//   Coco/R C++ Support Library.
//   Author: Frankie Arzu <farzu@uvg.edu.gt>
//   Jun 12, 1996  Version 1.06
//      Many fixes and suggestions thanks to
//      Pat Terry <p.terry@.ru.ac.za>
//   Oct 11, 1997  Version 1.07
//      Change definition of FileName to local Storage

#include "cr_error.hpp"
#include <string.h>

CRError::CRError(char *name, AbsScanner *S, int MinUserNo, int MinErr)
  if (!S) {
    fprintf(stderr, "CRError::CRError: No Scanner specified\n");
  Scanner = S;
  strcpy(FileName, name);
  lst = stderr;
  Errors = 0; FirstErr = LastErr = NULL; ErrorDist = MinErr;
  MinErrorDist = MinErr;
  MinUserError = MinUserNo;

  if (FirstErr) delete FirstErr;

void CRError::Store(int nr, int line, int col, long pos)
  ErrDesc *NextErr = new ErrDesc(nr, line, col);
  if (FirstErr == NULL) FirstErr = NextErr;
  else LastErr->SetNext(NextErr);
  LastErr = NextErr;

void CRError::StoreErr(int ErrorNo, AbsToken &Token)
  if (ErrorDist >= MinErrorDist)
    { Errors++; Store(ErrorNo, Token.Line, Token.Col, Token.Pos); }
  ErrorDist = 0;

void CRError::StoreWarn(int WarnNo, AbsToken &Token)
  Store(WarnNo, Token.Line, Token.Col, Token.Pos);

void CRError::PrintErrMsg(int nr)
  fprintf(lst, "%s (E%d)", GetErrorMsg(nr), nr);

void CRError::PrintErr(int nr, int col)
  fprintf(lst, "*****");
  while (col--) fprintf(lst, " ");
  fprintf(lst, " ^ ");
  fprintf(lst, "\n");

void CRError::PrintListing(AbsScanner *Scanner)
// Print a source listing with error messages
  char line[255];
  fprintf(lst, "Listing:\n\n");
  long srcPos = 0;
  ErrDesc *nextErr = FirstErr;
  srcPos = Scanner->GetLine(srcPos, line, sizeof(line)-1);
  int lnr = 1;
  int errC = 0;
  while (srcPos != -1) {
    fprintf(lst, "%5d  %s\n", lnr, line);
    while (nextErr != NULL && nextErr->line == lnr) {
      PrintErr(nextErr->nr, nextErr->col);
      nextErr = nextErr->GetNext();
    srcPos=Scanner->GetLine(srcPos, line, sizeof(line)-1);
  if (nextErr != NULL) {
    fprintf(lst, "%5d\n", lnr);
    while (nextErr != NULL) {
      PrintErr(nextErr->nr, nextErr->col);
      nextErr = nextErr->GetNext();
  fprintf(lst, "\n\n%5d syntax errors\n", errC);

void CRError::SummarizeErrors()
// Print a summary of error messages
  ErrDesc *nextErr = FirstErr;
  while (nextErr != NULL) {
    fprintf(lst, "\"%s\", Line %d, Col %d: ",
      FileName, nextErr->line, nextErr->col);
    fprintf(lst, "\n");
    nextErr = nextErr->GetNext();

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