcc($id,file)]]"
    } elseif {$type == "get"} {
        $w.1.file configure -text "file: [string range [file tail $dcc($id,file)] end-24 end]"
        $w.1.size configure -text "size: [kb $dcc($id,size)]"
    return $w

proc CreateStatus {} {
    global info prefs history options
    frame .0.menubar
    frame .0.bottom
    entry .0.bottom.cmdline -font $prefs(font,cmdline)
    scrollbar .0.middle.scroll -orient v -command ".0.middle.text yview"
    label .0.menubar.modes -text "-" -relief sunken -bd 1 -font $prefs(font,menu)
    MakeMenu .0 "window personal server misc"
    .0.middle.text configure -bd 1 -yscrollcommand ".0.middle.scroll set" -state disabled
    .0.menubar.window.menu delete 10
    .0.menubar.window.menu.1 delete 0 1
    .0.menubar.window.menu.2 delete 4 5
    wm geometry .0 $prefs(geom,status)
    wm protocol .0 WM_DELETE_WINDOW {CloseClient ""}
    if {$prefs(menubar)} {pack .0.menubar -side top -fill x}
    pack .0.bottom -side bottom -fill x
    pack .0.middle -side top -expand 1 -fill both
    pack .0.menubar.modes -side right -padx 2 -ipadx 3
    pack .0.middle.scroll -side right -fill y
    pack .0.bottom.cmdline -fill x
    pack .0.middle.text -side left -fill both -expand 1
    set info(text,.0) .0.middle.text
    array set history {.0,list "" .0,cur -1}
    array set options [list menubar,.0 $prefs(menubar) ts,.0 $prefs(ts)]
    fontconfigure .0 $prefs(font,status)
    colorconfigure .0.middle.text status
    colorconfigure .0.bottom.cmdline cmdline
    bindtags .0.bottom.cmdline "cmdline .0.bottom.cmdline Entry .0 all"
    bind .0.middle.text <Button-3> "OtherPopup .0.menubar.server.menu %X %Y"
    bind .0.middle.text <Double-Button-1> "Double .0 status ; break"
    bind .0.middle.text <ButtonRelease-1> "tk_textCopy .0.middle.text; focus .0.bottom.cmdline; break"
    bind .0.middle.text <Configure> ".0.middle.text see end"
    bind .0 <<command>> {Echo .0 {[ info ] You have no channel joined in this window} {info default}}
    focus .0.bottom.cmdline
    ConfigureTags .0

proc fontconfigure {win font} {
    global prefs info option
    set f f[string trimleft $win .]
    catch {font create $f}
    catch {font create ${f}b}
    lappend font 14
    font configure $f -family [lindex $font 0] -size [lindex $font 1] -weight normal -slant roman
    font configure ${f}b -family [lindex $font 0] -size [lindex $font 1] -weight [expr {$prefs(bold) ? {bold} : {normal}}] -slant roman
    $info(text,$win) configure -font $f
    $info(text,$win) tag configure bold -font ${f}b

proc ConfigureTags {win} {
    global prefs info options
    # for backwards compatibility
    foreach {name color} [array get prefs color,*] {
        $info(text,$win) tag configure [lindex [split $name ,] 1] -foreground $color
    foreach {name color} [array get prefs color,*,foreground] {
        $info(text,$win) tag configure [lindex [split $name ,] 1] -foreground $color
    foreach {name color} [array get prefs color,*,background] {
        $info(text,$win) tag configure [lindex [split $name ,] 1] -background $color
    foreach tag {<> @<> +<> me my<> mynick mytext hilight ts search sel} {
        $info(text,$win) tag configure $tag -lmargin1 {}
        $info(text,$win) tag raise $tag
    foreach tag {nicks @nicks +nicks default} {
        $info(text,$win) tag configure $tag -lmargin1 {}
        $info(text,$win) tag lower $tag
    $info(text,$win) tag lower nicks
    $info(text,$win) tag lower default
    $info(text,$win) tag configure ts -elide [expr {($options(ts,$win) || $prefs(ts)) ? 0 : 1}]
    $info(text,$win) tag configure underline -underline $prefs(underline)
    $info(text,$win) tag configure @ -elide [expr {!$prefs(opsinchan)}]
    $info(text,$win) tag configure + -elide [expr {!$prefs(opsinchan)}]
    $info(text,$win) tag configure margin -lmargin2 $prefs(margin)
    $info(text,$win) tag bind url <Enter> "$info(text,$win) configure -cursor hand2"
    $info(text,$win) tag bind url <Leave> "$info(text,$win) configure -cursor {}"
    $info(text,$win) tag bind url <Double-Button-1> "UrlEvent double %W %X %Y %x %y"
    $info(text,$win) tag bind url <Button-3> "UrlEvent menu %W %X %Y %x %y"
    $info(text,$win) tag bind nicks <Button-3> {NickPopup2 %W %X %Y %x %y}

proc circulate {dir} {
    set wins [winfo children .]
    set p [lsearch $wins [winfo toplevel [focus]]]
    set wins [concat [lrange $wins [expr {$p + 1}] end] [lrange $wins 0 [expr {$p - 1}]]]
    if {[string match "back*" $dir]} {
        set tmp $wins
        set wins {}
        foreach x $tmp {set wins [linsert $wins 0 $x]}
    foreach i $wins {
        if {[wm state $i] == "normal" && [winfo exists $i.bottom.cmdline]} {
            set next $i
    if {[info exists next] && $next != ""} {
        wm deiconify $next
        raise $next
        focus $next.bottom.cmdline

proc margin {window line} {
    global info
    foreach x [textwindows] {
        $info(text,$x) tag configure margin -lmargin2 $line

proc ts {win} {
    global options info
    set view [lindex [$info(text,$win) yview] 1]
    $info(text,$win) tag configure ts -elide [expr {!$options(ts,$win)}]
    if {$view == 1} {$info(text,$win) see end}

proc ial {window line} {
    global ial
    if {!$line} {
        catch {unset ial}

proc bold {window line} {
    set line [string map {0 normal 1 bold} $line]
    foreach x [textwindows] {
        font configure f[string trimleft $x .]b -weight $line

proc underline {window line} {
    global info
    foreach x [textwindows] {
        $info(text,$x) tag configure underline -underline $line

proc MakeMenu {i types} {
    global prefs menu
    foreach type $types {
        if {[info exists menu($type)]} {
            menubutton $i.menubar.$type -text [string totitle $type] -menu $i.menubar.$type.menu -underline 0 -font $prefs(font,menu)
            menu $i.menubar.$type.menu -tearoff 0 -font $prefs(font,menu)
            menuparse $type $i.menubar.$type.menu $menu($type)
            pack $i.menubar.$type -side left

proc menuparse {type menu list} {
    global prefs options
    set sub -1
    set num -1
    set window .[lindex [split $menu .] 1]
    while {[set list [lreplace $list 0 $num]] != ""} {
        set num 0
        switch -exact -- [lindex $list 0] {
            command {
                $menu add command -label [lindex $list 1] -command [list DoMenu $window [lindex $list 2]]
                incr num 2
            separator {
                $menu add separator
            menu {
                incr sub
                $menu add cascade -label [subst [lindex $list 1]] -menu [append menu .$sub]
                menu $menu -tearoff 0 -font $prefs(font,menu)
                $menu delete 0 end
                incr num
            end {
                set menu [string range $menu 0 [expr {[string last . $menu] - 1}]]
            checkbutton {
                $menu add checkbutton -label [lindex $list 1] -variable [subst [lindex $list 2]] -command [list DoMenu $window [lindex $list 3]]
                incr num 3
            radiobutton {
                $menu add radiobutton -label [lindex $list 1] -variable [subst [lindex $list 2]] -value [subst [lindex $list 3]] -command [list DoMenu $window [lindex $list 4]]
                incr num 4
            tcl {
                menuparse $type $menu [menutcl $window $type [lindex $list 1]]
                incr num
            default {
                Echo .0 "\[ error \] Unknown menu option \"[lindex $list 0]\" in $type menu" {error default}

proc menutcl {window type tcl} {
    global prefs menu options
    if {[catch {eval $tcl} err] == 1} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error in $type menu tcl command: $err" {error default}
        return {}
    return $err

proc DoMenu {window command} {
    global info server away me prefs names dcc options
    switch -exact [string index $window 1] {
        0 {}
        q {
            if {![info exists info(nick,$window)]} {return}
            set nick $info(nick,$window)
        c {set nick $dcc([string trimleft $window .],nick)}
        default {
            set channel ""
            if {[info exists info(channel,$window)]} {set channel $info(channel,$window)}
            set nicks [selected $window]
            set nick [lindex $nicks 0]
    if {[catch {eval $command} msg]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error in menu command $command: $msg" {error default}

proc DefaultKeyBindings {} {
    bind cmdline <Escape> {wm iconify [winfo toplevel %W]}
    bind cmdline <Tab> {Complete %W}
    bind cmdline <Return> {Command %W}
    bind cmdline <Up> {HistoryUp %W}
    bind cmdline <Down> {HistoryDown %W}
    bind cmdline <Prior> {$info(text,[winfo toplevel %W]) yview scroll -1 pages}
    bind cmdline <Next> {$info(text,[winfo toplevel %W]) yview scroll  1 pages}
    bind cmdline <Control-Home> {$info(text,[winfo toplevel %W]) yview moveto 0}
    bind cmdline <Control-End> {$info(text,[winfo toplevel %W]) yview moveto 1}
    bind cmdline <MouseWheel> {$info(text,[winfo toplevel %W]) yview scroll [expr {%D / -24}] units}
    catch {bind cmdline <KP_Prior> {$info(text,[winfo toplevel %W]) yview scroll -1 pages}}
    catch {bind cmdline <KP_Next>  {$info(text,[winfo toplevel %W]) yview scroll  1 pages}}
    catch {bind cmdline <Control-KP_End> {$info(text,[winfo toplevel %W]) yview moveto 1; break}}
    #bind cmdline <KeyPress> "puts %K"
    bind Text <Button-5> {%W yview scroll  5 units}
    bind Text <Button-4> {%W yview scroll -5 units}
    bind all <Alt-Key> {catch {::tk::TraverseToMenu %W %A}}
    bind all <Alt-Key> {+catch {tkTraverseToMenu %W %A}}
    bind all <<PrevWindow>> {}
    bind all <Tab> {}

proc nicklistselection {win dir} {
    set win [winfo toplevel $win]
    if {[winfo exists $win.middle.right.nicks]} {
        # catch for compatability with both 8.3 and 8.4
        switch -exact $dir {
            up {
                catch {tk::ListboxUpDown $win.middle.right.nicks -1}
                catch {tkListboxUpDown $win.middle.right.nicks -1}
            down {
                catch {tk::ListboxUpDown $win.middle.right.nicks 1}
                catch {tkListboxUpDown $win.middle.right.nicks 1}

proc reattachnick {i} {
    catch {destroy $i.n}
    pack forget $i.middle.left
    pack $i.middle.right -side right -fill y
    pack $i.middle.left -side left -expand 1 -fill both
    if {[lindex [$i.middle.left.text yview] 1] == 1} {
        update idletasks
        $i.middle.left.text see end

proc detachnick {win X Y x y} {
    global prefs
    if {[winfo exists $win.n]} {return}
    pack forget $win.middle.right
    CreateNicklist $win
    UpdateTitle $win
    wm geometry $win.n [winfo width $win.middle.right]x[winfo height $win.middle.right]+[expr {$x - $X}]+[expr {$y - $Y}]
    update idletasks
    set nicks [$win.middle.right.nicks get 0 end]
    eval "$win.n.nicks insert 0 $nicks"
    set @nicklist ""
    set +nicklist ""
    foreach {x color} [array get prefs color,?nicklist,*] {
        lappend [lindex [split $x ,] 1] -[lindex [split $x ,] 2] $color
    set index 0
    foreach x $nicks {
        if {[string match @* $x]} {
            eval $win.n.nicks itemconfigure $index ${@nicklist}
        } elseif {[string match +* $x]} {
            eval $win.n.nicks itemconfigure $index ${+nicklist}
        } else {
        incr index
    $win.n.label configure -text [$win.middle.right.label cget -text]
    rename $win.middle.right.nicks _$win.middle.right.nicks
    rename $win.middle.right.label _$win.middle.right.label
    proc $win.middle.right.nicks {args} "eval _$win.middle.right.nicks \$args; return \[eval $win.n.nicks \$args\]"
    proc $win.middle.right.label {args} "eval _$win.middle.right.label \$args; return \[eval $win.n.label \$args\]"
    bind $win.n.nicks <Destroy> [list catch "rename $win.middle.right.nicks {}; rename _$win.middle.right.nicks $win.middle.right.nicks"]
    bind $win.n.label <Destroy> [list catch "rename $win.middle.right.label {}; rename _$win.middle.right.label $win.middle.right.label"]

proc NicksMove {win x y} {
    set rx1 [winfo rootx $win]
    set ry1 [winfo rooty $win]
    set rx2 [expr {$rx1 + [winfo width $win]}]
    set ry2 [expr {$ry1 + [winfo height $win]}]
    if {$x < ($rx1 - 10) || $x > ($rx2 + 10) || $y < ($ry1 - 10) || $y > ($ry2 + 10)} {
        eval detachnick [winfo toplevel $win] 0 0 $x $y

proc NicksResize {type win args} {
    global info
    switch $type {
        press {
            bind $win.middle.right.move <ButtonRelease-1> "NicksResize release $win [lindex [$info(text,$win) yview] 1]"
            bind $win.middle.right.move <Motion> "NicksResize motion $win [$win.middle.right.nicks cget -width] [expr {[winfo width $win.middle.right.nicks] / [$win.middle.right.nicks cget -width]}] $args %X"
        motion {
            set new [expr {(([lindex $args 2] - [lindex $args 3]) / [lindex $args 1]) + [lindex $args 0]}]
            if {$new == 0} {
                command_option $win {nicklist 0}
                NicksResize release $win
                after idle [list $win.middle.left.scroll configure -activerelief [lindex [$win.middle.left.scroll configure -activerelief] 3]]
                set new 12
            if {$new > 0 && [$win.middle.right.nicks cget -width]} {
                $win.middle.right.nicks configure -width $new
                $win.middle.right.label configure -width $new
                update idletasks
        release {
            bind $win.middle.right.move <Motion> ""
            bind $win.middle.right.move <ButtonRelease-1> ""
            if {$args == 1} {
                update idletasks
                $info(text,$win) see end

proc Double {window type} {
    global info prefs server me away dcc event
    if {[info exists event]} {
        unset event
    if {[info exists prefs(click,$type)]} {
        switch -exact $type {
            nick {
                if {![info exists info(channel,$window)]} {return}
                set channel $info(channel,$window)
                set nick [string trimleft [$window.middle.right.nicks get [lindex [$window.middle.right.nicks curselection] 0]] "@+"]
            channel {
                if {![info exists info(channel,$window)]} {return}
                set nicks [selected $window]
                set nick [lindex $nicks 0]
                set channel $info(channel,$window)
            query {set nick $info(nick,$window)}
            dcc {set nick $dcc([string trimleft $window .],nick)}
        eval $prefs(click,$type)

proc TextWindowCleanup {w} {
    array unset ::options *,$w
    array unset ::history $w,*
    unset ::info(text,$w)
    font delete f[string trimleft $w .] f[string trimleft $w .]b

proc EndLogging {w} {
    global options
    if {$options(log,$w)} {
        puts $options(lfh,$name) "Logging stopped on [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%D at %R %Z" -gmt $prefs(gmt)]"
        close $options(lfh,$name)

proc CloseChat {name} {
    global info options history prefs
    destroy $name
    unset info(query,$info(nick,$name)) info(nick,$name)
    EndLogging $name
    TextWindowCleanup $name
    foreach x [textwindows] {
        if {[wm state $x] != "withdrawn" && $x != $name} {return}
    wm deiconify .0

proc CloseChannel {name} {
    global info history options prefs
    destroy $name
    if {[info exists info(channel,$name)]} {Send "PART $info(channel,$name)"}
    EndLogging $name
    TextWindowCleanup $name
    foreach x [textwindows] {
        if {[wm state $x] != "withdrawn" && $x != $name} {return}
    wm deiconify .0

proc DeleteChannel {chan win} {
    global info names ial server
    unset info(channel,$win) info(window,$chan)
    set chan [globescape $chan]
    array unset names $chan,*
    array unset ial $chan,*
    if {[winfo exists $win]} {
        bind $win <<command>> {Echo %W {[ info ] You have no channel joined in this window} {info default}}
        $win.middle.right.label configure -text "@- +- -"
        $win.middle.right.nicks delete 0 end
        InsertDisabled $win.middle.left.topic {}
        $win.menubar.modes configure -text "-"
        UpdateTitle $win

proc CloseDccFileWindow {id} {
    DccFileDone $id
    catch {destroy .$id}

proc CloseDccChatWindow {id} {
    global dcc info history options prefs
    destroy .$id
    catch {close $dcc($id,sock)}
    if {$dcc($id,state) == 1 || $dcc($id,state) > 2 || [info level] == 0} {ClearDcc $id}
    EndLogging .$id
    TextWindowCleanup .$id
    foreach x [textwindows] {
        if {[wm state $x] != "withdrawn"} {return}
    wm deiconify .0

proc CloseClient {line} {
    global options prefs irc
    if {$line == ""} {set line "<insert witty, contrived message here>"}
    Send "QUIT :$line"
    foreach x [array names options lfh,*] {EndLogging [lindex [split $x ,] 1]}

proc NickPopup {win path x y y2} {
    global info event
    if {[info exists event]} {
        unset event
    if {![winfo exists $win.menu]} {return}
    if {[info exists info(channel,[winfo toplevel $win])]} {
        if {![$path selection includes [$path nearest $y2]]} {
            $path selection clear 0 end
            $path selection set [$path nearest $y2]
        tk_popup $win.menu $x $y

proc NickPopup2 {win x y x2 y2} {
    global info event
    set event 1
    set twin [winfo toplevel $win]
    if {[info exists info(channel,$twin)]} {
        $win tag remove sel 1.0 end
        eval $win tag add sel [$win tag prevrange nicks [$win index @[expr {$x2 + 15}],$y2]]
        set nick [eval $win get [$win tag prevrange nicks [$win index @[expr {$x2 + 15}],$y2]]]
        set list [$twin.middle.right.nicks get 0 end]
        foreach c {{} @ +} {
            if {[set i [lsearch -exact $list $c$nick]] > -1} {break}
        if {$i < 0} {return}
        $twin.middle.right.nicks selection clear 0 end
        $twin.middle.right.nicks selection set $i
        $twin.middle.right.nicks yview $i
        if {[winfo exists $twin.menubar.user.menu]} {
            tk_popup $twin.menubar.user.menu $x $y

proc ChanPopup {win x y} {
    global info event
    if {[info exists event]} {
        unset event
    if {[info exists info(channel,$win)] && [winfo exists $win.menubar.channel.menu]} {
        tk_popup $win.menubar.channel.menu $x $y

proc OtherPopup {menu x y} {
    global info event
    if {[info exists event]} {
        unset event
    if {[winfo exists $menu]} {
        tk_popup $menu $x $y

proc UrlEvent {type win x y x2 y2} {
    global event prefs
    set event 1
    switch $type {
        double {
            set blah [$win tag prevrange url [$win index @$x2,$y2]]
            set url [$win get [lindex $blah 0] [lindex $blah 1]]
            eval exec [string map {"\$url" $url} $prefs(urlcommand)] &
        menu {
            $win tag remove sel 1.0 end
            eval $win tag add sel [$win tag prevrange url [$win index @[expr {$x2 + 15}],$y2]]
            #tk_popup $win.url $x $y

proc Echo {window line {tags 0} args} {
    global info options prefs
    if {![winfo exists $window]} {return}
    set view [lindex [$info(text,$window) yview] 1]
    set ts [clock format [clock seconds] -format $prefs(tsformat) -gmt $prefs(gmt)]
    $info(text,$window) configure -state normal
    if {$tags == "0"} {
        set tags {}
        if {[string match {\[ *} $line]} {
            set tags "default [string range $line 2 [expr {[string first \] $line] - 2}]]"
        } elseif {[set me2 [string map {\\ \\\\ \[ \\\[ \] \\\] ^ \\^} $::me]] != "" && [regexp -- "^(-> |<$me2>|\\\* $me2 |\\\+$me2\\\+|-$me2-)" $line]} {
            set tags me
        } elseif {[string match "(*" $line]} {
            set tags numeric
        } elseif {[regexp {^(\*|\+)\[^ \]+(\*|\+)} $line]} {
            set tags privmsg
        } elseif {[string match {\* *} $line]} {
            set tags action
    if {$args == ""} {
        $info(text,$window) insert end \n {} "$ts " "ts $tags" $line "margin $tags"
    } else {
        $info(text,$window) insert end \n {} "$ts " "[lindex $args end] ts"
        eval $info(text,$window) insert end {$line $tags} $args
    $info(text,$window) delete 1.0 end-$prefs(scrollback)l
    set line [$info(text,$window) get end-1l end]
    if {[lsearch -exact $tags "me"] == -1 && [string match -nocase *[string map {\\ \\\\ \[ \\\[ \] \\\]} $::me]* $line]} {$info(text,$window) tag add hilight end-1l end}
    event generate $info(text,$window) <<echo>>
    if {$options(log,$window)} {puts -nonewline $options(lfh,$window) $line}
    styleparse $info(text,$window) "\x02" bold
    styleparse $info(text,$window) "\x1f" underline
    $info(text,$window) configure -state disabled
    if {$prefs(urls)} {urls $window}
    set num [llength [split $line "\a"]]
    incr num -1
    if {$num > $prefs(maxbeeps)} {set num $prefs(maxbeeps)}
    if {$num > 0} {command_beep .0 "$num 300"}
    if {$options(popup,$window)} {
        wm geometry $window [winfo geometry $window]
        wm deiconify $window
        raise $window
    if {$view == 1} {$info(text,$window) yview moveto 1}

proc urls {window} {
    global info urls prefs
    set pos [$info(text,$window) index end-1l]
    while {[set blah [$info(text,$window) search -elide -regexp -count len {http://[^ \"]+|www\.[^ \"]+} $pos end]] != ""} {
        $info(text,$window) tag add url $blah $blah+${len}c
        set url [$info(text,$window) get $blah $blah+${len}c]
        set pos $blah+${len}c
        set chan -
        if {[info exists info(channel,$window)]} {
            set chan $info(channel,$window)
        } elseif {[info exists info(nick,$window)]} {
            set chan $info(nick,$window)
        lappend urls [format " %s  %-15s  %s" [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%D %R" -gmt $prefs(gmt)] $chan $url]

proc styleparse {text char tag} {
    set line [$text get end-1l end]
    set pos 0
    set add {}
    set del {}
    while {[set pos [string first $char $line $pos]] > -1} {
        lappend add end-1l+${pos}c
        set del [linsert $del 0 $pos]
        incr pos
    if {$add != ""} {
        eval $text tag add $tag $add end
        foreach x $del {$text delete end-1l+${x}c}

proc HistoryUp {window} {
    global history
    set window [winfo toplevel $window]
    if {[lindex $history($window,list) [expr {$history($window,cur) + 1}]] != ""} {
        if {$history($window,cur) == -1} {
            set history($window,tmp) [$window.bottom.cmdline get]
        $window.bottom.cmdline delete 0 end
        incr history($window,cur)
        $window.bottom.cmdline insert end [lindex $history($window,list) $history($window,cur)]
    } else {

proc HistoryDown {window} {
    global history
    set window [winfo toplevel $window]
    if {$history($window,cur) != -1} {
        $window.bottom.cmdline delete 0 end
        if {$history($window,cur) == 0} {
            $window.bottom.cmdline insert end $history($window,tmp)
            set history($window,cur) -1
        } else {
            incr history($window,cur) -1
            $window.bottom.cmdline insert end [lindex $history($window,list) $history($window,cur)]
    } else {

proc autoaway {} {
    global prefs away autoaway irc
    if {[info exists irc] && !$away && $prefs(autoaway) > 0} {
        Send "AWAY :$prefs(awayreason)"
    set autoaway 1

proc AddToHistory {window line} {
    global history prefs
    if {$history($window,cur) > -1 && [lindex $history($window,list) $history($window,cur)] == $line} {
        set history($window,list) [lreplace $history($window,list) $history($window,cur) $history($window,cur)]
    set history($window,list) [linsert $history($window,list) 0 $line]
    set history($window,list) [lrange $history($window,list) 0 $prefs(history)]
    set history($window,cur) -1

proc Command {window} {
    global away prefs autoaway line
    after cancel autoaway
    if {!$away && $prefs(autoaway) > 0} {after [expr {$prefs(autoaway) * 60000}] autoaway}
    if {$away && ($prefs(autounaway) == 1 || ($prefs(autounaway) == 2 && [info exists autoaway]))} {Send "AWAY"}
    if {[set line [$window get]] == ""} {
        unset line
    $window delete 0 end
    set window [winfo toplevel $window]
    AddToHistory $window $line
    set command [trim [lindex [split $line] 0] /]
    if {[string index $line 0] == "/"} {
        set line [string range $line [expr {[string length $command] + 2}] end]
        if {[info commands command_$command] != ""} {
            command_$command $window $line
        } else {
            set tmp [info commands command_$command*]
            switch [llength $tmp] {
                1 {$tmp $window $line}
                0 {Echo $window "\[ error \] Unknown command /$command $line" {error default}}
                default {Echo $window "\[ info \] Ambigous command /$command $line" {info default}}
    } else {
        event generate $window <<command>>
    catch {unset line}

proc sendq {} {
    global prefs sendq flood irc ignore
    if {[llength $sendq] > 0} {
        set line [lindex $sendq 0]
        #puts "Out: $line"
        if {[info exists irc]} {
            if {[catch {puts $irc $line} err] && ![info exists connecting]} {
                Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error sending to server: [geterror $err]" {error default}
                set sendq {}
        } else {
            foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x {[ server ] You are not connected to a server} {server default}}
            set sendq {}
        set sendq [lreplace $sendq 0 0]
        after $prefs(flooddelay) sendq
    } else {
        unset flood sendq
        Echo .0 {[ info ] Flood protection deactivated} {info default}

proc Send {line} {
    global info prefs
    if {[info exists ::flood]} {
        if {[llength $::sendq] < $prefs(floodmaxq)} {lappend ::sendq $line}
    if {([clock clicks -milliseconds] - $info(send,last)) < $prefs(floodtime)} {
        incr info(send,num)
    } else {
        set info(send,last) [clock clicks -milliseconds]
        set info(send,num) 0
    if {$info(send,num) >= $prefs(floodlines) && $prefs(flood)} {
        set ::flood 1
        set ::sendq {}
        Echo .0 {[ info ] Flood protection activated} {info default}
        Send $line
    #puts "Out: $line"
    if {[info exists ::irc]} {
        if {[catch {puts $::irc $line} err]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error sending to server: [geterror $err]" {error default}
    } elseif {[info level] > 1 && [string equal [upvar #1 fh fh] ""] && [info exists fh] && $fh != ""} {
        catch {puts $fh $line}
    } else {
        set found ""
        foreach x [file channels s*] {
            if {![catch {fileevent $x readable} out] && [string match "Connected *" $out]} {lappend found $x}
        if {[llength $found] == 1} {
            catch {puts $found $line}
        } elseif {![info exists ::connecting]} {
            foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x {[ server ] You are not connected to a server} {server default}}

proc unbind {tag event script} {
    set bind ""
    foreach x [split [bind $tag $event] "\n"] {
        if {$x != $script} {lappend bind $x}
    bind $tag $event {}
    foreach x $bind {bind $tag $event $x}

proc bgerror {error} {
    global errorInfo errorCode
    set tmp [split $errorInfo "\n"]
    puts stderr "$errorInfo"
    Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error: $error [string trim [lindex $tmp 1]] [lindex $tmp 2] [string trim [lindex $tmp 3]]" {error default}

proc unknown {args} {
    global unknown_pending errorCode errorInfo
    set savedErrorCode $errorCode
    set savedErrorInfo $errorInfo
    set name [lindex $args 0]
    if {[info exists unknown_pending($name)]} {
        return -code error "self-referential recursion in command \"$name\""
    set unknown_pending($name) pending
    if {[string match /* $name]} {
        if {[set cmd [info commands command_[string trim $name /]]] == ""} {
            unset unknown_pending($name)
            return -code error "invalid command name \"$name\""
        if {[info level] > 1} {upvar window win}
        if {![info exists win] || $win == ""} {set win .0}
        set args [list $cmd $win [join [lrange $args 1 end]]]
    } else {
        set code [catch {auto_load $name [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]} msg]
        if {$code != 0} {
            unset unknown_pending($name)
            return -code $code -errorcode $errorCode "error while autoloading \"$name\": $msg"
        if {!$msg} {
            unset unknown_pending($name)
            return -code error "invalid command name \"$name\""
    set errorCode $savedErrorCode
    set errorInfo $savedErrorInfo
    set code [catch {uplevel 1 $args} msg]
    unset unknown_pending($name)
    if {![array size unknown_pending]} {unset unknown_pending}
    if {$code == 1} {
        set new [split $errorInfo \n]
        set new [join [lrange $new 0 [expr {[llength $new] - 6}]] \n]
        return -code error -errorcode $errorCode -errorinfo $new $msg
    return -code $code $msg

proc dialog {w title text cmd default args} {
    global prefs
    catch {destroy $w}
    set oldfocus [focus]
    if {[set bd [option get . Toplevel.borderWidth Toplevel]] == ""} {set bd 0}
    toplevel $w -class Dialog -relief raised -bd $bd
    wm title $w $title
    wm iconname $w $title
    wm transient $w [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $w]]
    wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {# nothing}
    wm resizable $w 0 0
    pack [frame $w.bot] -side bottom -fill both -ipady 2
    pack [frame $w.top] -side top -fill both -expand 1
    label $w.top.msg -justify center -text $text -font $prefs(font,menu) -wraplength 4i
    pack $w.top.msg -expand 1 -fill both -padx 3m -pady 3m
    set i 0
    foreach but $args {
        button $w.bot.button$i -text [lindex $but 0] -command [list dialogcallback $w $cmd [lrange $but 1 end]] -font $prefs(font,menu)
        if {$i == $default} {
             $w.bot.button$i configure -default active
             bind $w <Return> [list $w.bot.button$i invoke]
        grid $w.bot.button$i -column $i -row 0 -sticky ew -padx 10
        grid columnconfigure $w.bot $i -uniform 1
        incr i
    bind $w <Escape> [list destroy $w]
    bindtags $w $w
    wm withdraw $w
    update idletasks
    set x [expr {[winfo screenwidth  $w]/2 - [winfo reqwidth  $w]/2 - [winfo vrootx [winfo parent $w]]}]
    set y [expr {[winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 - [winfo vrooty [winfo parent $w]]}]
    wm geometry $w +$x+$y
    wm deiconify $w
    update idletasks
    focus -force $oldfocus

proc dialogcallback {win cmd a} {
    destroy $win
    eval [list $cmd] $a

proc current {} {
    if {[set cur [focus]] != ""} {return [winfo toplevel $cur]}
    return .0

proc trim {line char} {
    if {[string index $line 0] == $char} {return [string range $line 1 end]}
    return $line

proc escape {line} {
    return [string map {\\ \\\\ \" \\\" \$ \\\$ \{ \\\{ \} \\\} \[ \\\[} $line]

proc unescape {line} {
    return [subst -nocommands -novariables $line]

proc Parse {line} {
    #puts "In: $line"
    set line [string trimleft $line :]
    if {[set pos [string first " :" $line]] > -1} {
        set header [split [string range $line 0 [expr {$pos - 1}]]]
        set line [string range $line [expr {$pos + 2}] end]
    } else {
        set line [string trim $line]
        set pos [string last " " $line]
        set header [split [string range $line 0 [expr {$pos - 1}]]]
        set line [string range $line [expr {$pos + 1}] end]
    set numeric [lindex $header 1]
    if {$header == "PING"} {
        catch {puts $::irc "PONG :$line"}
    if {[info commands raw_$numeric] != ""} {
        raw_$numeric $header $line
        set ::last $numeric
    } elseif {[string equal -nocase $::me $numeric]} {
        regsub {^\*\*\* Notice -- |^\*\*\* } $line {} line
        Echo .0 "\[ server \] $line" {server default}
    } else {
        Echo .0 "( $numeric ) [string trim "[join [lrange $header 3 end]] $line"]" numeric
    foreach ns [namespace children ::scripts] {
        if {[info commands ${ns}::event_$numeric] != ""} {
            if {[catch {${ns}::event_$numeric $header $line} err]} {
                Echo .0 "\[ error \] Error in event_$numeric in script [namespace tail $ns]: $err" {error default}

proc Connected {serv fh} {
    global irc connecting info server prefs
    if {[set line [fconfigure $fh -error]] != ""} {
        close $fh
        Echo .0 "\[ server \] Could not connect to $serv: [geterror $line]" {server default}
        if {![info exists irc]} {
            if {![string equal $serv [lindex $info(connect) 0]] && $server != "-"} {
                after [expr {$prefs(reconnect) * 1000}] [list command_server .0 [join $info(connect)]]
            } else {
                foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x {[ server ] You are not connected to a server} {server default}}
    set name [string tolower [lindex [fconfigure $fh -peername] 1]]
    Echo .0 "\[ server \] Connected to $name" {server default}
    if {[info exists irc]} {
        catch {puts $irc "QUIT :changing servers"}
        after 100 [list catch "close $irc"]
        unset irc
    #if {[string equal [lindex $info(connect) 0] $serv]} {
    #    set info(connect) [lreplace $info(connect) 0 0 $name]
    fileevent $fh readable [list Connecting $name $fh]

proc Connecting {serv fh} {
    global irc connecting info prefs server
    set line {connection closed}
    if {[eof $fh] || [catch {gets $fh} line]} {
        close $fh
        foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x "\[ server \] Disconnected from $serv: [geterror $line]" {server default}}
        if {![info exists irc]} {
            if {$server != "-"} {
                after [expr {$prefs(reconnect) * 1000}] [list command_server .0 [join $info(connect)]]
            } else {
                foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x {[ server ] You are not connected to a server} {server default}}
    set irc $fh
    if {$line != ""} {Parse $line}
    if {[info exists connecting]} {unset irc}

proc Registered {} {
    global irc server connecting prefs info
    upvar #1 fh fh serv serv
    upvar header header
    set irc $fh
    set server [string tolower [lindex $header 0]]
    fileevent $fh readable [list GetLine $server $fh]
    unset info(connect)
    foreach x [split $prefs(server) "\n"] {
        set x [split [string tolower [string trim $x]] :]
        if {[lindex $x 0] == $server && [lindex $x 1] != ""} {
            set info(connect) [lrange $x 1 1]
    if {![info exists info(connect)]} {set info(connect) [list $server]}
    foreach x [file channels sock*] {
        if {![catch {fileevent $x readable} out] && [string match "Connect*" $out]} {catch {close $x}}
    unset connecting
    foreach x [after info] {
        if {[string match "command_server *" [lindex [after info $x] 0]]} {after cancel $x}

proc GetLine {serv fh} {
    set line {connection closed}
    if {[eof $fh] || [catch {gets $fh} line]} {
        global info
        foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x "\[ server \] Disconnected from $serv: [geterror $line]" {server default}}
        close $fh
        if {$::irc == $fh} {unset ::irc}
        if {[info exists info(time,server)]} {
            Echo .0 "\[ info \] Connected to server for: [dur [expr {[clock seconds] - $info(time,server)}]]" {info default}
            unset info(time,server)
        after [expr {$::prefs(reconnect) * 1000}] [list command_server .0 [join $info(connect)]]
        Event disconnect {}
    if {$line != ""} {Parse $line}

proc getport {num} {
    global prefs
    if {$num == ""} {return $prefs(port)}
    set ports [split $num ,]
    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $ports]} {incr i} {
        set x [lindex $ports $i]
        if {[string match ?*-?* $x]} {
            set ports [lreplace $ports $i $i]
            set to [lindex [split $x -] 1]
            for {set a [lindex [split $x -] 0]} {$a <= $to} {incr a} {
                lappend ports $a
    return [lindex $ports [expr {round(rand() * ([llength $ports] - 1))}]]

proc OpenSock {serv port pass} {
    global irc prefs info
    set tmp ""
    if {$pass != ""} {set tmp ", pass ****"}
    Echo .0 "\[ server \] Connecting to $serv on port ${port}${tmp}" {server default}
    set host ""
    if {$prefs(host) != ""} {set host "-myaddr $prefs(host)"}
    if {[catch {eval socket -async $host $serv $port} sock]} {
        Echo .0 "\[ server \] Could not connect to $serv: [geterror $sock]" {server default}
        if {$::server != "-" && ![info exists irc] && ![string equal [lindex $info(connect) 0] $serv]} {
            after [expr {$prefs(reconnect) * 1000}] [list command_server .0 [join $info(connect)]]
        } elseif {![info exists irc]} {
            foreach x [textwindows] {Echo $x {[ server ] You are not connected to a server} {server default}}
    fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering none
    fileevent $sock readable [list Connected $serv $sock]
    fileevent $sock writable [list auth $sock $pass]
    global connecting
    set connecting $serv

proc Start {} {
    global info options prefs
    toplevel .0 -class Status
    wm withdraw .0
    frame .0.middle
    text .0.middle.text
    .0.middle.text insert end {[ info ] RoxIRC 2.0b by RockShox} {default info}
    set info(text,.0) .0.middle.text
    array set options "popup,.0 0 log,.0 0 ts,.0 0"
    set info(time,client) [clock seconds]
    wm deiconify .0
    update idletasks
    after 60000 {periodic}
    bind .0 <<periodic>> checkison


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