# ircd.conf  configuration file for ircd version ircu2.10.11
# Last Updated:  August 6, 2002.
# Written by Sengaia <sengaia@undernet.org>, based on the original
# example.conf by Niels and Braden.
# All options start with a letter identifying the option, and a colon
# separated list of options. Unused fields should be left blank.
# This sample configuration file serves only to illustrate the use and
# syntax of the options available, it should *never* be used to start
# an ircu server with!
# All options given can be changed while the server is running by sending
# a HUP signal to ircu or the /REHASH command, except where noted.
# If your server is a member of a network, chances are that there are some
# configuration lines that need to be synchronized across all servers;
# prime candidates being U:, Q: and possibly a subset of F: and K: lines.
# The linesync script provided in the tools/linesync directory allows you
# to centrally manage and update such a subset of configuration lines.

# [M:line]
# The M: line defines the identity of your server.
# M:<server name>:<virtual host>:<description>::<numeric>
# <server name>		The name of your server
# <virtual host>	The IP address used by your server to initiate
#			outgoing connections: server-to-server links and
#			identd checks.
# <description>		A short description of your server
# <numeric>		A numeric that identifies your server on the
#			network. It is used in server-server communication
#			only and *MUST* be unique.
# - The M: line is required.
# Notes:
#	- The <virtual host> field has nothing to do with the addresses
#	  and ports on which ircu will accept connections, those are
#	  defined in P: lines, later on.
#	- If you have CFV-165-based information hiding enabled, the content
#	  of the <description> field will not be shown in /whois output.
#	- The configuration parameters in the M: line cannot be updated
# 	  by rehashing the server, a restart is required to make changes
#	  take effect.
# Example:
M:Amsterdam.NL.EU.undernet.org:'s Amsterdam IRC Server::19

# [A:line]
# Administrative information about the server
# A:<line 1>:<line 2>:<line 3>
# <line 1-3>	Three lines of text containing administrative information.
# - The A: line is not required, but highly recommended.
# The contents of the A: line is returned when the /ADMIN command is
# issued. It should at least contain an admin email address, but can also
# contain information such as a company/network name and/or URL.
# Example:
A:CoolISP's Undernet IRC Server:Administered by <ircadmin@coolisp.nl>:Visit www.coolisp.nl

# [Y:lines]
# Defines connection classes
# Y:<class>:<ping frequency>:<connect frequency>:<maximum links>:<maximum sendq>
# <class>	A number uniquely identifying this class
# <ping freq>	Frequency in seconds at which the server will send keep-alive
#		PINGs to the connected client/server.
# <conn. freq>  Seconds between connection attempts, for server classes.
# <max links>	Maximum number of allowed connections in this class,
# <max sendq>	Maximum amount of data in bytes that can be backlogged for
#		this connection on the server before the connection gets closed.
# - Y: lines are not a legal requirement but a practical necessity.
# All connections on your server (both clients and servers) belong to a
# class, a class defines certain parameters applying to the connection,
# described below.
# In general, you will want separate classes for leafs, hubs and a number
# of classes for clients to connect into. The number of classes to use
# for clients depends entirely on the policy you wish to use. Use I lines
# to filter clients into classes; this allows you to set a policy
# governing how many clients from given networks can connect to your
# server.
# For server classes, the meaning of <maximum links> is different:
# Server classes are all classes that are included in C: lines (see
# below). For server classes, ircu will keep trying to connect to the
# servers in a given class until the class contains <maximum links>
# connections. In practice this means that on leafs you want to set it to
# 1, and on hubs to 0. Any other values may cause very interesting yet
# entirely undesirable situations.
# Examples:
# (Leaf) A class for the uplink to a hub
# The maximum size of the sendq depends mostly on the size of your network

# (Hub) A class for European leafs to connect to

# (Hub) A class for other hubs to connect to

# (Leaf) A fallback class for any clients that are not filtered into
another class.

# (Leaf) A class for very welcome clients (customers, for example)

# (Leaf) A class that will allow only a limited number of connections

# (Leaf) A class for all "local" (Dutch) clients

# (Leaf) A class for all "less local" (European) clients

# (Leaf) A class for all "foreign" (overseas) clients

# [I:lines]
# Authorizes clients and filters them into classes
# I:<address/hostmask>:<password/limit>:<hostmask>::<class>
# <IP mask>	An IP address mask
# <pass/limit>	Password or connection limit.
# <hostmask>	Hostmask
# <class>	The class (defined by Y: line) for this connection
# - I: lines are not a legal requirement but a practical necessity.
# Notes:
#	- The following wildcard characters are allowed in both IP and
#	  hostname mask fields: * and ?
#	- Both the IP and host mask fields can contain a userid@ field,
#	  which will match a given username. Note that a userid field will
#	  only be matched if an identd reply is received.
#	- The word 'Resolved' in the <IP mask> field will match any
#	  address for which a resolved hostname could be found.
#	- The word 'Unresolved' in the <IP mask> field will match any
#	  address for which no resolved hostname could be found.
#	- The <password> field is optional and can be left empty for no
#	  password, when a password is specified it must be in plain text.
#	- If the <password/limit> field contains a digit, that number
#	  will be the maximum allowed number of concurrent connections
#	  *to the entire network* that match the given I: line.
#	- I: lines with an empty IP or host mask field are ignored.
#	- The first I: line that matches will be used.
#	- I: lines are processed in reverse order as they appear in your
#	  ircd.conf; therefore list the lesser specific I: lines before
#	  any more specific ones.
# Incoming client connections are matched with I: lines according to the
# following algorithm:
# 1) Do a reverse and forward lookup on the client's IP address
# 2) if (1) results in a hostname, try to match it to any I: line that
#    contains a hostmask.
# 3) If (1) does not return a hostname or (2) fails, try to match the IP
#    address to any I: line containing an IP address mask.
# 4) If no I: line matches, the connection is denied.
# The following two  I: lines are fallback entries - they will match any
# connection that is not matched by other I: lines.

# Unresolved connections - 1 client per address, in class 10
# Resolved connections

# All American ISP's go in the "overseas" class:

# Catch all local networks with "overseas" domain names

# Catch other European TLD's into the "European" class:
# etc...

# Clients matching these lines are limited to 1 connection per address

# Lines for privileged clients, i.e. ourselves and friends ;)

# [T:lines]
# Display customized MOTD's depending on client's class or hostname
# T:<hostmask|class>:<motd-file>
# <host|class>	A hostmask or class number
# <motd-file>	Patch to a file containing a MOTD
# - T: lines are not required
# Notes:
#	- Filenames given are relative to "DPATH" (see ./configure)
# Examples:
# A T: line to inform overseas clients they may be better off connecting
# to an American server.

# Tell Swedish clients they should connect to irc.bork-bork-bork.org

# [U:lines]
# Define services servers and juped nicknames
# U:<server>:<juped-nicks>:*
# <server>	Name of a services server
# <juped-nicks>	Comma separated list of juped nicks
# - U: lines are required when you run services (i.e., gnuworld)
# Notes:
#	- No more than 4 juped nicknames per line
#	- U: lines must have no trailing spaces or bad things will happen.
#	- Server names must be full names, they cannot be wildcarded
#	- The trailing :* is mandatory
#	- All servers on your network must have the same U: lines
# Background: Services servers, which usually provide channel and/or
# operator services are able to change arbitrary modes in channels. In
# order for them to be able to do this they generate server-to-server
# messages that are usually disallowed and will be rejected by other
# servers. Such messages will be accepted only if they originate from
# U:lined servers.
# Examples:

# [K:lines]
# Ban clients from your server
# K:<mask>:<"reason">:<username>
# <mask>	A hostname or IP mask
# <reason>	The reason the client(s) is/are banned
# <username>	Client's username username
# - K: lines are not mandatory
# Notes:
#	- Put quotes "around the reason"
#	- If the first character of the reason field is a '!', the remainder of
#	  the field is interpreted as a filename pointing to a file containing
#	  the reason the client is banned.
#	- If no reason is given, the following default reason will be used: "You
#	  are banned from this server"
#	- The username field is matched only if the client has returned an
#	  identd reply.
#	- Use a lowercase k: line to force a match on the client's IP address,
#	  regardless of whether or not the client's address was resolved.
#	- Prefix the <mask> field with '$R' to force a match on the client's
#	  "real name", which is very handy for banning clonebots.
#	- K: lines apply to your server only, they have no effect on a client's
#	  ability (or lack thereof) of being able to connect to another server.
# Examples:
# Ban all clients from the UK, telling them to use their local server
K:*.uk:"Please use a closer server":*

# Ban the address space used by a provider that refuses to handle abuse
# complaints, show client instructions on what to from a file.

# Ban the same ISP's IP addresses too, in case they don't resolve

# Ban well-know floodbots based on their realname field
K:$R*sub7*:"You are infected with a Trojan":*

# [C:lines]
# Connect your server to other servers
# C:<host|ip>:<password>:<remote-server>:<port>:<class>
# <host|ip>	Hostname or IP address of the remote server
# <password>	Connection password
# <rem-server>	Name of the remote server
# <port>	Port to connect to on the remote server
# <class>	Class to be used for this connection
# - C: lines are not required, but necessary to connect to other servers.
# Notes:
#	- The IP address listed in the <virtual host> field of the M: line will
# 	  be used to initiate the connection.
#	- The password must be in plain text
#	- The remote server needs a matching (mirrored) C: line for a connection
#	  to be successfully established.
#	- The class given needs to have an adequate maximum sendq for the net
#	  burst to be processed upon connecting; for hubs it needs to be set
#	  higher than for leafs.
#	- If a port number is given, the server will automatically try to
#	  establish a connection to the remote server, unless it is already
#	  linked. If a port number is omitted, no connection will be attempted
#	  automatically. In practice this means you will want to set a port
#	  number on leafs, and leave it out on hubs.
# Examples:
# (Leaf) uplink to a hub

# (Hub) C: line for a leaf server

# (Hub) a C: line for another hub

# [H:lines]
# Defines what servers allowed to be hubs
# H:<mask>::<server-name>
# <mask>	A mask defining what servers the given hub is allowed to hub.
# <server-name>	Name of a hub server
# - H: lines are not required, but needed in a multi-server network.
# Notes:
#	- The H: lines allows the server <server-name> to "introduce" all
#	  servers matching <mask> to our server.
#	- Currently, the <mask> functionality is broken and in effect, any
#	  server listed in a H: line is allowed to introduce any other server.
#	- You need H: lines for all hubs your server will connect to.
# Example:

# [D:lines]
# Specify server-to-server connection policies.
# D: and d: lines allow you to set pretty fine-grained policies with
# regard to the routing on an IRC network. For a complete description and
# examples of D: lines, see the readme.crules file.

# [O:lines]
# Grant operator status to users
# O:<host|ip mask>:<password>:<nick>::<class>
# o:<host|ip mask>:<password>:<nick>::<class>
# <host|ip>	A hostname or IP address mask required for the O: line
# <password>	An encrypted password
# <nick>        Nickname required to oper up
# <class>	A connection class
# - O: lines are not required
# Notes:
#	- Use the tools/mkpasswd tool to encrypt passwords
#	- Choose safe passwords
#	- Make the <host|ip> mask as narrowly matching as possible
# O: lines with a capital O are global operators, their privileges apply
# to all servers on a given network. o: lines with a lowercase o are local
# o: lines, their privileges apply to your local server only.
# In general, most of the tasks originally bequeathed upon IRC operators
# have been automated by channel services, auto-glining service bots,
# proxy scanners, etc. This means that, contrary to popular belief, having
# many operators on your server is not a cool badge of honor, but rather
# a token of your inability to properly manage your server and/or network.
# Less is more. Choose your operators sparingly and carefully.
# Examples:

# [P:lines]
# Defines listening ports and the type(s) of connections they will accept.
# P:<IP-mask>:<address>:<status>:<port>
# <IP-mask>	An IP address mask specifying what addresses can connect to
#		this port.
# <address>	A local IP address that ircu should bind this port to.
# <status>	Defines what types of connections are allowed to this port,
#		<status> can be either or both of 'C' for clients, or 'S'
#		for servers. Optionally a trailing 'H' can be specified,
#		denoting that this port is hidden (will not show up in /STATS P).
#		If the 'H' flag is used, it must be the last character listed.
# <port>	A port number to listen on, this must be greater than 1024.
# - P: lines are required to connect any server or client to your server.
#	- If <address> is not specified, your system's default address is used.
#	- If <address> is invalid or not a local address, ircu will bind to all
#	  interfaces on your system.
# Examples:
# The default port clients connect on

# A hidden port for hubs to connect on, on a different interface

# A restricted port for staff only

# [Q:lines]
# Prohibit local operators from setting/clearing modes on a channel.
# Q:<channel>:<"reason">
# <channel>	A channel name
# <"reason">	The reason why this channel should not be touched.
# - Q: lines are not required
# Notes:
#	- Since the # character denotes a comment, you must escape it
#	  with a \ character
#	- Put your reason "in quotes".
#	- Q: lines apply to operators on your server only, they have no
#	  network-wide effect, which is why they should be synchronized
#	  across servers.
# 	- Operators can overrule Q: lines by prepending a '!' to the
#	  channel name.
# Examples:
Q:\#abusers:"These abusers need to learn to fend for themselves."
Q:\#coder-com:"What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

# [F:lines]
# Set features on your server
# F:<feature>:<value>
# <feature>	The name of a feature (in capitals)
# <value>	The value to be assigned to the feature
# - F: lines are not required.
# Previous versions of ircu required you to define a lot of settings at
# compile time; beginning with version 2.10.11 all of these and more can
# now be set in ircd.conf via F: lines. The values of these variables can
# be retrieved and set via IRC through the /GET and /SET commands.
# For a complete description of features, and how to set them, see the
# doc/readme.features file.
# Listed below are all possible F: lines, with their default values.
#F:DOMAINNAME:<obtained from /etc/resolv.conf by ./configure>
#F:RANDOM_SEED:<you should set one explicitly>
#F:HIS_SERVERINFO:"The Undernet Underworld"

# That's it, you've (almost) reached the end!
# And now for the tricky bit: writing your own ircd.conf. For starters,
# do not take this file and edit the lines as they appear, that will
# *not* work. Usually, the network you are # connecting to will have a
# set of mandatory configuration lines, and quite likely also some
# people who can help you out when you run into trouble.
#	Good Luck!
#	Arjen (Sengaia), August 12, 2002.