# $Id: RELNOTES,v 1.6 2003/08/12 10:22:19 tr-ircd Exp $ # Notes: 1) ZLINE has been removed. The only way to have the effect is the usage of SZLINEs. Zaplines are supported via maskfile configuration. 2) SQLINE does no longer cover channel names. Use JUPITER instead. If your services software does not support JUPITERs, then you should set no_oper_jupiter to no, and allow operators to /jupiter. 3) Channelmode modules are not designed to be unloaded. Its possible that flag based modules can be unloaded, but modules that manage lists should not since this will cause heavy desynchs. Therefore this feature will not be implemented. 4) If you compile the ircd as a static build, you will no longer have an option to compile the contributional modules. If you want to use them, add them into modules/ or use shared module system. 5) The ircd cannot be profiled anymore, since profiling functionality does not work with posix threads. Its simply too much to do, if we would change the posix thread architecture to enable profiling. So this is now postponed until better profiling utilities other than gprof become available. 6) For small networks, there now is a runtime option to the binary: --smallnet or -s Which optimizes memory usage. 7) TR-IRCD Contains GNU regex library. This is mainly used for the new REXCOM command, as it does use regular expressions. The REXCOM Command currently can be used to kline, quarantine, gecos-ban, jupiter. On all the cases regex matching is used. This Operation is CPU Intensive. Please do not active this, if your machine is slow. 8) The usermode +P, disabling of private messages is used in conjuction with the /accept command, which manages 4 different double linked lists. This management is cpu intensive. 9) Do not use kline or similar commands on faked hostnames, they will definitely not work. 10) TR-IRCD 5.5 includes new channelmodes which do not exist on trircd 5.1 Do not activate them, if you consider linking to older servers, or you will have a strange effect. 11) /restart command is now deprecated, since it cannot be used properly. A bug in the GNU C Library Versions up to 2.3.2 prevent threads from being exited properly leading to an endless loop when calling execve(). Therefore, we suggest not using /restart. For those who still need it, it has been moved to the contrib directory. 12) floodcontrol has now vanished from the configuration, since it did not work correctly and a correct flood control mechanism cannot be easily implemented. The floodmode +f still remains.